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Eran Hammer-Lahav

Jul 24, 2008, 1:05:45 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Welcome to the Open Web Foundation discussion group!

Please begin by introducing yourself, list open specifications you are
involved with or use, and tell us what new specifications and projects
you would like the foundation to help move forward.


Eran Hammer-Lahav

Jul 24, 2008, 1:09:34 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
I'm Eran Hammer-Lahav. I'm involved with OpenID, OAuth, OpenSocial,
XRDS-Simple, and other community driven efforts to create building
blocks for the open web. After spending the past few months working
with lawyers on getting OAuth legal coverage I hope to never have to
do this EVER AGAIN. I hope this work will make our lives easier.


Steve Ivy

Jul 24, 2008, 1:41:57 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion

I'm Steve Ivy, hacker and co-founder of the DiSo Project. I've had
fortunate little to do with lawyers so far, but anyone in the open web
these days needs to be paying attention. Looking forward to the


Pelle Braendgaard

Jul 24, 2008, 1:45:48 PM7/24/08
I'm Pelle Braendgaard
I've been involved with OAuth and are implementing most of my project
primarily using open web standards.

Hopefully as this group is person driven we should avoid the IPR mess
that was so painful in OAuth. Eran I feel your pain.


-- - Reach Agreement! - Solutions for the electronic Extra Legal world - Bootstrapping blog

Gabe Wachob

Jul 24, 2008, 1:59:34 PM7/24/08
I'm Gabe Wachob, and I've been involved in one way or another in
OpenID, OAuth, XRDS-Simple, XRI, and other efforts. I use most of them
(mostly as an end-user).

I've have been very active in trying to craft the OpenID IPR Policy
and Process, and then pushing the similar effort around OAuth, and to
a lesser extent, XRDS-SImple (XRDS-Simple is derived from XRDS which
is part of the XRI Resolution Spec I am co-author of).

I've got a law degree, but I am a developer by profession and tribal
affiliation. I am *not* a lawyer, and nothing I say should be taken as
legal advice. (If I don't say that, apparently I can get in trouble)
That being said, I'm happy to give my non-legal advice and opinion
about IPR topics ;)

I've been talking about the need for a open standards body for a while
now, and I'm happy to see Open Web Foundation come together. I have a
lot of opinions about how this should work - you'll hear them from me.


Ben Laurie

Jul 24, 2008, 2:00:26 PM7/24/08
Ben Laurie, one of the founders of the Apache Software Foundation.

I'm involved with OpenID, OAuth, OpenSocial, Information Cards,
DNSSEC, TLS and probably others I forgot.

My biggest concern is IPR agreements around standards, which appear to
increasingly suck (or perhaps they always did and I hadn't noticed).
I'm really hoping the OWF can do a better job. As Eran notes, cleaning
up after you failed to get it right at the outset is a painful
process, but getting it right at the outset is also painful. I want to
see the OWF create a blueprint for that process, so new standards can
get it done in days, not months.

I could say much more, and no doubt I will, over time...

Peter Brantley

Jul 24, 2008, 2:12:43 PM7/24/08
Peter Brantley, Director of the Digital Library Federation

DLF is a not for profit membership org of large univ. research
libraries and national libraries (Library of Congress, NARA,
NLM), and Oxford, British Library, and Bibliotheca Alexandrina
in Egypt.

DLF supports the development of standards and protocols for
information sharing, and we have long desired a good place to
park some of the more pervasive standards we have been
associated with; we do partner at times with NISO as well as
other standards organizations.

We have supported OpenURL; Open Archives Initiative; Metadata
Encoding and Transmission Standard; Electronic Resource Mgmt
Initiative; and others.

I was long involved with Shibboleth (distributed auth system
from Internet2), and push various cookies generally relating
to changing media, platforms, etc..

I work with O'Reilly on their Tools of Change conference,
and have blogged at Radar and my own blogs on information

Congratulations on the release of this group!

susan mernit

Jul 24, 2008, 2:30:11 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
I am Susan Mernit. I am the co-founder, with Lisa Williams of Peoples
Software Company ( a new software company
developing products that make it easier to plan and schedule on the
go. Our applications are very tied to data portability, OAuth, open
id. I am also helping to run the 2008-09 Knight News Challenge, a 3
year project from the Knight Foundation (, which
will give out over $5MM in funding for open source projects that serve
discourse, news and information exchange in local communities.
friendfeed: smernit

Adwait Ullal

Jul 24, 2008, 2:35:15 PM7/24/08
I am Adwait Ullal, an (Enterprise) Architect. My reason for joining this group is two-fold:
1. to participate in development of strategies, standards and code
2. to evaluate it for use with my clients.
- Adwait

Adwait Ullal

p: (408) 898-2581

susan mernit

Jul 24, 2008, 2:35:19 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
I am Susan Mernit. I am the co-founder, with Lisa Williams of Peoples
Software Company ( a new software company
developing products that make it easier to plan and schedule on the
go. Our applications are very tied to data portability, OAuth, open
id. I am also helping to run the 2008-09 Knight News Challenge, a 3
year project from the Knight Foundation (, which
will give out over $5MM in funding for open source projects that serve
discourse, news and information exchange in local communities.
friendfeed: smernit


Danny Weitzner

Jul 24, 2008, 2:41:44 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
I'm Danny Weitzner, co-director of the MIT Decentralized Information
Group (where our research is on advanced web technology and the public
policy issues related to the data-driven Web, mainly privacy) and W3C
Technology and Society Policy Director. I was the editor and author of
the W3C Patent Policy, which aims to make all standards produced at
W3C implementable on a royalty-free basis.

My research uses and implements OpenID, FOAF, Open Social and Social
Graph APIs and soon OAuth.

