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A simple question (to vegetarians)

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Ahmed F. Hosny

24.03.1993, 09:11:2424.03.93

I'd just like to know WHY.

If it's ONLY because you think that it's a healthier way of life
and NOTHING else, I can definitely understand (and realize that
you are normally NOT the type who tries to IMPOSE its views on
others nor CONDEMN them for their eating habits) and you deserve
all respect.

If it's because you consider LIFE sacred, aren't plants living organisms
in every respect except voluntary locomotion?

If you consider that ANIMAL LIFE (as opposed to, and superior in some
way to, just plain LIFE) is sacred, I have no further questions.

Cheers to All.

P.S. (My arabic name DOES NOT mean that I -or mine- eat locusts.)

Ahmed F. Hosny Voice: (613) 828-3522
Nepean (Ottawa) ON

Brian Altman

24.03.1993, 10:16:5624.03.93
I'm a vegetarian because it is healthy
I'm a vegetarian because I find it rather icky to eat the flesh of others
I'm a vegetarian because cattle are causing a water shortage in the west
I'm a vegetarian because cattle are destroying federal grasslands
I'm a vegetarian because we feed enough grain to cattle *in the US* in one year
as it would take to feed the entire world population
I'm a vegetarian because I want the world to be a better place for my kids
I'm a vegetarian because over 70% of US poultry inspectors don't eat chicken
There are many more reasons, but these are just a few that poped into my head


Geoff Miller

24.03.1993, 11:10:5124.03.93
an (Brian Altman) writes:

>I'm a vegetarian because it is healthy
>I'm a vegetarian because I find it rather icky to eat the flesh of others

Up to you. On the other hand, though, I tend to suspect that anyone who
feels queasy about eating flesh simply thinks about it too much. I support
the idea of modern sanitation, but I spend relatively little time pondering
the workings of sewage treatmant plants.

>I'm a vegetarian because cattle are causing a water shortage in the west

That's a water management problem, not a national dietary problem.

>I'm a vegetarian because cattle are destroying federal grasslands

That's a grassland management problem, not a national dietary problem.

>I'm a vegetarian because we feed enough grain to cattle *in the US* in
>one year as it would take to feed the entire world population

I find that difficult to believe. And even if it were true, so what?
If the cattle industry were eradicated next week, would you expect an
instantaneous diverson of an equivalent amount of grain to, say, Somalia
and Ethiopia? Don't bet on it. Life is seldom that simple.

>I'm a vegetarian because I want the world to be a better place for my kids
>I'm a vegetarian because over 70% of US poultry inspectors don't eat chicken

I find this difficult to believe as well. That's an awful lot of people
you're referring to. Besides, any given one of them who doesn't eat
chicken might avoid it for reasons other than concerns over sanitation.

I suspect that if my job consisted of looking at chicken 8 hours a day,
it wouldn't show up on my menu as often as it would otherwise. Similarly,
I'd expect a low enthusiasm for adult videos among gynecologists. Occam's
Razor, anyone?


Geoff Miller + + + + + + + + Sun Microsystems
geo...@purplehaze.Corp.Sun.COM + + + + + + + + Menlo Park, California

Brian Altman

24.03.1993, 11:48:3924.03.93

geoff (geo...@purplehaze.Corp.Sun.COM) writes:

>Up to you. On the other hand, though, I tend to suspect that anyone who
>feels queasy about eating flesh simply thinks about it too much.

Oh. Good idea... do something that you wouldn't do if you thought about it.
*Finely* I've been accused of actually thinking!

And to those who claim they need meat to "feel strong", Killer Kowalski
was also a vegetarian.


Bill Claussen

24.03.1993, 14:21:2424.03.93

I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals....
I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants.

A. Whitney Brown

Geoff Miller

24.03.1993, 13:31:0224.03.93
an (Brian Altman) writes:

>Oh. Good idea... do something that you wouldn't do if you thought about it.

Can you say "context," Brian? You know, as in that frame of reference that
you took my words out of?

The point is not that you think about the details of how meat reaches
the consumer, but that you think about it *too much.* I provided an
analogy about sewage treatment for clarity, just in case you missed the
point. Maybe next time I'll hide the analogy in a wad of raw hamburger.

I can't see that the distaste a person might understandably have for the
details of what goes on in slaughterhouses should necessarily translate
into a reluctance to eat meat, since there's no reason he'd be in a position
to have to witness the reduction of live animals into tidy, plastic-wrapped
steaks and dismembered chicken parts.

>*Finely* I've been accused of actually thinking!

Well, I suppose that's better than *coarsely* being accused of actually

Jamie Andrews

25.03.1993, 15:31:5625.03.93
In article <> (Ahmed F. Hosny) writes:
>I'd just like to know WHY.

Albeit that I feel like this debate should be going on on instead...

I don't eat meat very much because I don't like the
practices of modern-day farms, where most meat comes from.
- absolutely horrible living conditions (made to maximize profit
but other than that totally ignoring the physical and mental
health of the animals)
- waste of food resources (it takes 16 lbs of vegetable protein
to produce each lb of beef protein)
- clear (to me, anyway; your mileage may vary) overuse of
antibiotics and hormones which are ultimately harmful to

I'm not dogmatic about it; I eat meat when it's
inconvenient to others for me not to, and I eat milk products
and eggs for convenience to me. Other than that, I eat just
vegetable products and (non-farmed) fish. People who protest
that vegetables have feelings too... come on, you're just
looking for a fight.

Read _Diet for a Small Planet_ (Lappe) and related works
for more background.

"We are close to waking up when we dream that we are dreaming." -- Novalis

Et3 Francis

27.03.1993, 23:16:0327.03.93
an (Brian Altman) writes:
>I'm a vegetarian because it is healthy
I'm a meat eater because its more fun

>I'm a vegetarian because I find it rather icky to eat the flesh of others
I'm a meat eater because I get sick of just eating veggies.

>I'm a vegetarian because cattle are causing a water shortage in the west
I'm a meat eater because I want to help all the ranchers out there keep their

>I'm a vegetarian because cattle are destroying federal grasslands
I'm a meat eater to help cut down on the amount of cattle destroying federal

>I'm a vegetarian because we feed enough grain to cattle *in the US* in one year
>as it would take to feed the entire world population
I'm a meat eater because the entire world population does NOT want to just eat
grain the rest of their lives.

