The _id is a fixed string = 16 characters. The floats are equally
divided into 22 fields. There is nothing else to the structure (i.e.
it's a flat document). I just figured out that I only need indexes
for half of them. So let's say only 1 billion would be indexed (= how
much RAM?). That's for 11 float fields - does that mean more memory
(as compared to a single index 11 times bigger)? The indexed fields
have 2 characters for names and the non-indexed 3 characters. I
appreciate that you're helping out with knowing what to expect.
I plan to run Node.js for queries against this Mongo data and also
Redis on the same server. Obviously, Redis needs memory too. So it's
important to know how much Mongo will use up. Which is the medium box? They are actually named based on the amount of
RAM and there are others - bigger than the ones on the home page. At
first glance, there doesn't seem to be any cost savings -- but that
actually depends on how much memory Mongo needs and how much I'll have
left after I pick the appropriate plan. Disk space is obviously not
an issue with VPS. Is there a reason I may not want to run Mongo and
Redis on the same box?
> ><mongodb-user%2Bunsubscribe@google>
> > .