Two new OM related OpenPCAST suggestions (was Re: Intel Co-Founder Calls For Tax...)

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Paul D. Fernhout

Sep 4, 2010, 9:11:43 PM9/4/10
to Open Manufacturing
John Griessen wrote:
> Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
>> Related to the idea of DIY local manufacturing:
>> This suggestion to the US goverment got more support, (Ranked 74),
>> than last time when I put it up again: :-)
>> "Build 21000 flexible fabrication facilities across the USA "
> The PCAST suggestion "Explore proposals for sustaining the economy
> despite ubiquitous automation" was ranked 18 and it mentions "Money could
> be granted for people to further their education, especially in the areas
> of science, technology, business, and a wide array of �open-source
> innovation� projects, including community building efforts." That could
> include fab labs at some scale... not likely 21000 of them, but that
> could come later.

Thanks for finding this. The search field does not seem to be working on
that site at the moment, so I did not see the exact item, otherwise I'd put
a comment on it if it were still possible.

I did put in two (related) new ideas referencing the emails I previously
posted here (although it may be past the point at which people are still
looking there, as they say something about presenting ideas on Sept 2nd?).

Here are links to them:

"Advanced Manufacturing: A global effort to develop self-replicating space

"Computer Science and Information Technology: The need for FOSS intelligence
tools for sensemaking etc. "

From the last:
"... Such technologies have already been pioneered by SRI and others in
SEAS, Angler, and the broader Genoa II project.
Related by (the, sadly, late) Tom Armour on Genoa II:
And a public memorial that mentions Tom Armour's loss to brain cancer
(cancer being one of the biggest real killers of US Americans historically,
along with strokes, heart disease, and diabetes):
If only those intelligence systems had also been able to help prevent or
treat brain cancer (as well as other disasters, from the plague of obesity
through the still ongoing BP Gulf oil leak disaster).
For example, we are beginning to understand how curing vitamin D
deficiency and eating more fruits, vegetables, and legumes can help with
prevention of many cancers and a host of other diseases, such as through the
work of Dr. John Cannell and Dr. Joel Fuhrman and others in connecting the
dots about vitamin D and nutrition and health. But why should such dedicated
people trying to help all Americans (and other people) not have access to
the best sensemaking tools tax dollars are creating to help with their work?
So, beyond national security implications, better FOSS intelligence tools
for sensemaking might also help improve medical research and specific
medical recommendations, to prevent more such tragedies and the loss of such
vital and and wise people to what might become more generally preventable
diseases, if we could only make sense of what we know as it applies to
current needs. Likewise, such tools might help in designing better products
or even healthier and more joyful communities."

--Paul Fernhout
The biggest challenge of the 21st century is the irony of technologies of
abundance in the hands of those thinking in terms of scarcity.

Paul D. Fernhout

Sep 4, 2010, 11:23:55 PM9/4/10
Paul D. Fernhout wrote:
> "... Such technologies have already been pioneered by SRI and others in
> SEAS, Angler, and the broader Genoa II project.
> Related by (the, sadly, late) Tom Armour on Genoa II:

See also this message for the complete text of that pdf file (if you don't
want to download something from a .mil site) and some comments on it:
"Genoa II presentation by Tom Armour & comments"

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