But I would prefer to have the most recent version at the top.
For target milestones, we can use the "sortkey", but there is no "sortkey"
for versions.
How can I sort the list of a product's versions descending ?
Anik Cadieux
You could locate $vars-{version} in the cgi and use some Perl trickery
to reverse the array. Just be careful in enter_bug.cgi because the LAST
item in the array is assumed to be the newest.
Anybody know of a solution ?
1) in Bugzilla/Product.pm:versions(), add "ORDER BY value DESC" to the
SQL call.
2) in enter_bug.cgi, change the following line:
$default{'version'} = $vars->{'version'}->[$#{$vars->{'version'}}];
$default{'version'} = $vars->{'version'}->[0];