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Hack 1.0.2 - part 1 of 10

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Andries Brouwer

Apr 2, 1985, 3:31:25 AM4/2/85

# This is a shell archive. Remove anything before this line, then
# unpack it by saving it in a file and typing "sh file". (Files
# unpacked will be owned by you and have default permissions.)
# This archive contains:
# config.h date.h def.edog.h def.eshk.h def.flag.h def.func_tab.h
# def.gen.h def.mkroom.h def.monst.h def.obj.h def.objclass.h
# def.objects.h def.permonst.h def.rm.h def.trap.h def.wseg.h
# hack.h hack.mfndpos.h hack.onames.h data

echo x - config.h
cat > "config.h" << '//E*O*F config.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* config.h - version 1.0.2 */

#ifndef CONFIG /* make sure the compiler doesnt see the typedefs twice */

#define CONFIG
#define UNIX /* delete if no fork(), exec() available */
#define CHDIR /* delete if no chdir() available */

* Some include files are in a different place under SYSV
* <strings.h> <string.h>
* <sys/wait.h> <wait.h>
* <sys/time.h> <time.h>
* <sgtty.h> <termio.h>
* Some routines are called differently
* index strchr
* rindex strrchr
* Also, the code for suspend and various ioctls is only given for BSD4.2
* (I do not have access to a SYSV system.)
#define BSD /* delete this line on System V */

/* #define STUPID */ /* avoid some complicated expressions if
your C compiler chokes on them */

#define WIZARD "aeb" /* the person allowed to use the -D option */
#define RECORD "record"/* the file containing the list of topscorers */
#define NEWS "news" /* the file containing the latest hack news */
#define HELP "help" /* the file containing a description of the commands */
#define SHELP "hh" /* abbreviated form of the same */
#define FMASK 0660 /* file creation mask */

#ifdef UNIX
* Define DEF_PAGER as your default pager, e.g. "/bin/cat" or "/usr/ucb/more"
* If defined, it can be overridden by the environment variable PAGER.
* Hack will use its internal pager if DEF_PAGER is not defined.
* (This might be preferable for security reasons.)
* #define DEF_PAGER ".../mydir/mypager"

* If you define MAIL, then the player will be notified of new mail
* when it arrives. If you also define DEF_MAILREADER then this will
* be the default mail reader, and can be overridden by the environment
* variable MAILREADER; otherwise an internal pager will be used.
* A stat system call is done on the mailbox every MAILCKFREQ moves.
#define MAIL
#define DEF_MAILREADER "/usr/ucb/mail" /* or e.g. /bin/mail */
#define MAILCKFREQ 1

#define SHELL /* do not delete the '!' command */

#ifdef BSD
#define SUSPEND /* let ^Z suspend the game */
#endif BSD
#endif UNIX

#ifdef CHDIR
* If you define HACKDIR, then this will be the default playground;
* otherwise it will be the current directory.
#define HACKDIR "/usr/games/lib/hackdir"

* Some system administrators are stupid enough to make Hack suid root
* or suid daemon, where daemon has other powers besides that of reading or
* writing Hack files. In such cases one should be careful with chdir's
* since the user might create files in a directory of his choice.
* Of course SECURE is meaningful only if HACKDIR is defined.
#define SECURE /* do setuid(getuid()) after chdir() */

* If it is desirable to limit the number of people that can play Hack
* simultaneously, define HACKDIR, SECURE and MAX_NR_OF_PLAYERS.
* #define MAX_NR_OF_PLAYERS 6
#endif CHDIR

/* size of terminal screen is (at least) (ROWNO+2) by COLNO */
#define COLNO 80
#define ROWNO 22

* small signed integers (8 bits suffice)
* typedef char schar;
* will do when you have signed characters; otherwise use
* typedef short int schar;
typedef char schar;

* small unsigned integers (8 bits suffice - but 7 bits do not)
* - these are usually object types; be careful with inequalities! -
* typedef unsigned char uchar;
* will be satisfactory if you have an "unsigned char" type; otherwise use
* typedef unsigned short int uchar;
typedef unsigned char uchar;

* small integers in the range 0 - 127, usually coordinates
* although they are nonnegative they must not be declared unsigned
* since otherwise comparisons with signed quantities are done incorrectly
typedef schar xchar;
typedef xchar boolean; /* 0 or 1 */
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

* Declaration of bitfields in various structs; if your C compiler
* doesnt handle bitfields well, e.g., if it is unable to initialize
* structs containing bitfields, then you might use
* #define Bitfield(x,n) uchar x
* since the bitfields used never have more than 7 bits. (Most have 1 bit.)
#define Bitfield(x,n) unsigned x:n

#define SIZE(x) (int)(sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))

#endif CONFIG
//E*O*F config.h//

echo x - date.h
cat > "date.h" << '//E*O*F date.h//'

char datestring[] = "Mon Apr 1 1985";
//E*O*F date.h//

echo x - def.edog.h
cat > "def.edog.h" << '//E*O*F def.edog.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.edog.h - version 1.0.2 */

struct edog {
long hungrytime; /* at this time dog gets hungry */
long eattime; /* dog is eating */
long droptime; /* moment dog dropped object */
unsigned dropdist; /* dist of drpped obj from @ */
unsigned apport; /* amount of training */
long whistletime; /* last time he whistled */
#define EDOG(mp) ((struct edog *)(&(mp->mextra[0])))
//E*O*F def.edog.h//

echo x - def.eshk.h
cat > "def.eshk.h" << '//E*O*F def.eshk.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.eshk.h - version 1.0.2 : added 'following' */

#define BILLSZ 200
struct bill_x {
unsigned bo_id;
unsigned useup:1;
unsigned bquan:7;
unsigned price; /* price per unit */

struct eshk {
long int robbed; /* amount stolen by most recent customer */
boolean following; /* following customer since he owes us sth */
schar shoproom; /* index in rooms; set by inshop() */
coord shk; /* usual position shopkeeper */
coord shd; /* position shop door */
int shoplevel; /* level of his shop */
int billct;
struct bill_x bill[BILLSZ];
int visitct; /* nr of visits by most recent customer */
char customer[PL_NSIZ]; /* most recent customer */
char shknam[PL_NSIZ];
//E*O*F def.eshk.h//

echo x - def.flag.h
cat > "def.flag.h" << '//E*O*F def.flag.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.flag.h - version 1.0.2 */

struct flag {
unsigned ident; /* social security number for each monster */
unsigned toplin:2; /* a top line (message) has been printed */
/* 0: top line empty; 2: no --More-- reqd. */
unsigned cbreak:1; /* in cbreak mode, rogue format */
unsigned standout:1; /* use standout for --More-- */
unsigned nonull:1; /* avoid sending nulls to the terminal */
unsigned time:1; /* display elapsed 'time' */
unsigned nonews:1; /* suppress news printing */
unsigned notombstone:1;
unsigned end_top, end_around; /* describe desired score list */
unsigned end_own:1; /* idem (list all own scores) */
unsigned no_rest_on_space:1; /* spaces are ignored */
unsigned beginner:1;
unsigned move:1;
unsigned mv:1;
unsigned run:3; /* 0: h (etc), 1: H (etc), 2: fh (etc) */
/* 3: FH, 4: ff+, 5: ff-, 6: FF+, 7: FF- */
unsigned nopick:1; /* do not pickup objects */
unsigned echo:1; /* 1 to echo characters */
unsigned botl:1; /* partially redo status line */
unsigned botlx:1; /* print an entirely new bottom line */
unsigned nscrinh:1; /* inhibit nscr() in pline(); */
unsigned made_amulet:1;
unsigned no_of_wizards:2;/* 0, 1 or 2 (wizard and his shadow) */
/* reset from 2 to 1, but never to 0 */
unsigned moonphase:3;
#define NEW_MOON 0
#define FULL_MOON 4


extern struct flag flags;

