The Precautionary Principle in the Context of Mobile,Phone and Base Station Radiofrequency Exposures

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2009年5月20日 上午11:16:122009/5/20

2009年5月26日 下午4:17:132009/5/26

Sent: 5/26/2009 2:08:54 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: RE: Potential Health Effects of Mobile and Base Station
Radiofrequency Exposures


Thank you for your comments about the need for more research and
public education on the potential health effects from exposures to
radiofrequency emissions from mobile phones and base stations. I
have forwarded your concerns to other NIEHS staff members, and we
agree that more information about the potential risks associated
with exposure to these radiofrequency emissions would enable the
general public to make more informed decisions about their personal
exposures. We are in the process of reviewing the current literature
on the health effects associated with these radiofrequency exposures
in order to determine what information should be included on a
future web page. Thanks again for bringing this important issue to
our attention!

John Peterson

Office of Communications

*From:* []
*Sent:* Wednesday, May 20, 2009 6:52 AM
*To:* Steinmetz, Bill (NIH/NIEHS) [E]; Merkle, Scott (NIH/NIEHS) [E]
*Subject:* Mobile & Base Station RF Exposures..NIEHS EHP
Dolan/Rowley 2009

*Subject: Mobile & Base Station RF Exposures..NIEHS EHP
Dolan/Rowley 2009*

*To: *

*Bill Steinmetz**
*National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences**

*Environmental Compliance Officer*

*Tel (919) 541-4234**
*** <>

*Scott Merkle**
*National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences**

*Chief, Health and Safety Branch*

*Tel (919) 541-7933**
*** <>

*Gentlemen: Please review paper titled: "The Precautionary
Principle in the Context of Mobile Phone and Base Station
Radiofrequency Exposures" - Mike Doland and Jack Rowley -
Online 18 May 2009 - *

*** .......*

*Both authors are employed by trade associations representing the
mobile communications industry. The first author presented this
paper at the IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society,
Rome, Italy, 6-8 September 2000.*

*A quote from Conclusions: " .....There are common sense
measures that can be adopted by individuals, governments and
industry to address public concern while ensuring that mobile
networks are developed for the benefit of society........"*

*Almost a decade has passed since an industry spokesperson at an
IEEE international conference suggests in a scientific paper that
"common sense measures can be adopted........" *

*I ask, wouldn't more "common sense" be applied if industry and
government */*informed the*/* */*public*/* via public service
announcements that they just might need to consider what "common
sense" means regarding reducing mobile phone and base station
radiofrequency exposures? *

* What about teenage moms and moms-to-be of any age who carry cell
phones close to their bodies or the men who father these children
who carry cell phones in their pockets? Deformities,
autism-spectrum disorders, brain cancer, Leukemia, etc. in their
newborns? Breast cancer, testicular cancer, colon cancer,
ovarian cancer, etc. in young parents who may die an early death
only to leave children to an already over-burdened system? *

*Are the aging parents of the dysfunctional, dying and dead young
parents going to take care of these impaired grandchildren when the
aging parents themselves are also adversely affected by mobile phone
and base station radiofrequency radiation that is likely placing the
grandparents in facilities due to what is and/or being referred to
as "Alzheimers?" I suggest a more appropriate term may be
"Reactive Dementia!"*

*Where is the "common sense" when it comes to helping persons make
informed, intelligent, "common sense" decisions? Wouldn't public
service announcements be a major step toward that end? *

*Note: NIEHS Environmental Health Topics - Environmental
Agents **- Electric and magnetic fields are on this list.
**** ......*

*Would you please advise what you are doing or have done to inform
the public they may want to take some measures to reduce
radiofrequency exposures due to mobile phones and base stations in
close proximity to their bodies during the day and also nightly
bedroom exposures? *

*Our local newspaper carries weekly advertisements by the EPA about
asthma that feature pictures of a stuffed animal and sometimes a
fish with a caption "...trying to catch breath," etc. Asthma,
along with cancer, reproductive problems, etc. are listed as health
concerns on your "Environmental HealthTopics - Environmental
Agents" page above. *

*From my experience and "common sense," it would seem to me that you
and other government officials in charge of public health are
completely lacking in common sense. Are you able to provide facts
to prove I am mistaken? Take care - Joanne*

*Joanne C. Mueller**
*Guinea Pigs "R" Us*
*731 - 123rd Avenue N.W.*
*Minneapolis, Minnesota 55448-2127 USA*
*Phone: 763-755-6114*
*Email: <> (5-20-09)**

*WEBSITE: <> *


* *Thanks to Jill -
<> - for forwarding the link to EHP
Mobile and Base Station Radiofrequency paper - above link..

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