>I'm a vegetarian because I want the world to be a better place for my kids
I'm a meat eater since I know that just because you don't eat meat doesn't
mean that you are making the world a better place.

>I'm a vegetarian because over 70% of US poultry inspectors don't eat chicken
I'm a meat eater because if the inspectors don't eat it then someone has to...

>There are many more reasons, but these are just a few that poped into my head


Hmmm...should I be Pro-choice and kill "unborn babies" or should I be Pro-
Life and kill doctors...

Phil Hughes

29.03.1993, 01:40:2329.03.93
Et3 Francis ( wrote:

: (Brian Altman) writes:
: >I'm a vegetarian because it is healthy
: I'm a meat eater because its more fun

Some think this. Others realize that "interesting" food is generally
not made from a hunk of flesh.

: >I'm a vegetarian because cattle are causing a water shortage in the west

: I'm a meat eater because I want to help all the ranchers out there keep their
: jobs.

Here you are clearly wrong. About 5000 gallons of water is used in
the cattle industry for each pound of meat produced. (In contrast, it
is more like 25 gallons/pound of almonds). This just can't be

: >I'm a vegetarian because we feed enough grain to cattle *in the US* in one year

: >as it would take to feed the entire world population
: I'm a meat eater because the entire world population does NOT want to just eat
: grain the rest of their lives.

That isn't clear. Although most people are not vegetarians, their
meat consumption is much lower than that of the average US citizen.
So is their incidence of heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, ...

Phil Hughes - FYL - 8315 Lk City Wy NE - Suite 207 - Seattle, WA 98115
Phone: 206-526-2919 x74 Fax: 526-0803
E-mail: or nwnexus!fylz!fyl

242 lbs before cooking

05.04.1993, 04:35:4905.04.93
(Brian Altman) squeaks:

>Oh. Good idea... do something that you wouldn't do if you thought about it.
>*Finely* I've been accused of actually thinking!

You've been accused of overanalyzing, dungbrain. This is where the
thought process has clumsily tripped on itself and can't get back on
its feet. If you were hungry enough, you'd kill and eat a rat
before starving. I'd bet a large amount of money on that.

>And to those who claim they need meat to "feel strong", Killer Kowalski
>was also a vegetarian.

Good for you. Given a little research time, I could come up with a
voluminous list of famous people with various eating disorders.
What's your point?

If Brawny wants to print something on its paper towels, it should print
chainsaws or Monster Trucks or maybe scantily-clad large-breasted women.
None of this duckie crap. -- Alex Elliott, The Lemming.

242 lbs before cooking

05.04.1993, 05:07:1805.04.93
(Brian Altman) writes:
>I'm a vegetarian because it is healthy

Using your interpretation of today's data ...

>I'm a vegetarian because I find it rather icky to eat the flesh of others

This is the real reason. You can't stomach it. So be it.

>I'm a vegetarian because cattle are causing a water shortage in the west

Bullshit. Lack of rain has been causing a water shortage in the
west. It's called a drought. It happens. It's real. It's
temporary. Go ask those flooded this winter if there's a water
shoratge now. For your edification, the "California Irrigation"
numbers PETA is so quick to distribute are meaningless when the
resevoirs are full, as they are now.

>I'm a vegetarian because cattle are destroying federal grasslands

Destroying? You mean grass no longer grows there? Let's see your

>I'm a vegetarian because we feed enough grain to cattle *in the US* in one year
>as it would take to feed the entire world population

A specious argument. We let enough grain rot in the silos in this
country to feed most of the world population. We leave enough
cropland unplanted each year to feed the world population. All of
this is contingent on having a) entirely comestible grain and b)
entirely grain diets. You can rub your rabbit's foot all night and
these condidtions won't be met.

>I'm a vegetarian because I want the world to be a better place for my kids

Yeah. NAMBLA wants the world to be a better place for your kids, too.
They have quite a vested interest, I might add.

>I'm a vegetarian because over 70% of US poultry inspectors don't eat chicken

Good for them. They'd probably rather choke the chicken than eat

>There are many more reasons, but these are just a few that poped into my head

"Poped?" These things "poped" into your head? The problem with
militant vegetarians is they always have to make it a religious


Roy Radow

05.04.1993, 18:24:2705.04.93
In <lrvtm6...@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM> ba...@abingdon.Eng.Sun.COM (242 lbs before cooking) writes:

>(Brian Altman) writes:

>>I'm a vegetarian because I want the world to be a better place for my kids

>Yeah. NAMBLA wants the world to be a better place for your kids, too.
>They have quite a vested interest, I might add.

FYI a good number of NAMBLA members and leadership are vegetarians for
health and moral reasons.

Yours in Liberation,


Roy Radow ...rutgers!cmcl2!panix!roy
North American Man/Boy Love Association -For a packet containing a sample
Bulletin, publications list and membership information send $1.00 postage
to: NAMBLA Info, Dept.RR, PO Box 174, Midtown Station, NYC NY 10018.

Christopher Morton

07.04.1993, 09:33:3607.04.93
As quoted from <> by (Roy Radow):

> In <lrvtm6...@exodus.Eng.Sun.COM> ba...@abingdon.Eng.Sun.COM (242 lbs before cooking) writes:
> >(Brian Altman) writes:
> >>I'm a vegetarian because I want the world to be a better place for my kids
> >Yeah. NAMBLA wants the world to be a better place for your kids, too.
> >They have quite a vested interest, I might add.
> FYI a good number of NAMBLA members and leadership are vegetarians for
> health and moral reasons.

FYI Heinrich Himmler and Adolf Hitler were vegetarians for "moral reasons" of
the same caliber.

> Yours in Liberation,
Many people have hobbies. Your's is exploitation.

"You're like a bunch of over-educated, New York jewish ACLU lawyers
fighting to eliminate school prayer from the public schools in
Arkansas" - Holly Silva

Missing Link

12.04.1993, 12:03:4112.04.93

In article <> (Roy Radow) writes:
>FYI a good number of NAMBLA members and leadership are vegetarians for
>health and moral reasons.
>Yours in Liberation,

No doubt it is easier to shove a carrot or a banana up some
small boy's ass than a rump roast would be.

