Are Americans Being Zapped?

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Oct 8, 2007, 11:09:32 AM10/8/07
This article appeared in Time Magazine over twenty-nine years ago -
before anyone had cell phones or WiFi (aka Why Fry?) - so if they
thought we were being zapped back then, then just imagine how badly we
are being zapped now.

And now I hate to rain on everyone's electromagnetic parade and be
absolutely truthfully blunt here; and I know it may sound extremely
harsh; and I know it may seen perfectly normal for you to have one of
these devices; but remember, if you choose to own a cell phone or use
WiFry, then you are part of the problem (not the solution) - you are
contributing to making innocent people - including children - sick. Why?
Because we are all being exposed to second-hand radiation. You are
paying them to zap us! And how masochistic - or sadistic - is that? :)
Think about it! Seriously!

But then again we have diffusion of responsibility:

"One raindrop does not think it causes the flood!"

Now if you are puzzled why I feel this way, then read my letter to
Slocan Valley:

It pretty much says it all in a nutshell!

Are Americans Being Zapped?,9171,916338-1,00.html

Monday, Aug. 28, 1978

The microwave controversy generates demands for action

Raymond V. Krabbenhoft, 54, of Sabin, Minn., has suffered three heart
attacks and two strokes. Although his parents are alive at 89 and 82, he
has had severe cataracts removed, is sterile, and must take two dozen
pills a day. His problems, he insists, stem from his two years as an
Army radar repairman on Iwo Jima during World War II when he was so
severely exposed to microwaves that his brown hair turned red. Says he:
"I was cooked."

Krabbenhoft realizes he cannot reverse his own serious ailments, but he
wants others to be spared. At a conference sponsored by the Radar
Victims Network in San Francisco last week, he and his fellow "victims,"
including Organization President Joseph Towne, met with doctors and
lawyers to plot strategy for a national campaign. They want the
Government to take action against what they consider the growing danger
from microwave radiation. The U.S., said Los Angeles Radiation
Specialist Dr. John McLaughlin, is one "giant microwave oven."

Such hyperbole aside, microwaves are indeed ubiquitous. Part of what
physicists call the electromagnetic spectrum, they lie somewhere between
conventional radio waves and infrared (heat) radiation in frequency and
wave length. First widely used in radar during World War II, they are
now generated by everything from telephone relay systems and television
stations to garage door openers, burglar alarms, emergency highway call
boxes, diathermy machines and, of course, the kitchen "radar" range.

One of the earliest researchers to express concern over microwaves was a
New York ophthalmologist, Dr. Milton Zaret, who warned more than a
decade ago that even low-level exposure could produce a peculiar type of
cataract, or clouding, on the rear surface of the lens. (The lens is
especially vulnerable to microwave "cooking" because it has no blood
vessels to carry off heat.) In 1968 the Department of Health, Education
and Welfare said that another organ was vulnerable as well: the testes,
because only slight temperature changes can affect the sperm-producing

But it was not until 1972 that microwaves became a public issue or
concern. That year it was revealed that the Russians had long been
bombarding the American embassy in Moscow with microwaves, presumably as
part of elaborate jamming and bugging schemes. Investigators claim to
have found an unusually high incidence of cancer and blood disorders
among embassy personnel, as well as a number of birth defects in their
offspring. A former Marine guard has filed for $1.75 million in damages
from the State and Navy departments for his severely retarded child.
Increasingly, people exposed to large amounts of microwave radiation,
notably air traffic controllers and radar operators, are seeking damages
or disability payments from both the Government and private manufacturers.

At present federal authorities recommend a microwave exposure limit of
ten milliwatts per sq. cm. But, says Dr. Moris Shore, director of the
Food and Drug Administration's Division for Biological Effects, even
this level may be too high. He notes that researchers are now finding
birth malformations, impaired learning and locomotive ability, and
altered body chemistry in lab animals exposed within the Government's
"safe" limits.

Whether humans are similarly affected is debatable. In his popular and
alarming book, The Zapping of America, Paul Brodeur said that Soviet
scientists found during studies in the 1950s that workers exposed to
microwave radiation were complaining of headaches, eye pain, weariness,
memory loss, and a host of other ailments. As a result, while bombarding
the U.S. embassy with higher levels, the Soviets set a microwave limit
for their own people of no more than ten microwatts per sq. cm, a
thousand times less than the U.S. standard.

