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All is not well at Kindy.

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1999年5月24日 03:00:001999/5/24
We got to kindy today to find that some 'Hoons' had got into the
grounds and slashed the wet weather/wind awnings and cut them in half
with a knife. The Head Teacher was so upset, that she asked me to
check the remaining awnings that were rolled up to see if anything had
happened to them after I suggested they be looked at.

It makes me so angry that there are people that will do this
especially to their own community and probably where their own brother
or sister attend. We are very suspicious that the damage was done by
the local teenagers.

I am the Treasurer of our kindy with a kindergarten bank balance
usually hovering around $3000.00, we rely on parent donations of $1.00
per session which averages to around $120.00 per child a year and fund
raising by the committee. So per year we have to run the kindy on
around $11,000.00 per year. Out of that are all running costs like
electricity, phone, water, cleaning, light maintenance, first aid and
safety equipment, play and activity materials, Teacher Aid when a
teacher is away, Building and site work additions and general running
day to day running costs. We do a lot of groveling to Trusts for the
occasional Grant to help keep up with the flow and finance the more
expensive ventures, especially this year as we have had to replace
alot of the hardware in the childrens playground as well as replace
the bark and sand.

This year we haven't received a government grant and other years it
has only been $1000.00 for the whole year. The government do however
pay the 3 teachers wages except we have to pay the Teacher Aids out of
our bank account.

Now thanks to these 'Hoons' we have an added expense to pay for, we
will look at insurance first but then we have to weigh it all up and
see which will be the cheapest way to get the damage repaired.

Thanks to anyone that sat through this but like me and a few others
today we are absolutely fuming.


There is nothing wrong with making mistakes.
Just don't respond with encores.

ICQ 14823033


1999年5月24日 03:00:001999/5/24
Nelly wrote:
> We got to kindy today to find that some 'Hoons' had got into the
> grounds and slashed the wet weather/wind awnings and cut them in half
> with a knife. The Head Teacher was so upset, that she asked me to
> check the remaining awnings that were rolled up to see if anything had
> happened to them after I suggested they be looked at.
ept we have to pay the Teacher Aids out of
> our bank account.
> Now thanks to these 'Hoons' we have an added expense to pay for, we
> will look at insurance first but then we have to weigh it all up and
> see which will be the cheapest way to get the damage repaired.
> Thanks to anyone that sat through this but like me and a few others
> today we are absolutely fuming.
> Nelly.

What utter bastards , if it were known who they were I think a good
hiding would be in order. I wish some people would try to get a life
rather than just go around doing damage to others property.


Claire Hurman

1999年5月24日 03:00:001999/5/24
Nelly wrote:
> We got to kindy today to find that some 'Hoons' had got into the
> grounds and slashed the wet weather/wind awnings and cut them in half
> with a knife. The Head Teacher was so upset, that she asked me to
> check the remaining awnings that were rolled up to see if anything had
> happened to them after I suggested they be looked at.
> It makes me so angry that there are people that will do this
> especially to their own community and probably where their own brother
> or sister attend. We are very suspicious that the damage was done by
> the local teenagers.
> I am the Treasurer of our kindy with a kindergarten bank balance
> usually hovering around $3000.00, we rely on parent donations of $1.00
> per session which averages to around $120.00 per child a year and fund
> raising by the committee. So per year we have to run the kindy on
> around $11,000.00 per year. Out of that are all running costs like
> electricity, phone, water, cleaning, light maintenance, first aid and
> safety equipment, play and activity materials, Teacher Aid when a
> teacher is away, Building and site work additions and general running
> day to day running costs. We do a lot of groveling to Trusts for the
> occasional Grant to help keep up with the flow and finance the more
> expensive ventures, especially this year as we have had to replace
> alot of the hardware in the childrens playground as well as replace
> the bark and sand.
> This year we haven't received a government grant and other years it
> has only been $1000.00 for the whole year. The government do however
> pay the 3 teachers wages except we have to pay the Teacher Aids out of

> our bank account.
> Now thanks to these 'Hoons' we have an added expense to pay for, we
> will look at insurance first but then we have to weigh it all up and
> see which will be the cheapest way to get the damage repaired.
> Thanks to anyone that sat through this but like me and a few others
> today we are absolutely fuming.
> Nelly.
> There is nothing wrong with making mistakes.
> Just don't respond with encores.
> ICQ 14823033

That's terrible Nelly. We get a lot of vandalism and breakins at our
school. I actually was brave enought to go out and ask the skateboarders
to get off our lovely new wooden decks this evening after dark, when i
was one of only two people left in the building.

Try writing to your local newspaper, you may get donations from local



1999年5月25日 03:00:001999/5/25
Gabriel wrote:
> Nelly wrote:
> >
> > We got to kindy today to find that some 'Hoons' had got into the
> > grounds and slashed the wet weather/wind awnings and cut them in half
> > with a knife. The Head Teacher was so upset, that she asked me to
> > check the remaining awnings that were rolled up to see if anything had
> > happened to them after I suggested they be looked at.
> ept we have to pay the Teacher Aids out of
> > our bank account.
> What utter bastards , if it were known who they were I think a good
> hiding would be in order. I wish some people would try to get a life
> rather than just go around doing damage to others property.

And how the hell do you explain that to the little kids that go there?
I've known of school burglaries where the kids in the class have been
really shattered by the loss of school equipment and sometimes, a much
adored class pet.

There is no accounting for the brainlessness of some people, is there..


1999年5月25日 03:00:001999/5/25
On Mon, 24 May 1999 02:52:16 GMT, (Nelly) wrote:

>Thanks to anyone that sat through this but like me and a few others
>today we are absolutely fuming.

Did you call the police?

hopes you
catch them.
"When a true genius appears in the world,
you may know him by this sign, that the dunces
are all in confederacy against him."
--Jonathan Swift, "Thoughts on Various Subjects,
Moral and Diverting"


1999年5月25日 03:00:001999/5/25
On Tue, 25 May 1999 00:51:46 GMT, wrote:

>On Mon, 24 May 1999 02:52:16 GMT, (Nelly) wrote:
>>Thanks to anyone that sat through this but like me and a few others
>>today we are absolutely fuming.
>Did you call the police?
>hopes you
>catch them.

Yes Police called and Incident number issued.

Don Mackie

1999年5月26日 03:00:001999/5/26
There is no substitute for a complete lack of preparation
- someone wittier than me
ICQ 18621794

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