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larn 12.0 part 5/6

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Noah Morgan

Aug 8, 1986, 1:10:41 PM8/8/86
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
# object.c
# regen.c
# scores.c
# signal.c
# tok.c
# This archive created: Wed Aug 6 14:59:47 1986
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'object.c'" '(25376 characters)'
if test -f 'object.c'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'object.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'object.c'
/* object.c Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan. */
#include "header.h"


subroutine to look for an object and give the player his options
if an object was found.
register int i,j;
if (c[TIMESTOP]) return; /* can't find objects is time is stopped */
i=item[playerx][playery]; if (i==0) return;
showcell(playerx,playery); cursors(); yrepcount=0;
case OKGOLD: case ODGOLD: lprcat("\n\nYou have found some gold!"); ogold(i); break;

case OPOTION: lprcat("\n\nYou have found a magic potion");
i = iarg[playerx][playery];
if (potionname[i][0]) lprintf(" of %s",&potionname[i][1]); opotion(i); break;

case OSCROLL: lprcat("\n\nYou have found a magic scroll");
i = iarg[playerx][playery];
if (scrollname[i][0]) lprintf(" of %s",&scrollname[i][1]);
oscroll(i); break;

case OALTAR: if (nearbymonst()) return;
lprcat("\n\nThere is a Holy Altar here!"); oaltar(); break;

case OBOOK: lprcat("\n\nYou have found a book."); obook(); break;

case OCOOKIE: lprcat("\n\nYou have found a fortune cookie."); ocookie(); break;

case OTHRONE: if (nearbymonst()) return;
lprintf("\n\nThere is %s here!",objectname[i]); othrone(0); break;

case OTHRONE2: if (nearbymonst()) return;
lprintf("\n\nThere is %s here!",objectname[i]); othrone(1); break;

case ODEADTHRONE: lprintf("\n\nThere is %s here!",objectname[i]); odeadthrone(); break;

case OORB: lprcat("\n\nYou have found the Orb!!!!!"); oorb(); break;

case OPIT: lprcat("\n\nYou're standing at the top of a pit."); opit(); break;

case OSTAIRSUP: lprcat("\n\nThere is a circular staircase here"); ostairs(1); /* up */ break;

case OELEVATORUP: lprcat("\n\nYou feel heavy for a moment, but the feeling disappears");
oelevator(1); /* up */ break;

case OFOUNTAIN: if (nearbymonst()) return;
lprcat("\n\nThere is a fountain here"); ofountain(); break;

case OSTATUE: if (nearbymonst()) return;
lprcat("\n\nYou are standing in front of a statue"); ostatue(); break;

case OCHEST: lprcat("\n\nThere is a chest here"); ochest(); break;

case OIVTELETRAP: if (rnd(11)<6) return;
item[playerx][playery] = OTELEPORTER;
know[playerx][playery] = 1;

case OTELEPORTER: lprcat("\nZaaaappp! You've been teleported!\n");
beep(); nap(3000); oteleport(0);

case OSCHOOL: if (nearbymonst()) return;
lprcat("\n\nYou have found the College of Larn.");
lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside, or (i) stay here? ");
i=0; while ((i!='g') && (i!='i') && (i!='\33')) i=getchar();
if (i == 'g') { oschool(); /* the college of larn */ }
else lprcat(" stay here");

case OMIRROR: if (nearbymonst()) return;
lprcat("\n\nThere is a mirror here"); omirror(); break;

case OBANK2:
case OBANK: if (nearbymonst()) return;
if (i==OBANK) lprcat("\n\nYou have found the bank of Larn.");
else lprcat("\n\nYou have found a branch office of the bank of Larn.");
lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside, or (i) stay here? ");
j=0; while ((j!='g') && (j!='i') && (j!='\33')) j=getchar();
if (j == 'g') { if (i==OBANK) obank(); else obank2(); /* the bank of larn */ }
else lprcat(" stay here");

case ODEADFOUNTAIN: if (nearbymonst()) return;
lprcat("\n\nThere is a dead fountain here"); break;

case ODNDSTORE: if (nearbymonst()) return;
lprcat("\n\nThere is a DND store here.");
lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside, or (i) stay here? ");
i=0; while ((i!='g') && (i!='i') && (i!='\33')) i=getchar();
if (i == 'g')
dndstore(); /* the dnd adventurers store */
else lprcat(" stay here");

case OSTAIRSDOWN: lprcat("\n\nThere is a circular staircase here"); ostairs(-1); /* down */ break;

case OELEVATORDOWN: lprcat("\n\nYou feel light for a moment, but the feeling disappears");
oelevator(-1); /* down */

case OOPENDOOR: lprintf("\n\nYou have found %s",objectname[i]);
lprcat("\nDo you (c) close it"); iopts();
i=0; while ((i!='c') && (i!='i') && (i!='\33')) i=getchar();
if ((i=='\33') || (i=='i')) { ignore(); break; }
lprcat("close"); forget();
playerx = lastpx; playery = lastpy;

case OCLOSEDDOOR: lprintf("\n\nYou have found %s",objectname[i]);
lprcat("\nDo you (o) try to open it"); iopts();
i=0; while ((i!='o') && (i!='i') && (i!='\33')) i=getchar();
if ((i=='\33') || (i=='i'))
{ ignore(); playerx = lastpx;
playery = lastpy; break; }
if (rnd(11)<7)
case 6: c[AGGRAVATE] += rnd(400); break;

case 7: lprcat("\nYou are jolted by an electric shock ");
lastnum=274; losehp(rnd(20)); bottomline(); break;

case 8: loselevel(); break;

case 9: lprcat("\nYou suddenly feel weaker ");
if (c[STRENGTH]>3) c[STRENGTH]--;
bottomline(); break;

default: break;
playerx = lastpx; playery = lastpy;
forget(); item[playerx][playery]=OOPENDOOR;

case OENTRANCE: lprcat("\nYou have found "); lprcat(objectname[OENTRANCE]);
lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside"); iopts();
i=0; while ((i!='g') && (i!='i') && (i!='\33')) i=getchar();
if (i == 'g')
newcavelevel(1); playerx=33; playery=MAXY-2;
draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); bot_linex(); return;
else ignore();

case OVOLDOWN: lprcat("\nYou have found "); lprcat(objectname[OVOLDOWN]);
lprcat("\nDo you (c) climb down"); iopts();
i=0; while ((i!='c') && (i!='i') && (i!='\33')) i=getchar();
if ((i=='\33') || (i=='i')) { ignore(); break; }
if (level!=0) { lprcat("\nThe shaft only extends 5 feet downward!"); return; }
if (packweight() > 45+3*(c[STRENGTH]+c[STREXTRA])) { lprcat("\nYou slip and fall down the shaft"); beep();
lastnum=275; losehp(30+rnd(20)); bottomhp(); }

else lprcat("climb down"); nap(3000); newcavelevel(MAXLEVEL);
for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++) for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++) /* put player near volcano shaft */
if (item[j][i]==OVOLUP) { playerx=j; playery=i; j=MAXX; i=MAXY; positionplayer(); }
draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); bot_linex(); return;

case OVOLUP: lprcat("\nYou have found "); lprcat(objectname[OVOLUP]);
lprcat("\nDo you (c) climb up"); iopts();
i=0; while ((i!='c') && (i!='i') && (i!='\33')) i=getchar();
if ((i=='\33') || (i=='i')) { ignore(); break; }
if (level!=11) { lprcat("\nThe shaft only extends 8 feet upwards before you find a blockage!"); return; }
if (packweight() > 45+5*(c[STRENGTH]+c[STREXTRA])) { lprcat("\nYou slip and fall down the shaft"); beep();
lastnum=275; losehp(15+rnd(20)); bottomhp(); return; }
lprcat("climb up"); lflush(); nap(3000); newcavelevel(0);
for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++) for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++) /* put player near volcano shaft */
if (item[j][i]==OVOLDOWN) { playerx=j; playery=i; j=MAXX; i=MAXY; positionplayer(); }
draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); bot_linex(); return;

