WASHTENAW COUNTY: Area residents express concern over DTE Energy's smart meters

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May 24, 2013, 2:16:02 AM5/24/13

WASHTENAW COUNTY: Area residents express concern over DTE Energy's smart meters


Re your link to the WHO and IARC "report" questioning the validity of EHS: as yet, many members of the WHO have been unmotivated to look at this condition in anything but a prejudiced manner. Indeed, former Norway Prime Minister and Director-general of the World Health Organization Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland suffers from electrosensitivity. When she came forward, certain other members of the WHO downplayed and dismissed her EHS as unsubstantiated and therefore not worth noting. She has not been affiliated with the WHO since 2003.

As a populous organization, prejudice is alive and well in the ranks of the WHO, and debate is coloured by a desire to avoid unleashing information about very disturbing developments in research since their reports in 2002 and 2006. Their overall conclusions do not yet show a clear understanding of the condition, which is very real, and very much due on our increasingly Wi-Fi riddled environment.

Very recently, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released its detailed evaluation of the cancer risks associated with RF radiation, which serves as the rationale for designating RF as a possible human carcinogen. The IARC monograph comes close to two years after an invited panel of experts from 14 countries reached this conclusion following an eight-day meeting at IARC headquarters in Lyon, France. The Monograph states: "Positive associations have been observed between exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless phones and glioma (lethal brain cancer) and acoustic neuroma." (p. 421).

According to Dr. Joel Moskowitz, Department of Public Health, UC Berkeley, "the World Health Organization Monograph released last week is likely the most significant governmental health report ever published about mobile phone radiation. All governments should study this report and follow the precautionary principle to take appropriate actions including educating the public about safe use."

Here are just a few articles, reports, and websites to educate yourself about Electrohypersensitivity (EHS).

Environmental Physicians Issue Stern Warning on Biological and Health Effects from Electromagnetic Field Exposures - Electromagnetic Health.org - April 12, 2012:
- http://electromagnetichealth.o...
Electromagnetic and Radiofrequency Fields Effect on Human Health - American Academy of Environmental Medicine - April 12, 2012:
- http://aaemonline.org/emf_rf_p...

Open letter to the Premier from a Doctor - Stop Smart Meters Australia - March 30, 2012:
- http://stopsmartmeters.com.au/...

California Health Department Cites Smart Meter Health Risks in Report by Susan Brinchman - La Mesa, CA Patch - January 23, 2012:
- http://lamesa.patch.com/blog_p...

The American Academy of Environmental Medicine has submitted a letter calling for a halt to wireless smart meters on January 19, 2012:
- http://aaemonline.org/images/C...

Doctor's Information Package for medical conditions connected with EHS - Citizens for Safe Technology - January 18, 2012: - http://www.citizensforsafetech...

Electromagnetic intolerance elucidated by Andre Fauteux, Editor - Translated from La Maison du 21e siecle magazine, Quebec, January 2011 - EMFacts Consultancy - January 17, 2012:
- http://www.emfacts.com/2012/01...

Health Risks Associated With SmartMeters by Poki Stewart Namkung, M.D., M.P.H., Health Officer, Public Health Division, County of Santa Cruz, Health Services Agency, California, USA - January 13, 2012:
- http://sccounty01.co.santa-cru...

Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation and Numbers of EHS by Olle Johansson, Experimental Dermatology, Karolinska Institutet - Citizens for Safe Technology - January 13, 2012:
- http://citizensforsafetechnolo...

Radiation from Cell Phones and WiFi Are Making People Sick -- Are You at Risk? by Dr. Mercola - Mercola.com - EMF - December 20, 2011:
- http://emf.mercola.com/sites/e...

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity: Fact or fiction? by Stephen J. Genuis/Christopher T. Lipp - University of Alberta/Faculty of Medicine-University of Calgary - Science of the Total Environment - November 2011:
- http://www.sciencedirect.com/s...

Interviews of Doctors re Electrohypersensitivity (EHS):
- http://electrosensitivityuk.po...
Of the six audios I would recommend listening to them in the order of:
Dr. Andrew Goldworthy (Interview) - on the actual biological mechanism whereby electrosensitivity occurs
Camilla Rees - of http://electromagnetichealth.o... (well worth a visit) speaking to Dr. Ronald Hoffman MD on electromagnetic health, and what's happening world-wide.
Fevzi Turkalp - The Gadget Detective about cordless phones and other sources of electrosmog.
Dr. Andrew Goldworthy (Conference) - a talk given by Dr Andrew Goldsworthy at the ES conference in October 2009. He discusses the underlying mechanisms of the many symptoms associated with Electro sensitivity.
George Carlo Irish Radio - Here is a short clip of George Carlo on Irish radio, being given a bit of a grilling by the presenter.
Burlington vs. Fox - Electrosensitivity-UK Chairman Michael Bevington argues that claims of scare mongering by electrosensitivity charities are unjustified and that the dangers and practical difficulties of uncontrolled electromagnetic exposure are being underestimated. Co-author of the Sense About Science brochure, Making Sense Of Radiation, Elaine Fox (Essex Study) argues otherwise.

Smart Meters in Sweden: Accommodating people with EHS - Planet Thrive - July 29, 2011:
- planetthrive.com/2011/07/smart...

[May 2011] World Health Organization Meeting on MCS and EHS by Lourdes Salvador, MCS America - EiR The Environmental Illness Resource - June 20, 2011:
- http://www.ei-resource.org/col...

Website: EHS, Electro-Hypersensitivity - EMR Health Alliance of BC:
- http://emrabc.ca/?page_id=720

EHS Refuge Zones: France & Italy plus Spain Public Health: Hypersensitivity to the waves produced by mobile phones becomes a new cause of permanent disability - News of the World:
- http://translate.google.com/tr...|en&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8

Human Sensitivities To Electrical and Electromagnetic Fields: Details and Research About Health Perils & Promises - ce399 - July 15, 2010:
- http://ce399.wordpress.com/201...


Informant: Martin Weatherall

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