//E*O*F def.flag.h//

echo x - def.func_tab.h
cat > "def.func_tab.h" << '//E*O*F def.func_tab.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.func_tab.h - version 1.0.2 */

struct func_tab {
char f_char;
int (*f_funct)();

extern struct func_tab cmdlist[];

struct ext_func_tab {
char *ef_txt;
int (*ef_funct)();

extern struct ext_func_tab extcmdlist[];
//E*O*F def.func_tab.h//

echo x - def.gen.h
cat > "def.gen.h" << '//E*O*F def.gen.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.gen.h version 1.0.1: added ONCE flag */

struct gen {
struct gen *ngen;
xchar gx,gy;
unsigned gflag; /* 037: trap type; 040: SEEN flag */
/* 0100: ONCE only */
#define TRAPTYPE 037
#define SEEN 040
#define ONCE 0100
extern struct gen *fgold, *ftrap;
struct gen *g_at();
#define newgen() (struct gen *) alloc(sizeof(struct gen))
//E*O*F def.gen.h//

echo x -
cat > "" << '//E*O*F'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* - version 1.0.2 */

struct gold {
struct gold *ngold;
xchar gx,gy;
long amount;

extern struct gold *fgold;
struct gold *g_at();
#define newgold() (struct gold *) alloc(sizeof(struct gold))

echo x - def.mkroom.h
cat > "def.mkroom.h" << '//E*O*F def.mkroom.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.mkroom.h - version 1.0.2 */

struct mkroom {
xchar lx,hx,ly,hy;
schar rtype,rlit,doorct,fdoor;

extern struct mkroom rooms[MAXNROFROOMS+1];

#define DOORMAX 100
extern coord doors[DOORMAX];

/* values values of rtype */
/* 0: ordinary room; 8-15: various shops */
/* Note: some code assumes that >= 8 means shop, so be careful when adding
new roomtypes */
#define SWAMP 3
#define VAULT 4
#define BEEHIVE 5
#define MORGUE 6
#define ZOO 7
#define SHOPBASE 8
#define WANDSHOP 9
#define GENERAL 15
//E*O*F def.mkroom.h//

echo x - def.monst.h
cat > "def.monst.h" << '//E*O*F def.monst.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.monst.h - version 1.0.2 */

struct monst {
struct monst *nmon;
struct permonst *data;
unsigned m_id;
xchar mx,my;
xchar mdx,mdy; /* if mdispl then pos where last displayed */
#define MTSZ 4
coord mtrack[MTSZ]; /* monster track */
schar mhp,mhpmax;
char mappearance; /* nonzero for undetected 'M's and for '1's */
Bitfield(mimic,1); /* undetected mimic */
Bitfield(mdispl,1); /* mdx,mdy valid */
Bitfield(minvis,1); /* invisible */
Bitfield(cham,1); /* shape-changer */
Bitfield(mhide,1); /* hides beneath objects */
Bitfield(mundetected,1); /* not seen in present hiding place */
Bitfield(mflee,1); /* fleeing */
Bitfield(mfleetim,7); /* timeout for mflee */
Bitfield(mcan,1); /* has been cancelled */
Bitfield(mtame,1); /* implies peaceful */
Bitfield(mpeaceful,1); /* does not attack unprovoked */
Bitfield(isshk,1); /* is shopkeeper */
Bitfield(isgd,1); /* is guard */
Bitfield(mcansee,1); /* cansee 1, temp.blinded 0, blind 0 */
Bitfield(mblinded,7); /* cansee 0, temp.blinded n, blind 0 */
Bitfield(mtrapped,1); /* trapped in a pit or bear trap */
Bitfield(mnamelth,6); /* length of name (following mxlth) */
#ifndef NOWORM
Bitfield(wormno,5); /* at most 31 worms on any level */
#endif NOWORM
unsigned mtrapseen; /* bitmap of traps we've been trapped in */
long mlstmv; /* prevent two moves at once */
struct obj *minvent;
long mgold;
unsigned mxlth; /* length of following data */
/* in order to prevent alignment problems mextra should
be (or follow) a long int */
long mextra[1]; /* monster dependent info */

#define newmonst(xl) (struct monst *) alloc((unsigned)(xl) + sizeof(struct monst))

extern struct monst *fmon;
extern struct monst *fallen_down;
struct monst *m_at();

/* these are in mspeed */
#define MSLOW 1 /* slow monster */
#define MFAST 2 /* speeded monster */

#define NAME(mtmp) (((char *) mtmp->mextra) + mtmp->mxlth)
#define MREGEN "TVi1"
#define UNDEAD "ZVW "
//E*O*F def.monst.h//

echo x - def.obj.h
cat > "def.obj.h" << '//E*O*F def.obj.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.obj.h - version 1.0.2 */

struct obj {
struct obj *nobj;
unsigned o_id;
unsigned o_cnt_id; /* id of container object is in */
xchar ox,oy;
xchar odx,ody;
uchar otyp;
uchar owt;
uchar quan; /* use oextra for tmp gold objects */
schar spe; /* quality of weapon, armor or ring (+ or -)
number of charges for wand ( >= -1 )
special for uball and amulet %% BAH */
char olet;
Bitfield(oinvis,1); /* not yet implemented */
Bitfield(known,1); /* exact nature known */
Bitfield(dknown,1); /* color or text known */
Bitfield(unpaid,1); /* on some bill */
long age; /* creation date */
long owornmask;
#define W_ARM 01L
#define W_ARM2 02L
#define W_ARMH 04L
#define W_ARMS 010L
#define W_ARMG 020L
#define W_ARMOR (W_ARM | W_ARM2 | W_ARMH | W_ARMS | W_ARMG)
#define W_RINGL 010000L /* make W_RINGL = RING_LEFT (see uprop) */
#define W_RINGR 020000L
#define W_RING (W_RINGL | W_RINGR)
#define W_WEP 01000L
#define W_BALL 02000L
#define W_CHAIN 04000L
long oextra[1]; /* used for name of ordinary objects - length
is flexible; amount for tmp gold objects */

extern struct obj *fobj;