I'm here because I'm interested in helping to make sure that web
specification that follow the mold of OAuth can be implemented by
*anyone* without having to negotiate patent licenses. I hope that the
experience I have from sweating through the W3C process can help here.
Like many others on this list, I got into the W3C policy debate
because an IPR ambush stalled out technical work I was involved in.
(I'll save the story but put 'Intermind' and 'P3P' into any search
engine and you'll find details.)

I'm also hoping for some amount of licensing interoperability between
the RF licenses used at W3C and the licensing style adopted by this



Daniel Lewis

Jul 24, 2008, 2:41:50 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Hi all,

I'm Daniel Lewis. I'm one of the Technology Evangelists at OpenLink
Software ( ), and soon to be Postgraduate
Student at the University of Bristol in Machine Learning and Data
Mining ( ).

At OpenLink Software we investigate and implement many of the emerging
web standards which have already been mentioned (e.g. OpenID, OAuth,
OpenSocial), and we carefully fuse it with Semantic Web / Linked Data
technologies (e.g. RDF, OWL, FOAF, SIOC, SKOS, SPARQL). I also take
part in some DataPortability discussions.

I am a member of the following communities:
* DataPortability:
* Semantic Web Interest Group:
* Linking Open Data / Linked Data:
And would consider it a high priority to inter-communicate with this
group and the groups mentioned above, in addition to standards bodies.

I would personally like to see the web head in the direction of a well
known and very mature computer science topic known as "data access by
reference" (the key word being reference, which in programming might
be a pointer, but on the web it is a URI. This would be a shift away
from the import/export (aka copy/paste) methodology which the average
web developer seems to be so interested in.

By the way, I'm running an event in Bristol (UK) this September called
"Bristol Knowledge Unconference" which will include stuff about
sharing and opening up Knowledge on the web. It's a free and open
event. More details and sign up available:

I look forward to interacting with you all in the near future.


My Blog:
My Personal URI:

Brad Neuberg

Jul 24, 2008, 2:57:12 PM7/24/08
Hi folks, I'm Brad Neuberg. I work at Google on Gears and developer programs to help the web, and am also active in the Dojo community. I'm an Ajax geek who likes to make browsers do things they weren't designed to do. I'd love it if the browsers started making it easier to do the things folks want without having to so much Ajax black magic :) I'm excited to be a member of this group.


Andrew Turner

Jul 24, 2008, 3:01:49 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
I'm Andrew Turner, co-Founder of Mapufacture, an open index of
geospatial data and tools for mixing and sharing maps.

I work on open geospatial standards such as GeoRSS and GeoJSON, and
have also helped take geodata formats into standards bodies such as
the OGC.

I'm interested in seeing how an open organization of standards can
prevent becoming bogged down like the larger standards bodies. And
also, how to keep standards moving forward so they don't stagnate once
they've become 'adopted'.


J. Trent Adams

Jul 24, 2008, 3:29:01 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
I'm J. Trent Adams, a member of the DataPortability Project,
contributor to Project VRM, and lurker within the Semantic Web and
Linked Data communities.

I'm currently working on a specification for what I've been calling
the Linked Product Action Service (LPAS), and hope to find it a home
where it can be successfully incubated.

Beyond hoping to leverage what comes out of the OWF for the LPAS, I'd
like to see how we'd be able to dovetail with other organizations.
It's likely that OWF will service many needs of the community, while
it may also help to cross-leverage resources when applicable.

J. Trent Adams


Rachel Gollub

Jul 24, 2008, 3:48:06 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Hi all,

I'm Rachel Gollub, currently VP of Engineering at Light Crafts, Inc.,
and former head of Digital Library Development and Research at
Stanford University. I'm on the technical board for two startups,
developing code for a third, and am about to get involved in a fourth,
so I'm immersed in standards (or, more to the point, lack of them)
daily. I'm a strong advocate for open standards, ideally backed by
the major players ("You know the problem with standards -- there are
so many of them!"), and I hope this organization will contribute
materially to the definition, organization, and dissemination of clear
standards for web related development.

One of my current projects is integrating social networking sites with
a new product, so I have a particular interest in social networking
standards right now, and the state of OAuth implementations, but I'm
interested in any discussions that might come up.

Rachel Gollub

Danese Cooper

Jul 24, 2008, 4:12:41 PM7/24/08
Howdy from Danese Cooper. I'm a Director at Open Source Initiative
and a Member at the Apache Software Foundation and the Mozilla
Foundation Advisory Board. I've been helping the Open Web Foundation
think about Corporate and Standards Body involvement and about what to
emulate in the Apache model.

I should mention a little of my history. I worked at Sun for 6 years
as the Chief Open Source Evangelist and was the primary voice for Open
Source Java during that time. My current employee is Intel
Corporation, where I work in the Open Source Technology Office.

Aaron Cheung

Jul 24, 2008, 4:16:43 PM7/24/08
I'm Aaron Cheung, joining OWF from Hong Kong, also participant in the
Data Portability project, and founder of YDrive Ltd which deeply integrates
cloud storage with both the Web browsers and the Windows desktop.

Am also founder of which implements the people mesh, similar
in concept to what has been proactively advocated by Marc Canter et al
since 2003, now made possible by all these social APIs and data feeds.

Am here to learn something new about the open web space, as well as the
latest open data formats and methods.


Rob Sanderson

Jul 24, 2008, 4:48:30 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Hi all,

I'm Rob Sanderson, a research fellow at the University of Liverpool.
I've been involved with internet standards for several years in the
digital library arena, including being an editor for SRU, CQL, Z39.92,
and more recently OAI-ORE. I'm a developer as well as an architect,
and look forwards to OWF providing a framework in which
interoperability can be assessed.

In terms of emerging open standards, we've been tracking things like
Atom and its various extensions, the Linked Data effort and all things
semwebby, along with more 'typical' digital library protocols, and OWF
seems like a perfect environment for these standards to grow. I hope
that OWF will provide some of the infrastructure for cross-community
best practices to be established and documented.

Channy Yun

Jul 24, 2008, 6:44:27 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Hi, all.

