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[Update] Release schedule for Thunderbird 3 beta2

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Simon Paquet

Jan 22, 2009, 4:51:09 PM1/22/09
Hey guys!

We've seen the feedback from Ricardo, that European localizers will be at
FOSDEM 2009 during the proposed beta2 release crunch time.

We've also looked at the list of the remaining blocker bugs for the
Thunderbird 3 release.

And after careful consideration it has been decided, to postpone the
release schedule for TB3 beta2 by a week or two. I can't give you exact
dates right now, but hopefully I can give you those dates until the end
of the week.

Simon Paquet
Thunderbird/Calendar Localisation (L10n) Coordinator
Thunderbird l10n blog:
Calendar website maintainer:
Calendar developer blog:

Axel Hecht

Jan 22, 2009, 5:10:58 PM1/22/09
On 22.01.2009 22:51 Uhr, Simon Paquet wrote:
> Hey guys!
> We've seen the feedback from Ricardo, that European localizers will be at
> FOSDEM 2009 during the proposed beta2 release crunch time.
> We've also looked at the list of the remaining blocker bugs for the
> Thunderbird 3 release.
> And after careful consideration it has been decided, to postpone the
> release schedule for TB3 beta2 by a week or two. I can't give you exact
> dates right now, but hopefully I can give you those dates until the end
> of the week.

Is anyone else seeing us making that release schedule over a hang-over
on Belgium beer?


And I wonder how FOSDEM ends up attracting release times so eagerly.


Ricardo Palomares Martí­nez

Jan 25, 2009, 5:23:03 AM1/25/09
Axel Hecht escribió:

> Is anyone else seeing us making that release schedule over a hang-over
> on Belgium beer?

Ready to take photos, just in case it happens. :-)

> And I wonder how FOSDEM ends up attracting release times so eagerly.

That's true, I remember something similar happening before.


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