[BUG] LazyInitializer.ReadOnly without lazyInitializer.IsReadOnlySettingAvailable in TwoPhaseLoad.cs

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May 5, 2011, 12:38:21 PM5/5/11
to nhusers
Hello everybody,
i think this bug allready exists in NHibernate:

I have transform the patch to nhibernate (C#).
In my opinion this patch will fix the problem in nhibernate, too.

Code: NHibernate.Engine.TwoPhaseLoad [LINE: ~129] (Version 3.1.0GA)

object proxy = persistenceContext.GetProxy(entityEntry.EntityKey);
if (proxy != null)
var lazyInitializer = ((INHibernateProxy)
if (lazyInitializer.IsReadOnlySettingAvailable){
// there is already a proxy for this impl
// only set the status to read-only if the proxy is read-only
isReallyReadOnly = lazyInitializer.ReadOnly;


greets pcon!

Fabio Maulo

May 5, 2011, 2:22:42 PM5/5/11
to nhu...@googlegroups.com
And what about a failing test with a JIRA ticket ?

Fabio Maulo

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May 5, 2011, 4:18:00 PM5/5/11
to nhusers
I think JIRA is offline... http://jira.nhforge.org/

On 5 Mai, 16:22, Fabio Maulo <fabioma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> And what about a failing test with a JIRA ticket ?
> --
> Fabio Maulo

Mohamed Meligy

May 6, 2011, 2:08:20 AM5/6/11
to nhu...@googlegroups.com
Yeah, I think there were quite few times when JIRA domain was down. I think sometime in the past the Jira link in nhforge.org itself pointed to the Jira IP.

I looked it up from some previous group message, you can access NH Jira at


Mohamed Meligy
Readify | Senior Developer

M:+61 451 835006 | W: readify.net

Description: Description: Description: Description: rss_16  Description: Description: Description: Description: cid:image003.png@01CAF81D.6A076510  Description: Description: Description: Description: cid:image005.png@01CAF81D.6A076510

Fabio Maulo

May 6, 2011, 2:12:19 PM5/6/11
to nhu...@googlegroups.com
well... I said "what about a failing test with a JIRA ticket ?"
instead I found an image :((
Fabio Maulo

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