Overview of an emerging public health issue

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Dec 2, 2009, 4:53:13 AM12/2/09
An overview of an emerging public health issue

In the video linked - http://www.foodconsumer.org/newsite/Non-food/Environment/cell_phone_death_trap_311220091236.html , ElectromagneticHealth.org founder Camilla Rees presents an overview of an emerging public health issue -- excessive exposures to microwave radiation from wireless technologies.

Illness linked to electromagnetic radiation exposure inclufiede many cancers, neurological conditions, ADD, sleep disorders, depression, autism, cognitive problems, cardiovascular irregularities, hormone disruption, immune system disorders, metabolism changes, stress, fertility impairment, increased blood brain barrier permeability, mineral disruption, DNA damage and much, much more.

Learn how to sensibly protect yourself in high EMF environments, and why it is important you join others in advocating for stricter safety standards for wireless technologies.

The Web site ElectromagneticHealth.org also offers ten free audio interviews with some of the world’s leading experts in the field of EMF.

Click the 
link below to hear some of the fascinating information and insights they offer!


For even more information, you can also take a look at EMF.mercola.com for the latest news and updates.


From England
Just to let you know I'm being interviewed on BBC Radio 5 Live Wednesday night midnight to 00.30 Thu morning on the subject of WiFi - I believe it's come about as a result of the Swindon issue.
There will also be another interviewee who takes a rather different view from mine - Technology writer Bill Thompson.  You can see his viewpoint at:

I think the programme will take the form of questions and responses to/from both of us, with each responding to the other's comments - could be very interesting.

Dr. Grahame Blackwell
From Nepal

Tower Havoc    
Abhisek Dev Bhattarai

Omega Group

Dec 2, 2009, 4:58:06 AM12/2/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News
The last message is from Martin Weatherall

Omega Group

Dec 8, 2009, 12:13:10 PM12/8/09
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter - EMF-Omega-News

Dr Grahame Blackwell will be speaking on the Richard Bacon Show with
BB technology journalist Bill Thompson.

This is Bill Thompson's opinion of WIFI

The programme will be taking listeners calls if anyone wants to phone

0500 909 693



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