Prostate Cancer Increase

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Mar 15, 2009, 12:37:35 PM3/15/09
About the need to develop centers for environmental oncology...

Everywhere, prostate sickness or cancer is increasing... What a nice
news for the PHARMA !

Attached, a small compile with prostate studies and relatives, and the
Austria/Sweden prostate cancer increase, for a better knowledge.

I also join the Tatsuhiko study with 35 references. It says: Compared
with day workers, rotating shift workers were significantly at risk for
prostate cancer (relative risk = 3.0, 95% confidence interval: 1.2, 7.7).

Shift workers are known to be a high risk population for sleep
disturbances, gastrointestinal disturbances, obesity,
hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, and also some cancers, including
breast and colorectal.

In cause melatonin. But this study don't say anything about EMF. And we
know that night workers are often exposed to machinery's EMF.

Again, EMF are guilty !

So, I spent and lost an other Sunday doing that search, trying to open
people eyes... I'm tired. Very tired.

Philippe Hug
Chairman of ARA

1. 0 Small compile by Ph. Hug 15.3.9.pdf
2. Stastistique Autriche 1983 2004.pdf
3. Prostate cancer in Sweden.pdf
4. Tatsuhiko 2006 shift workers.pdf

[ ]

0 Small compile by Ph. Hug 15.3.9.pdf
Stastistique Autriche 1983 2004.pdf
Prostate cancer in Sweden.pdf
Tatsuhiko 2006 shift workers.pdf


Mar 15, 2009, 12:48:50 PM3/15/09
Does this further prove that laptop computers when on men's laps can
contribute to prostate cancer? He also carries his iPhone in his pocket.

He started turning it around to the antenna points away from his body when I
helped him understand about EMF.

He is in the US and declined surgery of this aggressive prostate cancer.
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