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SVG build dependency on cairo gfx on 11/22

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T Rowley

Nov 21, 2006, 8:20:20 PM11/21/06
Now that mac has switched to cairo-cocoa as the default toolkit (bug
323934), I'm going to be landing my patch that starts the process of
switching SVG over to thebes (bug 354866). This will be a hard
dependency, instead of the current choice of using using cairo directly
or grabbing a cairo context from thebes.

If you build with non-default toolkit or on a non tier-1 platform you'll
need to disable SVG in your mozconfig.

Original warning for this change was in early October:


T Rowley

Nov 25, 2006, 9:45:30 AM11/25/06
Due to tree closure for the cycle collector landing and issues with the
nquartz cairo backend, this landing has been delayed. Likely I'll try
landing it on Monday (11/27) when people are around that kick
tinderboxes if required.
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