Yours in tastelessness,

Vinnie Jordan, 160 lbs. of rompin' stompin' sonofabitch. vin...@sco.COM
"A dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste."

William G Damon

12.04.1993, 14:50:2812.04.93
In article <> vin...@sco.COM (Missing Link) writes:
>In article <> (Roy Radow) writes:
>>FYI a good number of NAMBLA members and leadership are vegetarians for
>>health and moral reasons.
>>Yours in Liberation,
>No doubt it is easier to shove a carrot or a banana up some
>small boy's ass than a rump roast would be.
>Yours in tastelessness,
I'm sure I'm showing my stupidity here (sure as hell won't be the first time,
or the last I'm sure) but what the hell does NAMBLA stand for? Nation of
Agrarian Men for Blowing Livestock Animals, New American Mothers of Belligerent
(sp?) Little Asswipes? What?


Bill Damon | "I guess he deserved it." | "We all deserve it, kid."
All opinions are mine; I was the only | --Clint Eastwood, "Unforgiven"
one stupid enough to take 'em. |

Michael A. Petonic

12.04.1993, 17:44:3112.04.93
In article <> (William G Damon ) writes:
>In article <> vin...@sco.COM (Missing Link) writes:
>>In article <> (Roy Radow) writes:
>>>FYI a good number of NAMBLA members and leadership are vegetarians for
>>>health and moral reasons.
>>>Yours in Liberation,
>>No doubt it is easier to shove a carrot or a banana up some
>>small boy's ass than a rump roast would be.
>>Yours in tastelessness,
>I'm sure I'm showing my stupidity here (sure as hell won't be the first time,
>or the last I'm sure) but what the hell does NAMBLA stand for? Nation of
>Agrarian Men for Blowing Livestock Animals, New American Mothers of Belligerent
>(sp?) Little Asswipes? What?

Ahh, the truth is stranger than fiction.

NAMBLA == North American Man Boy Love Association.

Michael A. Petonic +1-512-794-2855
HaL Computer Systems International, Ltd. -- A Bermuda Corporation
Director of Dangerous Activities [ACK to]
Austin, Texas
"No balls, no blue chip."

Roy Radow

12.04.1993, 22:08:0912.04.93

>>In article <> (Roy Radow) writes:
>>>FYI a good number of NAMBLA members and leadership are vegetarians for
>>>health and moral reasons.
>>>Yours in Liberation,

>I'm sure I'm showing my stupidity here (sure as hell won't be the first time,
>or the last I'm sure) but what the hell does NAMBLA stand for? Nation of
>Agrarian Men for Blowing Livestock Animals, New American Mothers of Belligerent
>(sp?) Little Asswipes? What?

Close, but no cigar! :-)

The North American Man/Boy Love Association is a civil rights/
political organization. We support CONSENSUAL intergenerational
relationships and help educate society about the true nature of
such relationships.

We were founded in Boston in 1978 and currently have more than
one thousand members worldwide.

NAMBLA activities include speaking to university & community
groups, appearing on television and radio, conducting public
forums, and holding an annual NAMBLA conference.

NAMBLA publishes a Bulletin ten times a year which is sent by
first class mail to our members. (It includes news, feature
articles, letters, book reviews, short stories, etc.) We also
publish a literary Journal, books and other material (all of
which are strictly legal).

We also have a publications list which includes over 100 titles of
books (fiction and non-fiction) and periodicals which are available
for sale.

We march in Gay & Lesbian Pride Day parades in Boston, New York and
San Francisco. And are involved in other gay & lesbian activities
here and abroad.

Our members include people of all ages, gender and sexual orientations.
(The youngest regular contributor to our Bulletin was 10 years old when
he began his column.)

Although NAMBLA members hold diverse political views, as a group
we take a progressive stance on the rights of the individual, and
youth liberation and empowerment.

NAMBLA does not provide referrals or assistance for people seeking
sexual contacts, nor do we engage in activities that violate the law.
We unequivocally condemn all coercive acts, sexual or otherwise.

If you are interested in receiving a sample copy of our Bulletin,
information regarding membership or our publications list please
feel free to write to the address below.

Uncle Fester

13.04.1993, 02:42:2113.04.93

In article:<> (Roy Radow) writes:

> The North American Man/Boy Love Association is a civil rights/
> political organization. We support CONSENSUAL intergenerational
> relationships and help educate society about the true nature of
> such relationships.

The "true nature" meaning to take advantage of children
for sexual purposes; i.e., "can you say...SICKOS?"

> We were founded in Boston in 1978 and currently have more than
> one thousand members worldwide.

"Members" being a euphemism for "paedophiles".

> NAMBLA activities include speaking to university & community
> groups, appearing on television and radio, conducting public
> forums, and holding an annual NAMBLA conference.

Yeah, sure. The media and forums are so ubiquitous that
Mr. Rogers himself would be glad to have you for guests.


> NAMBLA publishes a Bulletin ten times a year which is sent by
> first class mail to our members. (It includes news, feature
> articles, letters, book reviews, short stories, etc.) We also
> publish a literary Journal, books and other material (all of
> which are strictly legal).

Terms like 'first class' and 'literary Journal' sure sound
pretentious when you consider we're talking about the
rationalizing of child molestation.

> We also have a publications list which includes over 100 titles of
> books (fiction and non-fiction) and periodicals which are available
> for sale.

Any Pulitzer nominations among them?
What are they, "how-to" manuals?

> We march in Gay & Lesbian Pride Day parades in Boston, New York and
> San Francisco. And are involved in other gay & lesbian activities
> here and abroad.

You forgot to mention that Gay & Lesbian groups denounce
your organization as well.
Stop trying to connect yourself with something you're not.
Can you say...PARIAH?

> Our members include people of all ages, gender and sexual orientations.
> (The youngest regular contributor to our Bulletin was 10 years old when
> he began his column.)

No doubt the "10 year old" is one of your degenerates
writing under a pseudonym, so as to get your members 'hot'
and believe they're just hunky-dory with kids.

> Although NAMBLA members hold diverse political views, as a group
> we take a progressive stance on the rights of the individual, and
> youth liberation and empowerment.

You mean your "official" party line (propaganda) is to
wrap yourselves in the Constitution and the Flag, and
attempt to bust your way out with bullshit when confronted
with the inevitable conclusion that you are nothing but
sick pederasts.

