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Fox Faux News Makes up story

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Jason Gooljar

Oct 1, 2004, 5:01:15 PM10/1/04

Fox News makes up story
by kos
Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:17:44 GMT

Check out Josh Marshall, who is all over Fox News for running this
completely fabricated story this morning:
Rallying supporters in Tampa Friday, Kerry played up his performance in
Thursday night's debate, in which many observers agreed the
Massachusetts senator outperformed the president.

"Didn't my nails and cuticles look great? What a good debate!" Kerry
said Friday.

With the foreign-policy debate in the history books, Kerry hopes to keep
the pressure on and the sense of traction going.

Aides say he will step up attacks on the president in the next few days,
and pivot somewhat to the domestic agenda, with a focus on women and
abortion rights.

"It's about the Supreme Court. Women should like me! I do manicures,"
Kerry said.

Kerry still trails in actual horse-race polls, but aides say his
performance was strong enough to rally his base and further appeal to
voters ready for a change.

"I'm metrosexual -- he's a cowboy," the Democratic candidate said of
himself and his opponent.

A "metrosexual" is defined as an urbane male with a strong aesthetic
sense who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance and
The story was pulled, but Josh snagged screen shots. This is bad. Even
for Fox News.

Media ::


Fox News makes up story | 79 comments (79 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)
is there a transcript or video...(none / 0)

...from the event?

by California Dreamer on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:16:02 GMT

This should destroy FOX News' reputation...(none / 0)

...for fairness and balance. it won't.

by WWGray on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:16:59 GMT

GET THIS . . . It was "a mistake" . . .(none / 0)

"written in jest"!

This now up on the FOX site

"Earlier Friday, posted an item purporting to contain
quotations from Kerry. The item was based on a reporter's partial script
that had been written in jest and should not have been posted or
broadcast. We regret the error, which occurred because of fatigue and
bad judgment, not malice."


How can these people even pretend to be journalists?

by chrississippi on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:55:40 GMT
[ Parent ]

C'Mon Kossacks... Lets Get 'em(4.00 / 2)

This is bullshit. They can't spin there way out of this and we all know
it. Its about time that we all gave the creeps at Fox News a little bit
of the 'Fair and Balanced' treatment now that they have screwed up royallly.

Time to give them the 'CBS' treatment.

"The world is full of Eddie Barzooms just jogging into the future."
-Satan in The Devil's Advocate
by LeftHandedMan on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:17:25 GMT

How do we do that??? How do we make a FoxGate??(none / 0)

27 criminal investigations in Iraq and counting
by CalDoc on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:19:06 GMT
[ Parent ]

We Don't Let It GO!(none / 0)

We make a FoxGate by pouring on the heat.

"The world is full of Eddie Barzooms just jogging into the
future." -Satan in The Devil's Advocate
by LeftHandedMan on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:22:15 GMT
[ Parent ]

It's Not Enough That They Pulled It.(none / 0)

This SCREAMS for an apology. It absolutely DEMANDS it. If
Fox does not publicly apologize for this story, we should contact every
major news organization and do everything in our power to put them on
the defensive. It is OUTRAGEOUS. Consider for a minute: What if the
same "story" had been done about Bush? Congressmen and Senators would
be holding press conferences to demand an apology from the Kerry
campaign, and the Mighty Wurlitzer would be in full motion. It's time
to put an end to the media double standard, and this is as good a place
as any to say, "Enough's enough."

"We're turning the corner . . . on Armageddon."
by Doofus on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:51:45 GMT
[ Parent ]

Tell me how...(none / 0)

I'm all in for CBSing these guys.

by sprhoto on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:20:11 GMT
[ Parent ]

I'll tell you(none / 0)

Start emailing journalists and columnists.

There is a bunch of 'em listed in the other diary on this topic.


They, at least, will do something with it.

"The world is full of Eddie Barzooms just jogging into the
future." -Satan in The Devil's Advocate
by LeftHandedMan on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:23:37 GMT
[ Parent ]

Take it to the top(none / 0)

Contact the FCC. Demand that they punish Fox for this!

Chairman Michael K. Powell:

Commissioner Kathleen Q. Abernathy:

Commissioner Michael J. Copps:

Commissioner Kevin J. Martin:

Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein:

More commentary @ The Situation Room
by Geheimbundler on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:34:24 GMT
[ Parent ]

I don't think that the FCC(none / 0)

has any jurisdiction over Fox News's content, does it?
It's not like network television.

"Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the
government when it deserves it." - Mark Twain
by soultaco on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:39:45 GMT
[ Parent ]

if you are gonna contact(none / 0)

focus on Adelstein and Copps, both good guys on our
side. they will speak up even if Powell doesnt want to.

