Wireless Radiation Safety Council (WRSC) Press Conference Materials

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Apr 19, 2011, 3:35:11 AM4/19/11

Wireless Radiation Safety Council Press Conference Materials

There is so much important information attached to this message that it is being sent separate from the regular WEEP news. I hope that you will read all the information and then find your own methods of distributing it, to make everybody's lives and the environment safer.

I suggest that relevant documents be provided to all your Local and National Newspapers, Magazines, TV and Radio Stations so that the press is fully aware of this important initiative.

Documents should be provided to Pupils, Teachers,Schools and Education Boards in your area, along with a challenge for them to stop using Wi Fi, or to not implement it in the future and to make this an important election issue.

Your Hospitals, Doctors offices, Clinics, Health Officials and Health Ministries should also be provided with Wi Fi documents and questioned about their use of wireless technologies and whether they make their facilities safe.

Do not forget your Friends and Families. This is good solid information that they should be able to understand and act upon.

If you are a person who has stayed in the background and never been involved in EMF / EMR activism, now is the time to get involved, even if you just forward the information to others, your help would be much appreciated. The invisible electrical pollution that we are all exposed to is rapidly getting worse. Now is the time to lend a hand and get involved.

Our thanks go to all the people who have taken the effort to put all this material together and then made it available for everyone's benefit.

Martin Weatherall

Sent: Monday, April 18, 2011 11:10 AM

Subject: WRSC Press Conference Materials, 2 pm Monday

Wireless Radiation Safety Council

WRSC will be holding its second press conference today at 2:00 in Toronto at Queens Park. It is being sponsored by the NDP.

Attached is the Press Release which went out at 6:00 am this morning with several documents, including a letter to the Federal Party Leaders, with their report cards. The purpose of this release and conference is to make the leaders take a stand regarding EMR, Health Canada and Industry Canada.

Among the documents being sent out is a letter from a mother demanding fair and legal treatment for her children regarding WiFi in schools. We are hoping that the media will ask to speak with other concerned parents.

All of these documents, and others, will be on the WRSC website -http://www.youaretheanswer.ca/ .

Sharon Noble

[ http://www.buergerwelle.de:8080/helma/twoday/bwnews/search?q=Wi-Fi





http://www.buergerwelle.de:8080/helma/twoday/bwnews/search?q=Sharon+Noble ]

WRSC Press Release April 17 2011 CNW Final.doc
WRSC Mirror Laws Backgrounder.doc
Avis aux médias OK April 2011 v2.doc
WRSC letter to Federal Leaders Apr 17 CNW.doc
Statement by Kathy McDermid Occup Therapist and Parent Peterboro.doc
Report Card 2011 - Federal parties April 16 2011.doc
Dr M Havas Attachment 1.pdf
Dr M Havas Attachment 2.pdf
Dr. S Sinatra to Peterboro Board Apr 15 2011.pdf
Havas KPRDSB WiFi Open letter April 2011.doc
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