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Firefox Beta 5 schedule update

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2008/03/12 11:36:342008/03/12
Hello Everyone

The following is an update on the upcoming schedule [http://] for Beta 5.

en-US is supposed to be string frozen now. We believe the team may
have some last minute patches to land. So, we have collaborated with
Mike Beltzner, the overall lead for the release, to ask that from
Thursday March 13 at midnight PDT to Monday March 17at 9am PDT there
be NO CHANGES from en-US so you can complete your localized builds
without issue for Beta 5 :)

I will write another post - once we get confirmation from Mike - to
ask you to opt-in to Beta 5. Expect that to happen after Thursday,
like Friday morning.

This change in the way we do releases is the similar to how we managed
Beta4 release, and here is more context: Firefox release drivers want
to be able to hand off the Tree to Build team at any time after "L10n
code freeze/Tree closed for baking" date of March 18th. This new
process should speed up our ability to ship builds. The implication
for L10n, is that all work should/must be completed before March 18
11:59pm PDT. (If there is a requirement for any changes to be taken
after that date -only under reasonable and extraneous circumstances-
we will ask you to post your request in the update ship locales b5
tracking bug for review).

If you have any feedback, please comment here ASAP or contact directly.

Thanks all and here's to a successful Beta 5 :) :)

Besnik Bleta

2008/03/12 13:13:332008/03/12
To: Mic、、
Could somebody have a look at bug 422167, so I can get rid of those
strange characters preceding a command key? With that done,
most of the menus for /sq/ would be prettier.


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Axel Hecht

2008/03/12 14:38:522008/03/12
Besnik Bleta wrote:
> Could somebody have a look at bug 422167, so I can get rid of those
> strange characters preceding a command key? With that done,
> most of the menus for /sq/ would be prettier.
Cedric got that mostly right, commented in the bug, too.


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