machine readable structure definitions (work in progress draft thingy)

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Jos Hirth

Sep 8, 2010, 12:32:48 AM9/8/10
to Object Oriented CSS

Writing CSS is hard, let's use machines to do some of the mundane

HTML and CSS are very loosly coupled. This is great, but it also
means that we can't use the HTML to verify the CSS and we also
can't use the CSS to verify the HTML.

Using a separate machine readable specification can allow us to
verify the CSS and the HTML. It can also assist us during any
stage of a project's lifetime.

Another problem are existing sites which accumulated lots of
cruft over the years. That's another thing I'm trying to tackle


0. Tree, root, node, leaf, and so on:

1. Sub tree
Similar to OOCSS's "module" - just completely rigid.

2. Attribute classes
Classes used child nodes. May overlap with other child classes
from other sub trees.

3. Skin classes
Classes used to customize the look of a whole sub tree or its

4. Extending
Reusing a previously defined sub tree. New children can be
added, the order/quantifiers can be changed.


0. Everything is a sub tree.

1. Each sub tree has a root node, which can be a tag, an id, or a

2. Each sub tree root can have 0-n children, which in turn can
also have 0-n children. If a node has no children, it's a
leaf - even if it's a sub tree root. A leaf can contain
arbitrary content (e.g. another sub tree, RTE stuff, etc.).

3. On the CSS side this rigid hierarchical relationship is
mirrored with selectors which utilize the child combinator (>)

4. This means IE6 isn't supported.

5. What we gain is completely predictable behavior. You can put
any sub tree into the leaf node of any other sub tree.

6. Each sub tree is on its own. This means linear complexity.


0. The Spec Itself

a) Provides a clutter free architectural overview.
b) Serves as some kind of minimal documentation of the used

1. Spec Parsing

a) Check syntax (duh).
b) Ensure that roots are only used once.
c) Check if "attribute" classes collide with roots.
d) Check if "skin" classes collide with roots.
e) Check if "skin" classes collide with "attribute" classes.
f) When extending and adding a child, all previously defined
siblings must also exist.
g) In a skin class collection, a class name may only occur
h) On a given tree level, a node identifier can only be used
i) Only previously defined sub trees can be extended.

2. Spec Tools

a) Generate a report which contains root classes, skin
classes, and attribute classes (with a list of modules
which use those attribute and skin classes).

3. CSS Tests

a) Check if the selectors are a superset of the spec - or -
check if the spec is a superset of the selectors.
b) Check if the children are in the same order (clarity).
c) Check if the sub trees are in the same order
d) Check if skin>attribute selectors match the spec.

4. CSS Tools

a) Generate a selector stub file.
b) Add missing selectors.
c) Remove selectors which don't exist in the spec.

5. HTML Tests

a) If a root node is found, check if the structure matches
the specs (the content of the leafs is arbitrary).
b) Find unspecified classes and ids.
c) Ensure classes are in the order: base-root, ext-root, skin

6. Content Management Systems

a) Populate drop-down lists with the relevant skin classes to
customize components/controls/widgets.
b) Offer skin classes in drop-down lists in rich text
editors (e.g. for different headings).

// quantifiers:
// * = 0-n
// + = 1-n
// ? = 0-1
// n = n (default = 1, i.e. if the quantifier was omitted)
// ~ = inherit the quantifier

// Quantifier on root nodes are illegal, because they are silly.
// It's always 0-n (or 0-1 if it's an id). That's the big idea.

// general layout
.page[oldSchool gs960 liquid]{
*.leftCol[gMail gCal yahoo myYahoo]
*.rightCol[gMail gCal yahoo myYahoo]

// standard module
.mod[login universe comment]{

// extends .mod and changes the quantifier for .hd
// unlike .mod, this one got 2 mandatory .hd elements

// extends .mod and adds an "a" element
// the other siblings must be listed, otherwise the position
// would be ambiguous

// this should generate an error since the position cannot be
// determined

// complex extends mod

// pop extends mod

// media block

// data table - this is pretty much the worst case scenario
+table[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]{
*tr[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]{
*th[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]
*td[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]
*tr[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]{
*th[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]
*td[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]
*tr[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]{
*th[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]
*td[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]
*tr[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]{
*th[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]
*td[txtL txtR txtC txtT txtB txtM]

// grids
+.unit[lastUnit size1of1 size1of2 size1of3 size2of3 size1of4
size3of4 size1of5 size2of5 size3of5 size4of5]

Jos Hirth

Sep 8, 2010, 12:43:09 AM9/8/10
to Object Oriented CSS
Well, it's far from being done, but I'm very excited about this. I
think it got lots of potential. It should make everything a whole lot
more manageable and more organized.

There is lots of prototyping work ahead of me and I didn't even find a
good name yet, but I thought it would be a good idea to drop it here
for some quick and dirty feedback.

Nicole Sullivan

Sep 16, 2010, 5:27:56 PM9/16/10
to object-oriented-css
This looks really cool! :)

One thing I wondered is, could we infer the structure from normal CSS? The answer may be "no", but I wanted to throw that out there.


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Jos Hirth

Sep 17, 2010, 12:00:14 AM9/17/10
to Object Oriented CSS
Thanks for your time. It really isn't easy to spark some interest if
the topic is as dry as this.

Well, the thing is the CSS only contains a part of the puzzle since it
only mirrors a few specific aspects of your building blocks. Same
thing goes for the markup; it will only reflect a few aspects and
things you may have anticipated might not occur in reality. E.g. if
you created your module in such a way that it might contain several
"bd"s, but no one ever used it that way (maybe because no one knew
they could).

So, even with the whole CSS and all the used markup, there will be
still a few things missing. The quantity of child nodes wouldn't be
clear for example. If some child always occurred exactly once, it
doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't optional - or that there can't
be several of those as well. Same thing goes for the order of
siblings. The CSS side doesn't really care about that.

Figuring out if something is a skinning class (and where you can
actually use it) is also a super tricky problem. Basically, you'd need
to figure out if adding/overriding some rules might yield a useful
result. That's pretty difficult - even for humans. We can for example
easily tell if it would make sense to repeat some background image.
And some of us might be also able to tell if a color combination would
be plain awful. But figuring out where style classes can go is pretty
difficult and it also may require some trial and error.

I think the spec files aren't that bad (I love them, actually). As I
pointed out in my messy outline, you really should have some
documentation. At least the bare minimum, which tells you what exists
and how it's supposed to work (or how it can be used).

In related areas this bare minimum of documentation is covered by
automatically generated API docs, which rely on doc comments which of
course also took some time to write.

OOCSS's documentation for example is pretty good (it's the only CSS
documentation I've ever seen), but most people won't go that far,
because there's time pressure, they are too lazy, they don't see a
reason for it, or they simply don't know how to do it. (There aren't
any conventions for this.)

The spec files work around all of that. Well, in theory. If it works
as well as I hope it should improve productivity and make things
actually easier, while providing minimal documentation as a side-
effect. (Tricking people into doing that is one of my primary

Now, that was a pretty elaborate "no". Fortunately there is also a
"however". :)

You can of course switch to this concept on a later point in a
project's lifetime.You can run the CSS and markup tools with an empty
spec file, take care of the first (and related) selectors it doesn't
like, write the specs for it, fix CSS & markup issues (if any), and

Well, at least that's the idea. I sorta picture it like cleaning up a
JavaScript file with the help of JSLint. With each cycle you get rid
of some cruft and at the very end you got rid of all the mess. It
probably won't be as smooth, but it should be a lot easier than trying
to do the same thing without the help of static code analysis.
> ><>
> > .
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