This is Channy Yun, a technical evangelist of in the Korean
2nd. largest internet portal site. I'm very interested in open
standards and have advocated them to Korean technical society. My
activities have been in Web Standards Korea,
and Mozilla Korean Community, I
also engaged WHATWG mailinglist and invited expert in W3C new HTML w/

I'm very glad to know new foundation in OSCON and help this


Channy Yun

Jonathan Vanasco

Jul 24, 2008, 6:48:15 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion

I'm the Founder of FindMeOn -- one of the first data portability
startups on the sector. We launched a series of Open Source, Open
Standard and Consumer Products in 2006 including , and the Open Social Network OpenSN.

findmeon is an xhtml and standards friendly implementation of public/
private key cryptography designed to verifiably link online accounts
to one another in a decentralized manner, without running the the risk
of exposing the different web-personalities of a user to one another.

Open Social Network, OpenSN for short, is an xml based approach to
standardizing social network profile data to port account information
from one network to another.

As a bunch of you already know, we paused development of our
commercial products line this winter and started the
SocialMediaStandards project and shifted our focus to try and address
the growing number legal and technical implications of social media
integration as our patent and trademark issues are resolved.

We're currently trying to address 2 *major* problems that keep rearing
their head:

- The legal issues created by portability practices (open standards
and commercial variants) and technologies as they relate to User
Privacy, Content Ownership and the terms set forth by Privacy Policies
and Terms of Service agreements.

- - We've been formulating a Creative Commons style approach to
generating Privacy Policies and Terms of Service agreements.

- The technical issues created by the proliferation of new standards
and technologies. Everyone seems to launch a new Open Standard + API
every week... all of which are neat and 'free', but require
significant development to integrate with a company's existing web

- - We're in the process of open sourcing a Python based bootstrapper
to quickly build social media websites that can :
a) easily integrate new Open Standards
b) sit on top of exisiting web applications as an integration layer

We're coordinating with another firm who is working on a similar PHP
application, and still looking for a .NET :(

A lot of the people on this list already have seen/given feedback on
the working draft of the Privacy/TOS idea. I figured I might as well
post it to my blog for public feedback.

Chris Messina

Jul 24, 2008, 7:01:18 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Eran, thanks for kicking this off.

My name's Chris Messina and I'm one of the group admins/moderators
here. This means that I'm currently one of three admins on this list
making sure that you feel warm and cozy and free to focus on the real
opportunity at hand, which many of you have alluded to, given your
previous experiences.

A little about the process here: everyone who joins this list must
provide an brief intro to the prompt "please describe your interest
and what you hope to contribute or learn." You don't need to give me
much -- indeed a sentence will do -- but this helps to keep out folks
who really aren't interested in contributing as well as gives me a way
to hook up folks who might be working on related or complementary
efforts. I've done this on the XRDS-Simple, DiSo and OAuth lists to
what I think has amounted to a positive, productive effect.

In any case, I'm a co-founder of the DiSo Project working to create
the open protocol and formats for decentralizing social networking
functionality. I helped to start the OAuth project and have been
involved with microformats, OpenID and XRDS-Simple. I also co-founded
BarCamp and have worked on getting the coworking community off the
ground. Apparently I'm good at "community amplification."

I'm helping to run a lot of the infrastructure here (which you'll note
are increasingly web services like Satisfaction) so if you have
questions or issues with any of these things, please let me know.



Jul 24, 2008, 7:21:11 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion

I am Brady Brim-DeForest. I'm a member of the DataPortability Project,
as well as an evangelist for the soon to be released OpenFriends
Format. I'm neck deep in a new startup (Tubefilter) and we're very
interested in contributing to the future of the Open Web.

I'm passionate about OpenID, OAuth, FOAF, XML, and microformats, and
am an avid follower of (and sometimes contributor to) the
conversations going on at Identity Commons, DiSo, and many other
organizations. I believe that open access to knowledge, information
and data is crucial to the advancement of technology, society, and
freedom. I see great promise in transfer and application of knowledge
from one space to another (for example the internet --> agriculture,
and agriculture --> internet).

Looking forward very much to getting my hands dirty here at the Open
Web Foundation.


Brady Brim-DeForest

Scott Kveton

Jul 24, 2008, 7:22:41 PM7/24/08
I'm Scott Kveton. I'm involved in OpenID and interested in the work
happening with OAuth, EAUT and generally making these things easier
for users to use.

- Scott

Brady Forrest

Jul 24, 2008, 7:32:30 PM7/24/08
I'm Brady Forrest. I write for O'Reilly Radar and chair the Web 2.0 Expos (SF, NYC, Eu), Where 2.0 & ETech. I've been helping working on OWF for a while. I live in Seattle. 


Brady Forrest
O'Reilly Radar Team

Paul Downey

Jul 24, 2008, 7:39:14 PM7/24/08
My name is Paul Downey.

I'm an Open Source developer, with some experience
writing big useless standards and am interested in
helping to build a safe home for small useful

Paul (psd)


Jul 24, 2008, 7:41:00 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion

I'm Bob Uva, soon to be an engineer working for Vidoop in Portland.
Although I've been developing software for many years, I am relatively
new to the open web technologies such as OpenID and OAuth. As a member
of the group, I want to contribute toward creating specs and code that
will realize, as Tim O'Reilly stated, the vision of the Internet as
the operating system. A lot of my work in the past has been with
Microsoft technologies but I firmly believe that we need to be less
proprietary and more open not only in standards but in


David Recordon

Jul 24, 2008, 7:43:19 PM7/24/08
I'm David Recordon and have down a bunch of work with OpenID and OAuth over the past few years and am uterrly exhausted at this point from too much speaking.  I work for Six Apart playing around with APIs, how we interact with social networks, and open source.  Was volunteered to present at OSCON this morning announcing OWF and since then have been doing a bunch of followup on tech blogs and talking with thw W3C (very positivly).

