Fwd: [OHANDA] OHANDA 1.0 ramp up / wiki

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Bryan Bishop

Oct 13, 2010, 11:31:17 AM10/13/10
to Open Manufacturing, Bryan Bishop
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Juergen Neumann <j.ne...@junes.eu>
Date: Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 9:16 AM
Subject: [OHANDA] OHANDA 1.0 ramp up / wiki
To: ohanda <oha...@piksel.no>

Hello all friends of open source hardware,

during the last days (and nights) I have been feeding the wiki with all
I thought would be needed for a version 1.0 of OHANDA.

I still have the feeling that there are some points missing, especially
regarding the registration process.

E.g. I really think we should at least have one document describing the
exact terms and conditions for using the OHANDA label. Also I thing
there must be a way that the Designer/Producer/Manufacturer officially
states that they accect these terms and conditions.

I do not think that this must be a very long text, but just what are our
minimum requirements, e.g. accepting/promissing to only register open
source  hardware in the terms of the Open Hardware definition
http://freedomdefined.org/OSHW_draft and to pass the four freedoms to
the re-users/re-designers/owners.

As I am not a native English speaking person, it really gives me a hard
time to write this in a brief and sound way. So really I am asking you
for help to get this done.

Also please have a look at the wiki, register yoursef, write down your
questions in the FAQ, write the missing things in the wiki or at least
in the ToDo and help us to get going soon.

There is a growing number of people willing to register in. But we need
to get clearer about the definite process. Have a look at my sample
Producer http://www.ohanda.org/index.php/Producer_ID:0000 .

Do we need further information?

What else do we need?

Also for registering the products I would suggest to use slightly
modified X509 signing requests (CSR). So we will publish a modified
config file for the Producer to register their products with OHANDA.

The producer sends us the CSR and we sign it with OHANDA's root CA. Then
the producer can provide the signed certificate on their website to
proof that they have really registered with OHANDA.

Or do you think this is too much action and that they should only just
send us a minimal email to this mailinglist? Which way do we want to go
for Version 1.0?

Your input is required!

Thank you very much in advance,


OHANDA mailing list

- Bryan
1 512 203 0507

Bryan Bishop

Oct 13, 2010, 1:00:27 PM10/13/10
to Open Manufacturing, Bryan Bishop
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Xavier Carcelle <xcar...@proformatique.com>
Date: Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:53 AM
Subject: [OHANDA] Report/Feedbacks from the OpenHardwareSummit2010
To: ohanda <oha...@piksel.no>

Hi OpenHardware folks,

Please find a short report/feedbacks from the OpenHardwareSummit2010
and our participation to the LAW panel to represent the OHANDA
trademark here :



Xavier Carcelle
IPBX Hardware Manager
tél. +33 (0)1 41 38 99 60 ext 208
Fax : +33 (0)1 41 38 99 70
Contact : http://proformatique.com/en/nous-contacter
Blog : http://hardware.xivo.fr

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