Introducing C4ST

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Nov 16, 2012, 9:34:33 PM11/16/12
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Introducing C4ST

Citizens For Safe Technology

As many of you are aware, I have been investing my time understanding the potential health effects associated with electromagnetic radiation. Issues such as emissions from cell towers, Wi-Fi in schools and smart meters. I have spoken to several experts, read numerous studies, attended presentations by Health Canada and Industry Canada and become involved in situations in Oakville, Grand Bend, Barrie and Uxbridge. I have concluded that Health Canada’s methods are out of date and safety limits are too weak to protect Canadians. China has limits that are 100 times stricter than ours. I worry we have a situation comparable to tobacco where Health Canada will be many years too late to take the appropriate action.

I have signed on to lead and build a national organization to raise public awareness of this issue. Our objective is to convince Industry Canada and Health Canada to change the process of distributing this technology and update their safety standards to acceptable levels. Please open the attached document to learn about this new national organization, C4ST – Citizens For Safe Technology. Join us in our goal of reaching 1 million Canadians to influence Industry Canada and Health Canada and help insure the health of all Canadians….f



Frank Clegg

Description: C4ST logo

Help us reach out to 1,000,000 Canadians


Informant: Martin Weatherall

Introducing C4ST.pdf
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