#define newobj(xl) (struct obj *) alloc((unsigned)(xl) + sizeof(struct obj))
#define ONAME(otmp) ((char *) otmp->oextra)
#define OGOLD(otmp) (otmp->oextra[0])
//E*O*F def.obj.h//

echo x - def.objclass.h
cat > "def.objclass.h" << '//E*O*F def.objclass.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.objclass.h - version 1.0.2 */

/* definition of a class of objects */

struct objclass {
char *oc_name; /* actual name */
char *oc_descr; /* description when name unknown */
char *oc_uname; /* called by user */
Bitfield(oc_merge,1); /* merge otherwise equal objects */
char oc_olet;
schar oc_prob; /* probability for mkobj() */
schar oc_delay; /* delay when using such an object */
uchar oc_weight;
schar oc_oc1, oc_oc2;
int oc_oi;
#define nutrition oc_oi /* for foods */
#define a_ac oc_oc1 /* for armors */
#define a_can oc_oc2 /* for armors */
#define bits oc_oc1 /* for wands and rings */
/* wands */
#define NODIR 1
#define IMMEDIATE 2
#define RAY 4
/* rings */
#define SPEC 1 /* +n is meaningful */
#define wldam oc_oc1 /* for weapons and PICK_AXE */
#define wsdam oc_oc2 /* for weapons and PICK_AXE */
#define g_val oc_oi /* for gems: value on exit */

extern struct objclass objects[];

/* definitions of all object-symbols */

#define ILLOBJ_SYM '\\'
#define AMULET_SYM '"'
#define FOOD_SYM '%'
#define WEAPON_SYM ')'
#define TOOL_SYM '('
#define BALL_SYM '0'
#define CHAIN_SYM '_'
#define ROCK_SYM '`'
#define ARMOR_SYM '['
#define POTION_SYM '!'
#define SCROLL_SYM '?'
#define WAND_SYM '/'
#define RING_SYM '='
#define GEM_SYM '*'
/* Other places with explicit knowledge of object symbols:
* ....shk.c: char shtypes[] = "=/)%?![";
* mklev.c: "=/)%?![<>"
* hack.mkobj.c: char mkobjstr[] = "))[[!!!!????%%%%/=**";
* hack.apply.c: otmp = getobj("0#%", "put in");
* otmp = getobj("%", "eat");
* hack.invent.c: if(index("!%?[)=*(0/\"", sym)){
* hack.invent.c: || index("%?!*",otmp->olet))){
//E*O*F def.objclass.h//

echo x - def.objects.h
cat > "def.objects.h" << '//E*O*F def.objects.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.objects.h - version 1.0.2 */

/* objects have letter " % ) ( 0 _ [ ! ? / = * */
#include "config.h"
#include "def.objclass.h"
#define NULL (char *)0

struct objclass objects[] = {

{ "strange object", NULL, NULL, 1, 0,
ILLOBJ_SYM, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "amulet of Yendor", NULL, NULL, 1, 0,
AMULET_SYM, 100, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0 },

#define FOOD(name,prob,delay,weight,nutrition) { name, NULL, NULL, 1, 1,\
FOOD_SYM, prob, delay, weight, 0, 0, nutrition }

/* dog eats foods 0-4 but prefers 1 above 0,2,3,4 */
/* food 4 can be read */
/* food 5 improves your vision */
/* food 6 makes you stronger (like Popeye) */
/* foods CORPSE up to CORPSE+52 are cadavers */

FOOD("food ration", 50, 5, 4, 800),
FOOD("tripe ration", 20, 1, 2, 200),
FOOD("pancake", 3, 1, 1, 200),
FOOD("dead lizard", 3, 0, 1, 40),
FOOD("fortune cookie", 7, 0, 1, 40),
FOOD("carrot", 2, 0, 1, 50),
FOOD("tin", 7, 0, 1, 0),
FOOD("orange", 1, 0, 1, 80),
FOOD("apple", 1, 0, 1, 50),
FOOD("pear", 1, 0, 1, 50),
FOOD("melon", 1, 0, 1, 100),
FOOD("banana", 1, 0, 1, 80),
FOOD("candy bar", 1, 0, 1, 100),
FOOD("egg", 1, 0, 1, 80),
FOOD("clove of garlic", 1, 0, 1, 40),
FOOD("lump of royal jelly", 0, 0, 1, 200),

FOOD("dead human", 0, 4, 40, 400),
FOOD("dead giant ant", 0, 1, 3, 30),
FOOD("dead giant bat", 0, 1, 3, 30),
FOOD("dead centaur", 0, 5, 50, 500),
FOOD("dead dragon", 0, 15, 150, 1500),
FOOD("dead floating eye", 0, 1, 1, 10),
FOOD("dead freezing sphere", 0, 1, 1, 10),
FOOD("dead gnome", 0, 1, 10, 100),
FOOD("dead hobgoblin", 0, 2, 20, 200),
FOOD("dead stalker", 0, 4, 40, 400),
FOOD("dead jackal", 0, 1, 10, 100),
FOOD("dead kobold", 0, 1, 10, 100),
FOOD("dead leprechaun", 0, 4, 40, 400),
FOOD("dead mimic", 0, 4, 40, 400),
FOOD("dead nymph", 0, 4, 40, 400),
FOOD("dead orc", 0, 2, 20, 200),
FOOD("dead purple worm", 0, 7, 70, 700),
FOOD("dead quasit", 0, 2, 20, 200),
FOOD("dead rust monster", 0, 5, 50, 500),
FOOD("dead snake", 0, 1, 10, 100),
FOOD("dead troll", 0, 4, 40, 400),
FOOD("dead umber hulk", 0, 5, 50, 500),
FOOD("dead vampire", 0, 4, 40, 400),
FOOD("dead wraith", 0, 1, 1, 10),
FOOD("dead xorn", 0, 7, 70, 700),
FOOD("dead yeti", 0, 7, 70, 700),
FOOD("dead zombie", 0, 1, 3, 30),
FOOD("dead acid blob", 0, 1, 3, 30),
FOOD("dead giant beetle", 0, 1, 1, 10),
FOOD("dead cockatrice", 0, 1, 3, 30),
FOOD("dead dog", 0, 2, 20, 200),
FOOD("dead ettin", 0, 1, 3, 30),
FOOD("dead fog cloud", 0, 1, 1, 10),
FOOD("dead gelatinous cube", 0, 1, 10, 100),
FOOD("dead homunculus", 0, 2, 20, 200),
FOOD("dead imp", 0, 1, 1, 10),
FOOD("dead jaguar", 0, 3, 30, 300),
FOOD("dead killer bee", 0, 1, 1, 10),
FOOD("dead leocrotta", 0, 5, 50, 500),
FOOD("dead minotaur", 0, 7, 70, 700),
FOOD("dead nurse", 0, 4, 40, 400),
FOOD("dead owlbear", 0, 7, 70, 700),
FOOD("dead piercer", 0, 2, 20, 200),
FOOD("dead quivering blob", 0, 1, 10, 100),
FOOD("dead giant rat", 0, 1, 3, 30),
FOOD("dead giant scorpion", 0, 1, 10, 100),
FOOD("dead tengu", 0, 3, 30, 300),
FOOD("dead unicorn", 0, 3, 30, 300),
FOOD("dead violet fungi", 0, 1, 10, 100),
FOOD("dead long worm", 0, 5, 50, 500),
/* %% wt of long worm should be proportional to its length */
FOOD("dead xan", 0, 3, 30, 300),
FOOD("dead yellow light", 0, 1, 1, 10),
FOOD("dead zruty", 0, 6, 60, 600),