Currently frustrated at how difficult it is for small communities to create new open specifications for the web and am hoping that OWF can help these groups come together under an understandable and simple IP structure and build a cohesive community supporting the Open Web.


DeWitt Clinton

Jul 24, 2008, 7:43:36 PM7/24/08
Hi all,

I'm DeWitt Clinton, and I'm partly responsible for gathering all of you here today.  As Chris said, if there are things we can do to make this process work better for all of you, please don't hesitate to ask.

I've been involved with everything from OpenID, to OAuth, to OpenSocial, to OpenSearch, to supporting and writing open source software, to creating web standards, and beyond.

The common theme here is helping the web be open and stay open.  The communities that are coming together to build the technology that powers the open web are inspiring and humbling.  Our job is to empower those communities by finding common solutions to the shared hard problems so that the technical innovation can continue at its ever-increasing pace.

I've enjoyed seeing so many familiar names today, and even more, I look forward to getting to know the new ones.  So, welcome!



Christian Crumlish

Jul 24, 2008, 7:52:48 PM7/24/08
My name's Christian Crumlish and I'm the curator of Yahoo's design pattern library, which is located on the Yahoo Developer Network site (, and is part of the Yahoo Open Strategy team. (I'm still hoping to meet Eran one of these days - I think he sites somewhere not too far from me...)

I'm a longtime supporter of open web standards and openness in computing in general. (One of my past companies was called Open Publishing.) I have a background in writing, design, information architecture, and strategy.

I'm particularly interested in social experiences and how to design them so that they're sustainable and unspammy and don't - through antipatterns - train people in behaviors they may ultimately regret.


(wishing I was at OSCON)

p.s.: can an admin give me permission to post to this list from (I prefer not to use my gmail address in the From field).

Christian Crumlish
Yahoo! pattern detective
Yahoo! Developer Network evangelist
IA Institute director of technology

Will Norris

Jul 24, 2008, 8:00:29 PM7/24/08
I'm Will Norris. I'm a software engineer at Vidoop, spending most of
my time hacking on the WordPress side of DiSo. I co-authored the
Email Address to URL Transformation spec announced this week, and
maintain the OpenID plugin for WordPress. Previously, I worked in
Identity Management in higher education, and was/am part of the core
development team on Shibboleth.


Dion Almaer

Jul 24, 2008, 8:29:02 PM7/24/08
What a turn out. Fantastic. Hopefully we can work together to provide some real value to the Web users out there.

My name is Dion Almaer. I work with folks like DeWitt and Brad at Google, and I also founded, a community that discusses what is going on with Web development.

I am excited to get to the real work!



Martin Omander

Jul 24, 2008, 9:33:43 PM7/24/08
Hi all,

I am Martin Omander, and I help large companies integrate with Google products. Both in my day job at Google and in my open-source and web mashup forays I have noticed the need for open standards, especially around authentication. While I haven't worked on any standards before, I hope to be able to contribute and learn from this group.


Marc Canter

Jul 24, 2008, 9:45:28 PM7/24/08

My name is Marc Canter, CEO of Broadband Mechanics.  I liked this list so much I joined it twice ( :-)

BBM has created and and I helped out in the early days of FOAF and helped found the Data Sharing Summits - which we're shooting for the next one (#3) in London for Sept. 19th.

My previous life saw me starting a company called MacroMind which became Macromedia.  I co-authored the "Bill of Rights for Users of Social Media" along with Joseph Smarr.

My company offers a white label social network called the PeopleAggregator - which has been supporting OpenID for over two years now and we'll have support for just about any standard that makes sense.

Along the way we came up with a universal BlogThis format (with Lucas Gonze) and a routing OutputThis service  (with Shelly Powers).

So I'll be submitting those two specs for help, review and acceptance - via this org.

Oh - and I'm an opera singer, father of five and have a fence in my backyard which I'm using as a visualization tool to map out the 'open mesh'.  I blog at:


And I'm the guy who kept asking the hard questions on user's rights of the BigCos back before "open was the new black".

John Eckman

Jul 24, 2008, 10:10:59 PM7/24/08
Hello all. Glad to see such a fantastic set of interested folks!

I'm John Eckman, and I've got multiple reasons to be excited about
what's happening here.

Professionally, I work for Optaros, which is a systems integration
firm focused on helping large enterprises "get" the web, by assembling
solutions from predominantly open source software. I blog (for work)
at and

Personally, I'm a free and open source software advocate interested in
how the Open Web can serve individuals and non-profits as well as
corporate interests.

I blog at about Open Source and "Web
2.0" stuff, and at about music, politics,
veganism, travel, and other random topics.

I've written/contributed to a couple minor plugins for Movable Type
(Action Streams for, for TripIt, and for some other
services) and WordPress (WP-Book, which integrates WordPress into
Facebook), and a lightweight twitter-group app called re-tweeter (

I'm involved (unfortunately, too often as a lurker and manager of
developers) with Wordpress, Drupal, Joomla, DiSO, and some other
(mostly PHP) open source projects, but don't get as much time as I'd
like to get into sustained coding. (Hope to get involved in as well).

I blogged about Open Web Foundation announcement this morning, with
some concerns about ensuring bottom up, individual user freedom as
well as business cooperation:

John Eckman

Dennis E. Hamilton

Jul 24, 2008, 10:43:12 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion

My name is Dennis Hamilton (aka orcmid practically everywhere).

I am an interoperability enthusiast and standards junky.
I'm not working on any web standards or protocols these days. My attention
is more on document formats and document-management-system middleware. I am
keen about the work on user-centric identity systems and have been an
Internet Identity Workshop participant and booster.

I came here because the theme intrigued me and I wanted to know more. I
don't have any experience or contribution to make around legal matters.

- Dennis

[delayed while I fussed with google groups to allow my preferred e-mail
address as a poster. All better now.]