Check out PPipes 42 progressive email lists in one
by juls on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:46:11 GMT
[ Parent ]

depends(none / 0)

I think it depends if it ever made it to cable news
(as someone asserted above). THey do have some jurisdiction over cable.
They don't have jurisdiction over newspapers or internet CONTENT.

by emptywheel on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:50:45 GMT
[ Parent ]

Does someone have a copy of the original(none / 0)

messaage on FOX?

wax on, wax off dubya-san
by thebloviator on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:46:18 GMT
[ Parent ]

whoa...(none / 0)

Was this just some intern's practical joke, that got posted
accidentally? No way anything like that would have gotten past anyone
responsible at the network, even with it being Murdoch's baby and all.

One thing is for sure, though...

That damn network sure "fox" things up a lot.

by spin2cool on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:18:33 GMT

Who Cares? They Put It On.... they're responsible!(none / 0)

It shouldn't matter if it is spun as a 'prank' by those hummel eyed
little scamps interning at Freeper central.

It was put up as news.

"The world is full of Eddie Barzooms just jogging into the future."
-Satan in The Devil's Advocate
by LeftHandedMan on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:21:09 GMT
[ Parent ]

Actually(none / 0)

At the end of their early morning show (a little before 7 a.m. EST)
one of the Faux hosts got kind of snarky and also brought up Kerry
having a manicure as preparation for the debate.

So Fox has been focused on the manicure issue since before 7 am.

by payingattentionandappalled on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:21:58 GMT
[ Parent ]

Email JMM and Media Matters(none / 0)

You ought to email a description of that to Media Matters and
to JMM. THe latter, because he's on top of this story. The latter,
because I think they archive news coverage (and probably have it from
the day after the debate). In other words, Media Matters might have a
copy of it.

If we can prove this is a concerted effort (a result of the
daily memo), then we can really slam Fox on this.

by emptywheel on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:26:54 GMT
[ Parent ]

"The Manicure Memo"(none / 0)

All Points Bulletin -- join us, intern, it's not too late.

by Mogolori on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:34:03 GMT
[ Parent ]

hmmm(none / 0)

smells to me like someone found a way on to the
servers. it's a bit over the top even for fox, don't you think? my
guess is that they've been hacked.

by johnny71 on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:40:50 GMT
[ Parent ]

Fun with Bush(4.00 / 7)

Get Well Bill Bat
Speaking Freely
by Sean Robertson on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:19:14 GMT

Photoshop(none / 0)

If anyone wants the PSD for that (to reuse the text), I can UL that
too. Let me know. ;) You'll just need the "Due Date" font (google it).

Get Well Bill Bat
Speaking Freely
by Sean Robertson on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:22:28 GMT
[ Parent ]

Help me(none / 0)

What does OWN3D mean?

by James Earl on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:26:29 GMT
[ Parent ]

0WN3D(none / 0)

0WN3D = l33t speak for "owned", meaning we kicked his ass into

Get Well Bill Bat
Speaking Freely
by Sean Robertson on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:28:12 GMT
[ Parent ]

It actually should be(none / 0)


by CharlieS on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:32:19 GMT
[ Parent ]

Multiple variations(none / 0)

I've seen it several ways. In this case it's a zero
instead of an O.

Get Well Bill Bat
Speaking Freely
by Sean Robertson on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:34:22 GMT
[ Parent ]

Gotta cite a higher source(none / 0)

My favorite being the Urban Dictionary which
surprised me by having as the number one definition for "Own3d" to be:

When a website/forum and its member suffers the
indignity of having suffered an attack, usually by one person.
When something or someone gets fucked up,
usually with prior notice and warnings.

Ormand "own3d" and with ease.

Jeebus of America
by fugitive on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:43:38 GMT
[ Parent ]

See dan4ucla's diary(none / 0)

dan4ucla posted this in a diary earlier today, and there's already some
work being done around it, see:

by storme on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:19:45 GMT

What the what?(none / 0)

This sounds like bad satire, not "news". More from the somewhat fiesty
NYT coverage--they kept saying things like "all the networks covering
the debate did blah blah--even Fox"--watch out when the Times gets
snarky on you.

I'm happy with my $20 of influence
by JMS on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:19:45 GMT

Disgraceful.(3.66 / 3)

I can't believe cable companies even carry that station. What people
will do for ratings is unbelievable.

Here's a good analogy:

Ayn Rand : philosophy :: Fox : News.

by Tacoma Narrows on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:20:20 GMT

Wow, that was really, really bad.(none / 1)

While of course it made Roger Ailes' toes curl, it will (or should)

Or, better yet: RATHER'S REVENGE.