> NAMBLA does not provide referrals or assistance for people seeking
> sexual contacts, nor do we engage in activities that violate the law.
> We unequivocally condemn all coercive acts, sexual or otherwise.

See above.

> If you are interested in receiving a sample copy of our Bulletin,
> information regarding membership or our publications list please
> feel free to write to the address below.

Good idea! The FBI needs to know who all of you are and
where you live. NAMBLA just happens to be one of the
privileged organizations where the FBI is on a first name
basis with all its members.

> Yours in Liberation,

> Roy

Get yourself a dog or cat, Roy.
I hope it bites your balls (if you have any) off.

Tim Hester
(aka Uncle Fester)

: What God Wants : God wants gigolos :
: God gets : God wants giraffes :
: God help us all : God wants politics :
: ** : God wants a good laugh :

Martin F. Roesch

13.04.1993, 12:00:2813.04.93
an (Roy Radow) writes:
>In <> (William G Damon ) writes:
>>>In article <> (Roy Radow) writes:

>>I'm sure I'm showing my stupidity here (sure as hell won't be the first time,
>>or the last I'm sure) but what the hell does NAMBLA stand for? Nation of
>>Agrarian Men for Blowing Livestock Animals, New American Mothers of Belligerent
>>(sp?) Little Asswipes? What?

>Close, but no cigar! :-)

>The North American Man/Boy Love Association is a civil rights/
>political organization. We support CONSENSUAL intergenerational
>relationships and help educate society about the true nature of
>such relationships.

So what you're trying to say is that you're a bunch of fudge packers who
think it's ok for man/boy CONSENSUAL fanny poking? I just want to get this
straight so I can begin snickering in earnest.

Martin F. Roesch | Morality is for people |
Clarkson Univ. Computer Engineering Dept. | who can afford it. | | M.ROESCH(GEnie) | 11172,2535(CI$)
************************** Practice Coprodivination **************************

Brian Davis

13.04.1993, 15:31:0813.04.93
an (William G Damon ) asks:

>>I'm sure I'm showing my stupidity here (sure as hell won't be the first time,
>>or the last I'm sure) but what the hell does NAMBLA stand for? (Roy Radow) answers:

>NAMBLA activities include speaking to university & community
>groups, appearing on television and radio, conducting public
>forums, and holding an annual NAMBLA conference.

Don't forget lurking outside elementary schools.

242 lbs before cooking

14.04.1993, 02:44:0414.04.93
(Martin F. Roesch) writes:
> So what you're trying to say is that you're a bunch of fudge packers who
>think it's ok for man/boy CONSENSUAL fanny poking? I just want to get this
>straight so I can begin snickering in earnest.

Now, now! Ernest will have none of that unless you give him a
reach-around. But he *does* hope you get it straight.

"It is not the fact of liberty but the way in which liberty is exercised that
ultimately determines whether liberty itself survives: When liberty is taken
away by force it can be restored by force. When it is relinquished voluntarily
by default it can never be recovered". -- Dorothy Thompson

Andy Hart

13.04.1993, 20:46:1713.04.93
In article <> (Roy Radow) writes:
>Close, but no cigar! :-)
>The North American Man/Boy Love Association is a civil rights/
>political organization. We support CONSENSUAL intergenerational
>relationships and help educate society about the true nature of
>such relationships.

You are a disgusting sleaze bag pedophile.
Save your smilie faces for the next time you put on your clown outfit
to look for new BOYfriends.

[rest of Radow's creepy tripe deleted]

>Yours in Liberation,

I'd like to liberate you from your intestines.

>Roy Radow ...rutgers!cmcl2!panix!roy
>North American Man/Boy Love Association -For a packet containing a sample

[sicko address deleted]
--- Andy

Mike Weber

15.04.1993, 00:07:0015.04.93
In article <> (Roy Radow) writes:
>In <> (William G Damon ) writes:
>The North American Man/Boy Love Association is a civil rights/
>political organization. We support CONSENSUAL intergenerational

>relationships and help educate society about the true nature of
>such relationships.


>NAMBLA publishes a Bulletin ten times a year which is sent by
>first class mail to our members. (It includes news, feature
>articles, letters, book reviews, short stories, etc.) We also
>publish a literary Journal, books and other material (all of
>which are strictly legal).
>We also have a publications list which includes over 100 titles of
>books (fiction and non-fiction) and periodicals which are available
>for sale.
>We march in Gay & Lesbian Pride Day parades in Boston, New York and
>San Francisco. And are involved in other gay & lesbian activities
>here and abroad.

No wonder gays and lesbian groups have such a bad image...

>Although NAMBLA members hold diverse political views, as a group
>we take a progressive stance on the rights of the individual, and
>youth liberation and empowerment.
>NAMBLA does not provide referrals or assistance for people seeking
>sexual contacts, nor do we engage in activities that violate the law.
>We unequivocally condemn all coercive acts, sexual or otherwise.
>If you are interested in receiving a sample copy of our Bulletin,
>information regarding membership or our publications list please
>feel free to write to the address below.

No thanks, but I dont associate with child molesters.
Thanks for writing to alt.tasteless with a truely tasteless topic.

Mike Weber

15.04.1993, 00:33:1015.04.93

With candy in hand, of course...


15.04.1993, 03:40:5115.04.93
an (Andy Hart) writes:

> In article <> (Roy Radow) writes:
> >Close, but no cigar! :-)
> >
> >
> >The North American Man/Boy Love Association is a civil rights/
> >political organization. We support CONSENSUAL intergenerational
> >relationships and help educate society about the true nature of
> >such relationships.
> You are a disgusting sleaze bag pedophile.
> Save your smilie faces for the next time you put on your clown outfit
> to look for new BOYfriends.
> [rest of Radow's creepy tripe deleted]
> >Yours in Liberation,
> >
> I'd like to liberate you from your intestines.

Has anybody gotten around to FINGERing (better wear a rubber glove for
this one) Roy's account yet?

A.Lizard Internet Addresses:
alizard%tweekco%b...@PacBell.COM (preferred)
PacBell.COM!boo!tweekco!alizard (bang path for above) (backup)
PGP2.2 public key available on request

Deeptendu Majumder

15.04.1993, 09:52:1615.04.93
Is there a North American Man/Dog lovers association too ? What's
next ? Incest lovers association..Father/Daughter Lovers association
I wonder when are they going to form a North American Serial Killer's
association. They might as well exercise their rights too..


