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schedule change for 3.1 Beta 1 freeze (now Sept 30)

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Mike Shaver

Aug 27, 2008, 8:35:35 PM8/27/08
to group
As we discussed a bit at today's development call, we're going to be
moving the code freeze for Beta 1 to *Sept 30*. This schedule
adjustment will better allow us to incorporate feedback from the Alpha
on exciting features like worker threads before Beta, and adjusts for
some of the impact of MU on build and release resources.

Beta 2 will be after Beta 1, unsurprisingly, likely returning to the 4
week cadence and freezing on Oct 28th.

Alpha 2 builds will be produced using the code from Aug 19, as before,
and we should have a schedule for the build availability and release
pretty shortly. (Likely around Sept 2, if you made me guess. Don't
make me guess.)


Axel Hecht

Aug 28, 2008, 5:24:09 AM8/28/08
Seem that I need to start dialing into wed meetings again.

Does that make a string freeze for Beta 1 (not the final product string
freeze) to be on the 25th 23:59 PST? Fri-Mon for localization, Tuesday
for shipped-locales?


Mike Shaver

Aug 28, 2008, 3:18:11 PM8/28/08
to Axel Hecht,
On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 2:24 AM, Axel Hecht <> wrote:
> Seem that I need to start dialing into wed meetings again.

Maybe, but not for this case -- the discussion was "we propose this,
there will be a dev.planning thread today, if it causes major problems
then please call them out in the thread".

> Does that make a string freeze for Beta 1 (not the final product string
> freeze) to be on the 25th 23:59 PST? Fri-Mon for localization, Tuesday
> for shipped-locales?

I would expect string freeze to shift by 3 weeks as well, unless,
again, that causes problems for some reason. If you're suggesting
that time, then yes, I support your suggestion, but I think l10n makes
that call, so I guess you're informing us! :)


Axel Hecht

Aug 28, 2008, 4:05:27 PM8/28/08

Cool, I'll update .l10n.


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