Some intern or newbie Bush Youth wanting to ingratiate himself into
the good graces of Brit Hume's inner circle of jerks just went too far,
and now will pay, dearly: he'll be sent to Greenland to GOTV for all
the GOP expats there. Poor Greenland.


by BenGoshi on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:20:31 GMT

Fox has lost it(none / 0)

I think this is what happens when the Right is defeated, sort of like
when 1950's sci-fi robots lose it.

Just wait until Kerry wins the election.

by fire on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:20:48 GMT

How the hell could any person(none / 0)

not see this was a hoax? This sort of crap might even be low for Drudge.

"I'm not saying that John Kerry has all the answers, but Bush has none,
and he's cheating off of Dick Cheney's paper."-Bill Maher
by theprogressivemiddle on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:21:28 GMT

Can we jump up and down(none / 0)

and insist on an investigation and can we get them all fired? Come on,
yes we can! Forgeries, smorgeries, this is outright lying!

by Hope Despite All on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:21:55 GMT

screenshot?(none / 0)

can someone link to a screenshot of this?

by isayno on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:22:03 GMT

Yes!(none / 0)

I want to see this also!

Get Well Bill Bat
Speaking Freely
by Sean Robertson on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:23:17 GMT
[ Parent ]

Here, it is in this thread(none / 0)

by lncolnpk on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:28:02 GMT
[ Parent ]

Screen Shot Now Up(none / 0)


by DJ Adequate on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:29:42 GMT
[ Parent ]

Fox was all over CBS News and...(none / 0)

Dan Rather for having an allegedly forged source for part of a story.
And here they just made one up out of whole cloth.


all we hear is radio ga-ga
by RonV on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:22:06 GMT

As this race tightens...(none / 0)

we can expect more of the same,though worse. I can think of two areas
of disparagement coming, but I don't want to lay it out. Suffice it to
say I expect the "Catholic shoe" to drop soon.

by Parise on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:22:08 GMT

Being Catholic myself...(none / 0)

...I must ask: what are you talking about? (If there's any place
I'd like my shoe it's planted on Bush's backside but that's just me.)

Yeah, you're all gonna be in this experimental film / And even
though I can't explain it / I already know how great it's
by Ernest Tomlinson on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:34:14 GMT
[ Parent ]

Screenshot on an unlimited server(none / 0)


No, data is not the plural of anecdote
by MarkInSanFran on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:22:54 GMT

It's no accident(none / 0)

There's a concerted push going on to make John Kerry look effeminate.
Check out this photo that's running on Drudge right now.

That looks suspiciously doctored to me to make John Kerry look like he's
wearing rouge and lipstick.

I tracked down the original story on Yahoo. They credit the "photo" to
Reuters. But Reuters doesn't have it on their website.


by IGrantius on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:23:41 GMT

drudge ain't fox(none / 0)

Drudge would run a photo that made Kerry look pregnant and claim he
was the father. Nobody cares, his entire site is just a right wing

But Fox, that's a different story.


"People are going to see the candidate as he or she is at the end
of the parade." Karl Rove, 2003
by markymarx on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:29:08 GMT
[ Parent ]

Yes, it looks very doctored.(none / 0)

I commented on this a while back. The lighting looks unnatural.

I searched for Jim Bourg - he's a real photographer. You can send a
note to Reuters here and ask:;jsessionid=1XA1NYFTTEO5SCRBAELCFEY?p=contactUs

"Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it
deserves it." - Mark Twain
by soultaco on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:30:28 GMT
[ Parent ]

Bushy's lookin' for the love.(none / 0)

Kerry wears makeup. So what? Bush likes it. After a hard day of
consoling hurricane victims and getting trashed in the debate, Bushy
needs a little consoling of his own, so he leans his head on Kerry's
shoulder. This tall, strong, masculine man, unafraid to show his
feminine side will surely understand all the hard work a president goes

by bagelche on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:33:43 GMT
[ Parent ]

Here's the original photo(none / 0)

As a man is, so he sees. - William Blake
by plong on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:35:20 GMT
[ Parent ]

why(none / 0)

is kerry standing next to karen hughes?

by johnny71 on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:39:05 GMT
[ Parent ]

Oh, Rocky...(none / 0) kinda makes me want to do the time warp again.

"Nonsense!" said Alice, very loudly and decidedly, and the
Queen was silent.
by RIposte on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:42:42 GMT
[ Parent ]

He probably IS(none / 0)

No offense, but Kerry is wearing makeup. So is Bush.