Cosmic | Mahashunya Vector = [Big 0] | Stranger

Missing Link

15.04.1993, 08:26:2715.04.93

This is truly funny. We've taken a thread from a group of
would-be carrot wielding revolutionary vegetarians and
turned it into an advertisement for a group of pedophiles
who influence young boys into their perverted lifestyle
under the guise of "consensual sex."

Only on alt.tasteless.

Adam Justin Thornton

15.04.1993, 14:18:4915.04.93
In article <> vin...@sco.COM (Missing Link) writes:
>This is truly funny. We've taken a thread from a group of
>would-be carrot wielding revolutionary vegetarians and
>turned it into an advertisement for a group of pedophiles
>who influence young boys into their perverted lifestyle
>under the guise of "consensual sex."
>Only on alt.tasteless.

Well, Vinnie, also on misc.misc, alt.flame, and talk.politics.animals. And
would everyone lay off NAMBLA already. Geez. There's not really very much
tasteless about it. Nothing to compare with THE FLAVOR OF DEAD!!!!!!!!!!
AUSCHWITZ!!!!!!!!!! VICTIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
EVERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STEAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"And in the heartbreak years that lie ahead, |++| |++| Cthulhu
Be true to yourself and the Grateful Dead." --Joan Baez | 64,928 | fthagn!
"Very often, a common stone, thrown away and despised, is worth more than
a cow." -- Paracelsus | If these were Rice's opinions I'd shoot myself.

Robert C.Haushalter

15.04.1993, 17:50:2715.04.93
In article <> writes:
>Is there a North American Man/Dog lovers association too ? What's
>next ? Incest lovers association..Father/Daughter Lovers association
>I wonder when are they going to form a North American Serial Killer's
>association. They might as well exercise their rights too..
By reshuffling just a few letters, (Deeptendu Majumder) can phonetically
become "deep into mud jammer"

Did any one else notice this?
The opinions are mine..not my company's.
Actually, everything is more complicated

Deeptendu Majumder

15.04.1993, 19:47:4315.04.93
Robert C.Haushalter ( wrote:

: In article <> writes:
: >Is there a North American Man/Dog lovers association too ? What's
: >next ? Incest lovers association..Father/Daughter Lovers association
: >I wonder when are they going to form a North American Serial Killer's
: >association. They might as well exercise their rights too..
: >
: By reshuffling just a few letters, (Deeptendu Majumder) can phonetically
: become "deep into mud jammer"

: Did any one else notice this?

pretty cool..I have to remember that myself..and with your name..I won't even
waste my time..


D'nesh D'Souza

15.04.1993, 21:23:5015.04.93
In article <>,
dips@aurora (Deeptendu Majumder) writes:

>Is there a North American Man/Dog lovers association too ? What's
>next ? Incest lovers association..Father/Daughter Lovers association
>I wonder when are they going to form a North American Serial Killer's
>association. They might as well exercise their rights too..

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Forget it, Nintendo!! *I* am the original foreigner-
kissing-up-to-the-great-white-man-with-his-great-big-gun dude guy,
so there!!!!

Ya think yer fucking ranting will get you in the country club???? Forget it.

Let me help you out:

* insult blacks. call them lazy
* contribute BIG WADS of your income you can't spend on pretty American women
on NRA memberships, or Rush Limbaugh books
* just stay on your fucking knees.
* write 'books' about Political Correctness

ya wanna know what REAL power is all about, Marmalade? It's all about those
pretty young things we raise in the Midwest: those smiling bikini babes,
those corn-fed studs, and those cute little eight-year-olds every dirty
filthy foreigner wants to put his hands all over. And YOU on the outside,
Deepthroat - no matter how much you try to suck the smegma out of the
foreskin of the American mainstream, you'll never be invited to the parties
where the rest of us are sucking shots out of the navels of young things
formed by God'sOwnHands.

Keep fightin', pal - No one gives a shit.


Deeptendu Majumder

15.04.1993, 22:59:4515.04.93
Robert C.Haushalter ( wrote:
: >
: By reshuffling just a few letters, (Deeptendu Majumder) can phonetically

: become "deep into mud jammer"

BTW somebody just pointed it out that if I had a d instead of r it
could have been 'jammed deep into mud'. I guess my folks were not
looking ahead enough when they stuck that label on me..or rather
when they got the incredible last name stuck on themm. Actually
the anagram program gave 279 matches with minimum size of words
restricted to 3...hmmmm


Lost Boy

15.04.1993, 22:54:1115.04.93
In article <> (Mike Weber) writes:
>In article <> (I fuck children) spews:

>>The North American Man/Boy Love Association is a civil rights/
>>political organization. We support CONSENSUAL intergenerational
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>relationships and help educate society about the true nature of
>>such relationships.

Don't knock it...I understand a 19-year-old college student had some pretty
wild sex with a 42-year-old grandmother a few months back...and the
neighbors needed cigarettes because of all the noise.

Anyway...check this out:

>>NAMBLA publishes a Bulletin ten times a year which is sent by
>>first class mail to our members. (It includes news, feature
>>articles, letters, book reviews, short stories, etc.) We also
>>publish a literary Journal, books and other material (all of
>>which are strictly legal).

>No thanks, but I dont associate with child molesters.
>Thanks for writing to alt.tasteless with a truely tasteless topic.

DUDES! You are missing the point! Take a look at what you can do
with this! Suppose some guy pisses you off...well then, put him on
NAMBLA'S mailing list! This will wreak havoc with his personal life,
career, and self-image for ages! Plus it's a great way to waste NAMBLA'S

Here's the adress: send them the name of a deserving asshole TODAY!!

>>North American Man/Boy Love Association -For a packet containing a sample
>>Bulletin, publications list and membership information send $1.00 postage
>>to: NAMBLA Info, Dept.RR, PO Box 174, Midtown Station, NYC NY 10018.

Lost Boy

Lost Boy

15.04.1993, 22:56:5515.04.93
>Is there a North American Man/Dog lovers association too ? What's
>next ? Incest lovers association..Father/Daughter Lovers association
>I wonder when are they going to form a North American Serial Killer's
>association. They might as well exercise their rights too..

