I am using Linux with Gnome environment. Have installed new nice theme
that uses White colors by default in all menus. On the other hand
Thunderbird has pretty nice theme: OWN. Unfortunately I can not use it
because of white font color in all menus (even pop-ups) used on a
light background. They are completely unreadable.
Question: How can I override theme font color used in menus and
replace it with desired one, let's say #000000;
Thank you.
>How can I override theme font color used in menus and replace it with desired one, let's say #000000;
Create a userChrome.css (next to userChrome-example.css in your profile)
and add the following:
menu, menuitem { color: #000000 !important; }
Warning: May contain traces of nuts.
Perfect, that does the trick. How about disabled items that are in
menu? Can I specify color for them, let's say I'd like to have gray
set up for those: #555555?
Thank you.
menuitem[disabled="true"] {
color: GrayText !important;
Unfortunately couple MenuItems, like Sort and Find, are still rendered
in white color. Why?
>Unfortunately couple MenuItems, like Sort and Find, are still rendered in white color. Why?
At this point I'd suggest you install DOM Inspector and inspect the
menuitems to see what's affecting their colour.
Try expanding your code to include a few other things:
menupopup > menu,
popup > menu,
menupopup > menuitem,
popup > menuitem {
some-argument !important;
The same would apply for [disabled="true"]
Maybe this helps?
To reply privately, please PM me at MozillaZine...
Unfortunately it didn't help :(.
> On Aug 15, 7:55 pm, CatThief <nos...@no.way> wrote:
>> Try expanding your code to include a few other things:
>> menu,
>> menuitem,
>> menupopup > menu,
>> popup > menu,
>> menupopup > menuitem,
>> popup > menuitem {
>> some-argument !important;
>> }
>> The same would apply for [disabled="true"]
>> Maybe this helps?
> Unfortunately it didn't help :(.
In that case I would follow Neil's advice and install DOM Inspector. It
will surely give you the answer.
Unfortunately it didn't help :(.
Is the GrayText
value rendered any different at your
Gray text sample.
> *Fri, 24 Aug 2007 08:38:03 -0700*, /ksamdev/:
>> Unfortunately it didn't help :(.
> Is the |GrayText| value rendered any different at your side?
> Gray text sample.
> --
> Stanimir
I'm not sure what I am supposed to be seeing in the Gray text sample,
but wherever "color: GrayText" is defined, the color displayed will be
whatever is set as your OS default for the color of disabled-state text.
> I'm not sure what I am supposed to be seeing in the Gray text sample,
> but wherever "color: GrayText" is defined, the color displayed will be
> whatever is set as your OS default for the color of disabled-state text.
Yes, did you see the "gray text sample" in a different color (i.e.
the "disabled text" color set in your OS environment) than the
normal text? I'm asking because I've seen Linux desktops not
rendering any difference for 'GrayText' and normal text.
Yes, I do see the proper gray text now, after switching on HTML. :) My
Tb theme is Mostly Crystal and my GTK2 theme is Milky Smooth on OpenSUSE
> Yes, I do see the proper gray text now, after switching on HTML. :)
Sorry. I should have pointed the message is a HTML sample, or
better attached the HTML sample as separate part. Now I see ksamdev
should check it out, too.
How does one alter the text color in the mailbox pain (i.e. the
sender, date, subject, etc.). I got the info above for the MENU's
text. I am assuming it is similar, but I am not a programmer, and
therefor ignorant of the proper commands.
My gratitude . . .
#messengerBox treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text {
color: #999999 !important;
Use any hex value of your choice. You can also add (selected) and
(selected, focus) to -moz-tree-cell-text and apply separate rules for
conditional coloring.
CatThief, you are my hero for the day. The code worked perfectly!
Thank You.
Do you mind if I post your code over on the MozillaZine forums where I
was working a thread about the same question?
Is there a way to change just the background color of that box, or am
I getting TOO picky now?
Thanks for the help . . .
In Thunderbird, the ID of that element is locationFolders. It picks up
the global menulist properties defined inside menulist.css, plus
folderMenus.css inside the messenger directory for the icon images. I
would need a tool equivalent to DOM Inspector for Eudora to precisely
know what to change, but you might give #locationFolders a try.
This example shows the default for menulists:
menulist {
background-color: -moz-Field;
color: -moz-FieldText;
This is how you would apply an override for this specific menulist:
#locationFolders {
background-color: #hexval !important;
color: #hexval !important;
> CatThief, you are my hero for the day. The code worked perfectly!
> Thank You.
Glad to help.
> Do you mind if I post your code over on the MozillaZine forums where I
> was working a thread about the same question?
You are welcome to post anything you see in this newsgroup. :)
CatThief - I can not find either of those files - menulist.css or
folderMenus.css, however I am not sure where to look, either. I have
been through all the Chrome folders I can find for Eudora, but so far,
no joy. As Eudora 8 is just really, at this point, Thunderbird with a
tweak or two, so far all the Thunderbird v2 themes I have are working,
so I am guessing that all the folders should be the same.
Thanks for the help . . . at least I know it may be possible to get
over this one last hurdle.
I just discovered that I had a corrupt download/install of the new
Eudora 8. It was trying to combine the two different programs and
causing other issues. After I unistalled both, did a clean install of
Eudora 8, I now have the functionality I wanted without needing to
make any other changes. All the fonts and colors we have been working
on are there.
Thanks for all the help . . .
Good to hear you have it all sorted out.