Multiple RPDs/WebCats

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Robin Moffatt

Mar 18, 2010, 4:20:08 AM3/18/10
to OBIEE Enterprise Methodology Group
What are people's experiences & comments on deploying multiple RPDs/
WebCats, from an architectural point of view?

We've got two huge RPDs with very little commonality and merging has
proved to be a huge P.I.T.A. so we're considering just leaving them

I'm aware of how it is technically done, but am interested in the
implications of it.

Obvious stuff - a user who needs both is going to have to login to a
separate system for each, and won't be able to query across them or
share reports across them. Apart from that, what else is going to
cause us pain?



Prakash Jhunjhunwala

Mar 19, 2010, 7:24:06 AM3/19/10
to OBIEE Enterprise Methodology Group
It will increase maintenance from Administrator's perspective. If
users are being authenticated through the same LDAP (if you are using
LDAP), I don't think users will have to login twice.

You should evaluate the userbase for each reporting area. Are there
any common users? It should be clear to the users which system they
should be logged into.. In our environment users login to development
server thinking it is production environment. I would suggest that
you create separate skins for both webcat, so it is obvious which
system they are on and will avoid some confusion.


Jeff McQuigg

Mar 19, 2010, 1:36:18 PM3/19/10
to OBIEE Enterprise Methodology Group
I'd look at the development teams working on each of them - if they
are separate groups, it will make no sense to merge them and its way
too much hassle. MUD doesn't work well enough to go through that kind
of overhead and difficulty. I'd say you are best keeping things as
separate as possible when your dev teams and schedules are different.


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