I understand there actually is an incest legallization organization
out there, for uncles who love their neices, cousins who love cousins,
and so on. I also understand they have lots of followers in Kentucky.

Lost Boy

Martin J Hannigan

16.04.1993, 01:50:2816.04.93


Well. Seems like you are up on these things.

How do you like all this dead space? Sort of like your brain eh?

VINNIE IS EVIL. ANDY IS EVIL. k e N is un-informed.
I must say that Bill Clinton is not Ronald Reagan. Then again, who can be
Ron? Eliminate the 26th Ammendment - Bring Back Ronald Reagan...

Word of the week: Tub Shitter

Missing Link

16.04.1993, 09:52:0016.04.93

In article <1qlhf4...@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> (Martin J Hannigan) writes:

Martin, you may be an asshole, but at least you're
an informed asshole!

242 lbs before cooking

16.04.1993, 11:50:5716.04.93
an (Adam Justin Thornton) writes:
>Geez. There's not really very much
>tasteless about it. Nothing to compare with THE FLAVOR OF DEAD!!!!!!!!!!
>AUSCHWITZ!!!!!!!!!! VICTIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You're a scream, Adam. Your contrived hysterics just about peg you as
a parody of everything you claim to represent.

If I ever am in need of an example of a street lunatic, I know where
to point, now.

Kenneth J Robinson

16.04.1993, 14:10:5216.04.93
In article <1qlhf4...@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> (Martin J Hannigan) writes:
>[lots of space deleted]

>VINNIE IS EVIL. ANDY IS EVIL. k e N is un-informed.

So, Mr. Hannigan, do you know how to use an editor? Or do you
often like displaying your childish, immature behavior?

k e N

Jamie Andrews

16.04.1993, 14:07:1716.04.93
In article <> vin...@sco.COM (Missing Link) writes:
>Only on alt.tasteless.

No, not only on alt.tasteless... also on
o misc.misc
o alt.flame
o talk.politics.animals

In other words... edit yer fershlugginer Newsgroups: line, folks.


Robert C.Haushalter

16.04.1993, 13:19:3416.04.93
In article <> vin...@sco.COM (Missing Link) writes:
>In article <1qlhf4...@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> (Martin J Hannigan) writes:
>Martin, you may be an asshole, but at least you're
>an informed asshole!
Vinnie, altho you could very well be evil, I thought he was refering to
Vinson "Cum guzzling nazi fuckwit" Goddard.

Missing Link

16.04.1993, 15:39:4216.04.93

>In article <1qlhf4...@senator-bedfellow.MIT.EDU> (Martin J Hannigan) writes:
>>VINNIE IS EVIL. ANDY IS EVIL. k e N is un-informed.

Y'know, I forgot, when I responded to Hannigan's post the first time,
to ask what the fuck a JORN was. Animal, veggie or mineral?

I've run into you before, Hannigan. You're an incurable dickweed.
I can't place where it was, but I remember the bad taste our encounter
left in my mouth. And before you try any flame concerning sticking
your dick in it, forget it. I beat you to it, and no one would
believe you anyway.

As i said, I've run into you in another group before. With any
luck, next time I'll run you over and perhaps clean the human
gene pool up a bit.

You're pitiful, and you have my sympathy.

Vinnie Jordan.

Missing Link

16.04.1993, 16:13:3716.04.93

In article <> (Robert C.Haushalter) writes:
>Vinnie, altho you could very well be evil, I thought he was refering to
>Vinson "Cum guzzling nazi fuckwit" Goddard.

Please, Robert, I've got an image to maintain.

Ian Thomas Patterson

16.04.1993, 18:48:3416.04.93
> Is there a North American Man/Dog lovers association too ? What's
> next ? Incest lovers association..Father/Daughter Lovers association

Yup. I'm in all of 'em. Literally. HA!
People are tools. Trust is currency.
E-mail for Temporary/Facehead Commuications catalog and info.

Blake F Parker

16.04.1993, 19:39:2116.04.93
an (Martin J Hannigan) writes:


Here! Here! ... Marty...You've OUTDONE everyone, including Jorn, in
wasting bandwidth...Clap! Clap!..Clap! Clap!...

If there were an award for this you'd win, but in this case all you get
is a :/) :/) :/)

Brian Saunders

16.04.1993, 19:52:1316.04.93
In article <> (Blake F Parker) writes:
>Here! Here! ... Marty...You've OUTDONE everyone, including Jorn, in
>wasting bandwidth...Clap! Clap!..Clap! Clap!...

No, you wasted the bandwith, by reposting all that drivel.

>If there were an award for this you'd win, but in this case all you get
>is a :/) :/) :/)

You win a smegma-encrusted, shit-covered foreskin, from the circumcision
of a NAMBLA member.

Learn to use a fucking editor.

[Thinking of you while posting this, Jenny]

Brian Saunders

16.04.1993, 22:14:0416.04.93

I would just like to point out that a positing containing 250 empty
lines (i.e., carriage returns) takes up exactly as much "bandwidth" as a
4-line posting containing real text.

People should require licenses to operate computers.

Christopher Kilbourn

17.04.1993, 06:04:0617.04.93

People shold require licenses to operate their genetals.

That's where the trouble starts.

Mike Weber

17.04.1993, 12:28:0217.04.93
In article <> (Adam Justin Thornton) writes:
>In article <> vin...@sco.COM (Missing Link) writes:
>Well, Vinnie, also on misc.misc, alt.flame, and talk.politics.animals. And
>would everyone lay off NAMBLA already. Geez. There's not really very much
>tasteless about it. Nothing to compare with THE FLAVOR OF DEAD!!!!!!!!!!
>AUSCHWITZ!!!!!!!!!! VICTIMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>EVERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! STEAMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isnt this the newest McDonalds slogan, for their MEGA-MAC(c)?

Mike Weber

18.04.1993, 01:19:5618.04.93
In article <> (Lost Boy) writes:
>In article <> (Mike Weber) writes:
>>In article <> (I fuck children) spews:
>>>The North American Man/Boy Love Association is a civil rights/
>>>political organization. We support CONSENSUAL intergenerational
>> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>>>relationships and help educate society about the true nature of
>>>such relationships.
>Don't knock it...I understand a 19-year-old college student had some pretty
>wild sex with a 42-year-old grandmother a few months back...and the
>neighbors needed cigarettes because of all the noise.

