The recent developments in our fight against the proposed cell tower

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Feb 25, 2010, 10:58:51 PM2/25/10
Here are the recent developments in our fight against the proposed cell


Last Sunday we screened the documentary Full Signal at the Hollywood
Theater. Two hundred people attended on a sunny Sunday afternoon. The
audience included Commissioner Fish and State Rep. Dembrow. The director
of the movie, Tala Jabari, took questions from the audience about cell
towers and their health effects after the movie. It was a great turnout
and we'd like to thank everyone who got involved or attended.


On March 10th at 9am two neighbors are speaking at City Council to ask
for a more responsible approach to siting cell towers in the city. If
you would like to attend to show your support please let us know. You
can also email Commissioner Fritz at to let her
know that you support a new approach to siting cell towers. With 800
more planned in the next few years any utility pole in town could become
a cell tower!

SIGNS -- Please be respectful with RespectPDX signs

Someone in the neighborhood has been posting the window signs we passed
out on utility poles. While we appreciate the community support, please
note that posting signs on poles in not allowed under the City code.
RespectPDX has not posted any signs on utility poles and we are removing
those that we find.

If you would like to express your objection to cell towers on our
residential streets just let us know. We would be happy to supply you
with one of our yard signs! We have two options "Wilshire Market No Cell
Tower" and the latest hot off the presses "CLEAR out of our
neighborhood". Please let us know if you would like a yard sign (and
which one!) by replying to this email.


We are not the only community dealing with the issue of cell towers on
residential streets. Here are some other recent actions that cities have
taken across the country:

• Sebastapol, CA:

• Tampa, FL:

• Greenwich, CT:

• Walnut Creek, CA:


We want to help Clearwire, the company proposing to build the tower to
understand that our community doesn't want this tower. The reason they
are planning to build it here is to sell their "Clear" mobile broadband
internet service in the neighborhood. The simplest way to get them to
listen to us is to let them know we are not interested in what they are
selling. We have started a petition that we will send to Clearwire and
to the City letting them know that we don't support this cell tower and
we will not purchase their service if the build it.

If you would like to help collect signatures on your block please email
us at volunteer@respectpdx and let us know. We will get a copy of the
petition to you in the next couple of days.


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