[OGRE] September meeting recap

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Dwayne C. Litzenberger

Sep 28, 2010, 8:01:15 PM9/28/10
to ogre...@googlegroups.com
Thanks everyone for coming out to the meeting! We had a great turn-out
(approximately 15 people), despite only having one planned talk.

During today's meeting, John Duff showed us how to use the Device
authentication framework with Rails 3, and how to use it to authenticate
against Facebook.

John's code is available at:
and he directs us to a handy blog article on the topic:


- Get Devise from http://github.com/plataformatec/devise
gem 'devise', :git=>'git://github.com/plataformatec/devise.git'

- Install the oauth2

- Devise has a very active community.

- For Facebook authentication:
- Authenticate against https://graph.facebook.com/
- :authorize_path => '/oauth/authorize'
- :access_token_path => '/oauth/access_token'
- :scope => %w(email)

- SSH tunnels are useful for demos:
- Put "GatewayPorts yes" into /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the remote
server, then reload sshd.
- ssh -R :4000:localhost:3000 us...@host.example.com

- OAuth is not the same as OpenID (though there is an OpenID module for

- You might be able to use a paid service called Janrain Engage (formerly
known as RPX) to handle authentication via a bunch of different services
(Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Yahoo, Google, Windows Live, OpenID)
- http://rpxnow.com/
- http://github.com/slainer68/devise_rpx_connectable

- Devise is very extensible. For example, you can let a user log in using
their email address *or* their username (their choice). See:

- There are a bunch of Devise HOWTOs here:

- Facebook Open Graph library: http://github.com/mmangino/mogli

- John strongly recommends the facebooker2 gem, because the upstream devs
are very responsive.

After John Duff's presentation, we moved on to informal discussion about
various topics, with Jonathan Sutherland sitting at the keyboard. Here are
some of the things that were discussed:

- http://getrealsimple.com/ - Jonathan's real estate site - Image upload on
the admin page (not public) uses Paperclip on the Rails side
http://github.com/thoughtbot/paperclip and the ajax-upload jQuery plugin:

- http://ottawa.golocavore.ca/ - See the Join page; uses Devise and a
couple of different models for different types of users.

- http://transloadit.com/ - Paid service that for handling image/video
uploads, which handles uploading/resizing/transcoding.

- http://swfupload.org/ - for handling multiple file uploads

- http://codemirror.net/ - in-browser, syntax-highlighting code editing

- http://typosphere.org/ - Typo - Rails blogging platform

- http://www.openstreetmap.org/ - CC-BY-SA wiki map with points-of-interest

- Call for volunteers: Ken Seville <ken.s...@civiside.com> is looking
for volunteers to work on http://www.civiside.com/ to help match disabled
veterans with available jobs based on their skills (Ken, feel free to
reply to the list with more info):

- Before: http://hrapp.dnd.ca/tap/engraph/home_e.asp
- After: http://www.civiside.com/

If I've missed anything, please speak up!

Thanks to John Duff for giving us a very informative presentation, Thanks
to everyone for coming, and thanks to Shopify for providing the meeting
space and refreshments.

See you all next month!

Dwayne C. Litzenberger <dl...@dlitz.net>
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Ken Seville

Sep 29, 2010, 5:10:29 AM9/29/10
to ogre...@googlegroups.com
Hello All,

This is Ken from civiside.com. I'm off to NYC today and will be in meetings all of tomorrow but am available to chat on Fri. on the project I described to OGRE on Tues. evening. Simply put for those who were not there, we help military find their next job. We were approached by the Transition Assistance Program at DND to help them fulfill a function that they cannot by offering a job board for military leaving on medical release. These people range from those who have suffered catastrophic injury to those who have chronic illness such as Diabetes. TAP has 300 Canadian employers who are willing to post their jobs and guarantee an interview to these veterans but cannot do so now because TAP cannot get the resources to build and maintain a proper job resource. We have agreed to do this for them but we need some volunteer help. Civiside.com is a RoR web app. that  actually has most of what they have asked built on the backend but we need to extend it a little more. We need one or two people who can work independently with RoR to finish the development. We are not being paid in any way to do this work, it is just the right thing to do to help those who cannot serve any longer in uniform. If you would like to do a couple of weeks of evening/part-time volunteer work to help our veterans please get in touch so that we can chat about the project.


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"Killer Idea" - Jason Calacanis on the Guaranteed Interview Program: http://civiside.com/resource/twist.wmv

#9-  North Oval
Hamilton. ON
L8S 3Y6

(Office) 615 713 2236

John Tajima

Sep 29, 2010, 10:09:00 AM9/29/10
to ogre...@googlegroups.com
Great presentation, John!
That was very helpful for me as I was looking for something like this.


On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 8:01 PM, Dwayne C. Litzenberger <dl...@dlitz.net> wrote:
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John Duff

Sep 29, 2010, 4:45:25 PM9/29/10
to ogre...@googlegroups.com
Glad you guys liked it! Maybe se should start the ball rolling for
presentations for next month.

Anyone have anything they want to show?

Is there anything you want to see presented?


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