Yeah, but Roy the Boy Fucker does it with 12 year old boys! There a
difference, but I digress...

>Anyway...check this out:
>>>NAMBLA publishes a Bulletin ten times a year which is sent by
>>>first class mail to our members. (It includes news, feature
>>>articles, letters, book reviews, short stories, etc.) We also
>>>publish a literary Journal, books and other material (all of
>>>which are strictly legal).
>>No thanks, but I dont associate with child molesters.

>DUDES! You are missing the point! Take a look at what you can do
>with this! Suppose some guy pisses you off...well then, put him on
>NAMBLA'S mailing list! This will wreak havoc with his personal life,
>career, and self-image for ages! Plus it's a great way to waste NAMBLA'S
>Here's the adress: send them the name of a deserving asshole TODAY!!
>>>North American Man/Boy Love Association -For a packet containing a sample
>>>Bulletin, publications list and membership information send $1.00 postage
>>>to: NAMBLA Info, Dept.RR, PO Box 174, Midtown Station, NYC NY 10018.

What an utterly EVIL idea! I sure wish I had thought of it first!
Perhaps if you also gave his address to the Chickbook people?

Steve Scherf

18.04.1993, 20:00:2918.04.93
In article <> (Roy Radow) writes:
>The North American Man/Boy Love Association is a civil rights/
>political organization. We support CONSENSUAL intergenerational
>relationships and help educate society about the true nature of
>such relationships.

Oh, right. Tell us about the "true nature" of these "consensual" relationships.
"Johnny, do you want to come here and play with Daddy's pee-pee?"
"Okay, Daddy."
Now Daddy's happy! He got little Johnny's consent for a blow.

>We march in Gay & Lesbian Pride Day parades in Boston, New York and
>San Francisco.

And give them a bad name in the process. In general, those who organize
such activities despise NAMBLA.

>Although NAMBLA members hold diverse political views, as a group
>we take a progressive stance on the rights of the individual, and
>youth liberation and empowerment.

Clearly, you guys have to say stuff like this to sound credible. Essentially,
what this is saying is that you can be from any background and still be
a child molester.

>NAMBLA does not provide referrals or assistance for people seeking
>sexual contacts, nor do we engage in activities that violate the law.
>We unequivocally condemn all coercive acts, sexual or otherwise.

Are you saying consensual sex with children is legal? That's basically what
you're fighting for, isn't it? What kind of "love" are you talking about if
it's not of a sexual nature? If you are talking about the kind of love you
find in the usual father/son relationship, that's one thing; clearly
this group is taking things one step further.

How is it that you don't engage in illegal activities? Any adult/minor sex
is illegal (unless it's through marriage). Are you telling me that your
depraved members just think about how great it would be if you could legally
screw little boys, but never actually do it? I find that hard to believe.
Anyone who's sick enough to want to do it probably does. Obviously, your
group has to take this official stance for legal reasons.

>If you are interested in receiving a sample copy of our Bulletin,
>information regarding membership or our publications list please
>feel free to write to the address below.

Why don't you just post a copy here for us to read so we can see the light?

>Yours in Liberation,

Shouldn't that read "yours in depravity"? You guys are a bunch of sick
mother fuckers. I have seen what sexual relations between parents and children
can do to a person. The very word "child" implies innocence and naivete. No
child can understand a relationship of a sexual nature. How many children
have you and your members, and others like you, screwed up psychologically
for life?

You certainly have the right to speak your beliefs, no matter how fucked up
they are, but why don't you people say what you really mean instead of couching
it in rhetoric?
Steve Scherf Stratus Computer 2065 Hamilton Ave.
(408) 559-5616 San Jose, CA 95125-5905


19.04.1993, 02:27:1119.04.93
an (Steve Scherf) writes:

> it in rhetoric?

Fear of the consequences. While on that topic, I'm suprised no one has
gotten around to putting on a pair of thick rubber gloves, telnetted to , fingered good old Roy's account, and posted the plan into
to the Net.

A.Lizard Internet Addresses:
alizard%tweekco%b...@PacBell.COM (preferred)
PacBell.COM!boo!tweekco!alizard (bang path for above) (backup)
PGP2.2 public key available on request

Eric A. Schwartz

19.04.1993, 18:39:4719.04.93
In article <9275...@stratus.SWDC.Stratus.COM> (Steve Scherf) writes:
>In article <> (Roy Radow) writes:
>>We march in Gay & Lesbian Pride Day parades in Boston, New York and
>>San Francisco.
>And give them a bad name in the process. In general, those who organize
>such activities despise NAMBLA.
Which is why I hate gay rights groups. They say their deviant sexual
practices are fine, but someone else's aren't. That's called
hypocrisy, in my book. Personally, a gay is free to hate pedophiles,
but a supposed "rights" group that believes the same rights they fight
for should be denied to others? _That_ it what is detestable, not
someone who believes his own behavior is right, regardless of social
condemnation of said behavior.

>How is it that you don't engage in illegal activities? Any adult/minor sex
>is illegal (unless it's through marriage). Are you telling me that your
>depraved members just think about how great it would be if you could legally
>screw little boys, but never actually do it? I find that hard to believe.
>Anyone who's sick enough to want to do it probably does. Obviously, your
>group has to take this official stance for legal reasons.

Maybe they work to try to make it legal, but don't encourage commission
of any sexual acts with minors until it becomes so. Why don't you
subscribe to their bulletin and find out?

>Shouldn't that read "yours in depravity"? You guys are a bunch of sick
>mother fuckers. I have seen what sexual relations between parents and children
>can do to a person. The very word "child" implies innocence and naivete. No
>child can understand a relationship of a sexual nature. How many children
>have you and your members, and others like you, screwed up psychologically
>for life?

Child=innocence and naivete?!?!? Child means id gratification, lack
of developed superego, and a generally vicious and self-centered view
of life. Get out of the Victorian era. Children have a great deal of
sexual curiosity and desire, though it is not directed the same as in
an adult. Personally, what has always bothered me about pedophilia is
how warped someone's sexual tastes would have to be for them to even
bother to put up with children just for a fuck.

