The human body as a walking RF antenna

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Oct 4, 2011, 10:54:29 AM10/4/11
Microsoft researchers have published a paper that documents the human body makes a great RF antenna, and they want to exploit it (Cohn et al, paper is attached below). I've written a satirical piece making fun (and ringing alarm bells, I hope) about this concept. No one yet will publish or post it. It is probably too provocative. Terry Siemens has heard me read it. It links the intentional use of the human body by companies like Microsoft - as we are trying to reduce RF exposures from things like smart meters, WI-FI.. etc.... they are trying to 'juice us up' in the hope they can sell some products we don't need, using that directed energy to turn on lights, turn down the thermostat.. without getting off the couch. Imaginary? Not at all. You just have to put up with the idea that such conveniences cost you, and will probably kill you eventually. The marketing may take some further thinking, since even the tobacco companies figured out they needed replacement smokers to continue to be profitable businesses. You might also think to the headlines this week about the high rate of failure of metal hip implants (see below). The tissue around the metal joints is dead tissue; the metal implant itself is disintegrating. Makes on wonder if this, like radioimplants in animals for tracking purposes which show tumors grow at the implant site - may be related to an interaction of the metal implant and the RF. In the case of humans, it is the ambient RF. In the case of implanted animals, it is the transmitting RF of the implanted device. Does not bode well for medicine, nor for the use of humans as walking antennas to further sales of Microsoft devices.

Cindy Sage

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Cohn et al Microsoft paper.pdf
metal hip failures NY tines.docx
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