Help Protect Children in Victoria

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Oct 21, 2012, 10:04:36 AM10/21/12
From: Tammy Jeske

Subject: Please, see enclosed pdf file!

[Letter from Olle Johansson to Greater Victoria School District 61 - Board of Education - Wi-Fi - Letter of information - October 5, 2012]

FYI- Yet another qualified expert has written the Victoria School Board re Wi-Fi technology (microwave radiation) and the extreme risk it poses to children’s health. This technology has NEVER been proven safe and its ubiquitous use in schools clearly uses children as guinea pigs for this type of all day exposure.  Parents have the right to say NO to this 2 b carcinogen for their children. Safer hard wired solutions are already found in most schools and do not emit microwave radiation at close proximity 6 hours daily, 5 days a week!
Please, for the protection of children in your own family as well as everyone else’s, do some research outside of Canada to see what other countries are doing about this very real threat in schools.
Tammy Jeske
Parent Advocate for Safe Schools

Olle Johansson, professor
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
Greater Victoria School District 61 - Board of Education - Wi-Fi - Letter of information - October 5, 2012.pdf
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