Dennis E. Hamilton
NuovoDoc: Design for Document System Interoperability | gsm:+1-206.779.9430

Bob Ngu

Jul 24, 2008, 11:08:00 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Bob Ngu, founder of JiggyMe (, a video
aggregation site. Among other things, I have a blog focused only on
data portability, Recently I started
a series of in-the-wild posts to profile real use cases, solutions,
and lessons learned, check out the posts at I am
interested in talking with anyone with such hands-on experience and
wishes to share it with others, so drop me an email if you like.

I am happy to help out with OWF projects when I can and looking
forward to some details on what's in the pipeline. Seems like a great
group of people already.

On Jul 24, 10:05 am, Eran Hammer-Lahav <> wrote:

Peter Dolan

Jul 24, 2008, 11:30:27 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Helly Everyone,

I'm Peter Dolan, author of, a johnny-come-
early activity stream aggregator in the FriendFeed space. It's a free-
time project that doesn't get much of my free time. My day job is at
Google News, working on recommendations. The combination of all this
is an interest in analyzing life streams, leading particularly to an
interest in a standard format for exchanging and aggregating peoples'


Jul 24, 2008, 11:48:22 PM7/24/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
My name is Peter Keane. I am a software developer/librarian working
at the University of Texas at Austin. I am particularly interested in
the opportunities that open standards such as OpenID, OAuth, Atom/
AtomPub offer higher ed. I am the main developer of a project at UT
called DASe (, an Atom/AtomPub-based digital
repository that's heavily used on campus. Issues of copyright &
intellectual property are of particular interest, especially since I
think that much more of the digital "stuff" the university has
ownership of can be made openly accessible. Good open standards are
key to making that happen. As a librarian, I am especially interested
in seeing Open Web specs begin to inform how we do business. I
occasionally post a blog entry at

--peter keane

Ryan Stewart

Jul 24, 2008, 11:51:42 PM7/24/08
to, Open Web Foundation Discussion
My name is Ryan Stewart, I work for Adobe and blog at
. I'm deeply involved in rich Internet applications at all levels and
hope to bring more openness to both Adobe's RIA platforms and
encourage openness across the RIA world.

I also like the direction Adobe is moving and hope to incorporate
feedback from the list as well as contribute some of the ideas we are
kicking around.


Sent from my iPhone, typos are only kind of my fault

Elias Bizannes

Jul 25, 2008, 12:32:16 AM7/25/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion

I like standards, so will answer per Eran and Chris's requests:

Introduction: My name is Elias Bizannes, and I am based in Sydney
Australia. I work at PricewaterhouseCoopers in a variety of roles as
diverse as an auditor (no, not the Enron kind); a climate change
consultant (Carbon is hot stuff); web2.0 head kicker (I've implemented
and advise my firm on things like blogs, wikis, RSS, and other things
against a battle of old skool corporate culture); as well as
contribute to publications like PwC's forecasts for the technology &
media industry.

Open specifications involved with/use: I am a member of the APML
workgroup; I've done a lot of research into semantic web related
technologies; and due to the DataPortability Project, I track a lot of
the work being done out there. I am one of the co-founders of
DataPortability and have recently been appointed to the 12 person
executive for the Project.

Projects I would like the foundation to support: I would like to see
the foundation work closely with the DataPortability Project because
there are a lot of synergies, and this may be a chance to start a new
chapter of collaboration with the divided communities on the Internet.

My interest: I think there is a lot of potential for this foundation
and I am genuinely interested to help it develop. Although as much as
I agree with the principle, I do see some challenges with the approach
of the founders[1], and I would like further clarity on it's purpose.
For now, my interest is to understand what this foundation is.

What I hope to contribute and learn: As of one hour ago, I passed my
final exam to be a Chartered Accountant, which is an internationally
recognised designation that gives me accounting, finance and business
law expertise. In addition to my business background, I think I can
share a lot of lessons I've learned from the DataPortability Project.
As for what I hope to learn - for me, life's about absorbing anything
you can to be well rounded in your knowledge. At worst, being a
passive observer will alert me to new standards, people I don't know
that are worth knowing, and other thorny issues that this foundation
claims to be handling



Jul 25, 2008, 1:08:41 AM7/25/08
Hello all.  It's nice to see a bunch of people on the list here from various conferences / camps (i.e. OpenID) that I've attended. 

I'm Shawnee Cook; for the past two and a half years, I've been working on a site with the lofty ambition of opening up the computing experience . . . not just the web or browsing experience, but the entire operating system for a variety of software that can runs upon it.

Along the way, I've been running with and attempting to stitch-in anything that seems to fit into a possible niche of the open-standards philosophy: from design to DRM-legalese to business tools.  Aside from, these days I'm working on, which also embraces an "open" philosophy, but is aimed more toward startups and entrepreneurs who are just starting out.  I reason, it will be easier for those who have the opportunity to build products and systems that work with (rather than opposed to) open standards from scratch.  I think the ultimate goal is something along the lines of not only a shift toward open infrastructures, but an _expectation_ of open infrastructures.  This is where the OWF will undoubtedly make progress.

Regarding area(s) of specialty, I have a master's degree in business administration that I've somehow managed to morph into a master's in command-line software administration.  Never was suited for the world of suits.  :)  The one-person company thing has been a fun challenge. 

Anyway. Looking forward to learning and contributing here. 

James Tauber

Jul 25, 2008, 1:30:49 AM7/25/08
My name is James Tauber

I have a 13-year history helping to develop Web specifications. I am
also an open source developer and serve on the board of directors of
the Python Software Foundation.

I am the founder of the Pinax Project which is an open source platform
for building socially-oriented websites in the Django Web Framework.

I am interested both in helping define specifications as well as
seeing them implemented in Django / Pinax.



Jul 25, 2008, 1:32:00 AM7/25/08
On Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 10:08 PM, indiejade <> wrote:

 . . . not just the web or browsing experience, but the entire operating system for a variety of software that can runs upon it.

