Electro Hypersensitivity letter

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Jun 16, 2010, 6:01:03 AM6/16/10
One of the great difficulties for people who suffer from electro hyper sensitivity, is convincing their doctor(s) that their condition is real, that it is extremely serious and that they may�need�assistance.� I have removed the personal information from the letter below and have provided it and the attached documents, in case this may be of assistance to others.
Martin Weatherall
Dr. -------------
Dear Dr. ------------
I am writing on behalf of your patient,�------ --------�to help you understand the condition of electro hypersensitivity which she suffers so badly from.
Please look at the attached document the 'Freiburger Appeal', this appeal has been signed by over a thousand German doctors and about�thirty five thousand health care professionals who have recognised the adverse health effects of electro magnetic radiation (EMR)�and the harm it is causing to their patients.� You should be aware of the wide variety of symptoms caused by exposure to EMR and documented in this appeal.
The next document is 'Five Studies'.� These are five�Epidemiology�studies of people living in areas near to cell phone towers.� Again please notice the wide variety of harmful effects from this type of (microwave) radiation.
In the document 'Electrosmog Dangers', Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy explains how EMR is harming the body at very low exposure�levels.
In the 'Electrohypersensitivity' document Prof. Olle Johansson discusses the illness of electro hyper sensitivity.� He is a world renowned expert on this illness who, I am sure�will gladly provide you with further information if you need it.� Please note his reference to another group of medical doctors from Ireland - IDEA, who have also�recognised and documented�the health effects of EMR.
If you wish to see many more scientific documents about the health effects of electro magnetic radiation, you can visit www.bioinitiative.org where over two thousand studies are referenced.
Health Canada,�in their 1999, Safety Code 6 document state (page 11): �"Certain members of the general public may be more susceptible to harm from RF [radio frequency] and microwave exposure."
Please view these videos documenting the effects of radio frequency radiation.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-TJXRc5fzo�� Students interviewed at Collingwood Schools

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EI9fZX4iww��Cordless phone affects the heart

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L7E36zGHxRw��Blood Clumping with EMR exposure
______�______�does not need to see a psychiatrist, she needs a place to live where she is not exposed and constantly being harmed by electro magnetic fields.��Her health situation is further complicated because of�multiple chemical sensitivity, and she must be housed where chemicals and EMR�are not part of the environment.
Please help�----------- to gain safe housing.
Yours sincerely
Martin Weatherall
Co Director WEEP
Shelter for MCS and EHS
There is a new non-profit group to help those with MCS and EHS. For more information visit their website at:


Co-founders are:� Julie Genser and Julie Laffin.

Note:� they have an elementary school outreach program in the works�
for those of you on the list concerned about schools.

Magda Havas

Five Studies.doc
Freiburger Appeal.pdf
electrohypersensitivity[1] research O Johansson.pdf
electrosmog_dangers Andrew Goldsworthy.pdf
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