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SUMacc AppleTalk/Bus Interface?

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Jun 24, 1985, 4:51:00 PM6/24/85
You may wish to get the seagate files from stanford, which have ".h" files
for appletalk.

Craig A. McGowan
University of Rochester
UUCP: ...{allegra|seismo|decvax}!rochester!ur-univax!cam2
ARPA: mcgowan@rochester

Jul 3, 1985, 9:04:41 PM7/3/85

Regarding our Stanford AppleTalk stuff, I thought I would repost some
items of interest that went by on the info-applebus bboard.
--Bill Croft

Date: 29 Apr 1985 0946-PDT (Monday)
From: Bill Croft <croft@safe>
To: info-applebus@mit-xx
Reply-To: croft@sumex
Subject: appletalk programs from SUMEX


Here is what you can get from SUMEX. Since this stuff is fairly
large, I recommend just posting this note as a 'pointer' and let
folks pick it up by FTPing directly to SUMEX.

(1) a cross development environment (SUMACC) that allows Mac
C programs to be developed on UNIX. After the executable module
is produced, it can either be downloaded to the Mac or simply
'executed' remotely via the Mac file server below. [released
in Nov 84].

(2) a 'gateway' between ethernet and AppleTalk (SEAGATE). This allows
UNIX to provide servers for Mac AppleTalk applications. [released
in Feb 85].

(3) several applications (for the Mac) and servers (for UNIX) that
utilize AppleTalk [released Mar 85]:

MAT (Mac / ATP transfer program). A simple file transfer
utility and daemon. Also serves as a skeleton application
for general Mac transaction services. For example you could
easily build a Mac program to read and create 'internet mail'
containing pictures and speech.

EFS (external file system). Allows UNIX to act as a general
file server for the Macintosh. The Mac user sees the
standard 'desktop' iconic model of his remote directory
on UNIX. This software was written by John Seamons of
LucasFilm and adapted by us for AppleTalk.

TELNET and TFTP. These correspond to the UNIX programs
used to access virtual terminal and file transfer services.
The Mac programs here were developed by MIT/Dartmouth/CMU
and can be used thru SEAGATE to connect to UNIXes or
other internet hosts. [Only the TFTP binary is provided
in our distribution].

The released material for all of these items includes source code
and documentation. In the case of SEAGATE, instructions are provided
to assemble your own gateway from off-the-shelf components.
All of these items are currently publicly accessable on-line via FTP to
our SUMEX host, in the <info-mac> directory. There are also tar
magtapes available of SUMACC and INFO-MAC (which contains the seagate
files). Magtape info:

The tape duplication company below charges $65 to send each tape.
This includes the new reel of tape and surface (book rate) postage.
They will accept prepaid checks or money orders.

Maria Code
Data Processing Services
Info-Mac TAR tape, or SUMACC tape
1371 Sydney Drive
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
(408) 735 8006

You may wish to include more money for postage to get faster delivery:
Additional postage rates.
US only.
$2.50 airmail
outside US.
$2.50 surface (2 months to Europe!)
$4.00 airmail North America (Canada/Mexico)
$7.00 airmail Europe
$10.00 airmail elsewhere (Africa, Asia, etc.)


Date: 3 Jun 1985 1634-PDT (Monday)
From: Bill Croft <croft>
To: info-applebus@mit-xx
Cc: croft
Reply-To: croft@sumex
Subject: single board seagate

Here is a note from Stephen Lewis of Kinetics, a startup company
that is putting together a single board seagate. Stephen (and Tim
McCreery) of Kinetics dropped by my office last week to explain what
they were up to. While they carefully want to avoid making any
promises, they are planning on having some working wirewrap prototypes
in about a month.

I wanted to post his message here because it might get some other
folks interested. Also Kinetics is a pretty small outfit and could
use some encouragement; you can send mail to them at the address
below or call them at 415 947 0998. We are planning on purchasing
a couple of their boxes.

I have no connection with this company, although they are using
a modified version of our seagate code.

------- Forwarded Message

Date: Fri, 24 May 85 18:13:38 pdt
From: unisoft!normac!stephen@Berkeley
To: cr...@safe.ARPA
Subject: Re: North Sea Gate
Actual-Sender: Stephen Lewis

Sorry for late answer. Re Kinetics' Mac/Ether Bridge.
Yes I am working on a single board version. Details follow.

Status: Wire wrap prototype about to be built. PC version after bugs
fixed (maybe 2 mos).

Spec: 68008 CPU (running 8Mhz), Z8530, 82586, sockets for 8 memory
chips which can be any of:
8k*8 RAM; 8k*8 up to 32k*8 ROM or 2k*8 EEPROM each.
Final config not fixed yet (maybe 40k RAM, 32k ROM, 2k EEPROM)
parallel port to bus which can be Multibus or Q-bus.
Operates stand-alone with single 5v supply as a gateway or
in a card cage as a gateway or in a cage as Applebus interface
or in a cage as poor man's Ethernet interface or combinations.
DB15 connector for Applebus - 16pin transceiver cable
connector for Ethernet (with cable - you need transceiver).
All RAM is *static* (no refresh!) and all shared between
82586 and 68008 on a 2Mbyte/s bus.