P.S.  Apologies; grammar police sometimes start slacking after 10 PM. 


Jul 25, 2008, 2:05:28 AM7/25/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
i am rektide. i got really interested in decentralized authentication
and authorization by tracking saml + xacml specs as they were
forming. recently i've been quietly watching openid+oauth fill many
of the roles saml 2.0 was buffed up and protocol - loaded to do. my
working interests right now are focused on atom, comet and xmmp, and
once i have those fixtures in place i'll be refocusing and bolting on
openid and oauth. i'm here to help however i can in building a
decentralized web platform: despite having a plethora of wonderful
technologies theres still in my mind a clear integration gap before we
have a viable decentralization platform.

Dan Peterson

Jul 25, 2008, 3:19:58 AM7/25/08
Hey folks,

My name is Dan Peterson, I'm contributing to OpenSocial, and I have worked on the Google Web Toolkit in the past (though I realize it's not a traditional "spec"). I work at Google.

I think "Apache for specs" is a wonderful goal. Based on my experiences working to setup the OpenSocial Foundation, I am interested in contributing to the structure of the organization, and learning myself about how we can make this a foundation that really works for numerous sub-projects. I look forward to making it easier for new projects to grow (without having to burn time setting up IPR models, etc) and push the web forward.


On Jul 24, 1:05 pm, Eran Hammer-Lahav <> wrote:
> Welcome to the Open Web Foundation discussion group!
> Please begin by introducing yourself, list open specifications you are
> involved with or use, and tell us what new specifications and projects
> you would like the foundation to help move forward.

Eran Hammer-Lahav

Jul 25, 2008, 3:22:39 AM7/25/08

Dan, you just missed the perfect opportunity to stand up and say:


Hi, I’m Dan and I’m an IPR process victim.



Joe Andrieu

Jul 25, 2008, 3:47:04 AM7/25/08

I am Joe Andrieu, Founder and CEO of SwitchBook and Chair of the ProjectVRM
Standards Committee, where I'm working with Doc Searls and others on Vendor
Relationship Management[1]. I'm also an occasional lurker/contributor to
DataPortability and a member of the community gathered around the Internet
Identity Workshops. I've tracked the microformats community for quite a
while; I have virtually no experience with formal SSOs and SDOs. FWIW, I was
also the founder of the Internet Developers Association which became the
Association of Internet Professionals and subsequently failed during the
.com crash. We weren't involved in open standards, but the political and
organizational lessons learned were dearly paid for.

I'm interested in how OWF might support what we are doing with VRM and how
it might work with or compete with other organizations trying to solve
similar problems. I'm particularly interested in good IPR policy as that is
an area where we have had little traction at ProjectVRM and yet is critical
to what I want to do.

Personally, I've started a conversation within the VRM community around
User-driven Search[2,3], an area where I hope to collaboratively create one
or more open specifications.




Joe Andrieu
+1 (805) 705-8651

Luca Mearelli

Jul 25, 2008, 3:53:49 AM7/25/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion

I'm Luca Mearelli and I'm a developer and entrepreneur (actually i
feel more like a craftsman of web things). Lately I've been co-
founding and working on a small-business-management web service
( ).

I'm interested in everything that can make a small player able to
interact with the bigger ones and to this the open-web and the
standard protocols for authorization and authentication are helping a
lot (I'm using, or planning to use a lot of those: OAuth, XRDS,
OpenID, Microformats,...).

I hope that I'll be able to contribute an independent-developer-POV to
the discussions here :)

Luca Mearelli

Fred Benenson

Jul 25, 2008, 9:38:58 AM7/25/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
I'm Fred Benenson and I work for Creative Commons as their Culture
Program Associate. I'm based out of NYC but I do a lot of work with /
for the staff in SF. I mainly focus on helping startups, artists,
institutions and the like implement CC, but I also do fun things like
run the Salons and occasionally give talks on our licenses.

Before that I had been at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program
and a student copyright activist who started Free Culture @ NYU. My
thesis was a virtual phone bank application called Cause Caller that
used Asterisk and Semantic Media Wiki to help political activists
organize phone banks over the net.

Looking forward to seeing how this develops,


Ben Smith

Jul 25, 2008, 11:35:47 AM7/25/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Hi, I'm Ben Smith, technical lead for BBC Social Media.

My interests and involvement, up to now, have been around open
identity and the implementation of related technologies within the
BBC. I'm now looking into developing protocols around relationships /
interactions between users and other 'things'.

I'm very excited about participating in the development of
specifications for opening up the web, along with working on reference
implementations and generally making cool things!

Ben Smith

Keith Fahlgren

Jul 25, 2008, 12:19:11 PM7/25/08

I'm Keith Fahlgren, publishing tech guru at O'Reilly and a OASIS
SubCommittee secretary.


Dawn Foster

Jul 25, 2008, 12:27:19 PM7/25/08
Hi, I'm Dawn Foster. I'm a consultant, community manager, event organizer, blogger, and technology enthusiast with a strong passion for open source and open technologies. I'm co-founder and chair of another non-profit organization, Legion of Tech, focused on holding free, fun, and interesting technology events here in Portland. I'm one of the organizers for BarCamp Portland, Ignite Portland, and other events. I also work with companies to help them build online communities.

My main reason for joining the open web foundation is to do whatever I can to make it easier for people to develop and protect open, non-proprietary specs for the next generations of cool, new web technologies.

Looking forward to it.

Dawn Foster
Fast Wonder Consulting

Josh Patterson

Jul 25, 2008, 1:32:57 PM7/25/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
My name is Josh Patterson. I hack on many a side projects, but I'm
pretty interested in XRDS-S for discovery and OAuth for permissions on
shared web resources. I also follow some projects like DiSo, etc.
Seems like there is a nice mix of the usual suspects and new faces in
this group, so it looks all good. Me and some pals work on a side
project called that maybe one day will make it out of beta,
who knows, but its mainly a way for us to experiment with some linked
data technology and try a few new things out.