case OTRAPARROWIV: if (rnd(17)<13) return; /* for an arrow trap */
item[playerx][playery] = OTRAPARROW;
know[playerx][playery] = 0;

case OTRAPARROW: lprcat("\nYou are hit by an arrow"); beep(); /* for an arrow trap */
lastnum=259; losehp(rnd(10)+level);
bottomhp(); return;

case OIVDARTRAP: if (rnd(17)<13) return; /* for a dart trap */
item[playerx][playery] = ODARTRAP;
know[playerx][playery] = 0;

case ODARTRAP: lprcat("\nYou are hit by a dart"); beep(); /* for a dart trap */
lastnum=260; losehp(rnd(5));
if ((--c[STRENGTH]) < 3) c[STRENGTH] = 3;
bottomline(); return;

case OIVTRAPDOOR: if (rnd(17)<13) return; /* for a trap door */
item[playerx][playery] = OTRAPDOOR;
know[playerx][playery] = 1;

case OTRAPDOOR: lastnum = 272; /* a trap door */
if ((level==MAXLEVEL-1) || (level==MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL-1))
{ lprcat("\nYou fell through a bottomless trap door!"); beep(); nap(3000); died(271); }
lprcat("\nYou fall through a trap door!"); beep(); /* for a trap door */
nap(2000); newcavelevel(level+1); draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); bot_linex();

case OTRADEPOST: if (nearbymonst()) return;
lprcat("\nYou have found the Larn trading Post.");
lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside, or (i) stay here? ");
i=0; while ((i!='g') && (i!='i') && (i!='\33')) i=getchar();
if (i == 'g') otradepost(); else lprcat("stay here");

case OHOME: if (nearbymonst()) return;
lprcat("\nYou have found your way home.");
lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside, or (i) stay here? ");
i=0; while ((i!='g') && (i!='i') && (i!='\33')) i=getchar();
if (i == 'g') ohome(); else lprcat("stay here");

case OWALL: break;

case OANNIHILATION: died(283); return; /* annihilated by sphere of annihilation */

case OLRS: if (nearbymonst()) return;
lprcat("\n\nThere is an LRS office here.");
lprcat("\nDo you (g) go inside, or (i) stay here? ");
i=0; while ((i!='g') && (i!='i') && (i!='\33')) i=getchar();
if (i == 'g')
olrs(); /* the larn revenue service */
else lprcat(" stay here");

default: finditem(i); break;

function to say what object we found and ask if player wants to take it
int itm;
int tmp,i;
lprintf("\n\nYou have found %s ",objectname[itm]);
case OCUBEofUNDEAD: case ONOTHEFT: break;

if (tmp>0) lprintf("+ %d",(long)tmp); else if (tmp<0) lprintf(" %d",(long)tmp);
lprcat("\nDo you want to (t) take it"); iopts();
i=0; while (i!='t' && i!='i' && i!='\33') i=getchar();
if (i == 't')
{ lprcat("take"); if (take(itm,tmp)==0) forget(); return; }


subroutine to process the stair cases
if dir > 0 the up else down
int dir;
register int k;
lprcat("\nDo you (s) stay here ");
if (dir > 0) lprcat("(u) go up "); else lprcat("(d) go down ");
lprcat("or (f) kick stairs? ");

while (1) switch(getchar())
case '\33':
case 's': case 'i': lprcat("stay here"); return;

case 'f': lprcat("kick stairs");
if (rnd(2) == 1)
lprcat("\nI hope you feel better. Showing anger rids you of frustration.");
lprintf("\nYou hurt your foot dumb dumb! You suffer %d hit points",(long)k);
lastnum=276; losehp(k); bottomline();

case 'u': lprcat("go up");
if (dir < 0) lprcat("\nThe stairs don't go up!");
if (level>=2 && level!=11)
k = level; newcavelevel(level-1);
draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); bot_linex();
else lprcat("\nThe stairs lead to a dead end!");

case 'd': lprcat("go down");
if (dir > 0) lprcat("\nThe stairs don't go down!");
if (level!=0 && level!=10 && level!=13)
k = level; newcavelevel(level+1);
draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); bot_linex();
else lprcat("\nThe stairs lead to a dead end!");


subroutine to handle a teleport trap +/- 1 level maximum
int err;
register int tmp;
if (err) if (rnd(151)<3) died(264); /* stuck in a rock */
c[TELEFLAG]=1; /* show ?? on bottomline if been teleported */
if (level==0) tmp=0;
else if (level < MAXLEVEL)
{ tmp=rnd(5)+level-3; if (tmp>=MAXLEVEL) tmp=MAXLEVEL-1;
if (tmp<1) tmp=1; }
{ tmp=rnd(3)+level-2; if (tmp>=MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL) tmp=MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL-1;
if (tmp<MAXLEVEL) tmp=MAXLEVEL; }
playerx = rnd(MAXX-2); playery = rnd(MAXY-2);
if (level != tmp) newcavelevel(tmp); positionplayer();
draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); bot_linex();


function to process a potion
int pot;
lprcat("\nDo you (d) drink it, (t) take it"); iopts();
while (1) switch(getchar())
case '\33':
case 'i': ignore(); return;

case 'd': lprcat("drink\n"); forget(); /* destroy potion */
quaffpotion(pot); return;

case 't': lprcat("take\n"); if (take(OPOTION,pot)==0) forget();

function to drink a potion
int pot;
register int i,j,k;
if (pot<0 || pot>=MAXPOTION) return; /* check for within bounds */
potionname[pot][0] = ' ';
case 9: lprcat("\nYou feel greedy . . ."); nap(2000);
for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++) for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++)
if ((item[j][i]==OGOLDPILE) || (item[j][i]==OMAXGOLD))
know[j][i]=1; show1cell(j,i);
showplayer(); return;

case 19: lprcat("\nYou feel greedy . . ."); nap(2000);
for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++) for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++)
if ((k==ODIAMOND) || (k==ORUBY) || (k==OEMERALD) || (k==OMAXGOLD)
|| (k==OSAPPHIRE) || (k==OLARNEYE) || (k==OGOLDPILE))
know[j][i]=1; show1cell(j,i);
showplayer(); return;

case 20: c[HP] = c[HPMAX]; break; /* instant healing */

case 1: lprcat("\nYou feel better");
if (c[HP] == c[HPMAX]) raisemhp(1);
else if ((c[HP] += rnd(20)+20+c[LEVEL]) > c[HPMAX]) c[HP]=c[HPMAX]; break;

case 2: lprcat("\nSuddenly, you feel much more skillful!");
raiselevel(); raisemhp(1); return;

case 3: lprcat("\nYou feel strange for a moment");
c[rund(6)]++; break;

case 4: lprcat("\nYou feel more self confident!");
c[WISDOM] += rnd(2); break;

case 5: lprcat("\nWow! You feel great!");
if (c[STRENGTH]<12) c[STRENGTH]=12; else c[STRENGTH]++; break;

case 6: lprcat("\nYour charm went up by one!"); c[CHARISMA]++; break;

case 8: lprcat("\nYour intelligence went up by one!");
c[INTELLIGENCE]++; break;

case 10: for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++) for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++)
if (mitem[j][i])
know[j][i]=1; show1cell(j,i);
/* monster detection */ return;

case 12: lprcat("\nThis potion has no taste to it"); return;

case 15: lprcat("\nWOW!!! You feel Super-fantastic!!!");
if (c[HERO]==0) for (i=0; i<6; i++) c[i] += 11;
c[HERO] += 250; break;

case 16: lprcat("\nYou have a greater intestinal constitude!");
c[CONSTITUTION]++; break;

case 17: lprcat("\nYou now have incredibly bulging muscles!!!");
if (c[GIANTSTR]==0) c[STREXTRA] += 21;
c[GIANTSTR] += 700; break;

case 18: lprcat("\nYou feel a chill run up your spine!");
c[FIRERESISTANCE] += 1000; break;

