Re-evaluation of the Interphone Study: Applications of a Correction Factor

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Jun 17, 2010, 12:21:40 PM6/17/10
Re-evaluation of the Interphone Study: Applications of a Correction Factor

Lloyd Morgan, who leaves for Korea tomorrow for the Bioelectromagnetics Society meeting, has asked me to send you advance notice of the attached embargoed press release and accompanying report to be presented at the meeting.

At the Bioelectromagnetics Society meeting next week, Lloyd will be presenting the paper,“Re-evaluation of the Interphone Study: Applications of a Correction Factor”co-authored with Prof. Michael Kundi of the Medical University of Vienna and Michael Carlberg of the Dept of Oncology, Oreboro Hospital in Sweden, that shows how the underestimation of risk in the Interphone study, due to design flaws, can be QUANTIFIED. They have provided examples of the corrected results for 6 of the Interphone studies (see Table), the results of which are important. 

Where the Interphone study showed no risk of meningioma, in one example, recalculated using the correction factor shows a 24% risk of meningioma for every year of use. The statistical correction factor applied was based on the skew in the odds ratios reported in the Interphone study itself.

Here are 3 quotes from the attached press release:

Morgan says, “What we have discovered indicates there is going to be one hell of a brain tumor pandemic unless people are warned and encouraged to change current cell phone use behaviors. Governments should not soft-peddle this critical public health issue but instead rapidly educate citizens on the risks. People should hear the message clearly that cell phones should be kept away from one’s head and body at all times.” 

Michael Kundi, Professor of Occupational Health and Epidemiology at the Medical University of Vienna, says, "The Interphone study, the largest epidemiological investigation on brain tumors ever conducted, was thought to give the final answer to the issue of a potential brain tumor risk from mobile phone use. It turned out to raise more questions than providing answers. Flaws in the design and problems during conduct of the study led to biased estimates of the risk. We tried to assess the magnitude of this bias and correct the most important risk estimates. It turned out that after correction the risk from mobile phone use is quite substantial and warrants precautionary activities." 
Michael Carlberg, M.Sc. of the Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden, says, “The original Interphone results have severe problems with bias which results in underestimations of risks. Applying the correction factor shows that the actual risk is higher than the originally presented odds ratios, with several statistically significant results.”

I will be sending this out under embargo over the weekend. We'd like to see the truth come out about this study. While, as you know, the Interphone study showed risk of brain tumors after 10 years of use (buried in Appendix 2), the current recalculation by Morgan, Kundi and Carlberg paints an entirely different picture of risk--one that requires urgent societal attention. 

Please consider covering this important news story coming out next week. 

I will send you a press release complete with links for posting, if you choose, next week. In the mean time, Lloyd wanted you to have an early heads up on this. Many, many thanks for your 
interest in helping us to communicate this important public health information. 

Please be in touch with me in Lloyd's absence should you want to discuss this or email him in Korea at

Remember the attached is confidential and embargoed until June 17th at 12:00 a.m. (New York time)

All the best,
Camilla Rees

Camilla Rees, MBA
Co-Author, "Cellphones and Brain Tumors: 15 Reasons for Concern, Science, Spin and
the Truth Behind Interphone"
Co-Author, "Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution"
Founder, Campaign for Radiation Free Schools (Facebook)
Author, "Alzheimer's Mouse Study--Do We Smell a Rat?"
Co-author, Campaign for Safer Cell Phones, Briefing Book
EMF Advisor to Citizens for Health, and
Radio Host KGNU Boulder/Denver on health and environmental issues
415-992-5093 (preferred)

Press Release Draft #4.doc
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