Yet many American researchers remain unconvinced that there is any real
danger. Only recently a study by the National Academy of Sciences found
that naval radar operators died no younger than their peers in other
jobs. The Environmental Protection Agency points out that 98% of the
U.S. population is exposed to less than one microwatt of microwave
radiation at any one time. Says State Department Biologist Herbert
Pollack: "The 'zapping of America' is just a sensationalist charge."
Perhaps so, but in an era of microwaves, their use obviously requires
continued research and education.

Paul Raymond Doyon
"All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing"

Omega Group

Oct 8, 2007, 11:43:50 AM10/8/07
to Mobilfunk-Newsletter
Re: "Are Americans Being Zapped?" asks 1978 Time Magazine Article

The "Zapping of America" is a classic that all of us electrosensitive
should read as a guiding bible. Our problem is not new. It has been
going on for decades with the complete knowledge of the industry owned
World Health Organization. The coherence of microwave damage extends
to radars and it was British technicians the first to experience/
report these damages in the Western world.

Milton Zaret [
], an american ophthalmologist, was commissioned by the CIA to study
Soviet medical literature dealing with microwave health effects in
human beings. The Soviet Union had a tremendous advantage over all
other countries in this field. The Soviets knew of the criminal
effects of microwaves on human beings, apart from its promising
technological possibilities. Milton Zaret was the first to describe
the very particular cataract produced in radar technicians subject to
microwaves. As part of the aging process of the lens system of the
eye, we are all exposed to free radical mediated damages. This is
regarded as a normal finding in the anterior chamber of the eye.

Zaret was the first to describe these same cataracts in the posterior
chamber of the eye. This is an extremely rare finding. However, it is
very common in radar technicians. Thanks to him, radar technicians are
now being routinely checked by opthalmologists for this type of lesion
according to military protocols. And thanks to Milton Zaret, the
Microwave Syndrome was officially recognized by the government of the
United States as a legitimate nosological entity in Medicine.

After the publication of the Bioinitiative Report, I can only think
how sad it is to have to wait 30 years for a decent and honest
analysis of microwave impact for those people who have been electro-
sensitive for 30 or 40 years now (I'm aware of the other ones, of
course, REFLEX, TNO, etc).

Brodeur's "The Great Power-Line Cover-Up" has a direct bearing on the
Bioinitiative Report. All the clinical effects of ELF and RF magnetic
radiation were public knowledge thirty years ago and even further
back. I do not see Emily Perkins van Deventer saying a word about it.
Plus, she's an engineer! When the hell did it happen that the World
Health Organization has to ignore the MEDICAL CRITERIA of respected
clinicians world-wide (just remember the Freiburg Appeal) to impose
the MEDICAL CRITERIA of engineers???

Radiofrequency can kill. This fact has been known by the government of
the USA for decades. The US Air Force is keenly aware of this fact.
Please refer to this article:

One can only ask what a veterinarian like Sol Michaelson had to do
with setting up the US exposure standards. Are we supposed to believe
that a gentleman who deals with cows, dogs, horses, cats, rats,
zebras, etc, is an expert in human health?? This same fraud is evident
inside the WHO.

Nicholas H. Steneck [ ] has written another
classic that has a wonderful description of the Moscow embassy
zapping. It was only after president Clinton declassified many of the
documents of the National Archive that we were able to learn that the
Lilienfield study that had been commissioned to the Johns Hopkins
University to evaluate the personnel in Moscow, had been criminally
changed by the CIA.

We as victims need to start thinking about the close relationship
between the CIA, the National Security Agency and the industry. It's
all about money, of course.

What is happening with the health of the people of the United States
who are being being zapped by the radiation of the Star Wars defense
system??? Are the electromagnetic pulses sent over all of the
continental territory of the USA by the military and the government, a
sound procedure in terms of health? Who made the MEDICAL STUDIES on
this respect before activating Star Wars?

Carlos Sosa, MD

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