donating code to this project

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Feb 25, 2009, 4:51:32 PM2/25/09
to openscales-dev,

I am checking to see if anyone at this project would be interested if
we donated to this project what we are calling our FlexLayers
codebase. I can briefly describe what I had done to create this api.
Basically, I had ported a portion of the OpenLayers codebase (about
8-12 months ago) from Javascript to ActionScript 3. I had completed
WMS support, WMS-C support, and was close to completing WFS support
using ActionScript graphics as the renderer. I had also implemented a
few of their basic controls. We have only used this code for internal
purposes at The GeoVISTA Center at Penn State University. Please let
me know if anyone is interested in this donation.



Feb 26, 2009, 3:06:15 AM2/26/09

Thanks, We should be REALLY interested by your proposal.

How would you contribute your code ? Send us by mail, publish it on the download section ? Commit it on the Subversion ?

Also, are you motivated to contribute to the project in the future, in terms of code or ideas ?

Best regards,


Feb 26, 2009, 3:06:44 PM2/26/09
Hi Scott,
I would be more than happy to get the code of FlexLayers because we'd like to develop a proof of concept prototype for a web mapping application.
For information, we are developing only open source software (for example:
Is it possible to obtain this code ?
Thanks in advance,
Welcome to my world:
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Mar 3, 2009, 3:14:51 PM3/3/09
to openscales-dev
Hi Bouiaw,

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I wanted to let you know
that I think we have decided to just post our code on
Then you should be able to download it from there. I am working to get
everything in order with the code and also get a demo together. I
should have these items done by the end of this week. I will let you
know when this is complete and they are available on

I should be interested in contributing further to this project. I am
not sure the depth of how much I can contribute. I think this depends
on our current projects. But we are still doing quite a bit of Flex/
Flash/ActionScript development. So I think it would be beneficial to
keep in touch and contribute further.


On Feb 26, 3:06 am, Bouiaw <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks, We should be REALLY interested by your proposal.
> How would you contribute your code ? Send us by mail, publish it on the
> download section ? Commit it on the Subversion ?
> Also, are you motivated to contribute to the project in the future, in terms
> of code or ideas ?
> Best regards,
> Bouiaw


Mar 3, 2009, 3:17:10 PM3/3/09
to openscales-dev
Hi Cédric,

I just posted a previous post on this thread that we will be posting
our code on I will also be posting a demo along with
the code for that demo. I should have this up by the end of this week.
I will let you know when this is complete and available for download.


On Feb 26, 3:06 pm, Cédric MOULLET <> wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> I would be more than happy to get the code of FlexLayers because we'd like
> to develop a proof of concept prototype for a web mapping application.
> For information, we are developing only open source software (for
> Is it possible to obtain this code ?
> Thanks in advance,
> Cédric
> On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 9:06 AM, Bouiaw <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Thanks, We should be REALLY interested by your proposal.
> > How would you contribute your code ? Send us by mail, publish it on the
> > download section ? Commit it on the Subversion ?
> > Also, are you motivated to contribute to the project in the future, in
> > terms of code or ideas ?
> > Best regards,
> > Bouiaw


Mar 9, 2009, 3:20:18 PM3/9/09
to openscales-dev

The Google Code project which I promised is now available at:

I have posted all of the code as well as links to two hosted demos.
The code for these demos is also available with the source code.
Please let me know if you have any questions.



Mar 9, 2009, 6:07:36 PM3/9/09
to openscales-dev
Very impressive Scott !

I had a quick look to the code, this is a real AS3 OpenLayers !

There is a few dependencies to Flex that could be easily replaced by
AS3 ones (Canvas -> Sprite).

Even if we have started to write some code, with a different
architecture, I am in favor to use your codebase for OpenScales basis.
We must discuss this point with Aurelien and Romaric since it was not
expected ;-)

I will give you an update shortly.


Mar 10, 2009, 12:30:51 PM3/10/09
to openscales-dev
Hi Scott,

After discussing with other contributors, we are ok to create a
branche based on your code, in order to work on it to see we can base
OpenScales on it. Depending on the success of this step, we will
decide if we use it as the official codebase.

