'Browser don't support JS' - message (#114)

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Feb 3, 2009, 6:28:53 PM2/3/09
to Cappuccino & Objective-J Development List
Hi all

I've done some work on ticket #114 and wanted to share it:

Basically, what this does is it displays an advisory message to users
whose browsers don't support JavaScript. It tells them to either
enable it or download a recent version of a mainstream browser. Next
to each option there is a helpful link to a page with more

However, if the user wants to enable JavaScript in their browser I
can't decide where to link to. At the moment the user will be sent to
a Google search results page for the query "enable javascript", but
this might not be the best idea. Alternatives include:
- linking directly to Googles instructions on the subject (this could
be a problem because 3rd party sites might change without warning)
- linking to Googles "i'm feeling lucky" page on the subject (this
could work, but might be a bit risky)
- writing our own instructions on the Cappuccino website (or wiki) and
linking to that

Please let me know if you have any ideas or other suggestions.
Otherwise I was planning to leave it as-is (i.e. with the Google
search results) and then we can raise a new ticket in the future if
anyone has any better ideas.


Ross Boucher

Feb 4, 2009, 8:01:30 PM2/4/09
to objecti...@googlegroups.com

This is a great idea. To answer your question, I think hosting our own
page that instructs how to turn on JavaScript is the best approach. I
imagine it can't be that difficult to collect instructions for the
most popular browsers (we could even detect what browser you are using
and serve the appropriate content first).

We would gladly host that page at cappuccino.org.

Would you be willing to make it?



Feb 7, 2009, 6:32:37 AM2/7/09
to Cappuccino & Objective-J Development List
Sure, I'll give it a go. Will let you know when I've got something
ready to show again.


On Feb 5, 1:01 am, Ross Boucher <rbouc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> This is a great idea. To answer your question, I think hosting our own  
> page that instructs how to turn on JavaScript is the best approach. I  
> imagine it can't be that difficult to collect instructions for the  
> most popular browsers (we could even detect what browser you are using  
> and serve the appropriate content first).
> We would gladly host that page at cappuccino.org.
> Would you be willing to make it?
> -Ross
> On Feb 3, 2009, at 4:28 PM, nabs749 wrote:
> > Hi all
> > I've done some work on ticket #114 and wanted to share it:
> >http://cappuccino.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16499/tickets/114-browse...
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