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Interstate Shield Painted on Road

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Elliott Plack, USAR

Apr 22, 2005, 11:07:06 PM4/22/05
On the Baltimore Beltway's Inner Loop (695) the lane which is for
exiting onto 795, there is a very large 795 interstate sign painted
right on the road. I'd say it takes up all but one foot on either side
of the lane markers of the lane. It looks really awesome especially
since the colors are very vibrant red and blue.

Is there anywhere else nationwide where this is done? The huge 795 in
the road demands your attention and thus is hard to miss. I think it's
a great idea. Anyone have pictures of these?

Larry Harvilla

Apr 22, 2005, 11:17:01 PM4/22/05

This is done on the Innerbelt in Columbus, OH, in particular on the
combined I-70/I-71 stretch. Lanes are marked for I-70, I-71, SR 315, and
I-670, depending on which direction you're going.

Larry Harvilla
E-mail: roads AT phatpage DOT org

also visit:
Highways section in progress.

Brian Dowd

Apr 22, 2005, 11:45:55 PM4/22/05
There is an instance in Des Peres, MO (Metro St. Louis) on Missouri SR-100
(Manchester Rd) Eastbound approaching Interstate 270 where a large I-270
shield is accompanied with the respective cardinal directions in teh right
lanes. The rightmost lane says "I-270 <shield> SOUTH ONLY" and the next
right lane says "I-270 <shield> NORTH ONLY" both painted directly on the
traffic lane.

"Elliott Plack, USAR" <> wrote in message

MC Pee Pants

Apr 23, 2005, 12:04:24 AM4/23/05

There's an I-635 sign painted on the pavement at I-35 N at I-635 N in the KC
metro area.


Beliefs are dangerous. Beliefs allow the mind to stop functioning.
A non-functioning mind is clinically dead. Believe in nothing.
- Maynard James Keenan


Apr 23, 2005, 1:18:33 AM4/23/05
Baton Rouge eastbound I-10 before the I-10/I-12 split has shields painted on
the road.

I-49 South, Lafayette to New Orleans

"Elliott Plack, USAR" <> wrote in message

Irwin Fletcher

Apr 23, 2005, 2:06:51 AM4/23/05
"Larry Harvilla" <> wrote:

> This is done on the Innerbelt in Columbus, OH, in particular on the
> combined I-70/I-71 stretch. Lanes are marked for I-70, I-71, SR 315, and
> I-670, depending on which direction you're going.

Unfortunately, the Columbus versions lack any color, unlike Baltimore

Sherman Cahal

Apr 23, 2005, 2:46:15 AM4/23/05

"64" and "77" are stenciled and applied with a raised tape material
that bonds very well at the Interstate 64 and Interstate 77 junction
near Beckley, West Virginia.

Cameron Kaiser

Apr 23, 2005, 2:49:02 AM4/23/05
"Elliott Plack, USAR" <> writes:

>Is there anywhere else nationwide where this is done? The huge 795 in
>the road demands your attention and thus is hard to miss. I think it's
>a great idea. Anyone have pictures of these?

This sounds not unlike the "Historic Route XX" road painted badges showing
up for old US 101 and old US 66 around here (I hope they do it for old
US 395 and old US 399 as well).

Cameron Kaiser * * posting with a Commodore 128
personal page:
** Computer Workshops: games, productivity software and more for C64/128! **
** **

Ted Koppel

Apr 23, 2005, 2:53:25 AM4/23/05
"Presnwap" <pres...@cox.netNOSPAM> wrote in

> Baton Rouge eastbound I-10 before the I-10/I-12 split has shields
> painted on the road.
> -steven

US522 North just before I-81 in WInchester VA has a red-white-blue I-81
symbol painted on the road. Right in front of the Costco. I'll snap a
picture tomorrow if possible.

