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Renfe Hiring Sets to CP - Sud Express Goes Talgo

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Tim Fenton

Feb 25, 2010, 11:48:05 AM2/25/10
Renfe is hiring a total of 19 trainsets to CP: 17 of these will be Class 592
DMUs, and two Trenhotels.

Renfe info here:

Suggestion has been made that the hire of the 592s will be the end for CP's
0600 DMUs, many of which have had their (unpowered) centre cars removed
recently. The Trenhotels will be deployed on the Sud Express from next
month, meaning that loco haul on CP with non-aircon coaching stock will
become a very rare event indeed - there will be no scheduled services with
this type of stock [1].

[1] Other than the occasional addition of a non-aircon coach to provide
brake force on lightly loaded IC services.


tobias b koehler

Feb 26, 2010, 1:45:32 PM2/26/10
Tim Fenton schrieb:

> The Trenhotels will be deployed on the Sud Express
> from next month, meaning that loco haul on CP with non-aircon coaching
> stock will become a very rare event indeed - there will be no scheduled
> services with this type of stock [1].

It also means the end of the last regular service with UH-type
sleeping-cars. Those were built in 1956/1957 for the CIWL by Hansa
Waggon, as their second post-war sleeping-car development (after type P
which was quite different with its stainless steel body and small single
roomettes - some of them are still in regular service after a total
interior renewal in the early 1990s). The UH introduced "universal"
compartments that could be used with one, two or three beds and also
combined into a suite, they were primarily used in France but also
between Wien and Warszawa. For some years there was even a cross-border
operation between France and Spain, with bogie exchange at the border.
The CP cars were substantially refurbished for the Sud-Express service,
receiving new folding doors, new air-conditioning, new windows.

And it will be the end of the classic Sorefame restaurant cars. Perhaps
at least an UH and a restaurant will be preserved as a reminder of an
important era of the Sud-Express?

Tim Fenton

Feb 28, 2010, 6:50:01 PM2/28/10
> And it will be the end of the classic Sorefame restaurant cars. Perhaps at
> least an UH and a restaurant will be preserved as a reminder of an
> important era of the Sud-Express?

I've been sent this link:

which suggests that some heritage stock may be retained for special
occasions - and for trips on the Douro line, no less.

Mar 4, 2010, 10:27:36 PM3/4/10
The conversion of the "Sud-Express" into a Trenhotel/Comboio-Hotel is
actually a long-standing project.

In 1998, CP placed options for 2 overnight Talgo sets, but never
confirmed its intend.

Once the conversion goes ahead, it will also lead to the conversion
from Estrella to Trenhotel of the "Costa Brava" (Madrid->Barcelona-
>Cerbère and Portbou->Barcelona->Cerbère), as stock diagrams are
closely interlaced.

Indeed, the stock used on Lisbon-Hendaye is to rotate with that used
on Lisbon-Madrid, which is itself to be extended to Barcelona, using
the HSL.

All in all, it implies that Lisbon-Hendaye and Lisbon-Barcelona be
fitted with Talgo 6 stock (4 sets required), releasing the 2 Talgo 4
sets currently used on Lisbon-Madrid, and to be displaced to the
"Costa Brava".

In the end, it will put an end to conventional loco-hauled
overnighters in Spain.



Mar 4, 2010, 10:35:14 PM3/4/10
On 26 fév, 14:45, tobias b koehler <> wrote:
they were primarily used in France but also
> between Wien and Warszawa.

Also to/from the Benelux area.

For some years there was even a cross-border
> operation between France and Spain, with bogie exchange at the border.

From 1969 (start of the "Puerta del Sol", which for its very first few
months of operation conveyed sleeping-cars and motorail only, as
couchettes cars would use the "Iberia-Expreso", travelling overnight
Paris<->Hendaye and daytime Hendaye<->Madrid) until 1981 (introduction
of the "Paris-Madrid Talgo").

> The CP cars were substantially refurbished for the Sud-Express service,
> receiving new folding doors, new air-conditioning, new windows.

And brand-new Y32P bogies ;-)




Mar 21, 2010, 11:36:46 AM3/21/10
<> wrote:

> In the end, it will put an end to conventional loco-hauled
> overnighters in Spain.

I have travelled a few times from Irun to Lisboa on the Sud Expres. I
liked having dinner in the restaurant car and then retiring to the
sleeper. But I suppose the TrenHotel will be more comfortable.

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