I think the problem here is that the picture was taken from close
up--and the makeup was applied to be seen from a distance.

by emptywheel on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:37:01 GMT
[ Parent ]

Question(none / 0)

I also heard that one of the networks, maybe ABC, ran a story on the
debate that was written before the debate took place.

Is this true?

Anyone have a link?

by James Earl on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:23:57 GMT

AP(none / 0)

The AP released a very bland "report" of the debates mid-afternoon
yesterday. Then quickly spiked it, once they realized it had been seen.

by emptywheel on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:29:04 GMT
[ Parent ]

I am SURE there will be calls for investigations..(none / 0)

I am as sure as sure can be that the guardians of what is Right on the
airwaves will be calling for FCC and Senatorial investigations. Any
second now. Any MINUTE now.....


by sphealey on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:24:07 GMT

Work it out, Josh!!(none / 0)

Nice catch!

by futureexpat on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:25:47 GMT

This Calls For A Congressional Hearing(4.00 / 2)

I Demand an Congressional Hearing into Foxx' attempt to influence this
election with FABRICATIONS !!!!


Quick, someone call Kurtz.

Brit Hume must Resign.

An outside investigation is needed to get to the bottom of this.

This is stunning!!! There are alot of question that need to be answered.

This will set the media's credibility back for years, if not decades.

A Black Eye for Foxx.

What did Hume know, and when did he know it??

Look Bernie Goldberg, BIAS !!!

Foxx' reputation takes a Hit.

Start combing Koppels wig for a special Edition of Nightline.

by Al Rodgers on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:28:17 GMT

lets not joke(none / 0)

lets do it

who do we need to call? Its time to push back.



wax on, wax off dubya-san
by thebloviator on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:44:06 GMT
[ Parent ]

F**k Fox(none / 0)

I got this:

"Kerry's done a good job of becoming Mr. Homeland Security." (Jon
Meacham, Newsweek on MSNBC, 9/30/04)

Mr. Homeland Security -- Reporting for duty!

I am angry that so many sons of the powerful and well-placed ... managed
to wrangle slots in Reserve and National Guard units - Colin Powell
by Pescadero Bill on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:32:31 GMT

I'm not sure it would help to stir the pot over a(none / 0)

question of John Kerry being a metrosexual. One thing I'm wondering
though: Why did George Bush ignore, and all the major media ignore, the
issue John Kerry raised of Bush putting Halliburton's profits before our
international alliances? Is our foreign policy being made to meet a
Halliburton test? And who benefits, other than George Bush's friends at
Halliburton, from putting Halliburton's profits ahead of the interests
of the American people, to say nothing of our troops who have been put
in harm's way?

by alabmagrdn on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:33:13 GMT


Of course I mean the fat evil one, not the witty, indispensable blogger one.

I define truth as the system of my limitations, and leave absolute truth
for those who are better equipped for it. -- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
by Steady Eddie on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:34:13 GMT

Let's not...(none / 1)

Let's not change the issue of the day, guys...Kerry kicked tail and
looked Presidential. We are not running against Fox News.

The SCLM will take this and have a week discussion on metrosexuality.
Eyes on the Prize, Guys...

by TexasDemocrat on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:35:01 GMT

GMTA!!(none / 0)


by Johnny Fairplay on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:37:47 GMT
[ Parent ]

I wish...(none / 0)

I wish I were a great mind...I had to look up GMTA... :)

by TexasDemocrat on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:43:25 GMT
[ Parent ]

Faux News sucks ...(none / 0)

... but I think Iraq is a better issue with the undecideds.

Eyes on the prize!!

by Johnny Fairplay on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:36:25 GMT

Credibility(none / 0)

The credibility and reputation of all news outlets is suspect by the way
this election has been handled.

It is my understanding that content of news is not regulated, the FCC
does not have the authority to distinguish news from non-news. However.
There are guidelines where campaigns are concerned, and I think that
is where we might have success. Any attorneys out there to help?

We should build a file on Fox. Articles where sources are not cited,
ambiguous terms, and false reporting. If something is reported on Fox,
and it is false and misleading, especially where the campaign is
concerned, then we need to be on it.

I hate watching it, or even looking at the website, but someone should
start this.

I am sick of Fox.

by lilorphant on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:38:03 GMT

Does the FCC have juristiction over cable networks(none / 0)

by SW on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:39:28 GMT

Fox News - No French Manicures Here!(none / 0)

Fox News, Unbiased, and focused on the cuticle news at (in)hand.

by Sprinkles on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:43:01 GMT

Unbelievable...(none / 0)

...completely unbelievable...utterly ridiculous...even for Fox this is
very very low...

