Cell Phone Warning Label Bill to be Re-Introduced Based on World Health Organization, Cell Phone Use/Brain Cancer Advisory

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Apr 29, 2013, 12:12:01 PM4/29/13

Hello, this is Liz Barris from Peoples Initiative Foundation, still resolving email issues, thus the new address.� Please do not hit spam button if you'd like to unsubscribe; please just hit reply and put unsubscribe in heading.� Thanks so much.


Contact info:� Rep. Andrea Boland 207-324-4459,�

Bill Sponsor:� AmericanAssociationForCellPhoneSafety.org,� Liz Barris 310-455-7530,


Cell Phone Warning Label Bill to be Re-Introduced Based on World Health Organization, Cell Phone Use/Brain Cancer Advisory:


In the face of mounting evidence of increased risk for malignant brain tumors with cell phone use, including a recent Italian court case that was won proving cell and cordless phone use was the cause of a man�s brain tumor and the banning of sales and advertising of cell phones to children in the country of Belgium, Rep. Andrea Boland (D) Maine, re-introduces The Children�s Wireless Protection Act, a legislative bill to inform Maine consumers of the possible health risks associated with cell phone use.


The bill would require retailers to provide an informational flyer at point of purchase stating the following:


1. 'The World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B), based on an increased risk for glioma, a malignant type of brain cancer, associated with wireless phone use... This has relevance for public health, particularly for users of mobile phones, as the number of users is large and growing, particularly among young adults and children.' World Health Organization press release, May 31, 2011


2. Manufacturers' manuals provide guidance to avoid direct contact with head and body and commentary on ways to reduce excessive exposure, if you choose, such as:

A. Limiting use by children;

B. Keeping away from reproductive organs; and

C. Operating with a wired headset."


The bill would also require retailers to label cell phones at point of purchase with stickers stating the following:


"This device emits radiofrequency electromagnetic fields.� Avoid direct contact."


Additional verbiage on cell phone packaging would state:


"For the Safety of You and Your Family, Please Read Guidance for Use"


Univ. of Maine economists and Maine businesses alike also see passage of the bill as a potential business advantage in the opening of new markets and revenue streams in cell phone remediation devices.


Rep. Boland feels the time has come for the passage of this protective bill to give Maine constituents fair warning of the very serious and potentially lethal ramifications of cell phone use.


Full text of the bill can be found at:




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