Criminal Investigation Request of Health Canada and Industry Canada

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Apr 28, 2011, 11:47:50 PM4/28/11
For the last several days I have been working on the attached letter (RCMP).
In the letter, I have asked The Royal Canadian Mounted Police to conduct a criminal investigation of Health Canada and Industry Canada.
I am requesting your help to get the information distributed to your local news outlets and to supportive political candidates.  There may still be time to make this an election issue.
If you agree with what I am asking of the RCMP, here are some actions that you could consider, which may help everyone:
1.  You could send a letter in support of my request, to the RCMP, stating that you agree with the information and you also want them to conduct a criminal investigation.
2.  You could write your own letter of concern and forward it to the RCMP.  (Please feel free to copy my letter or use portions that will assist you).
3.  You could send scientific evidence or important information to the RCMP to assist them in their investigation.
4.  If you are a scientist or you are very knowledgeable about EMR, you can offer the RCMP your professional assistance.
5.  If you live in a country other than Canada, please consider sending a similar request to the national police service of your own country.
If you do take any of these actions, I would appreciate a copy of the information.
Thanks and best wishes
Martin Weatherall
Co Director WEEP
BioInitiative Report Summary for Public.pdf
1973 - NRC Canada microwave threat.pdf
Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation IEEE 1984.pdf
RCMP Criminal Investigation Request Final.doc
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