case 0: lprcat("\nYou fall asleep. . .");
i=rnd(11)-(c[CONSTITUTION]>>2)+2; while(--i>0) { parse2(); nap(1000); }
cursors(); lprcat("\nYou woke up!"); return;

case 7: lprcat("\nYou become dizzy!");
if (--c[STRENGTH] < 3) c[STRENGTH]=3; break;

case 11: lprcat("\nYou stagger for a moment . .");
for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++) for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++)
nap(2000); draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); /* potion of forgetfulness */ return;

case 13: lprcat("\nYou can't see anything!"); /* blindness */
c[BLINDCOUNT]+=500; return;

case 14: lprcat("\nYou feel confused"); c[CONFUSE]+= 20+rnd(9); return;

case 21: lprcat("\nYou don't seem to be affected"); return; /* cure dianthroritis */

case 22: lprcat("\nYou feel a sickness engulf you"); /* poison */
c[HALFDAM] += 200 + rnd(200); return;

case 23: lprcat("\nYou feel your vision sharpen"); /* see invisible */
c[SEEINVISIBLE] += rnd(1000)+400;
monstnamelist[INVISIBLESTALKER] = 'I'; return;
bottomline(); /* show new stats */ return;


function to process a magic scroll
int typ;
lprcat("\nDo you ");
if (c[BLINDCOUNT]==0) lprcat("(r) read it, "); lprcat("(t) take it"); iopts();
while (1) switch(getchar())
case '\33':
case 'i': ignore(); return;

case 'r': if (c[BLINDCOUNT]) break;
lprcat("read"); forget();
if (typ==2 || typ==15) { show1cell(playerx,playery); cursors(); }
/* destroy it */ read_scroll(typ); return;

case 't': lprcat("take"); if (take(OSCROLL,typ)==0) forget(); /* destroy it */

data for the function to read a scroll
static int xh,yh,yl,xl;
* function to adjust time when time warping and taking courses in school
register long tim;
register int j;
for (j=0; j<26; j++) /* adjust time related parameters */
if (c[time_change[j]])
if ((c[time_change[j]] -= tim) < 1) c[time_change[j]]=1;

function to read a scroll
int typ;
register int i,j;
if (typ<0 || typ>=MAXSCROLL) return; /* be sure we are within bounds */
scrollname[typ][0] = ' ';
case 0: lprcat("\nYour armor glows for a moment"); enchantarmor(); return;

case 1: lprcat("\nYour weapon glows for a moment"); enchweapon(); return; /* enchant weapon */

case 2: lprcat("\nYou have been granted enlightenment!");
yh = min(playery+7,MAXY); xh = min(playerx+25,MAXX);
yl = max(playery-7,0); xl = max(playerx-25,0);
for (i=yl; i<yh; i++) for (j=xl; j<xh; j++) know[j][i]=1;
nap(2000); draws(xl,xh,yl,yh); return;

case 3: lprcat("\nThis scroll seems to be blank"); return;

case 4: createmonster(makemonst(level+1)); return; /* this one creates a monster */

case 5: something(level); /* create artifact */ return;

case 6: c[AGGRAVATE]+=800; return; /* aggravate monsters */

case 7: gtime += (i = rnd(1000) - 850); /* time warp */
if (i>=0) lprintf("\nYou went forward in time by %d mobuls",(long)((i+99)/100));
else lprintf("\nYou went backward in time by %d mobuls",(long)(-(i+99)/100));
adjtime((long)i); /* adjust time for time warping */

case 8: oteleport(0); return; /* teleportation */

case 9: c[AWARENESS] += 1800; return; /* expanded awareness */

case 10: c[HASTEMONST] += rnd(55)+12; return; /* haste monster */

case 11: for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++) for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++)
if (mitem[j][i])
hitp[j][i] = monster[mitem[j][i]].hitpoints;
return; /* monster healing */
case 12: c[SPIRITPRO] += 300 + rnd(200); bottomline(); return; /* spirit protection */

case 13: c[UNDEADPRO] += 300 + rnd(200); bottomline(); return; /* undead protection */

case 14: c[STEALTH] += 250 + rnd(250); bottomline(); return; /* stealth */

case 15: lprcat("\nYou have been granted enlightenment!"); /* magic mapping */
for (i=0; i<MAXY; i++) for (j=0; j<MAXX; j++) know[j][i]=1;
nap(2000); draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY); return;

case 16: c[HOLDMONST] += 30; bottomline(); return; /* hold monster */

case 17: for (i=0; i<26; i++) /* gem perfection */
case ODIAMOND: case ORUBY:
j = ivenarg[i]; j &= 255; j <<= 1;
if (j > 255) j=255; /* double value */
ivenarg[i] = j; break;

case 18: for (i=0; i<11; i++) c[exten[i]] <<= 1; /* spell extension */

case 19: for (i=0; i<26; i++) /* identify */
if (iven[i]==OPOTION) potionname[ivenarg[i]][0] = ' ';
if (iven[i]==OSCROLL) scrollname[ivenarg[i]][0] = ' ';

case 20: for (i=0; i<10; i++) /* remove curse */
if (c[curse[i]]) c[curse[i]] = 1;

case 21: annihilate(); break; /* scroll of annihilation */

case 22: godirect(22,150,"The ray hits the %s",0,' '); /* pulverization */
case 23: c[LIFEPROT]++; break; /* life protection */


register int i;
if (rnd(101)<81)
if (rnd(70) > 9*c[DEXTERITY]-packweight() || rnd(101)<5)
if (level==MAXLEVEL-1) obottomless(); else
if (level==MAXLEVEL+MAXVLEVEL-1) obottomless(); else
if (rnd(101)<20)
i=0; lprcat("\nYou fell into a pit! Your fall is cushioned by an unknown force\n");
i = rnd(level*3+3);
lprintf("\nYou fell into a pit! You suffer %d hit points damage",(long)i);
lastnum=261; /* if he dies scoreboard will say so */
losehp(i); nap(2000); newcavelevel(level+1); draws(0,MAXX,0,MAXY);

lprcat("\nYou fell into a bottomless pit!"); beep(); nap(3000); died(262);
int dir;
#ifdef lint
int x;
#endif lint



lprcat("\nDo you ");
if (c[BLINDCOUNT]==0) lprcat("(r) read it, "); lprcat("(t) take it"); iopts();
while (1) switch(getchar())
case '\33':
case 'i': ignore(); return;

case 'r': if (c[BLINDCOUNT]) break;
/* no more book */ readbook(iarg[playerx][playery]); forget(); return;

case 't': lprcat("take"); if (take(OBOOK,iarg[playerx][playery])==0) forget(); /* no more book */

function to read a book
register int lev;
register int i,tmp;
if (lev<=3) i = rund((tmp=splev[lev])?tmp:1); else
i = rnd((tmp=splev[lev]-9)?tmp:1) + 9;
lprintf("\nSpell \"%s\": %s\n%s",spelcode[i],spelname[i],speldescript[i]);
if (rnd(10)==4)
{ lprcat("\nYour int went up by one!"); c[INTELLIGENCE]++; bottomline(); }

char *p;
lprcat("\nDo you (e) eat it, (t) take it"); iopts();
while (1) switch(getchar())
case '\33':
case 'i': ignore(); return;

case 'e': lprcat("eat\nThe cookie tasted good.");
forget(); /* no more cookie */
if (c[BLINDCOUNT]) return;
if (!(p=fortune(fortfile))) return;
lprcat(" A message inside the cookie reads:\n"); lprcat(p);

case 't': lprcat("take"); if (take(OCOOKIE,0)==0) forget(); /* no more book */

/* routine to pick up some gold -- if arg==OMAXGOLD then the pile is worth 100* the argument */
int arg;
register long i;
i = iarg[playerx][playery];
if (arg==OMAXGOLD) i *= 100;
else if (arg==OKGOLD) i *= 1000;
else if (arg==ODGOLD) i *= 10;
lprintf("\nIt is worth %d!",(long)i); c[GOLD] += i; bottomgold();
item[playerx][playery] = know[playerx][playery] = 0; /* destroy gold */