/* weapons ... - ROCK come several at a time */
/* weapons ... - (ROCK-1) are shot using idem+(BOW-ARROW) */
/* weapons AXE, SWORD, THSWORD are good for worm-cutting */
/* weapons (PICK-)AXE, DAGGER, CRYSKNIFE are good for tin-opening */
#define WEAPON(name,prob,wt,ldam,sdam) { name, NULL, NULL, 1, 0 /*%%*/,\
WEAPON_SYM, prob, 0, wt, ldam, sdam, 0 }

WEAPON("arrow", 7, 0, 6, 6),
WEAPON("sling bullet", 7, 0, 4, 6),
WEAPON("crossbow bolt", 7, 0, 4, 6),
WEAPON("dart", 7, 0, 3, 2),
WEAPON("rock", 6, 1, 3, 3),
WEAPON("boomerang", 2, 3, 9, 9),
WEAPON("mace", 9, 3, 6, 7),
WEAPON("axe", 6, 3, 6, 4),
WEAPON("flail", 6, 3, 6, 5),
WEAPON("long sword", 8, 3, 8, 12),
WEAPON("two handed sword", 6, 4, 12, 6),
WEAPON("dagger", 6, 3, 4, 3),
WEAPON("worm tooth", 0, 4, 2, 2),
WEAPON("crysknife", 0, 3, 10, 10),
WEAPON("spear", 6, 3, 6, 8),
WEAPON("bow", 6, 3, 4, 6),
WEAPON("sling", 5, 3, 6, 6),
WEAPON("crossbow", 6, 3, 4, 6),

{ "whistle", "whistle", NULL, 0, 0,
TOOL_SYM, 90, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "magic whistle", "whistle", NULL, 0, 0,
TOOL_SYM, 10, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "expensive camera", NULL, NULL, 1, 1,
TOOL_SYM, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "ice box", "large box", NULL, 0, 0,
TOOL_SYM, 0, 0, 40, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "pick-axe", NULL, NULL, 1, 1,
TOOL_SYM, 0, 0, 5, 6, 3, 0 },
{ "can opener", NULL, NULL, 1, 1,
TOOL_SYM, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "heavy iron ball", NULL, NULL, 1, 0,
BALL_SYM, 100, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "iron chain", NULL, NULL, 1, 0,
CHAIN_SYM, 100, 0, 20, 0, 0, 0 },
{ "enormous rock", NULL, NULL, 1, 0,
ROCK_SYM, 100, 0, 200 /* > MAX_CARR_CAP */, 0, 0, 0 },

#define ARMOR(name,prob,delay,ac,can) { name, NULL, NULL, 1, 0,\
ARMOR_SYM, prob, delay, 8, ac, can, 0 }
ARMOR("helmet", 3, 1, 9, 0),
ARMOR("plate mail", 5, 5, 3, 2),
ARMOR("splint mail", 8, 5, 4, 1),
ARMOR("banded mail", 10, 5, 4, 0),
ARMOR("chain mail", 10, 5, 5, 1),
ARMOR("scale mail", 10, 5, 6, 0),
ARMOR("ring mail", 15, 5, 7, 0),
/* the armors below do not rust */
ARMOR("studded leather armor", 13, 3, 7, 1),
ARMOR("leather armor", 17, 3, 8, 0),
ARMOR("elven cloak", 5, 0, 9, 3),
ARMOR("shield", 3, 0, 9, 0),
ARMOR("pair of gloves", 1, 1, 9, 0),

#define POTION(name,color) { name, color, NULL, 0, 1,\
POTION_SYM, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0 }

POTION("restore strength", "orange"),
POTION("booze", "bubbly"),
POTION("invisibility", "glowing"),
POTION("fruit juice", "smoky"),
POTION("healing", "pink"),
POTION("paralysis", "puce"),
POTION("monster detection", "purple"),
POTION("object detection", "yellow"),
POTION("sickness", "white"),
POTION("confusion", "swirly"),
POTION("gain strength", "purple-red"),
POTION("speed", "ruby"),
POTION("blindness", "dark green"),
POTION("gain level", "emerald"),
POTION("extra healing", "sky blue"),
POTION("levitation", "brown"),
POTION(NULL, "brilliant blue"),
POTION(NULL, "clear"),
POTION(NULL, "magenta"),
POTION(NULL, "ebony"),

#define SCROLL(name,text,prob) { name, text, NULL, 0, 1,\
SCROLL_SYM, prob, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0 }
#ifdef MAIL
SCROLL("mail", "KIRJE", 0),
#endif MAIL
SCROLL("enchant armor", "ZELGO MER", 6),
SCROLL("destroy armor", "JUYED AWK YACC", 5),
SCROLL("confuse monster", "NR 9", 5),
SCROLL("scare monster", "XIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXA", 4),
SCROLL("blank paper", "READ ME", 3),
SCROLL("remove curse", "PRATYAVAYAH", 6),
SCROLL("enchant weapon", "DAIYEN FOOELS", 6),
SCROLL("damage weapon", "HACKEM MUCHE", 5),
SCROLL("create monster", "LEP GEX VEN ZEA", 5),
SCROLL("taming", "PRIRUTSENIE", 1),
SCROLL("genocide", "ELBIB YLOH",2),
SCROLL("light", "VERR YED HORRE", 10),
SCROLL("teleportation", "VENZAR BORGAVVE", 5),
SCROLL("gold detection", "THARR", 4),
SCROLL("food detection", "YUM YUM", 1),
SCROLL("identify", "KERNOD WEL", 18),
SCROLL("magic mapping", "ELAM EBOW", 5),
SCROLL("amnesia", "DUAM XNAHT", 3),
SCROLL("punishment", "VE FORBRYDERNE", 1),

#define WAND(name,metal,prob,flags) { name, metal, NULL, 0, 0,\
WAND_SYM, prob, 0, 3, flags, 0, 0 }

