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born before blackberries

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Nov 22, 2008, 12:54:01 PM11/22/08
born before blackberries

i'm one of those people who constantly lives in total wonder of what
it must be like to grow up in a modern world such as ours.

kids today.

and all that.

why, when i was growing up, it took about a week to get a roll of
pictures developed.

and it cost me nearly a whole week of paper route money to do so.

newspapers, yeah. remember them?

and home movies were just silent three-minute reels which only some
families had.

and there were telephone booths all over the place.

well, telephone booths within twenty minutes walking distance of
eachother, usually.

at least in the cities.

and you couldn't instantly go to the imdb to settle a silly bet.

let alone instantly access porn-a-plenty.


and there was no such thing as email, FFS.



why would anyone want to send dozens of electronic messages all over
the fucking globe to virtual strangers who really couldn't give a
rat's ass whether you're real or just a very talented writer.

oh, for work, you say?

how efficient can you get.


youtube what?

google, FFS?

goo goo gaa gaa.


your GPS talks to you while you drive and tells you when to turn right
or left?

can you choose which voice it uses?

and it tells you where all the pizza joints are?

and the holiday inns?


does it list the escort services?


pong anyone?


anyway, even as _i_ was growing up i was one of those people who was
constantly in awe at how it must have been for my grandparents in
their youth.

no fucking refrigerators you say?

that's harsh.

i guess that meant lukewarm Pepsi all the time, aye?

the ice cube man?

is that kinda like the milkman?

and no airports, you say?


you mean 3,000 miles meant a damn at some point in history?

no color TVs?

what... no TVs AT ALL?

you must be fucking joking.

horses and blacksmiths instead of buicks and grease-monkeys and coke
machines and ice cream sandwiches?


only a few families in town had a phone in their "shacks"?

and indoor plumbing was still a marvel?




i was born before blackberries.

and i was born before Black Barrys, too.

the world is an amazing place.

always changing.


but one thing that never seems to change is how many total fucking
assholes there are.

is that supposed to be some sort of comfort?

well, it isn't.


but what _is_ a comfort is how many great people there still are.

people who are loving and friendly and amusing and caring and warm and
creative and fun and responsible and somewhat free still.

they don't seem to show up on the 500 cable channels too often, but
once in a great while you can still find them next door... or down the
road a bit.

that is, if they aren't stuck in their shacks glued to one of their
seven or eight large screen monitors.

interactive glory.


oh... excuse me, i have to go now.

seems i got a new voicemail message.

could be an important robo call from one of the zillion campaigns out

gotta go.


if i'm really really lucky, maybe it's a friend who's out of gas...

and needs a ride to work so they can pay off their broadband access
bills and whatnot.



i'm just joking.

it's all about balance.



that's what i meant to say.

next post pending.

with lots of links.

cool stuff i read on huffpo or somesuch.

born before blackberries.

and VCRs.

and credit card bank failures.

and CD ROMS of wikipedia.



googling google

Nov 22, 2008, 1:24:25 PM11/22/08

YO Dude there have always been black berries; Raspberries
strawberries, boisonberries, Saskatoon berries,..... etc. Don't even
get me started on the currents.

Pies de Arcilla

Nov 23, 2008, 1:07:57 AM11/23/08
On Nov 22, 1:24 pm, ""

<> wrote:
> YO Dude there have always been black berries; Raspberries
> strawberries, boisonberries, Saskatoon berries,..... etc. Don't even
> get me started on the currents.

Speaking of blackberries, I'm going to get to share one soon.

Instead of hiring someone for third shift, my department is going to
have everyone rotate being on call overnight for one week at a time.


Nov 23, 2008, 5:09:21 AM11/23/08
"$Zero" <> wrote:

I like that post.

Don't read this crap... oops, too late!

[superstitious heathen grade 8]


Nov 23, 2008, 5:10:45 AM11/23/08

Get paid for 24 hours when you're on call overnight?

Always revolt against slavery, it's revolting after all.

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