register int i;
nosignal = 1; /* disable signals */
for (i=0; i<26; i++) if (iven[i]==OPOTION) if (ivenarg[i]==21)
iven[i]=0; /* remove the potion of cure dianthroritis from inventory */
clear(); lprcat("Congratulations. You found a potion of cure dianthroritis.\n");
lprcat("\nFrankly, No one thought you could do it. Boy! Did you surprise them!\n");
if (gtime>TIMELIMIT)
lprcat("\nThe doctor has the sad duty to inform you that your daughter died!\n");
lprcat("You didn't make it in time. In your agony, you kill the doctor,\nyour wife, and yourself! Too bad!\n");
nap(5000); died(269);
lprcat("\nThe doctor is now administering the potion, and in a few moments\n");
lprcat("Your daughter should be well on her way to recovery.\n");
lprcat("\nThe potion is"); nap(3000); lprcat(" working! The doctor thinks that\n");
lprcat("your daughter will recover in a few days. Congratulations!\n");
beep(); nap(5000); died(263);

while (1)
clear(); lprintf("Welcome home %s. Latest word from the doctor is not good.\n",logname);

if (gtime>TIMELIMIT)
lprcat("\nThe doctor has the sad duty to inform you that your daughter died!\n");
lprcat("You didn't make it in time. In your agony, you kill the doctor,\nyour wife, and yourself! Too bad!\n");
nap(5000); died(269);

lprcat("\nThe diagnosis is confirmed as dianthroritis. He guesses that\n");
lprintf("your daughter has only %d mobuls left in this world. It's up to you,\n",(long)((TIMELIMIT-gtime+99)/100));
lprintf("%s, to find the only hope for your daughter, the very rare\n",logname);
lprcat("potion of cure dianthroritis. It is rumored that only deep in the\n");
lprcat("depths of the caves can this potion be found.\n\n\n");
lprcat("\n ----- press "); standout("return");
lprcat(" to continue, "); standout("escape");
lprcat(" to leave ----- ");
i=getchar(); while (i!='\33' && i!='\n') i=getchar();
if (i=='\33') { drawscreen(); nosignal = 0; /* enable signals */ return; }

/* routine to save program space */
{ lprcat(", or (i) ignore it? "); }
{ lprcat("ignore\n"); }

if test 25376 -ne "`wc -c < 'object.c'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'object.c'" '(should have been 25376 characters)'
echo shar: extracting "'regen.c'" '(3323 characters)'
if test -f 'regen.c'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'regen.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'regen.c'
/* regen.c Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan. */
#include "header.h"

subroutine to regenerate player hp and spells
register int i,flag;
register long *d;
d = c;
#ifdef EXTRA
if (d[TIMESTOP]) { if(--d[TIMESTOP]<=0) bottomline(); return; } /* for stop time spell */

if (d[STRENGTH]<3) { d[STRENGTH]=3; flag=1; }
if ((d[HASTESELF]==0) || ((d[HASTESELF] & 1) == 0))

if (d[HP] != d[HPMAX])
if (d[REGENCOUNTER]-- <= 0) /* regenerate hit points */
d[REGENCOUNTER] = 22 + (d[HARDGAME]<<1) - d[LEVEL];
if ((d[HP] += d[REGEN]) > d[HPMAX]) d[HP] = d[HPMAX];

if (d[SPELLS] < d[SPELLMAX]) /* regenerate spells */
if (d[ECOUNTER]-- <= 0)
d[SPELLS]++; bottomspell();

if (d[HERO]) if (--d[HERO]<=0) { for (i=0; i<6; i++) d[i] -= 10; flag=1; }
if (d[ALTPRO]) if (--d[ALTPRO]<=0) { d[MOREDEFENSES]-=3; flag=1; }
if (d[PROTECTIONTIME]) if (--d[PROTECTIONTIME]<=0) { d[MOREDEFENSES]-=2; flag=1; }
if (d[DEXCOUNT]) if (--d[DEXCOUNT]<=0) { d[DEXTERITY]-=3; flag=1; }
if (d[STRCOUNT]) if (--d[STRCOUNT]<=0) { d[STREXTRA]-=3; flag=1; }
if (d[BLINDCOUNT]) if (--d[BLINDCOUNT]<=0) { cursors(); lprcat("\nThe blindness lifts "); beep(); }
if (d[CONFUSE]) if (--d[CONFUSE]<=0) { cursors(); lprcat("\nYou regain your senses"); beep(); }
if (d[GIANTSTR]) if (--d[GIANTSTR]<=0) { d[STREXTRA] -= 20; flag=1; }
if (d[CHARMCOUNT]) if ((--d[CHARMCOUNT]) <= 0) flag=1;
if (d[INVISIBILITY]) if ((--d[INVISIBILITY]) <= 0) flag=1;
if (d[CANCELLATION]) if ((--d[CANCELLATION]) <= 0) flag=1;
if (d[WTW]) if ((--d[WTW]) <= 0) flag=1;
if (d[HASTESELF]) if ((--d[HASTESELF]) <= 0) flag=1;
if (d[SCAREMONST]) if ((--d[SCAREMONST]) <= 0) flag=1;
if (d[STEALTH]) if ((--d[STEALTH]) <= 0) flag=1;
if (d[HOLDMONST]) if ((--d[HOLDMONST]) <= 0) flag=1;
if (d[FIRERESISTANCE]) if ((--d[FIRERESISTANCE]) <= 0) flag=1;
if (d[GLOBE]) if (--d[GLOBE]<=0) { d[MOREDEFENSES]-=10; flag=1; }
if (d[SPIRITPRO]) if (--d[SPIRITPRO] <= 0) flag=1;
if (d[UNDEADPRO]) if (--d[UNDEADPRO] <= 0) flag=1;
if (d[HALFDAM]) if (--d[HALFDAM]<=0) { cursors(); lprcat("\nYou now feel better "); beep(); }
if (--d[SEEINVISIBLE]<=0)
{ monstnamelist[INVISIBLESTALKER] = ' ';
cursors(); lprcat("\nYou feel your vision return to normal"); beep(); }
if (d[ITCHING])
if (d[ITCHING]>1)
if ((d[WEAR]!= -1) || (d[SHIELD]!= -1))
if (rnd(100)<50)
d[WEAR]=d[SHIELD]= -1; cursors();
lprcat("\nThe hysteria of itching forces you to remove your armor!");
beep(); recalc(); bottomline();
if (--d[ITCHING]<=0) { cursors(); lprcat("\nYou now feel the irritation subside!"); beep(); }
if (d[WIELD] != -1)
if (d[CLUMSINESS]>1)
if (item[playerx][playery]==0) /* only if nothing there */
if (rnd(100)<33) /* drop your weapon due to clumsiness */
if (--d[CLUMSINESS]<=0) { cursors(); lprcat("\nYou now feel less awkward!"); beep(); }
if (flag) bottomline();

if test 3323 -ne "`wc -c < 'regen.c'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'regen.c'" '(should have been 3323 characters)'
echo shar: extracting "'scores.c'" '(21238 characters)'
if test -f 'scores.c'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'scores.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'scores.c'
/* scores.c Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan.
* Functions in this file are:
* readboard() Function to read in the scoreboard into a static buffer
* writeboard() Function to write the scoreboard from readboard()'s buffer
* makeboard() Function to create a new scoreboard (wipe out old one)
* hashewon() Function to return 1 if player has won a game before, else 0
* long paytaxes(x) Function to pay taxes if any are due
* winshou() Subroutine to print out the winning scoreboard
* shou(x) Subroutine to print out the non-winners scoreboard
* showscores() Function to show the scoreboard on the terminal
* showallscores() Function to show scores and the iven lists that go with them
* sortboard() Function to sort the scoreboard
* newscore(score, whoo, whyded, winner) Function to add entry to scoreboard
* new1sub(score,i,whoo,taxes) Subroutine to put player into a
* new2sub(score,i,whoo,whyded) Subroutine to put player into a
* died(x) Subroutine to record who played larn, and what the score was
* diedsub(x) Subroutine to print out a line showing player when he is killed
* diedlog() Subroutine to read a log file and print it out in ascii format
* getplid(name) Function to get players id # from id file
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "header.h"