I have some questions :
- We would like to have no dependency on Flex, only on AS3 in order to
to keep OpenScales as small as possible (as we target also mobile). Do
you have in mind some problems that could prevent it ? We intend to
convert Canvas to Sprite, Image to Bitmap, etc.
- It is important to keep high flexibility, but as ActionScript is
more typed than Javascript, we would like to replace Object type by
explicit types. What is your advice about this ?
- In oder to make test easier, we would like to use Open Street Map
data source. Do you think that
could be ported easily in AS 3 ? Is there some tweak to know ?
- Are you interested to contribute to OpenScales if we use your
codebase ?

Thanks in advance for your help,


Mar 10, 2009, 10:27:50 PM3/10/09
to openscales-dev

I have finished the first step of the import of flexlayers code into
openscales SVN.
To browse, use
To checkout, use
To test last snapshot use

Changes I made :
- Fix compilation issues
- Update package name
- Fix close to 150 warnings about untyped variables, 600 remaining
warning to fix
- Create Flex Builder configuration & check that compile is ok
- Create Maven configuration & check that compile is ok

OpenScales-FlexLayers is automatically build by Hudson (http://

Scott, I did not succeed to get images embeded into the SWF. Perhaps
they are lost in the SWC dependency step ... Do have an idea (compiler
parameter) to fix it ?

There is a still a lot of type warning, I will continue to fix them
tomorrow. If someone want to help me, he is welcomed ;-)

On 10 mar, 17:30, Bouiaw <> wrote:
> Hi Scott,
> After discussing with other contributors, we are ok to create a
> branche based on your code, in order to work on it to see we can base
> OpenScales on it. Depending on the success of this step, we will
> decide if we use it as the official  codebase.
> I have some questions :
> - We would like to have no dependency on Flex, only on AS3 in order to
> to keep OpenScales as small as possible (as we target also mobile). Do
> you have in mind some problems that could prevent it ? We intend to
> convert Canvas to Sprite, Image to Bitmap, etc.
> - It is important to keep high flexibility, but as ActionScript is
> more typed than Javascript, we would like to replace Object type by
> explicit types. What is your advice about this ?
> - In oder to make test easier, we would like to use Open Street Map
> data source. Do you think that


Mar 11, 2009, 2:46:02 PM3/11/09
to openscales-dev
I have fixed mouse wheel bug an partially panning bug.

Remaining issues are in the bugtracker :
Snapshot is automatically build after each commit :

On 11 mar, 03:27, Bouiaw <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have finished the first step of the import of flexlayers code into
> openscales SVN.
> To browse, use
> To checkout, use
> To test last snapshot use


Mar 11, 2009, 10:17:07 PM3/11/09
to openscales-dev
Thanks, Bouiaw. There are a couple of items I can probably already
contribute. For example, I think in another version of the code, I had
fixed the issues with broken tiles and the DragPan problems (which I
mention in the demos). I will look to try to find the fixes and then
commit these (if I am able to find them).

As far as your questions below:

I will take a look at the OpenStreetMap.js file and see if I think
there is anything to prevent the conversion to AS3.

It is my belief that you should be able to easily use pure AS3 classes
instead of the Flex components (substituting a Sprite for Canvas and
Bitmap for Image, etc.). I don't think there was anything Flex based
that was necessary.

Sorry about all of warnings for missing type definitions. I was under
a bit of a time crunch when I did this and didn't add these when I
converted from OpenLayers code.

About creating explicit object types... I had worked a little with gwt-
openlayers - which is a wrapper of OpenLayers in Google Web Toolkit
(written in Java). What they did was create their own objects. For
example, the Options object which I pass into the Map as a parameter
could be a MapOptions object which you create. The MapOptions class
could have get/set functions for setting the various options the Map
has available. I'm not positive how much work this would add
throughout all of the code base, but it is one option.

Hopefully this answers your questions, but let me know if you have
further questions.


On Mar 10, 10:27 pm, Bouiaw <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have finished the first step of the import of flexlayers code into
> openscales SVN.
> To browse, use
> To checkout, use
> To test last snapshot use


Mar 12, 2009, 6:18:22 PM3/12/09
to openscales-dev

There is no more warnings, embedded images are fixed and the demo
( now use metacarta
satelite layer as default.

Known issues are are listed here :

When these issues will be fixed, we will start refactoring of some too
much Javascript oriented code (replace Object by real types, modify
some Utils function ...)

Any help appreciated.


Mar 14, 2009, 2:37:20 PM3/14/09
to openscales-dev

Thanks to the contribution of Thibaut and Jeremie, OpenScales can now
display Open Street Map layers !

Try it on the demo :
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