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Request for feedback re live video interface

已查看 3 次


2009年7月27日 17:20:202009/7/27
Hey Dev -

Alexander Limi and myself have been working on the HTML5 video tag for
Firefox. An area that was mostly neglected for Firefox 3.5 was live
video. If you've watched Air Mozilla live, you've seen the time
slider just stays on the right side of the timeline and can't be
interacted with.

We'd like to improve this by not only making the interface more
intuitive for live video, but also allowing for some video to be
buffered. This would allow for live video to be replayed within the
buffer limit, and for live video to be paused and then continued where
it left off. I haven't yet seen online live video to do this, so it
may be a new use case for the web. Limi and I have brainstormed, and
we have a design that we think handles this functionality in an
intuitive way. But I'd really appreciate it if you could take a
minute and look over the design for yourself and give feedback, either
here or as comments on the blog. As well as overall impression, I'd
like to know if the way the controls worked was obvious when you first
saw them or not.

Here's a link to the blog post about this feature:

And here's the wiki where we're tracking development:


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