struct scofmt /* This is the structure for the scoreboard */
long score; /* the score of the player */
long suid; /* the user id number of the player */
short what; /* the number of the monster that killed player */
short level; /* the level player was on when he died */
short hardlev; /* the level of difficulty player played at */
short order; /* the relative ordering place of this entry */
char who[40]; /* the name of the character */
char sciv[26][2]; /* this is the inventory list of the character */
struct wscofmt /* This is the structure for the winning scoreboard */
long score; /* the score of the player */
long timeused; /* the time used in mobuls to win the game */
long taxes; /* taxes he owes to LRS */
long suid; /* the user id number of the player */
short hardlev; /* the level of difficulty player played at */
short order; /* the relative ordering place of this entry */
char who[40]; /* the name of the character */

struct log_fmt /* 102 bytes struct for the log file */
long score; /* the players score */
long diedtime; /* time when game was over */
short cavelev; /* level in caves */
short diff; /* difficulty player played at */
#ifdef EXTRA
long elapsedtime; /* real time of game in seconds */
long bytout; /* bytes input and output */
long bytin;
long moves; /* number of moves made by player */
short ac; /* armor class of player */
short hp,hpmax; /* players hitpoints */
short cputime; /* cpu time needed in seconds */
short killed,spused;/* monsters killed and spells cast */
short usage; /* usage of the cpu in % */
short lev; /* player level */
char who[12]; /* player name */
char what[46]; /* what happened to player */

static struct scofmt sco[SCORESIZE]; /* the structure for the scoreboard */
static struct wscofmt winr[SCORESIZE]; /* struct for the winning scoreboard */
static struct log_fmt logg; /* structure for the log file */
static char *whydead[] = {
"quit", "suspended", "self - annihilated", "shot by an arrow",
"hit by a dart", "fell into a pit", "fell into a bottomless pit",
"a winner", "trapped in solid rock", "killed by a missing save file",
"killed by an old save file", "caught by the greedy cheater checker trap",
"killed by a protected save file","killed his family and committed suicide",
"erased by a wayward finger", "fell through a bottomless trap door",
"fell through a trap door", "drank some poisonous water",
"fried by an electric shock", "slipped on a volcano shaft",
"killed by a stupid act of frustration", "attacked by a revolting demon",
"hit by his own magic", "demolished by an unseen attacker",
"fell into the dreadful sleep", "killed by an exploding chest",
/*26*/ "killed by a missing maze data file", "annihilated in a sphere",
"died a post mortem death","wasted by a malloc() failure"

* readboard() Function to read in the scoreboard into a static buffer
* returns -1 if unable to read in the scoreboard, returns 0 if all is OK
if (lopen(scorefile)<0)
{ lprcat("Can't read scoreboard\n"); lflush(); return(-1); }
lrfill((char*)sco,sizeof(sco)); lrfill((char*)winr,sizeof(winr));
lrclose(); lcreat((char*)0); return(0);

* writeboard() Function to write the scoreboard from readboard()'s buffer
* returns -1 if unable to write the scoreboard, returns 0 if all is OK
if (lcreat(scorefile)<0)
{ lprcat("Can't write scoreboard\n"); lflush(); return(-1); }
lwrite((char*)sco,sizeof(sco)); lwrite((char*)winr,sizeof(winr));
lwclose(); lcreat((char*)0); return(0);

* makeboard() Function to create a new scoreboard (wipe out old one)
* returns -1 if unable to write the scoreboard, returns 0 if all is OK
register int i;
for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++)
winr[i].taxes = winr[i].score = sco[i].score = 0;
winr[i].order = sco[i].order = i;
if (writeboard()) return(-1);

* hashewon() Function to return 1 if player has won a game before, else 0
* This function also sets c[HARDGAME] to appropriate value -- 0 if not a
* winner, otherwise the next level of difficulty listed in the winners
* scoreboard. This function also sets outstanding_taxes to the value in
* the winners scoreboard.
register int i;
c[HARDGAME] = 0;
if (readboard() < 0) return(0); /* can't find scoreboard */
for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) /* search through winners scoreboard */
if (winr[i].suid == userid)
if (winr[i].score > 0)
c[HARDGAME]=winr[i].hardlev+1; outstanding_taxes=winr[i].taxes;

* long paytaxes(x) Function to pay taxes if any are due
* Enter with the amount (in gp) to pay on the taxes.
* Returns amount actually paid.
long paytaxes(x)
long x;
register int i;
register long amt;
if (x<0) return(0L);
if (readboard()<0) return(0L);
for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++)
if (winr[i].suid == userid) /* look for players winning entry */
if (winr[i].score>0) /* search for a winning entry for the player */
amt = winr[i].taxes;
if (x < amt) amt=x; /* don't overpay taxes (Ughhhhh) */
winr[i].taxes -= amt;
outstanding_taxes -= amt;
if (writeboard()<0) return(0);
return(0L); /* couldn't find user on winning scoreboard */

* winshou() Subroutine to print out the winning scoreboard
* Returns the number of players on scoreboard that were shown
register struct wscofmt *p;
register int i,j,count;
for (count=j=i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) /* is there anyone on the scoreboard? */
if (winr[i].score != 0)
{ j++; break; }
if (j)
lprcat("\n Score Difficulty Time Needed Larn Winners List\n");

for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) /* this loop is needed to print out the */
for (j=0; j<SCORESIZE; j++) /* winners in order */
p = &winr[j]; /* pointer to the scoreboard entry */
if (p->order == i)
if (p->score)
lprintf("%10d %2d %5d Mobuls %s \n",
return(count); /* return number of people on scoreboard */

* shou(x) Subroutine to print out the non-winners scoreboard
* int x;
* Enter with 0 to list the scores, enter with 1 to list inventories too
* Returns the number of players on scoreboard that were shown
int x;
register int i,j,n,k;
int count;
for (count=j=i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) /* is the scoreboard empty? */
if (sco[i].score!= 0)
{ j++; break; }
if (j)
lprcat("\n Score Difficulty Larn Visitor Log\n");
for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) /* be sure to print them out in order */
for (j=0; j<SCORESIZE; j++)
if (sco[j].order == i)
if (sco[j].score)
lprintf("%10d %2d %s ",
if (sco[j].what < 256) lprintf("killed by a %s",monster[sco[j].what].name);
else lprintf("%s",whydead[sco[j].what - 256]);
if (x != 263) lprintf(" on %s",levelname[sco[j].level]);
if (x)
for (n=0; n<26; n++) { iven[n]=sco[j].sciv[n][0]; ivenarg[n]=sco[j].sciv[n][1]; }
for (k=1; k<99; k++)
for (n=0; n<26; n++)
if (k==iven[n]) { srcount=0; show3(n); }
else lprc('\n');
return(count); /* return the number of players just shown */

* showscores() Function to show the scoreboard on the terminal
* Returns nothing of value
static char esb[] = "The scoreboard is empty.\n";
register int i,j;
lflush(); lcreat((char*)0); if (readboard()<0) return;
i=winshou(); j=shou(0);
if (i+j == 0) lprcat(esb); else lprc('\n');

* showallscores() Function to show scores and the iven lists that go with them
* Returns nothing of value
register int i,j;
lflush(); lcreat((char*)0); if (readboard()<0) return;
c[WEAR] = c[WIELD] = c[SHIELD] = -1; /* not wielding or wearing anything */
for (i=0; i<MAXPOTION; i++) potionname[i][0]=' ';
for (i=0; i<MAXSCROLL; i++) scrollname[i][0]=' ';
i=winshou(); j=shou(1);
if (i+j==0) lprcat(esb); else lprc('\n');

