Finally I got everything working both and windows and linux! It was
really dificult! I think you should provide better and updated
Here is the guide I followed. I updated it a little bit. Hope it helps
someone! I got it working perfectly on my Debian.
They recommend Ubuntu 10.10 or greater. I had done it on Debian 6
Download the OpenNI modules appropriate for your operating system from
NOTE: I tried the unstable versions and it worked fine.
You should download these three:
OpenNI binaries
OpenNI compliant middleware binaries
OpenNI compliant hardware binaries
The downloaded files should like these:
Make a new folder called kinect
$ cd
$ mkdir kinect
$ cd kinect
and extract the downloaded files into it.
Update your linux
$ sudo apt-get update
install these files which are necessary for proper installation of
$ sudo apt-get install mono-complete
$ sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
$ sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
The extracted folders in step 1 will be
rename it to OpenNI, Sensor, Nite respectively
Download the folder SensorKinect from
Extract the folder to kinect folder and rename it to SensorKinect
Go to the folder OpenNI, Sensor, Nite and run sudo ./
$ cd
$ cd kinect
$ cd OpenNI
$ sudo ./
Check if everything went OK!
$ cd ../Sensor
$ sudo ./
Check if everything went OK!
$ cd ../Nite
$ sudo ./
Check if everything went OK!
Use this license when asked during the installation:
$ cd ../SensorKinect/Platform/Linux-x86/CreateRedist/
$ sudo ./RedistMaker
$ cd ../Redist
$ sudo ./
Check if everything went OK!
You should be done by now. In case of any confusion refer the README
in SensorKinect folder.
Test if everything is working fine
Connect you kinect and run the samples from the OpenNI folder
$ cd ~/kinect/OpenNI/Samples/Bin/Release/
(assuming the kinect folder is in home folder, otherwise go to the
respective folder)
$ ./NiViewer
You should get the depth map and image stream on your window.