I'm generally interested in long range thinking based around taking
our current application / data layer on the web, and making it more ad
hoc, more distributed, and more auto discoverable at runtime. I tend
to write up "pie in the sky" concept papers (WRFS) to say "what if?"
and then see where that takes us, to provide myself with a long term
arc that I can push forward at a "n+1" pace along that arc. So, feel
free to chat me up with you wanna just say hey, brainstorm, or even
argue about the open web, I'm up for it.

Josh Patterson
twitter: jpatanooga
aim: jpatanooga

Kevin Marks

Jul 25, 2008, 2:06:55 PM7/25/08
Hello, I'm Kevin Marks, and I'm an IPR process victim.
Back in the early 90s, a product of mine got torpedoed by a submarine
patent. Later, I worked on QuickTime, which was a de facto standard,
and built support for IETF streaming standards into it. While at
Apple, the threat of IPR litigation over the MPEG4 standard caused a
major release to be delayed. I was unable to incorporate open source
audio formats into QuickTime due to the implicit submarine patent
I've been involved in the Atom and AtomPub standards, HTML5, and was a
founder of Microformats and work on OpenSocial.

For me the real test of an specification is if people can interoperate
using it without knowing each other exist, let alone needing a
business relationship. OWF's IPR covenant model should make this
possible in many more cases and I'm looking forward to it.

Zachary Carter

Jul 25, 2008, 4:00:05 PM7/25/08
Hello, I'm Zach. I'm currently with a start up developing a career
management web app that will leverage many open standards and formats,
such as OpenID, OAuth, Microformats, HR-XML, OpenSocial and others
where applicable. I've already seen many initiatives here that are
relavant to our efforts just from the introductions and hope to stay
on top of these through my involvement here. In my day job I do
technology consulting and development for my university. I love ice
cream sandwhiches.


Zach Carter

Henri Asseily

Jul 25, 2008, 4:16:29 PM7/25/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Hello, I'm Henri Asseily, an investor and currently CTO of Telnic
(, the registry for .tel Top Level Domain.
A dozen years ago I co-founded and was its
CTO for what feels like an eternity.

With the .tel TLD we're working on creating an open, persistent,
distributed and user-controlled data store for communications using
the DNS infrastructure. One of my pet peeves is solving the
discoverability problem, in a non-proprietary manner. Anyway, as the
registry for a TLD (especially something as unique as .tel), we're
knee-deep in policies and specifications, and we have a lot of good
history with the IETF and ICANN.

Looking forward to helping define more open building blocks with this

Henri Asseily


Jul 25, 2008, 5:07:02 PM7/25/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Hi I'm Scott Wilson, and I work for something call CETIS, which is an
agency that represents UK universities and colleges on standards and
specification bodies.

I'm a representative on a number of formal standards committees (BSI
IST/43, CEN TC353), contribute to some education-specific industry
consortia (IMS GLC), and also do some work with some community
specifications (XCRI, APML). I've been keeping an official watching
brief on OpenID, oAuth, and competing widget specifications (Google
Gadgets, W3C Widgets).

I'm all for fast and light approaches where they can be achieved -
hopefully I'll be able to contribute positively to that and help OWF
avoid falling into some big nasty holes, and try to keep folks in
other spec/standards orgs reasonably well-informed about where OWF is



Nate DiNiro

Jul 25, 2008, 6:29:16 PM7/25/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Hi folks, I'm Nate DiNiro...

I'm currently working as a Sr. Field Engineer with Earth Class Mail, a
system and service for managing postal mail online. Digital mail has
far-reaching implications to the environment, governance and law. Lots
of communication still happens via postal mail, generally for the
simple fact that it's an established, proven system for transporting
information in a reasonablly secure, universally accessible way. It
relies on open standards to allow mail to move internationally, and we
are involved in some efforts withing the UPU, the global Postal
standard body, and ICANN to enable a digital exchange for electronic
messages that interoperates with the terrestrial postal systems of the

I've been watching the developments in the open identity community
from the sidelines for some time, and the creation of OWF seems to be
the perfect opportunity to get involved. I admire the passion and
energy exhibited by the community and I'm very interested in being a
contributor. I've got a very strong passion for all thing open and
interoperable, and it strikes me that open web and identity standards
are another outward expression of human kind's desire to communicate
and be understood in a universal manner.

I'm also interested in the transformative impacts that I expect open
identity and data portbility will have on large organizations and
government bodies. In addition, I participating as an advisor to a
stealth-mode start-up that is focused on semantic web tools. I also
have interests around what I call the "Synaptic Web" or "Quantum
Semantics"; the nature of the spaces in-between information.

Web 5.0 perhaps... ;)


Jul 26, 2008, 3:19:16 AM7/26/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
I'm Simon Phipps, currently employed as Sun's "Chief Open Source
Officer" and since last week also director of standards and IPR
policy. I'm on the GNOME advisory board, chair of the OpenSolaris
governing board and a member of the OpenJDK and OpenSPARC governing
boards[1]. I was a co-founder of the Open Mobile Alliance (not sure I
am that happy with the outcome, to be honest) and have participated in
a number of standards activities over the last 20 years.

I'm a keen digital liberty activist[2] and I was invited to join OWF
to bring my experiences to the group, despite the fact I have plenty
to learn here. I am eager to see open source protected from software
patents and from unwanted effects of trademark law, and I am
especially aware of the tendency of all corporate participants in both
standards and open source to "game the system".

I am particularly keen to help OWF stay as immune to corporate gaming
as possible while encouraging active participation from individuals
employed by the same corporations. This is a tricky problem which
Apache has done plenty to address yet which still needs more attention
since the borg-like behaviour of corporations tends to work around
each form of protection unless we are vigilant and keep evolving.