WAND("light", "iridium", 10, NODIR),
WAND("secret door detection", "tin", 5, NODIR),
WAND("create monster", "platinum", 5, NODIR),
WAND("wishing", "glass", 1, NODIR),
WAND("striking", "zinc", 9, IMMEDIATE),
WAND("slow monster", "balsa", 5, IMMEDIATE),
WAND("speed monster", "copper", 5, IMMEDIATE),
WAND("undead turning", "silver", 5, IMMEDIATE),
WAND("polymorph", "brass", 5, IMMEDIATE),
WAND("cancellation", "maple", 5, IMMEDIATE),
WAND("teleportation", "pine", 5, IMMEDIATE),
WAND("make invisible", "marble", 9, IMMEDIATE),
WAND("digging", "iron", 5, RAY),
WAND("magic missile", "aluminium", 10, RAY),
WAND("fire", "steel", 5, RAY),
WAND("sleep", "curved", 5, RAY),
WAND("cold", "short", 5, RAY),
WAND("death", "long", 1, RAY),
WAND(NULL, "oak", 0, 0),
WAND(NULL, "ebony", 0, 0),
WAND(NULL, "runed", 0, 0),

#define RING(name,stone,spec) { name, stone, NULL, 0, 0,\
RING_SYM, 0, 0, 1, spec, 0, 0 }

RING("adornment", "engagement", 0),
RING("teleportation", "wooden", 0),
RING("regeneration", "black onyx", 0),
RING("searching", "topaz", 0),
RING("see invisible", "pearl", 0),
RING("stealth", "sapphire", 0),
RING("levitation", "moonstone", 0),
RING("poison resistance", "agate", 0),
RING("aggravate monster", "tiger eye", 0),
RING("hunger", "shining", 0),
RING("fire resistance", "gold", 0),
RING("cold resistance", "copper", 0),
RING("protection from shape changers", "diamond", 0),
RING("conflict", "jade", 0),
RING("gain strength", "ruby", SPEC),
RING("increase damage", "silver", SPEC),
RING("protection", "granite", SPEC),
RING("warning", "wire", 0),
RING("teleport control", "iron", 0),
RING(NULL, "ivory", 0),
RING(NULL, "blackened", 0),

/* gems ************************************************************/
#define GEM(name,color,prob,gval) { name, color, NULL, 0, 1,\
GEM_SYM, prob, 0, 1, 0, 0, gval }
GEM("diamond", "blue", 1, 4000),
GEM("ruby", "red", 1, 3500),
GEM("sapphire", "blue", 1, 3000),
GEM("emerald", "green", 1, 2500),
GEM("turquoise", "green", 1, 2000),
GEM("aquamarine", "blue", 1, 1500),
GEM("tourmaline", "green", 1, 1000),
GEM("topaz", "yellow", 1, 900),
GEM("opal", "yellow", 1, 800),
GEM("garnet", "dark", 1, 700),
GEM("amethyst", "violet", 2, 650),
GEM("agate", "green", 2, 600),
GEM("onyx", "white", 2, 550),
GEM("jasper", "yellowish brown", 2, 500),
GEM("jade", "green", 2, 450),
GEM("worthless piece of blue glass", "blue", 20, 0),
GEM("worthless piece of red glass", "red", 20, 0),
GEM("worthless piece of yellow glass", "yellow", 20, 0),
GEM("worthless piece of green glass", "green", 20, 0),
{ NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, ILLOBJ_SYM, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }

char obj_symbols[] = {
int bases[sizeof(obj_symbols)];
//E*O*F def.objects.h//

echo x - def.permonst.h
cat > "def.permonst.h" << '//E*O*F def.permonst.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.permonst.h - version 1.0.2 */

struct permonst {
char *mname,mlet;
schar mlevel,mmove,ac,damn,damd;
unsigned pxlth;

extern struct permonst mons[];
#define PM_ACID_BLOB &mons[7]
#define PM_ZOMBIE &mons[13]
#define PM_PIERCER &mons[17]
#define PM_KILLER_BEE &mons[26]
#define PM_WRAITH &mons[33]
#define PM_MIMIC &mons[37]
#define PM_VAMPIRE &mons[43]
#define PM_CHAMELEON &mons[47]
#define PM_DEMON &mons[54]
#define PM_MINOTAUR &mons[55] /* last in mons array */
#define PM_SHK &mons[56] /* very last */
#define PM_GHOST &pm_ghost
#define PM_EEL &pm_eel
#define PM_WIZARD &pm_wizard
#define CMNUM 55 /* number of common monsters */
//E*O*F def.permonst.h//

echo x - def.rm.h
cat > "def.rm.h" << '//E*O*F def.rm.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.rm.h - version 1.0.2 */

/* Level location types */
#define HWALL 1
#define VWALL 2
#define SDOOR 3
#define SCORR 4
#define LDOOR 5
#define POOL 6 /* not yet fully implemented */
/* this should in fact be a bit like lit */
#define DOOR 7
#define CORR 8
#define ROOM 9
#define STAIRS 10

* Avoid using the level types in inequalities:
* these types are subject to change.
* Instead, use one of the macros below.
#define IS_WALL(typ) ((typ) <= VWALL)
#define IS_ROCK(typ) ((typ) < POOL) /* absolutely nonaccessible */
#define ACCESSIBLE(typ) ((typ) >= DOOR) /* good position */
#define IS_ROOM(typ) ((typ) >= ROOM) /* ROOM or STAIRS */
#define ZAP_POS(typ) ((typ) > DOOR)

* A few of the associated symbols are not hardwired.
#ifdef QUEST
#define CORR_SYM ':'
#define CORR_SYM '#'
#endif QUEST
#define POOL_SYM '}'

#define ERRCHAR '{'

* The structure describing a coordinate position.
* Before adding fields, remember that this will significantly affect
* the size of temporary files and save files.
struct rm {
char scrsym;
unsigned typ:5;
unsigned new:1;
unsigned seen:1;
unsigned lit:1;
extern struct rm levl[COLNO][ROWNO];
//E*O*F def.rm.h//

echo x - def.trap.h
cat > "def.trap.h" << '//E*O*F def.trap.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.trap.h - version 1.0.2 */

struct trap {
struct trap *ntrap;
xchar tx,ty;
unsigned ttyp:5;
unsigned tseen:1;
unsigned once:1;

extern struct trap *ftrap;
struct trap *t_at();
#define newtrap() (struct trap *) alloc(sizeof(struct trap))

/* various kinds of traps */
#define BEAR_TRAP 0
#define ARROW_TRAP 1
#define DART_TRAP 2
#define TRAPDOOR 3
#define TELEP_TRAP 4
#define PIT 5
#define SLP_GAS_TRAP 6
#define PIERC 7
#define MIMIC 8 /* used only in mklev.c */
#define TRAPNUM 9 /* if not less than 32, change sizeof(ttyp) */
/* see also mtrapseen (bit map) */
//E*O*F def.trap.h//

echo x - def.wseg.h
cat > "def.wseg.h" << '//E*O*F def.wseg.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* def.wseg.h - version 1.0.2 */

#ifndef NOWORM
/* worm structure */
struct wseg {
struct wseg *nseg;
xchar wx,wy;
unsigned wdispl:1;

#define newseg() (struct wseg *) alloc(sizeof(struct wseg))
#endif NOWORM
//E*O*F def.wseg.h//

echo x - hack.h
cat > "hack.h" << '//E*O*F hack.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* hack.h - version 1.0.2 */

