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Installation - Mac OS X, Revisited

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Feb 3, 2010, 4:03:28 PM2/3/10
I'm still very much interested in improving the installation
experience on Mac OS X.


I was very busy with some other projects for a while but have freed
back up in large part. I'd love to get this up and running in the
next month or so; hopefully in time for 3.7 or whatever it's being
called these days.

Has anything changed since November when I last checked in?


Alexander Limi

Feb 3, 2010, 5:03:20 PM2/3/10
to Christian, Joel Reymont, Taras Glek,
Hi Christian,

Good timing, we're about to start working on this again now that 3.6 is out.
It's also one of the things that could potentially land in a 3.6.x update
under the new release policy.

I've copied in Taras and Joel, which are some of our resident OS X experts,
and they've probably done some thinking around this in the meantime.

Alexander Limi · Firefox User Experience Team ·

> _______________________________________________
> dev-apps-firefox mailing list

Joel Reymont

Feb 3, 2010, 5:13:50 PM2/3/10
to Alexander Limi, Christian,, Taras Glek
I won't have time to work on this until I land the static build. I just got Windows to run but that will need benchmarking. I'll gladly give up responsibility for this bug to Christian!

Christian, please feel free to assign this bug to yourself.

On Feb 3, 2010, at 10:03 PM, Alexander Limi wrote:

> Hi Christian,
> Good timing, we're about to start working on this again now that 3.6 is out. It's also one of the things that could potentially land in a 3.6.x update under the new release policy.
> I've copied in Taras and Joel, which are some of our resident OS X experts, and they've probably done some thinking around this in the meantime.



Feb 3, 2010, 5:18:50 PM2/3/10
As some of the concerns (copying from and unmounting a DMG, for
example) addressed in the code by Andy Kim et al are not relevant, I
would like to take the approach of re-implementing rather than

I'm currently working out a flow chart and UI mock-up. Trying to get
in touch with Boriss for some feedback.

Also trying to make sense of Mercurial, which is proving an adventure.

What is the target version for this release? I assume 10.4 and later,
but I also remember hearing some noise about that support going away
sooner or later.

Finally, is there some flag I can set to build an all-inclusive app
bundle instead of external libraries? to test all this, I want to be
able to move the app bundle and have the result still function.


Mike Beltzner

Feb 18, 2010, 9:50:10 AM2/18/10
to Christian,
On 2010-02-03, at 5:18 PM, Christian wrote:

> I'm currently working out a flow chart and UI mock-up. Trying to get
> in touch with Boriss for some feedback.

If she's not responsive for whatever reason and you want to share your thinking, posting either to here or the mozilla-dev-usability group (which is less concerned with implementation, and more about sharing thoughts about the user experience) should result in some action.

> Also trying to make sense of Mercurial, which is proving an adventure.

Indeed it is. There's some good documentation on (I think /Using_Mercurial, but you might benefit from searching for it).

> What is the target version for this release? I assume 10.4 and later,
> but I also remember hearing some noise about that support going away
> sooner or later.

If it makes things easier for you to target OSX 10.4 and later, by all means do that. We can figure out what that means for shipping the feature later, and I'd rather not see progress stymied if it's more difficult for you to move forward using 10.3

> Finally, is there some flag I can set to build an all-inclusive app
> bundle instead of external libraries? to test all this, I want to be
> able to move the app bundle and have the result still function.

No special flag is needed; by default when you build you should end up with a /dist directory that contains the .app bundle.


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