ASP.NET GUI Editor-Michael: Report #9

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Michael Hutchinson

Aug 29, 2005, 7:21:22 AM8/29/05
to mono-soc
Hey all,

Penultimate report coming up. Sorry it's late, have been getting a lot
done this week!

Page Parser works on Mono. No support yet for server-side comments,
code blocks or databinding, but there are more important things to
consider right now!

Mozilla editor integration! As I'm sure you'll all have seen from the
screenshot, I've integrated Blago's work into AspNetEdit.

Fixed page loading with Mozilla.

Mozilla editor doesn't support XHTML!!! Either we replace it with
something else at some point, or hope that NVU gets merged back into
Mozilla trunk.

Unfortunately we've found a lot of bugs in the Mozilla integration, but
Blago's fixing them quite quickly.

My server went down on Saturday thanks to a power cut, so no-one could
see the screenshots! Should be up later today.

Page saving with Mozilla is broken, as it mangles some of the HTML I
put in.

Plans for this week
Fix Mozilla integration bugs

Expose more Mozilla editor functionality in GTK# gui: cut, copy, paste,
undo, redo, bold, italic...

Add support for HTML fragments in toolbox -> we can insert tables etc

A simple interface to load custom controls so I can test out the
inherent support I've built in already.

I'm fairly sure that I'll have met the targets by Thursday, and I'm
looking forward to relaxing a little having been working at least full
time on this thing since the start!



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