#include "config.h"

#ifdef BSD
#include <strings.h> /* declarations for strcat etc. */
#include <string.h> /* idem on System V */
#define index strchr
#define rindex strrchr
#endif BSD

#define Null(type) ((struct type *) 0)

#include "def.objclass.h"

typedef struct {
xchar x,y;
} coord;

#include "def.monst.h" /* uses coord */
#include ""
#include "def.trap.h"
#include "def.obj.h"
#include "def.flag.h"

extern char *sprintf();
#define plur(x) (((x) == 1) ? "" : "s")

#define BUFSZ 256 /* for getlin buffers */
#define PL_NSIZ 32 /* name of player, ghost, shopkeeper */

#include "def.rm.h"
#include "def.permonst.h"

extern long *alloc();

extern xchar xdnstair, ydnstair, xupstair, yupstair; /* stairs up and down. */

extern xchar dlevel;
#ifdef WIZARD
extern boolean wizard;
#endif WIZARD
#define newstring(x) (char *) alloc((unsigned)(x))
#include "hack.onames.h"

#define ON 1
#define OFF 0

extern struct obj *invent, *uwep, *uarm, *uarm2, *uarmh, *uarms, *uarmg,
*uleft, *uright, *fcobj;
extern struct obj *uchain; /* defined iff PUNISHED */
extern struct obj *uball; /* defined if PUNISHED */
struct obj *o_at(), *getobj(), *sobj_at();

struct prop {
#define TIMEOUT 007777 /* mask */
#define LEFT_RING W_RINGL /* 010000L */
#define RIGHT_RING W_RINGR /* 020000L */
#define INTRINSIC 040000L
long p_flgs;
int (*p_tofn)(); /* called after timeout */

struct you {
xchar ux, uy;
schar dx, dy, dz; /* direction of move (or zap or ... ) */
#ifdef QUEST
schar di; /* direction of FF */
xchar ux0, uy0; /* initial position FF */
#endif QUEST
xchar udisx, udisy; /* last display pos */
char usym; /* usually '@' */
schar uluck;
int last_str_turn:3; /* 0: none, 1: half turn, 2: full turn */
/* +: turn right, -: turn left */
unsigned udispl:1; /* @ on display */
unsigned ulevel:5;
#ifdef QUEST
unsigned uhorizon:7;
#endif QUEST
unsigned utrap:3; /* trap timeout */
unsigned utraptype:1; /* defined if utrap nonzero */
#define TT_BEARTRAP 0
#define TT_PIT 1
unsigned uinshop:6; /* used only in shk.c - (roomno+1) of shop */

/* perhaps these #define's should also be generated by makedefs */
#define TELEPAT LAST_RING /* not a ring */
#define Telepat u.uprops[TELEPAT].p_flgs
#define FAST (LAST_RING+1) /* not a ring */
#define Fast u.uprops[FAST].p_flgs
#define CONFUSION (LAST_RING+2) /* not a ring */
#define Confusion u.uprops[CONFUSION].p_flgs
#define INVIS (LAST_RING+3) /* not a ring */
#define Invis u.uprops[INVIS].p_flgs
#define GLIB (LAST_RING+4) /* not a ring */
#define Glib u.uprops[GLIB].p_flgs
#define PUNISHED (LAST_RING+5) /* not a ring */
#define Punished u.uprops[PUNISHED].p_flgs
#define SICK (LAST_RING+6) /* not a ring */
#define Sick u.uprops[SICK].p_flgs
#define BLIND (LAST_RING+7) /* not a ring */
#define Blind u.uprops[BLIND].p_flgs
#define WOUNDED_LEGS (LAST_RING+8) /* not a ring */
#define Wounded_legs u.uprops[WOUNDED_LEGS].p_flgs
#define PROP(x) (x-RIN_ADORNMENT) /* convert ring to index in uprops */
unsigned umconf:1;
char *usick_cause;
struct prop uprops[LAST_RING+9];

unsigned uswallow:1; /* set if swallowed by a monster */
unsigned uswldtim:4; /* time you have been swallowed */
unsigned uhs:3; /* hunger state - see */
schar ustr,ustrmax;
schar udaminc;
schar uac;
int uhp,uhpmax;
long int ugold,ugold0,uexp,urexp;
int uhunger; /* refd only in eat.c and shk.c */
int uinvault;
struct monst *ustuck;
int nr_killed[CMNUM+2]; /* used for experience bookkeeping */

extern struct you u;

extern char *traps[];
extern char *monnam(), *Monnam(), *amonnam(), *Amonnam(),
*doname(), *aobjnam();
extern char readchar();
extern char vowels[];

extern xchar curx,cury; /* cursor location on screen */

extern coord bhitpos; /* place where thrown weapon falls to the ground */

extern xchar seehx,seelx,seehy,seely; /* where to see*/
extern char *save_cm,*killer;

extern xchar dlevel, maxdlevel; /* dungeon level */

extern long moves;

extern int multi;

extern char lock[];

#define DIST(x1,y1,x2,y2) (((x1)-(x2))*((x1)-(x2)) + ((y1)-(y2))*((y1)-(y2)))

#define PL_CSIZ 20 /* sizeof pl_character */
#define MAX_CARR_CAP 120 /* so that boulders can be heavier */
#define FAR (COLNO+2) /* position outside screen */
//E*O*F hack.h//

echo x - hack.mfndpos.h
cat > "hack.mfndpos.h" << '//E*O*F hack.mfndpos.h//'
/* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
/* hack.mfndpos.h - version 1.0.2 */

#define ALLOW_TRAPS 0777
#define ALLOW_U 01000
#define ALLOW_M 02000
#define ALLOW_TM 04000
#define ALLOW_SSM 010000
#define ALLOW_ROCK 020000
#define NOTONL 040000
#define NOGARLIC 0100000
//E*O*F hack.mfndpos.h//

