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2005-08-22 - Summary of staff meeting

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Gervase Markham

Sep 1, 2005, 5:47:58 AM9/1/05
2005-08-22 - Summary of staff meeting

Present: bienvenu, asa, john lilly, vlad, cbeard, jay, raphael, pavlov,
myk, blake, alex, josh, chase, mscott, brendan, schrep, karen, marcia,
and a number of people on the phone whose names were not recorded.

*Firefox 1.5*

- 120 blocking bugs left
- asking drivers to allow checkins that have made it to the blocker list
- scheduling the beta soon

*Thunderbird 1.5*

- 11 bugs left, should be okay for the Thursday cutoff

*New Newsgroups*

- Signed the Giganews agreement for the newsgroups
- gerv had put together the list of newsgroups, need someone to be
liasion with Giganews
- Service is a donation from them to the Mozilla Foundation; they will
get appropriate credit


- We now have a _registered_ trademark for Firefox


- DevMo got moved to its permanent location
- Mike Beltzner worked on the UI
- Skins are ready and up for testing in a day or so
- Second weblog set up - use to link external resources

*Software Update*

- Should now be able to get Firefox or Thunderbird updates branch-branch
and trunk-trunk
- Please test out and let chase know if there are issues.
- Still have to land a channel patch before we begin widespread
community testing


Robert Kaiser

Sep 1, 2005, 1:29:23 PM9/1/05
> *New Newsgroups*
> - Signed the Giganews agreement for the newsgroups
> - gerv had put together the list of newsgroups, need someone to be
> liasion with Giganews
> - Service is a donation from them to the Mozilla Foundation; they will
> get appropriate credit

Sounds good! Any estimate when the new server should be up and running?

> *Trademarks*
> - We now have a _registered_ trademark for Firefox


Robert Kaiser


Sep 5, 2005, 12:56:29 AM9/5/05
Robert Kaiser wrote:
> > *New Newsgroups*
> >
> > - Signed the Giganews agreement for the newsgroups
> > - gerv had put together the list of newsgroups, need someone to be
> > liasion with Giganews
> > - Service is a donation from them to the Mozilla Foundation; they will
> > get appropriate credit
> Sounds good! Any estimate when the new server should be up and running?

For more details see

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