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hackers, etc.

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Joe Carfagno

не прочитано,
8 янв. 1985 г., 21:35:0208.01.1985
[This lines for you...]

Someone asked for the difference between a "hacker" and a
"real programmer" (the UNIX type I assume)...

I am a supervisor of a group of UNIX system software specialists.
Here's my perspective...

If you work in such a group, and like building UNIX tools and
software of some non-trival type, you are called a "hacker".
If you work in some other type of group (application, support, etc.),
and do the same, you are called a "real UNIX programmer".
It's usually the latter types that make the statements about the former.

Another twisted view, but then, opinions are like belly-buttons
(substitute your favorite orifice here), everybody's got one...
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