echo x - hack.onames.h
cat > "hack.onames.h" << '//E*O*F hack.onames.h//'
#define FOOD_RATION 2
#define TRIPE_RATION 3
#define PANCAKE 4
#define DEAD_LIZARD 5
#define CARROT 7
#define TIN 8
#define ORANGE 9
#define APPLE 10
#define PEAR 11
#define MELON 12
#define BANANA 13
#define CANDY_BAR 14
#define EGG 15
#define CLOVE_OF_GARLIC 16
#define DEAD_HUMAN 18
#define DEAD_GIANT_ANT 19
#define DEAD_GIANT_BAT 20
#define DEAD_CENTAUR 21
#define DEAD_DRAGON 22
#define DEAD_GNOME 25
#define DEAD_STALKER 27
#define DEAD_JACKAL 28
#define DEAD_KOBOLD 29
#define DEAD_MIMIC 31
#define DEAD_NYMPH 32
#define DEAD_ORC 33
#define DEAD_QUASIT 35
#define DEAD_SNAKE 37
#define DEAD_TROLL 38
#define DEAD_UMBER_HULK 39
#define DEAD_VAMPIRE 40
#define DEAD_WRAITH 41
#define DEAD_XORN 42
#define DEAD_YETI 43
#define DEAD_ZOMBIE 44
#define DEAD_ACID_BLOB 45
#define DEAD_DOG 48
#define DEAD_ETTIN 49
#define DEAD_FOG_CLOUD 50
#define DEAD_IMP 53
#define DEAD_JAGUAR 54
#define DEAD_KILLER_BEE 55
#define DEAD_MINOTAUR 57
#define DEAD_NURSE 58
#define DEAD_OWLBEAR 59
#define DEAD_PIERCER 60
#define DEAD_GIANT_RAT 62
#define DEAD_TENGU 64
#define DEAD_UNICORN 65
#define DEAD_LONG_WORM 67
#define DEAD_XAN 68
#define DEAD_ZRUTY 70
#define ARROW 71
#define SLING_BULLET 72
#define CROSSBOW_BOLT 73
#define DART 74
#define ROCK 75
#define BOOMERANG 76
#define MACE 77
#define AXE 78
#define FLAIL 79
#define LONG_SWORD 80
#define DAGGER 82
#define WORM_TOOTH 83
#define CRYSKNIFE 84
#define SPEAR 85
#define BOW 86
#define SLING 87
#define CROSSBOW 88
#define WHISTLE 89
#define MAGIC_WHISTLE 90
#define ICE_BOX 92
#define PICK_AXE 93
#define CAN_OPENER 94
#define HEAVY_IRON_BALL 95
#define IRON_CHAIN 96
#define ENORMOUS_ROCK 97
#define HELMET 98
#define PLATE_MAIL 99
#define SPLINT_MAIL 100
#define BANDED_MAIL 101
#define CHAIN_MAIL 102
#define SCALE_MAIL 103
#define RING_MAIL 104
#define LEATHER_ARMOR 106
#define ELVEN_CLOAK 107
#define SHIELD 108
#define PAIR_OF_GLOVES 109
#define POT_BOOZE 111
#define POT_FRUIT_JUICE 113
#define POT_HEALING 114
#define POT_PARALYSIS 115
#define POT_SICKNESS 118
#define POT_CONFUSION 119
#define POT_SPEED 121
#define POT_BLINDNESS 122
#define POT_GAIN_LEVEL 123
#define POT_LEVITATION 125
#define SCR_MAIL 130
#define SCR_BLANK_PAPER 135
#define SCR_REMOVE_CURSE 136
#define SCR_TAMING 140
#define SCR_GENOCIDE 141
#define SCR_LIGHT 142
#define SCR_IDENTIFY 146
#define SCR_AMNESIA 148
#define SCR_FIRE 149
#define SCR_PUNISHMENT 150
#define WAN_LIGHT 155
#define WAN_WISHING 158
#define WAN_STRIKING 159
#define WAN_SLOW_MONSTER 160
#define WAN_POLYMORPH 163
#define WAN_DIGGING 167
#define WAN_FIRE 169
#define WAN_SLEEP 170
#define WAN_COLD 171
#define WAN_DEATH 172
#define Adornment u.uprops[0].p_flgs
#define RIN_ADORNMENT 176
#define Teleportation u.uprops[1].p_flgs
#define Regeneration u.uprops[2].p_flgs
#define Searching u.uprops[3].p_flgs
#define RIN_SEARCHING 179
#define See_invisible u.uprops[4].p_flgs
#define Stealth u.uprops[5].p_flgs
#define RIN_STEALTH 181
#define Levitation u.uprops[6].p_flgs
#define RIN_LEVITATION 182
#define Poison_resistance u.uprops[7].p_flgs
#define Aggravate_monster u.uprops[8].p_flgs
#define Hunger u.uprops[9].p_flgs
#define RIN_HUNGER 185
#define Fire_resistance u.uprops[10].p_flgs
#define Cold_resistance u.uprops[11].p_flgs
#define Protection_from_shape_changers u.uprops[12].p_flgs
#define Conflict u.uprops[13].p_flgs
#define RIN_CONFLICT 189
#define Gain_strength u.uprops[14].p_flgs
#define Increase_damage u.uprops[15].p_flgs
#define Protection u.uprops[16].p_flgs
#define RIN_PROTECTION 192
#define Warning u.uprops[17].p_flgs
#define RIN_WARNING 193
#define Teleport_control u.uprops[18].p_flgs
#define DIAMOND 197
#define RUBY 198
#define SAPPHIRE 199
#define EMERALD 200
#define TURQUOISE 201
#define AQUAMARINE 202
#define TOURMALINE 203
#define TOPAZ 204
#define OPAL 205
#define GARNET 206
#define AMETHYST 207
#define AGATE 208
#define ONYX 209
#define JASPER 210
#define JADE 211

#define LAST_GEM (JADE+1)
#define LAST_RING 19
#define NROFOBJECTS 215
//E*O*F hack.onames.h//