* sortboard() Function to sort the scoreboard
* Returns 0 if no sorting done, else returns 1
register int i,j,pos;
long jdat;
for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) sco[i].order = winr[i].order = -1;
pos=0; while (pos < SCORESIZE)
for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++)
if ((sco[i].order < 0) && (sco[i].score >= jdat))
{ j=i; jdat=sco[i].score; }
sco[j].order = pos++;
pos=0; while (pos < SCORESIZE)
for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++)
if ((winr[i].order < 0) && (winr[i].score >= jdat))
{ j=i; jdat=winr[i].score; }
winr[j].order = pos++;

* newscore(score, whoo, whyded, winner) Function to add entry to scoreboard
* int score, winner, whyded;
* char *whoo;
* Enter with the total score in gp in score, players name in whoo,
* died() reason # in whyded, and TRUE/FALSE in winner if a winner
* ex. newscore(1000, "player 1", 32, 0);
newscore(score, whoo, whyded, winner)
long score;
int winner, whyded;
char *whoo;
register int i;
long taxes;
if (readboard() < 0) return; /* do the scoreboard */
/* if a winner then delete all non-winning scores */
if (cheat) winner=0; /* if he cheated, don't let him win */
if (winner)
for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) if (sco[i].suid == userid) sco[i].score=0;
taxes = score*TAXRATE;
score += 100000*c[HARDGAME]; /* bonus for winning */
/* if he has a slot on the winning scoreboard update it if greater score */
for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) if (winr[i].suid == userid)
{ new1sub(score,i,whoo,taxes); return; }
/* he had no entry. look for last entry and see if he has a greater score */
for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) if (winr[i].order == SCORESIZE-1)
{ new1sub(score,i,whoo,taxes); return; }
else if (!cheat) /* for not winning scoreboard */
/* if he has a slot on the scoreboard update it if greater score */
for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) if (sco[i].suid == userid)
{ new2sub(score,i,whoo,whyded); return; }
/* he had no entry. look for last entry and see if he has a greater score */
for (i=0; i<SCORESIZE; i++) if (sco[i].order == SCORESIZE-1)
{ new2sub(score,i,whoo,whyded); return; }

* new1sub(score,i,whoo,taxes) Subroutine to put player into a
* int score,i,whyded,taxes; winning scoreboard entry if his score
* char *whoo; is high enough
* Enter with the total score in gp in score, players name in whoo,
* died() reason # in whyded, and TRUE/FALSE in winner if a winner
* slot in scoreboard in i, and the tax bill in taxes.
* Returns nothing of value
long score,taxes;
int i;
char *whoo;
register struct wscofmt *p;
p = &winr[i];
p->taxes += taxes;
if ((score >= p->score) || (c[HARDGAME] > p->hardlev))
strcpy(p->who,whoo); p->score=score;
p->hardlev=c[HARDGAME]; p->suid=userid;

* new2sub(score,i,whoo,whyded) Subroutine to put player into a
* int score,i,whyded,taxes; non-winning scoreboard entry if his
* char *whoo; score is high enough
* Enter with the total score in gp in score, players name in whoo,
* died() reason # in whyded, and slot in scoreboard in i.
* Returns nothing of value
long score;
int i,whyded;
char *whoo;
register int j;
register struct scofmt *p;
p = &sco[i];
if ((score >= p->score) || (c[HARDGAME] > p->hardlev))
strcpy(p->who,whoo); p->score=score;
p->what=whyded; p->hardlev=c[HARDGAME];
p->suid=userid; p->level=level;
for (j=0; j<26; j++)
{ p->sciv[j][0]=iven[j]; p->sciv[j][1]=ivenarg[j]; }

* died(x) Subroutine to record who played larn, and what the score was
* int x;
* if x < 0 then don't show scores
* died() never returns! (unless c[LIFEPROT] and a reincarnatable death!)
* < 256 killed by the monster number
* 256 quit
* 257 suspended
* 258 self - annihilated
* 259 shot by an arrow
* 260 hit by a dart
* 261 fell into a pit
* 262 fell into a bottomless pit
* 263 a winner
* 264 trapped in solid rock
* 265 killed by a missing save file
* 266 killed by an old save file
* 267 caught by the greedy cheater checker trap
* 268 killed by a protected save file
* 269 killed his family and killed himself
* 270 erased by a wayward finger
* 271 fell through a bottomless trap door
* 272 fell through a trap door
* 273 drank some poisonous water
* 274 fried by an electric shock
* 275 slipped on a volcano shaft
* 276 killed by a stupid act of frustration
* 277 attacked by a revolting demon
* 278 hit by his own magic
* 279 demolished by an unseen attacker
* 280 fell into the dreadful sleep
* 281 killed by an exploding chest
* 282 killed by a missing maze data file
* 283 killed by a sphere of annihilation
* 284 died a post mortem death
* 285 malloc() failure
* 300 quick quit -- don't put on scoreboard

static int scorerror;
int x;
register int f,win;
char ch,*mod;
long zzz,i;
struct tms cputime;
if (c[LIFEPROT]>0) /* if life protection */
switch((x>0) ? x : -x)
case 256: case 257: case 262: case 263: case 265: case 266:
case 267: case 268: case 269: case 271: case 282: case 284:
case 285: case 300: goto invalid; /* can't be saved */
cursors(); lprcat("\nYou feel wiiieeeeerrrrrd all over! "); beep();
lflush(); sleep(4);
return; /* only case where died() returns */
clearvt100(); lflush(); f=0;
if (ckpflag) unlink(ckpfile); /* remove checkpoint file if used */
if (x<0) { f++; x = -x; } /* if we are not to display the scores */
if ((x == 300) || (x == 257)) exit(); /* for quick exit or saved game */
if (x == 263) win = 1; else win = 0;
/* now enter the player at the end of the scoreboard */
newscore(c[GOLD], logname, x, win);
diedsub(x); /* print out the score line */ lflush();

if ((wizard == 0) && (c[GOLD] > 0)) /* wizards can't score */
if (lappend(logfile)<0) /* append to file */
if (lcreat(logfile)<0) /* and can't create new log file */
lprcat("\nCan't open record file: I can't post your score.\n");
sncbr(); resetscroll(); lflush(); exit();
logg.score = c[GOLD]; logg.diff = c[HARDGAME];
if (x < 256)
ch = *monster[x].name;
if (ch=='a' || ch=='e' || ch=='i' || ch=='o' || ch=='u')
mod="an"; else mod="a";
sprintf(logg.what,"killed by %s %s",mod,monster[x].name);
else sprintf(logg.what,"%s",whydead[x - 256]);
time(&zzz); /* get cpu time -- write out score info */
#ifdef EXTRA
times(&cputime); /* get cpu time -- write out score info */
logg.cputime = i = (cputime.tms_utime + cputime.tms_stime)/60 + c[CPUTIME];
logg.hpmax=c[HPMAX]; logg.hp=c[HP];
logg.bytin=c[BYTESIN]; logg.bytout=c[BYTESOUT];
logg.moves=c[MOVESMADE]; logg.spused=c[SPELLSCAST];
lwrite((char*)&logg,sizeof(struct log_fmt)); lwclose();

/* now for the scoreboard maintenance -- not for a suspended game */
if (x != 257)
if (sortboard()) scorerror = writeboard();
if ((x==256) || (x==257) || (f != 0)) exit();
if (scorerror == 0) showscores(); /* if we updated the scoreboard */
if (x == 263) mailbill(); exit();

* diedsub(x) Subroutine to print out the line showing the player when he is killed
* int x;
int x;
register char ch,*mod;
lprintf("Score: %d, Diff: %d, %s ",(long)c[GOLD],(long)c[HARDGAME],logname);
if (x < 256)
ch = *monster[x].name;
if (ch=='a' || ch=='e' || ch=='i' || ch=='o' || ch=='u')
mod="an"; else mod="a";
lprintf("killed by %s %s",mod,monster[x].name);
else lprintf("%s",whydead[x - 256]);
if (x != 263) lprintf(" on %s\n",levelname[level]); else lprc('\n');