Size: About 6 * 10 * 4 inches under 20 watts - no fans.

Code: Memory map will be different and if you want to support the
parallel bus it will need some handshaking etc. Boot up and
download will all be different but we can supply code for these.
We plan to work over our version of 'seagate' code (see billn's mail)
but it shouldn't be hard to get the original to work.

Avail: Until we have built a couple and seen them work I am reluctant to
announce availability.

Quantity: How many do you need?

Feedback appreciated. I am quite prepared to add anything that fits.
As I see it the code can't be frozen for some time yet so I plan on
keeping most options open. We will have boot proms and download during
testing then swap the chips and burn ROMS later.

Stephen Lewis - Kinetics Inc.

------- End of Forwarded Message


Date: Tue, 4 Jun 85 12:48:27 pdt
From: Bill Croft <croft@safe>
Subject: demo of AppleTalk UNIX file server
To: croft@safe, info-applebus@mit-xx, smug-developers@sushi

For anyone interested, you can drop by our office at 3 PM on Thursday
June 6th for a demonstration of our AppleTalk file server. I can also
give you pointers on how to setup a similar arrangement on your own
departmental UNIX.

The server consists of these parts:

A driver (external file system) in the Mac that fields IO
trap calls and turns them into AppleTalk protocol transactions.
After booting the Mac, the user runs the application 'efs', which
prompts for user name, host name, and password. The driver is
loaded onto the system heap and the Mac returns to the finder,
where the UNIX subdirectory is displayed iconically.
The user may then 'eject' any SONY disks and run entirely
diskless off the file server.

On the UNIX side, a daemon (efsd) waits for a 'connection' from
a remote Mac. When one arrives, the daemon forks, spawning a
child to service file requests for that Mac.

To allow the Macs (AppleTalk) to speak to UNIX (ethernet/IP),
a gateway (SEAGATE) does some simple protocol conversions.

AppleTalk libraries on both the UNIX and Mac side that allow
you to write Mac AppleTalk applications that talk to UNIX
server daemons.

The current state of the project is such that a UNIX/Mac systems
programmer at your site should be able to duplicate the gateway
and compile and load the software we provide. For example, Jim Nisbet
in Cypress Hall has already done this. A startup company called
'Kinetics' in Berkeley has also done it and is currently trying
to produce a 'single board' version of the gateway.

You can look over the source and documentation in the files
SEAGATE* on our SUMEX machine in directory <INFO-MAC> (use
anonymous FTP).

I see the external file system software as evolving still
further (I can elaborate at the demonstration) and
would especially like to see other interested people in the area
running this code so that we can get more synergistic enhancements
and bug fixes going. Here at SUMEX, my own involvement with
the Mac and networking has hit something of a plateau, since our
current director is now emphasizing Lisp machines. So although
we are not doing much 'new development', I continue to offer support
and technical assistance for what we have already completed.
And of course I am interested in what future directions this
might take.


Date: Wed, 19 Jun 85 15:57:19 pdt
From: Bill Croft <croft@safe>
Subject: 'TODO' list for seagate/efs
To: croft@safe, cs.eab@forsythe, mtxinu!normac!billn@berkeley
Cc: johnmark@whitney

This is a list I drew up recently in trying to determine how
much effort would be required to turn seagate-efs into a
'finished' or 'commercial' product. I would estimate that all
the items (except those depending on new releases from Apple)
could be completed in less than a man-month...


Minor errors in seek logic create 'holey' UNIX files
occasionally (try: Finder 4.1 minifinder install).

Set bit in driveQ preventing disk eject; update driveQ
structure in fs.h per Mike Schuster's msg.

'Read cache' code missing 'scan to terminator' mode.

UNIX / Mac date/time conversion for file dates.

Traps still unimplemented (easy): Allocate, SetFilLock,


Add desk accessory that would allow mounting/dismounting other
volumes, chdir's, etc. Expand efs/efsd to deal with multi-volumes.

Keep VCB file count up to date by returning file count on FlushVols.

Do read transactions in 2K or 4K chunks instead of 512 bytes.

Cache GetFileInfo's; be sensitive to scanning direction (are index
numbers increasing, or decreasing?)

Add single write block cacheing (read case already installed).

Experiment with different cache sizes on Mac side.

Apple expects case insensitivity on open's of existing files.
E.g. 'Finder' opens 'System' and can't find it if it's called 'system'.


Use name binding protocol to locate server host address. (Need
NBP daemon on UNIX side to register with).


How many AppleTalk users with what kind of load mix (program
development vs. word processing) can we really handle?

Will the gateway / AppleTalk cable saturate first, or the
file server? If it is the former, then perhaps adding more
seagates will help.


Conform to Apple's Filing protocol when released (optional).

Find out how Apple is handling subdirectories (with ':'?)
and 'change directory' primitive in new ROMs.

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