echo x - data
cat > "data" << '//E*O*F data//'
Hack & Quest data file - version 1.0.2
@ human (or you)
- a wall
| a wall
+ a door
. the floor of a room
a dark part of a room
# a corridor
} water filled area
< the staircase to the previous level
> the staircase to the next level
^ a trap
$ a pile, pot or chest of gold
%% a piece of food
! a potion
* a gem
? a scroll
= a ring
/ a wand
[ a suit of armor
) a weapon
( a useful item (camera, key, rope etc.)
0 an iron ball
_ an iron chain
` an enormous rock
" an amulet
, a trapper
: a chameleon
' a lurker above
& a demon
A a giant ant
B a giant bat
C a centaur;
Of all the monsters put together by the Greek imagination
the Centaurs (Kentauroi) constituted a class in themselves.
Despite a strong streak of sensuality in their make-up,
their normal behaviour was moral, and they took a kindly
thought of man's welfare. The attempted outrage of Nessos on
Deianeira, and that of the whole tribe of Centaurs on the
Lapith women, are more than offset by the hospitality of
Pholos and by the wisdom of Cheiron, physician, prophet,
lyrist, and the instructor of Achilles. Further, the Cen-
taurs were peculiar in that their nature, which united the
body of a horse with the trunk and head of a man, involved
an unthinkable duplication of vital organs and important
members. So grotesque a combination seems almost un-Greek.
These strange creatures were said to live in the caves and
clefts of the mountains, myths associating them especially
with the hills of Thessaly and the range of Erymanthos.
[Mythology of all races, Vol. 1, pp. 270-271]
D a dragon;
In the West the dragon was the natural enemy of man. Although
preferring to live in bleak and desolate regions, whenever it was
seen among men it left in its wake a trail of destruction and
disease. Yet any attempt to slay this beast was a perilous under-
taking. For the dragon's assailant had to contend not only with
clouds of sulphurous fumes pouring from its fire-breathing nos-
trils, but also with the thrashings of its tail, the most deadly
part of its serpent-like body.
[From: Mythical Beasts by Deirdre Headon (The Leprechaun Library)]
E a floating eye
F a freezing sphere
G a gnome;
... And then a gnome came by, carrying a bundle, an old fellow
three times as large as an imp and wearing clothes of a sort,
especially a hat. And he was clearly just as frightened as the
imps though he could not go so fast. Ramon Alonzo saw that there
must be some great trouble that was vexing magical things; and,
since gnomes speak the language of men, and will answer if spoken
to gently, he raised his hat, and asked of the gnome his name.
The gnome did not stop his hasty shuffle a moment as he answered
'Alaraba' and grabbed the rim of his hat but forgot to doff it.
'What is the trouble, Alaraba?' said Ramon Alonzo.
'White magic. Run!' said the gnome ...
[From: The Charwoman's Shadow, by Lord Dunsany.]
H a hobgoblin;
Hobgoblin. Used by the Puritans and in later times for
wicked goblin spirits, as in Bunyan's 'Hobgoblin nor foul
friend', but its more correct use is for the friendly spir-
its of the brownie type. In 'A midsummer night's dream' a
fairy says to Shakespeare's Puck:
Those that Hobgoblin call you, and sweet Puck,
You do their work, and they shall have good luck:
Are you not he?
and obviously Puck would not wish to be called a hobgoblin
if that was an ill-omened word.
Hobgoblins are on the whole, good-humoured and ready to be
helpful, but fond of practical joking, and like most of the
fairies rather nasty people to annoy. Boggarts hover on the
verge of hobgoblindom. Bogles are just over the edge.
One Hob mentioned by Henderson, was Hob Headless who haunted
the road between Hurworth and Neasham, but could not cross
the little river Kent, which flowed into the Tess. He was
exorcised and laid under a large stone by the roadside for
ninety-nine years and a day. If anyone was so unwary as to
sit on that stone, he would be unable to quit it for ever.
The ninety-nine years is nearly up, so trouble may soon be
heard of on the road between Hurworth and Neasham.
[Katharine Briggs, A dictionary of Fairies]
I an invisible stalker
J a jackal
K a kobold
L a leprechaun;
The Irish Leprechaun is the Faeries' shoemaker and is known
under various names in different parts of Ireland: Cluri-
caune in Cork, Lurican in Kerry, Lurikeen in Kildare and Lu-
rigadaun in Tipperary. Although he works for the Faeries,
the Leprechaun is not of the same species. He is small, has
dark skin and wears strange clothes. His nature has some-
thing of the manic-depressive about it: first he is quite
happy, whistling merrily as he nails a sole on to a shoe; a
few minutes later, he is sullen and morose, drunk on his
home-made heather ale. The Leprechaun's two great loves are
tobacco and whiskey, and he is a first-rate con-man, impos-
sible to out-fox. No one, no matter how clever, has ever
managed to cheat him out of his hidden pot of gold or his
magic shilling. At the last minute he always thinks of some
way to divert his captor's attention and vanishes in the
twinkling of an eye.
[From: A Field Guide to the Little People
by Nancy Arrowsmith & George Moorse. ]
M a mimic
N a nymph
O an orc
P a purple worm
Q a quasit
R a rust monster
S a snake
T a troll
U an umber hulk
V a vampire
W a wraith
X a xorn
Y a yeti
Z a zombie
a an acid blob
b a giant beetle
c a cockatrice;
Once in a great while, when the positions of the stars are
just right, a seven-year-old rooster will lay an egg. Then,
along will come a snake, to coil around the egg, or a toad,
to squat upon the egg, keeping it warm and helping it to
hatch. When it hatches, out comes a creature called basil-
isk, or cockatrice, the most deadly of all creatures. A sin-
gle glance from its yellow, piercing toad's eyes will kill
both man and beast. Its power of destruction is said to be
so great that sometimes simply to hear its hiss can prove
fatal. Its breath is so venomenous that it causes all vege-
tation to wither.
There is, however, one creature which can withstand the
basilisk's deadly gaze, and this is the weasel. No one knows
why this is so, but although the fierce weasel can slay the
basilisk, it will itself be killed in the struggle. Perhaps
the weasel knows the basilisk's fatal weakness: if it ever
sees its own reflection in a mirror it will perish instant-
ly. But even a dead basilisk is dangerous, for it is said
that merely touching its lifeless body can cause a person to
sicken and die.
[From: Mythical Beasts by Deirdre Headon (The Leprechaun
Library) and other sources. ]
d a dog
e an ettin
f a fog cloud
g a gelatinous cube
h a homunculus
i an imp;
... imps ... little creatures of two feet high that could
gambol and jump prodigiously; ...
[From: The Charwoman's Shadow, by Lord Dunsany.]

An 'imp' is an off-shoot or cutting. Thus an 'ymp tree' was
a grafted tree, or one grown from a cutting, not from seed.
'Imp' properly means a small devil, an off-shoot of Satan,
but the distinction between goblins or bogles and imps from
hell is hard to make, and many in the Celtic countries as
well as the English Puritans regarded all fairies as devils.
The fairies of tradition often hover uneasily between the
ghostly and the diabolic state.
[Katharine Briggs, A dictionary of Fairies]
j a jaguar
k a killer bee
l a leocrotta
m a minotaur
n a nurse
o an owlbear
p a piercer
q a quivering blob
r a giant rat
s a scorpion
t a tengu;
The tengu was the most troublesome creature of Japanese
legend. Part bird and part man, with red beak for a nose
and flashing eyes, the tengu was notorious for stirring up
feuds and prolonging enmity between families. Indeed, the
belligerent tengus were supposed to have been man's first
instructors in the use of arms.
[From: Mythical Beasts by Deirdre Headon
(The Leprechaun Library). ]
u a unicorn;
Men have always sought the elusive unicorn, for the single
twisted horn which projected from its forehead was thought
to be a powerful talisman. It was said that the unicorn had
simply to dip the tip of its horn in a muddy pool for the
water to become pure. Men also believed that to drink from
this horn was a protection against all sickness, and that if
the horn was ground to a powder it would act as an antidote
to all poisons. Less than 200 years ago in France, the horn
of a unicorn was used in a ceremony to test the royal food
for poison.
Although only the size of a small horse, the unicorn is a
very fierce beast, capable of killing an elephant with a
single thrust from its horn. Its fleetness of foot also
makes this solitary creature difficult to capture. However,
it can be tamed and captured by a maiden. Made gentle by the
sight of a virgin, the unicorn can be lured to lay its head
in her lap, and in this docile mood, the maiden may secure
it with a golden rope.
[From: Mythical Beasts by Deirdre Headon
(The Leprechaun Library). ]
v a violet fungi
w a long worm
~ the tail of a long worm
From its teeth the crysknife can be manufactured.
x a xan;
The xan were animals sent to prick the legs of the Lords of Xibalba.
y a yellow light
z a zruty;
The zruty are wild and gigantic beings, living in the wildernesses
of the Tatra mountains.
1 The wizard of Yendor
2 The mail daemon
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