There, more than you wanted to know. Delighted to be a part of this.

[1] Danese did all the core work to devise OpenSolaris; I worked more
on OpenJDK, especially the licensing
[2] I blog fairly often on the topic at - a
digest can be found at

David Dillard

Jul 26, 2008, 7:29:11 PM7/26/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
My name is David Dillard and I work in the Standards and Open Source
group within the CTO's office at Symantec, focusing on open source
related issues.

I've done some standards related work as well, mostly at SNIA (Storage
Networking Industry Association) and a little with T11 (Fibre Channel
Committee) and OSTA (Optical Storage Technology Association). At SNIA
I was the editor and primary creator of one API standard that's gone
through INCITS and ANSI and is now at ISO.

The big thing I think I can contribute to this group is anti-patterns
(i.e. don't do that because ...).

John Panzer

Jul 27, 2008, 2:34:51 PM7/27/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
I'm John Panzer (@Google). I've worked on Atom/AtomPub, evangelized
OpenID, contributed to OAuth, and am working on the OpenSocial RESTful
protocol effort right now. My actual day job, though, is engineering
manager on Blogger. For large companies in particular, the potential
legal issues surrounding these lightweights specifications are really
the major barrier to engagement. If the Foundation does nothing other
than solve that problem, I will be happy.



Jul 27, 2008, 6:41:09 PM7/27/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion

My name is Chris Ravenscroft.
I am an advocate for open-source and standards in open-source. I guess
you could say that I put my money where my mouth is, since my own
projects incorporate many standards, such as oAuth, OpenId, select
micro-formats, oEmbed, as well as "older" standards such as LDAP
schema, and Web Services.
This translates in my involvement in corporate culture since I use my
open-source philosophy in business development.
I am a member of several organizations such as the FSF, IEEE, ISOC.


Joseph A Holsten

Jul 29, 2008, 1:34:25 AM7/29/08
I'm Joseph Holsten. I'm interested in security, identity, attention & reputation. I'm tired of bureaucracy & hype machinery. I like things that work. I'd like us all to say less & do more.

http:// Joseph Holsten .com

Gerald Bauer

Jul 28, 2008, 7:12:53 PM7/28/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion

I'm Gerald Bauer - a web/internet professional in Vancouver, B.C. on
Canada's West Coast. I helped with organizing the (world's 1st?) two-
day Open Web Conference in Vancouver this April [1] to promote all
things open web in the Pacific Northwest and beyond and published a
series of "What's the Open Web and Why Does the Open Web Matter"
interviews [2]. As a little side project I promote open web
technologies (including CSS projection and SVG "loss-free" vector
graphics) for free web alternatives for PowerPoint and Keynote slide
show presentations [3].


Gerald Bauer - Internet Professional -

rafik dammak

Jul 29, 2008, 2:42:46 AM7/29/08
Hello All,

I am Rafik from Tunisia. I am a software engineer and I am involving on Internet Governance issues which consists in topics like IPR, Standards,  Openness etc. I am glad to join the group and want to know more OWF initiative  and the process to set up new open standards.and specification.



<a href=""><img src="" ismap></a>

Jul 31, 2008, 3:48:34 PM7/31/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion

I am Herbert Van de Sompel, and I am a researcher at the Los Alamos
National Laboratory. I have been involved in several standardization
efforts that emerged from the digital library and scholarly
communication community. Those includes OAI-PMH, OpenURL, and info
URI. Currently, I am deeply involved in OAI-ORE (http:// that proposes an approach to describe
aggregations of web resources in a machine readable way.

I am very interested in standards and technologies that would allow a
deeper integration of scholarly communication with the global human
discourse that is happening on ther web. I hope the Open Web
Foundation provides an opportunity with this regard.


Angus Logan

Aug 2, 2008, 6:22:00 PM8/2/08

[I know this is a little late – sorry – the first one bounced]


I’m Angus Logan and I work in Seattle for a large software company (Microsoft’s Live Platform) with lots of investments in the online space. I’ve been engaging in the web for several years now starting out in the content management space. I’m now working in the social space and cloud/device services (product management for Live Mesh).


My passions are:

1)      end user security/privacy – everything is a non starter if it isn’t safe.

2)      making sure developers can use things easily – lowest friction wins

3)      not creating unique snowflakes just for kicks

4)      user experience – if it is the power powerful, most secure application or service, if the UX is bad no one will use it.

5)      making sure I look at things from all angles for all stakeholders (small and large) and consider the constraints at both ends of the spectrum


You can find me at lots of the conferences around the world, friendfeed or my blog



angus logan

senior technical product manager

O  425 70 54392 

 M  425 753 7987

 windows live™ platform   

 activity feed blog where is angus


Ant Bryan

Aug 21, 2008, 1:24:15 AM8/21/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
Hi everybody,

I'm Anthony Bryan and I work on Metalink, an XML format/specification
for describing downloads. "Metalink harnesses the speed and power of
peer to peer networking and traditional downloads." It's used by and many Linux distributions for large file downloads.
(If anyone's interested, come check us out & join in).

I'd like to do anything I can help others avoid mistakes we may have
(( Anthony Bryan ... Metalink [ ]
)) Easier, More Reliable, Self Healing Downloads

Peter Saint-Andre

Aug 21, 2008, 10:26:00 AM8/21/08
I'm Peter Saint-Andre, longtime Jabber documentation guy and Executive
Director of the XMPP Standards Foundation. I think an intellectual
property conservancy for open web specifications is a good thing, and I
look forward to helping as I can.


Ajit Jaokar

Aug 25, 2008, 7:51:44 PM8/25/08
to Open Web Foundation Discussion
My name is Ajit Jaokar. I am the fiunder and CEO of the pubishing
I am also known for my blog OpenGardens
I look forward to participating in this group
It is an interesting group of people addressing an interesting problem
kind rgds Ajit
> smime.p7s
> 9KViewDownload
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