Movie Screening

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Shawn Marier

Mar 11, 2009, 5:59:14 PM3/11/09
Hi NWSFS Members.

I was just contacted with an offer for our membership to go see a
special screening of the movie "ALIEN TRESPASS", with a Q&A following
the screening with Director/Producer R.W. Goodwin. For more
information on the movie check it out at

Here are the details on the screening:

Monday, March 16
7:00 PM
Science Fiction Museum
EMP | SFM at Seattle Center
325 5th Ave N
Seattle, WA 98109

We have 30 "will call" passes, I will need to submit a list of names
to them on Friday. So the first 30 requests I get by noon on Friday
(March 12th) will be added to the list. So send email to smarier (at)
gmail (dot) com no later than NOON on Friday giving me the number of
tickets you need and the name you will be picking the ticket up with.
This is a first come, first serve offer. If I get more than 30
request, I'll pass the additional names on, but no guarantees.

Shawn Marier

Mar 12, 2009, 5:25:38 PM3/12/09
to nwsfs-announcements
Just a reminder I need to hear from you by noon tomorrow (Friday March
13th) if you wish to attend this. Still plenty of seats available.


Shawn Marier

Mar 16, 2009, 1:51:30 PM3/16/09
to nwsfs-announcements
I have a couple more passes for tonight's showing, but I must notify
them by 3PM today. So if you wish to attend please send me mail ASAP.


On Mar 11, 2:59 pm, Shawn Marier <> wrote:
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