Craig Holl

Apr 23, 2005, 3:08:40 AM4/23/05

This was discussed last year:

Craig Holl
Mechanical Engineer; New Berlin, WI
*remove all numbers and caps to reply*


Apr 23, 2005, 4:13:07 AM4/23/05
Craig Holl wrote:

> Elliott Plack, USAR wrote:
>>On the Baltimore Beltway's Inner Loop (695) the lane which is for
>>exiting onto 795, there is a very large 795 interstate sign painted
>>right on the road. I'd say it takes up all but one foot on either side
>>of the lane markers of the lane. It looks really awesome especially
>>since the colors are very vibrant red and blue.
>>Is there anywhere else nationwide where this is done? The huge 795 in
>>the road demands your attention and thus is hard to miss. I think it's
>>a great idea. Anyone have pictures of these?
> This was discussed last year:

And out of all of this, only two links to photos! I'd love to see a
full-color shield.

Steve Alpert
MIT - Civil Engineering '05, MST '07 (Transportation)

Larry Harvilla

Apr 23, 2005, 5:35:27 AM4/23/05

This is true; however, those are not shields as in Elliott's example.
Those are VERY large numerals that stand by themselves, and they are
visible for a long distance approaching the EB 64/SB 77 split.

Larry Harvilla

Apr 23, 2005, 5:38:06 AM4/23/05

Right you are, those Columbus shields are just white tape/paint/whatever
with the shield outline and the numerals on pavement.

Larry Harvilla

Apr 23, 2005, 6:02:49 AM4/23/05

I remembered another one that does have colored shields painted on the
pavement. I was on Interstate 20 recently, IIRC near Shreveport, LA, and
I-20 shields are painted in the appropriate through lanes (i.e., the
ones that remain part of I-20 as you go through downtown).

I've also recalled another example where only numerals are painted on
the pavement: northbound I-75 near downtown Dayton, OH. If you have come
from Cincinnati on 75 in the right-most lane, you have to slide two
lanes to your left to remain on 75 heading out of downtown Dayton. By
heeding the "75 ONLY" wording in the appropriate lanes, you get FAR more
warning (in terms of advance distance) than the exit gantry signs provide.

Finally, I'm told by one of my sources that some city streets in Orlando
feature I-4 shields as they approach their respective junctions with 4.

MC Pee Pants

Apr 23, 2005, 6:51:49 AM4/23/05

Somebody (Ben? Richie?) had a pic of the I-635 sign but I can't seem to find
it on or

Corey Dukes

Apr 23, 2005, 11:21:32 PM4/23/05
> Is there anywhere else nationwide where this is done? The huge 795 in
> the road demands your attention and thus is hard to miss. I think it's
> a great idea. Anyone have pictures of these?

There's also I-97 shields painted on the roadway @ I-695.

Corey Dukes

H.B. Elkins

Apr 24, 2005, 3:15:07 AM4/24/05
On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 19:17:01 -0400, Larry Harvilla wrote:

>This is done on the Innerbelt in Columbus, OH, in particular on the
>combined I-70/I-71 stretch. Lanes are marked for I-70, I-71, SR 315, and
>I-670, depending on which direction you're going.

No interstate shields, but there are big white "64"s and "77"s on the pavement
at the split of the two routes near Beckley, WV.

To reply by e-mail, remove the "restrictor plate"


Apr 24, 2005, 4:56:48 PM4/24/05
"MC Pee Pants" <> wrote in message

> TV's Steve wrote:
>> And out of all of this, only two links to photos! I'd love to see a
>> full-color shield.
> Somebody (Ben? Richie?) had a pic of the I-635 sign but I can't seem to
> find it on or

For the uninitiated, here's a photo I took of the Columbus shields last

I have yet to get around to photographing the Baton Rouge shields yet.

> --
> Beliefs are dangerous. Beliefs allow the mind to stop functioning.
> A non-functioning mind is clinically dead. Believe in nothing.
> - Maynard James Keenan

Sandor Gulyas
Graduate Student - Louisiana St. University
Dept. of Geography & Anthropology

"Many people talking
But a mighty few people know"
-- Alick "Rice" Miller (aka Sunny Boy Williamson [II]) from Dissatisfied

Andrew Tompkins

Apr 25, 2005, 5:08:50 PM4/25/05
"Magyar" <> wrote in message news:mdQae.32566$d43.26762@lakeread03...

