Have you checked under
to see what versions are available? I'm on Leopard (10.5), and I have
1.3, 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6. Can't recall doing anything special to get all
these versions, so I'd assume you would at least have 1.5 available
still, even if 1.6 might be the default.
I do some tricks in my .profile to make sure I can run the Java
version I want with ant and on the command-line.
--Lars M.
Never used that, so I'm not familiar with it.
> I'm using Eclipse, but the ant script can't seem to find Java 1.5.
It probably just uses the default VM, which is Java 1.6.
> I see the different folders in /System/Library/Frameworks/
> JavaVM.framework/Versions/, but they are aliases.
On my Mac, 1.5 is an alias for 1.5.0, but 1.5.0 is *not* an alias.
> It seems that other people that need Java 1.5 under Snow Leopard are
> having similar problems.
That may mean either that 1.5 is not there, or that whatever build/
runtime systems they're using are not picking up 1.5. I saw some
postings along these lines myself but was not convinced that 1.5 is
really gone. (It may be, I just haven't seen proof of it yet.)
Anyway, our local sysadmin says Bouvet will order Snow Leopard "soon",
so it may take a while before I run into this issue.
Uh oh. Now that is a problem. :-/
Not sure what to do about it, to be honest.
Thank you for this! If we see this question again I'll put this into
the wiki. (And thanks to Mark for confirming that it worked.)