Is nunit.mocks.dll actively developed..?

조회수 106회
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Olof Bjarnason

읽지 않음,
2008. 10. 14. 오전 9:02:4908. 10. 14.
Reason for asking - this error message which could be more helpful:

Errors and Failures:
EXEC : 1) TearDown error : IGEMS.CAM2d.Tests.CommandSimulate.Story_CommandSimulate.Dialog1
   TearDown : System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException : Ett undantagsfel har inträffat i målet för en aktivering. (swedish for something like "An exception has occured in the target of the invocation")
  ----> NUnit.Framework.AssertionException :   Not all methods were called
  Expected: True
  But was:  False

Specifically this row: ---> NUnit.Framework.AssertionException :   Not all methods were called

1) What methods were called?
2) What methods were not called?

Charlie Poole

읽지 않음,
2008. 10. 14. 오후 1:07:1308. 10. 14.
Hi Olof,
I generally fix bugs but don't enhance it, since I want folks to look at the more
complete mock frameworks like Rhino or NMock once they get the basic idea.
What you're pointing out is sort of in between - a minor feature if you like.
Would you care to look at the code and figure out how we could create
such a message? The list of things to be called is there of course, so it
should be easy enough to do.

From: [] On Behalf Of Olof Bjarnason
Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 2008 6:03 AM
Subject: [nunitv3] Is nunit.mocks.dll actively developed..?

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