> For the uninitiated, here's a photo I took of the Columbus shields last
> year.
> Sandor Gulyas

When did they put that in? It wasn't there in 1982 when I left Columbus.

Andrew G. Tompkins
Software Engineer
Beaverton, OR


Apr 25, 2005, 6:52:19 PM4/25/05
"Andrew Tompkins" <> wrote in message

> "Magyar" <> wrote in message
> news:mdQae.32566$d43.26762@lakeread03...
>> For the uninitiated, here's a photo I took of the Columbus shields last
>> year.
>> Sandor Gulyas
> When did they put that in? It wasn't there in 1982 when I left Columbus.


> --Andy
> --------------------------------------------------
> Andrew G. Tompkins
> Software Engineer
> Beaverton, OR
> --------------------------------------------------

Apr 25, 2005, 10:13:47 PM4/25/05
[Mr. Alpert:]

> And out of all of this, only two links to photos! I'd love to see a
> full-color shield.

Actually, there is a full-color specification drawing for Interstate
pavement marking shields in the recently released (2004) version of
'Standard Highway Signs'. However, this does not appear to have been
generally noticed because '.S.H.S.' is so difficult to download in its
current form. The approximate bread crumb trail is 'S.H.S.' --> table
of contents --> pavement markings --> route marker shields. (I would
post a direct U.R.L., but at the moment I'm downloading a 2700-sheet
plans set and the FTP utility I am using slows down my computer so much
that my typing appears with a three-second lag.)

Elliott Plack, USAR

May 6, 2005, 8:47:33 PM5/6/05

I was finally able to snap a ok photo with my camera phone. Let me know
what you think!


May 6, 2005, 9:07:45 PM5/6/05
Elliott Plack, USAR wrote:

Kewl. Thanks! It needs FHWA font, though. ;)

May 6, 2005, 9:53:32 PM5/6/05
[Mr. Alpert:]

> Kewl. Thanks! It needs FHWA font, though. ;)

Actually, the font shown in the picture complies with standards. The
elongated typeface which F.H.W.A. specifies (in 'Standard Highway
Signs') for directional pavement markings, such as this Interstate
shield, is not meant to resemble the upright F.H.W.A. alphabet series
particularly closely.


(last page of the *.PDF file).

In fact--

* The I-795 pavement shield shown in the 'S.H.S.' drawing looks
exactly like the one Mr. Plack photographed.

* The other example shown in the 'S.H.S.' drawing is for I-83--another
Baltimore-area freeway.

Coincidence? I think not! Was Baltimore perhaps the first
metropolitan area to experiment with colored shields? (I know pavement
shields are also used in Houston, or at any rate have been called for
in recent construction plans, but I don't recall offhand whether colors
are specified for those.)

For that matter, I note that the 'M.U.T.C.D.''s example "SIGNAL AHEAD"
guide sign refers to "Shady Grove Rd" and "Pleasant Street," both of
which are actual streets in Montgomery County, Md. I believe this has
something to do with the fact that the F.H.W.A.'s point person on
'M.U.T.C.D.' revisions (Scott Wainwright) used to work for the
Montgomery County Dept. of Public Works & Traffic.

James W Anderson

May 8, 2005, 3:04:43 AM5/8/05
Before I-15 was rebuilt in Salt Lake, and the 'Nest of Vipers' was
built, there were four lanes southbound between 600 South and I-80.
About halfway down, painted 'I-80' and 'I-15' markings appeared. I-80
in the two left lanes, I-15 in the two right. No shields, just the
route number.

On U-265 by UVSC in Orem, just before the SPUI, they have this pattern
in the two right lanes of four.

NB I-15

That's how you see it. It's faded, and I'm not sure if these will be
repainted. The hook ramp off the 12th South road by UVSC also has this
right after the entrance gore onto U-265.

Another oddity, at the SPUI there is a diagonal zebra crosswalk, no
side sripes, just the typical open zebra pattern but angled. Haven't
seen this one anywhere else in Utah, it's the only one at this
intersection also.

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