* diedlog() Subroutine to read a log file and print it out in ascii format
register int n;
register char *p;
struct stat stbuf;
if (lopen(logfile)<0)
lprintf("Can't locate log file <%s>\n",logfile);
if (fstat(fd,&stbuf) < 0)
lprintf("Can't stat log file <%s>\n",logfile);
for (n=stbuf.st_size/sizeof(struct log_fmt); n>0; --n)
lrfill((char*)&logg,sizeof(struct log_fmt));
p = ctime(&logg.diedtime); p[16]='\n'; p[17]=0;
lprintf("Score: %d, Diff: %d, %s %s on %d at %s",(long)(logg.score),(long)(logg.diff),logg.who,logg.what,(long)(logg.cavelev),p+4);
#ifdef EXTRA
if (logg.moves<=0) logg.moves=1;
lprintf(" Experience Level: %d, AC: %d, HP: %d/%d, Elapsed Time: %d minutes\n",(long)(logg.lev),(long)(,(long)(logg.hp),(long)(logg.hpmax),(long)(logg.elapsedtime));
lprintf(" CPU time used: %d seconds, Machine usage: %d.%02d%%\n",(long)(logg.cputime),(long)(logg.usage/100),(long)(logg.usage%100));
lprintf(" BYTES in: %d, out: %d, moves: %d, deaths: %d, spells cast: %d\n",(long)(logg.bytin),(long)(logg.bytout),(long)(logg.moves),(long)(logg.killed),(long)(logg.spused));
lprintf(" out bytes per move: %d, time per move: %d ms\n",(long)(logg.bytout/logg.moves),(long)((logg.cputime*1000)/logg.moves));
lflush(); lrclose(); return;

#ifndef UIDSCORE
* getplid(name) Function to get players id # from id file
* Enter with the name of the players character in name.
* Returns the id # of the players character, or -1 if failure.
* This routine will try to find the name in the id file, if its not there,
* it will try to make a new entry in the file. Only returns -1 if can't
* find him in the file, and can't make a new entry in the file.
* Format of playerids file:
* Id # in ascii \n character name \n
static int havepid= -1; /* playerid # if previously done */
char *nam;
int fd7,high=999,no;
register char *p,*p2;
char name[80];
if (havepid != -1) return(havepid); /* already did it */
lflush(); /* flush any pending I/O */
sprintf(name,"%s\n",nam); /* append a \n to name */
if (lopen(playerids) < 0) /* no file, make it */
if ((fd7=creat(playerids,0666)) < 0) return(-1); /* can't make it */
close(fd7); goto addone; /* now append new playerid record to file */
for (;;) /* now search for the name in the player id file */
p = lgetl(); if (p==NULL) break; /* EOF? */
no = atoi(p); /* the id # */
p2= lgetl(); if (p2==NULL) break; /* EOF? */
if (no>high) high=no; /* accumulate highest id # */
if (strcmp(p2,name)==0) /* we found him */
return(no); /* his id number */
/* if we get here, we didn't find him in the file -- put him there */
if (lappend(playerids) < 0) return(-1); /* can't open file for append */
lprintf("%d\n%s",(long)++high,name); /* new id # and name */
lcreat((char*)0); /* re-open terminal channel */

if test 21238 -ne "`wc -c < 'scores.c'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'scores.c'" '(should have been 21238 characters)'
echo shar: extracting "'signal.c'" '(4780 characters)'
if test -f 'signal.c'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'signal.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'signal.c'
#include <signal.h>
#include "header.h" /* "Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan.\n" */
#define BIT(a) (1<<((a)-1))
extern char savefilename[],wizard,predostuff,nosignal;
static s2choose() /* text to be displayed if ^C during intro screen */
cursor(1,24); lprcat("Press "); setbold(); lprcat("return"); resetbold();
lprcat(" to continue: "); lflush();

static cntlc() /* what to do for a ^C */
if (nosignal) return; /* don't do anything if inhibited */
quit(); if (predostuff==1) s2choose(); else showplayer();
signal(SIGQUIT,cntlc); signal(SIGINT,cntlc);

* subroutine to save the game if a hangup signal
static sgam()
savegame(savefilename); wizard=1; died(-257); /* hangup signal */

#ifdef SIGTSTP
static tstop() /* control Y */
if (nosignal) return; /* nothing if inhibited */
lcreat((char*)0); clearvt100(); lflush(); signal(SIGTSTP,SIG_DFL);
/* looks like BSD4.2 or higher - must clr mask for signal to take effect*/
sigsetmask(sigblock(0)& ~BIT(SIGTSTP));

setupvt100(); signal(SIGTSTP,tstop);
if (predostuff==1) s2choose(); else drawscreen();
showplayer(); lflush();
#endif SIGTSTP

* subroutine to issue the needed signal traps called from main()
static sigill() { sigpanic(SIGILL); } static sigtrap() { sigpanic(SIGTRAP); }
static sigiot() { sigpanic(SIGIOT); } static sigemt() { sigpanic(SIGEMT); }
static sigfpe() { sigpanic(SIGFPE); } static sigbus() { sigpanic(SIGBUS); }
static sigsegv() { sigpanic(SIGSEGV); } static sigsys() { sigpanic(SIGSYS); }
static sigpipe() { sigpanic(SIGPIPE); } static sigterm() { sigpanic(SIGTERM); }
signal(SIGQUIT, cntlc); signal(SIGINT, cntlc);
signal(SIGKILL, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, sgam);
signal(SIGILL, sigill); signal(SIGTRAP, sigtrap);
signal(SIGIOT, sigiot); signal(SIGEMT, sigemt);
signal(SIGFPE, sigfpe); signal(SIGBUS, sigbus);
signal(SIGSEGV, sigsegv); signal(SIGSYS, sigsys);
signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe); signal(SIGTERM, sigterm);
#ifdef SIGTSTP
signal(SIGTSTP,tstop); signal(SIGSTOP,tstop);
#endif SIGTSTP

#ifdef BSD /* for BSD UNIX? */

static char *signame[NSIG] = { "",
"SIGHUP", /* 1 hangup */
"SIGINT", /* 2 interrupt */
"SIGQUIT", /* 3 quit */
"SIGILL", /* 4 illegal instruction (not reset when caught) */
"SIGTRAP", /* 5 trace trap (not reset when caught) */
"SIGIOT", /* 6 IOT instruction */
"SIGEMT", /* 7 EMT instruction */
"SIGFPE", /* 8 floating point exception */
"SIGKILL", /* 9 kill (cannot be caught or ignored) */
"SIGBUS", /* 10 bus error */
"SIGSEGV", /* 11 segmentation violation */
"SIGSYS", /* 12 bad argument to system call */
"SIGPIPE", /* 13 write on a pipe with no one to read it */
"SIGALRM", /* 14 alarm clock */
"SIGTERM", /* 15 software termination signal from kill */
"SIGURG", /* 16 urgent condition on IO channel */
"SIGSTOP", /* 17 sendable stop signal not from tty */
"SIGTSTP", /* 18 stop signal from tty */
"SIGCONT", /* 19 continue a stopped process */
"SIGCHLD", /* 20 to parent on child stop or exit */
"SIGTTIN", /* 21 to readers pgrp upon background tty read */
"SIGTTOU", /* 22 like TTIN for output if (tp->t_local&LTOSTOP) */
"SIGIO", /* 23 input/output possible signal */
"SIGXCPU", /* 24 exceeded CPU time limit */
"SIGXFSZ", /* 25 exceeded file size limit */
"SIGVTALRM",/* 26 virtual time alarm */
"SIGPROF", /* 27 profiling time alarm */
"","","","" };