I hope Fox is held accountable for this...

by burnt in effigy on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:43:37 GMT

Almost Time To Go Back Into The Wilderness(none / 0)

They're scared shitless because they're going to have to go back into
the Washington wilderness after four years of being inside.

I say we enact the Fairness Doctrine only for Fox News. Let's give them
something tangible to get all lathered up over!

by betamaxguillotine on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:46:37 GMT

Hoax, or strategy?(none / 0)

Is it just me or does this seem like an intentional strategy to, once
again, draw debate away from the issues? If we go on the offensive and
force the issue with Fox, we run the risk of the media once again
focusing on irrelevant "scandal" instead of focusing on where the
candidates actually stand. Plus, it will give the "legitimate" press an
excuse to repeat this fake story over and over again.

And of course Fox now has the perfect defense... If CBS got away with
it, why can't we?

I'd hate to give Fox a pass on this, but somehow, I feel that by making
a big deal about it we're playing into their hands.

by geverend on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:48:41 GMT

CBS(none / 1)

I think there's a pretty significant difference between making up
news content out of the blue and passing on a memo that wasn't vetted as
well as it should have been.

by emptywheel on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:51:40 GMT
[ Parent ]

They just posted a response on their site...(none / 0)

"Earlier Friday, posted an item purporting to contain
quotations from Kerry. The item was based on a reporter's partial script
that had been written in jest and should not have been posted or
broadcast. We regret the error, which occurred because of fatigue and
bad judgment, not malice."

by swinginvoter on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:50:48 GMT

Just how fatigued do you have to be...(none / 0)

Just how fatigued does one have to be to think that those were
genuine Kerry quotes...?

by burnt in effigy on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:52:06 GMT
[ Parent ]

Time to hammer them(none / 0)

To fire the editor. If an editor can't identify this as BS, he or
she should not have a job.

by emptywheel on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:52:39 GMT
[ Parent ]

Fatigue and bad judgement(none / 0)

Hey, check it out, fatigue and bad judgement. Fox is making excuses
using the exact same excuses Bush has started using!!

by emptywheel on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:53:31 GMT
[ Parent ]

Where is the response...(none / 0)

can you post a link to it?

by bcorbs on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:54:20 GMT
[ Parent ]

LOL(none / 0)

"The item was based on a reporter's partial script that had been
written in jest "

A "fair and balanced" reporter, no doubt.

"Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it
deserves it." - Mark Twain
by soultaco on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:55:45 GMT
[ Parent ]

FOX finally has a poll up!(none / 0)

(It's a couple of screens down, on the right.)

Vote. Delete cookie. Lather, rinse, repeat.

by loudGizmo on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:52:24 GMT

The story now (16:50 EDT) has an editor's note(none / 0)

Editor's Note: Earlier Friday, posted an item purporting to
contain quotations from Kerry. The item was based on a reporter's
partial script that had been written in jest and should not have been
posted or broadcast. We regret the error, which occurred because of
fatigue and bad judgment, not malice.
Well, that certainly clears things up ...

by TCarter on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:54:12 GMT

LOL hysterical, but obvious explanation(none / 0)

um, for what it's worth, almost certainly what happened here is that
whoever was writing that got started on it before Kerry actually spoke,
so they inserted some fake quotes expecting to replace them with real
ones later when they actually found out what Kerry said. only they
forgot, or their editor didn't notice, or something. which goes to show
what bozos they are.

but just because it wasn't a deliberate release of fake quotes doesn't
mean it shouldn't be attacked full force...

by radish on Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:55:43 GMT

Fox News makes up story | 79 comments (79 topical, editorial, 0 hidden)

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Oct 1, 2004, 7:50:42 PM10/1/04
Jason Gooljar posted:

> Fox News makes up story
> by kos
> Fri Oct 1st, 2004 at 20:17:44 GMT
> Check out Josh Marshall, who is all over Fox News for running this
> completely fabricated story this morning:
> Rallying supporters in Tampa Friday, Kerry played up his performance in
> Thursday night's debate, in which many observers agreed the
> Massachusetts senator outperformed the president.
> "Didn't my nails and cuticles look great? What a good debate!" Kerry
> said Friday.

fox comes thru to balance the scales following the cbs debacle.,2933,134166,00.html



Oct 2, 2004, 1:28:20 AM10/2/04
What are you guys mad at? That Kerry is a metrosexual (which he is) or a
gigolo (which he is) or that he had a manicure?

"Jason Gooljar" <> wrote in message

Ben M. Walker

Oct 2, 2004, 5:44:53 AM10/2/04
0 new messages