Open Source Ecology

Contact owners and managers
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Thank you for joining Open Source Ecology!

This is a welcome email to our email distribution list,
All OSE members may email this list with general questions and comments. 
This email list may receive hundreds of emails per day. 
Please read emails with the subject "URGENT" or "Action Required" first.
There is no obligation to read every email. 
You can manage email preferences here:

Group Email List
Follow these simple guidelines when emailing the group:
  1. Email:
  2. Keep emails short, when possible (Try for 3 sentences or less).
  3. For long emails, include [long email] in subject line.
  4. Use "URGENT" or "Action Required" in the subject line, when appropriate.
As a first group email opportunity, please introduce yourself to the team! Describe:
  • Where you're located.
  • Your background.
  • Relevant skills.
  • What you're most excited to work on at OSE.
  • Include a photo of you, if possible, so we can connect a name with a face.
  • Link to your Team Culturing Survey, if you've created one.

Weekly Conference Call
We also utilize weekly call-in "stand-up" meetings at the following times:
  • XX ??
"Stand-up" access instructions:
  • By phone: Call ##, access code: ##
  • By internet: Go to: ??, join group: ..
Weekly "Stand-Up" is open to all OSE team members.
Everyone is encouraged to participate, even if you're new or have taken a break!
We take turns sharing, in about a minute, our:
  1. Progress from last week.
  2. Tasks for this week.
  3. Any blocking issues.

Following is a list of our development resources, :

Open Source Ecology is a global team of people interested in developing a distributed, open-source economy. We are currently developing the Global Village Construction Set, a collection of 50 industrial tools we think it takes to build a truly sustainable civilization. We are excited to have you on the team and look forward to you many awesome contributions!