#else BSD /* for system V? */

static char *signame[NSIG] = { "",
"SIGHUP", /* 1 hangup */
"SIGINT", /* 2 interrupt */
"SIGQUIT", /* 3 quit */
"SIGILL", /* 4 illegal instruction (not reset when caught) */
"SIGTRAP", /* 5 trace trap (not reset when caught) */
"SIGIOT", /* 6 IOT instruction */
"SIGEMT", /* 7 EMT instruction */
"SIGFPE", /* 8 floating point exception */
"SIGKILL", /* 9 kill (cannot be caught or ignored) */
"SIGBUS", /* 10 bus error */
"SIGSEGV", /* 11 segmentation violation */
"SIGSYS", /* 12 bad argument to system call */
"SIGPIPE", /* 13 write on a pipe with no one to read it */
"SIGALRM", /* 14 alarm clock */
"SIGTERM", /* 15 software termination signal from kill */
"SIGUSR1", /* 16 user defines signal 1 */
"SIGUSR2", /* 17 user defines signal 2 */
"SIGCLD", /* 18 child death */
"SIGPWR", /* 19 power fail */
"","","","","","","","","","","","" };

#endif BSD

* routine to process a fatal error signal
static sigpanic(sig)
int sig;
char buf[128];
sprintf(buf,"\nLarn - Panic! Signal %d received [%s]",sig,signame[sig]);
write(2,buf,strlen(buf)); sleep(2);
kill(getpid(),sig); /* this will terminate us */
if test 4780 -ne "`wc -c < 'signal.c'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'signal.c'" '(should have been 4780 characters)'
echo shar: extracting "'tok.c'" '(5637 characters)'
if test -f 'tok.c'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'tok.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'tok.c'
/* tok.c Larn is copyrighted 1986 by Noah Morgan. */
#include <sys/types.h>
#ifdef SYSV
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <termio.h>
#else SYSV
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#endif SYSV
#include "header.h"

static char lastok=0;
int yrepcount=0,dayplay=0;
#ifndef FLUSHNO
#define FLUSHNO 5
#endif FLUSHNO
static int flushno=FLUSHNO; /* input queue flushing threshold */
#define MAXUM 52 /* maximum number of user re-named monsters */
#define MAXMNAME 40 /* max length of a monster re-name */
static char usermonster[MAXUM][MAXMNAME]; /* the user named monster name goes here */
static char usermpoint=0; /* the user monster pointer */

lexical analyzer for larn
char cc;
int ic;
if (hit2flag) { hit2flag=0; yrepcount=0; return(' '); }
if (yrepcount>0) { --yrepcount; return(lastok); } else yrepcount=0;
if (yrepcount==0) { bottomdo(); showplayer(); } /* show where the player is */
while (1)
if (ckpflag)
if ((c[BYTESIN] % 400) == 0) /* check for periodic checkpointing */
wait(0); /* wait for other forks to finish */
if (fork() == 0) { savegame(ckpfile); exit(); }

if (dayplay==0)
if (playable())
lprcat("\nSorry, but it is now time for work. Your game has been saved.\n"); beep();
lflush(); savegame(savefilename); wizard=nomove=1; sleep(4);


do /* if keyboard input buffer is too big, flush some of it */
if (ic>flushno) read(0,&cc,1);
while (ic>flushno);

if (read(0,&cc,1) != 1) return(lastok = -1);

if (cc == 'Y'-64) /* control Y -- shell escape */
resetscroll(); clear(); /* scrolling region, home, clear, no attributes */
if ((ic=fork())==0) /* child */
execl("/bin/csh",0); exit();
if (ic<0) /* error */
write(2,"Can't fork off a shell!\n",25); sleep(2);

return(lastok = 'L'-64); /* redisplay screen */

if ((cc <= '9') && (cc >= '0'))
{ yrepcount = yrepcount*10 + cc - '0'; }
else { if (yrepcount>0) --yrepcount; return(lastok = cc); }

* flushall() Function to flush all type-ahead in the input buffer
char cc;
int ic;
for (;;) /* if keyboard input buffer is too big, flush some of it */
if (ic<=0) return;
while (ic>0) { read(0,&cc,1); --ic; } /* gobble up the byte */

function to set the desired hardness
enter with hard= -1 for default hardness, else any desired hardness
int hard;
register int j,k,i;
j=c[HARDGAME]; hashewon();
if (restorflag==0) /* don't set c[HARDGAME] if restoring game */
if (hard >= 0) c[HARDGAME]= hard;
else c[HARDGAME]=j; /* set c[HARDGAME] to proper value if restoring game */

if (k=c[HARDGAME])
for (j=0; j<=MAXMONST+8; j++)
i = ((6+k)*monster[j].hitpoints+1)/6;
monster[j].hitpoints = (i<0) ? 32767 : i;
i = ((6+k)*monster[j].damage+1)/5;
monster[j].damage = (i>127) ? 127 : i;
i = (10*monster[j].gold)/(10+k);
monster[j].gold = (i>32767) ? 32767 : i;
i = monster[j].armorclass - k;
monster[j].armorclass = (i< -127) ? -127 : i;
i = (7*monster[j].experience)/(7+k) + 1;
monster[j].experience = (i<=0) ? 1 : i;

function to read and process the larn options file
register char *i;
register int j,k;
int flag;
flag=1; /* set to 0 if he specifies a name for his character */
if (lopen(optsfile) < 0)
strcpy(logname,loginname); return; /* user name if no character name */
i = " ";
while (*i)
if ((i=(char *)lgetw()) == 0) break; /* check for EOF */
while ((*i==' ') || (*i=='\t')) i++; /* eat leading whitespace */
case 'b': if (strcmp(i,"bold-objects") == 0) boldon=1;

case 'e': if (strcmp(i,"enable-checkpointing") == 0) ckpflag=1;

case 'i': if (strcmp(i,"inverse-objects") == 0) boldon=0;

case 'f': if (strcmp(i,"female") == 0) sex=0; /* male or female */

case 'm': if (strcmp(i,"monster:")== 0) /* name favorite monster */
if ((i=lgetw())==0) break;
if (strlen(i)>=MAXMNAME) i[MAXMNAME-1]=0;
if (usermpoint >= MAXUM) break; /* defined all of em */
if (isalpha(j=usermonster[usermpoint][0]))
for (k=1; k<MAXMONST+8; k++) /* find monster */
if (monstnamelist[k] == j)
monster[k].name = &usermonster[usermpoint++][0];
else if (strcmp(i,"male") == 0) sex=1;

case 'n': if (strcmp(i,"name:") == 0) /* defining players name */
if ((i=lgetw())==0) break;
if (strlen(i)>=LOGNAMESIZE) i[LOGNAMESIZE-1]=0;
strcpy(logname,i); flag=0;
else if (strcmp(i,"no-introduction") == 0) nowelcome=1;
else if (strcmp(i,"no-beep") == 0) nobeep=1;

case 'p': if (strcmp(i,"process-name:")== 0)
if ((i=lgetw())==0) break;
if (strlen(i)>=PSNAMESIZE) i[PSNAMESIZE-1]=0;
else if (strcmp(i,"play-day-play") == 0) dayplay=1;

case 's': if (strcmp(i,"savefile:") == 0) /* defining savefilename */
if ((i=lgetw())==0) break;
if (strlen(i)>=SAVEFILENAMESIZE) /* avoid overflow */
strcpy(savefilename,i); flag=0;
if (flag) strcpy(logname,loginname);

if test 5637 -ne "`wc -c < 'tok.c'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'tok.c'" '(should have been 5637 characters)'
echo shar: extracting "'MANIFEST'" '(1097 characters)'
if test -f 'MANIFEST'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'MANIFEST'"
File Name Kit Number
-------------- ----------
.holidays 6 6
.larnmaze 6
.larnopts 3
.lfortune 4
Fixed.Bugs 1
Make.lint 1
Makefile 1
bill.c 1
config.c 1
create.c 1
data.c 2
diag.c 1
display.c 2
fortune.c 1
global.c 2
header.h 3
help.c 1
io.c 3
main.c 3
monster.c 4
moreobj.c 4
movem.c 4
nap.c 2
object.c 5
regen.c 5
savelev.c 1
scores.c 5
signal.c 5
store.c 6
tok.c 5
if test 1097 -ne "`wc -c < 'MANIFEST'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'MANIFEST'" '(should have been 1097 characters)'
exit 0
# End of shell archive

0 new messages