>You certainly have the right to speak your beliefs, no matter how fucked up
>they are, but why don't you people say what you really mean instead of couching
>it in rhetoric?

I believe they have said what they mean. You just want it to mean
more, because what they say is reasonable, and doesn't give you the
justification you need to hate them. Now, if you had told them to
stop with all the rhetorical talk and start acting out their beliefs,
that might belong on alt.tasteless. Especially if you offer your own
rugrats as a starting place.


Eric A. Schwartz

19.04.1993, 18:55:3219.04.93
In article <> (Uncle Fester) writes:
>In article:<> (Roy Radow) writes:
>> The North American Man/Boy Love Association is a civil rights/
>> political organization. We support CONSENSUAL intergenerational
>> relationships and help educate society about the true nature of
>> such relationships.
> The "true nature" meaning to take advantage of children
> for sexual purposes; i.e., "can you say...SICKOS?"
>> We were founded in Boston in 1978 and currently have more than
>> one thousand members worldwide.
> "Members" being a euphemism for "paedophiles".
And Libertarians.

>> NAMBLA activities include speaking to university & community
>> groups, appearing on television and radio, conducting public
>> forums, and holding an annual NAMBLA conference.
> Yeah, sure. The media and forums are so ubiquitous that
> Mr. Rogers himself would be glad to have you for guests.
> *NOT*
Mr. Rogers fits a lot of the stereotypes to be a member himself.
And we all know that Barney would be, if he were a man and not
a Tyrannosaurus.

>> We march in Gay & Lesbian Pride Day parades in Boston, New York and

>> San Francisco. And are involved in other gay & lesbian activities
>> here and abroad.
> You forgot to mention that Gay & Lesbian groups denounce
> your organization as well.
> Stop trying to connect yourself with something you're not.
> Can you say...PARIAH?
It's true, they should not connect themselves with gay and lesbian
groups, because unlike the latter, they seem to be willing to extend
the rights they want for themselves to other groups they derive no
direct benefit from.

>> Although NAMBLA members hold diverse political views, as a group
>> we take a progressive stance on the rights of the individual, and
>> youth liberation and empowerment.

> You mean your "official" party line (propaganda) is to
> wrap yourselves in the Constitution and the Flag, and
> attempt to bust your way out with bullshit when confronted
> with the inevitable conclusion that you are nothing but
> sick pederasts.
Yeah, they probably are sick pederasts, because children are great
at spreading disease. And of course, you are not spouting bullshit
and rhetoric without factual support? We mock what we see in

>> If you are interested in receiving a sample copy of our Bulletin,
>> information regarding membership or our publications list please
>> feel free to write to the address below.

> Good idea! The FBI needs to know who all of you are and
> where you live. NAMBLA just happens to be one of the
> privileged organizations where the FBI is on a first name
> basis with all its members.
And this doesn't bother you? That a perfectly legal political organization
is being watched over by Big Brother just because they "might" commit a
crime? Why not watch over the U.S. Postal service, and cut down on a more
serious crime like mass murder? Or the state of Texas, or the Branch
Davidians? Actually, the BD's should be pretty easy to watch over now,
since the smoke cloud their ashes are riding on can probably be
seen for miles! :-) (including several dozen children: worry about
crimes like that that cause permanent damage)

> Get yourself a dog or cat, Roy.
> I hope it bites your balls (if you have any) off.
> Tim Hester
> (aka Uncle Fester)
Go show your brats a Barney tape or something. You seem to like
teaching children that all that runs the world is sugary sweet and
easy to comprehend. Hell, a child mollester probably does more to
teach children the realities of the world than your verbal diarrhea


Uncle Fester

21.04.1993, 16:25:5221.04.93

Eric A. Schwartz,
You are *so* full of shit, that you don't even deserve a
response to your NAMBLA/Gay "hypocrisy theories".

You call them "libertarians". So buttfucking kids is now
part of the Libertarian platform eh?

I remember your drivel concerning Amendment 2 in Colorado
as well, so I know that you aren't even fit to engage in
any sort of meaningful debate.

Your head is screwed on so tight it's driven the vertabrae
out your ass.

Uncle Fester

: What God Wants : God wants gigolos :
: God gets : God wants giraffes :
: God help us all : God wants politics :
: ** : God wants a good laugh :

Daniel Steven Reinker

24.04.1993, 22:19:2624.04.93
In article <> (Uncle Fester) writes:
> Eric A. Schwartz,
> You are *so* full of shit, that you don't even deserve a
> response to your NAMBLA/Gay "hypocrisy theories".

No, my friend, YOU are full of shit. It seems to me that unless you
have had the pleasure of impaling a five year old on your turgid
mantool, then you have no real right to pass judgement. Don't knock
it 'till you try it, right?

Believe you me, until you have felt the delicious sensation of being
buried to the hilt in a squirming childs tight asshole, you really
will not have lived. There is nothing truly like it, yes, not
even fucking kittens can compare. After all, can a little furball
kitten scream out for 'daddy' while straining against his bonds? No.

Some are no doubt saying that fucking little kids is wrong because
they are not really mature enough to give real consent. *laughs*
You mean there are pussies still around who worry about that ol'
'consent' thing? Wake up! It's the nineties! We're allowed to accept
these days that the best orgasms come from an unwilling partner. Stop
worrying about consent! I've learned that tying them down takes care
of whether they are willing or not.

The other good thing about screwing little children is that if
you accidently kill them, you can serve them up afterwards and
they taste a lot like veal. (Particularly the fat ones.)

Oh, just to specify, I am not a member of NAMBLA. I belong to
FATMA (the 'Fuck Anything That Moves Association.') We have many
members worldwide, including 'honorary' member J. Dahmer, and are
currently working to establish FULL sexual freedom. Our motto?
'If it has a hole, stick in your dick.'

Hiz Lord Dementia

> Uncle Fester

"You can't help that. We're all mad here." - The Cheshire Cat, Alice in WL
"Twisting under schizophrenia/ Falling deep into Dementia" - Metallica
Subscribe to the CJ mailing list! Send e-mail to
Include your e-mail address!!!!


25.04.1993, 05:29:5525.04.93
an (Daniel Steven Reinker) writes:

> Oh, just to specify, I am not a member of NAMBLA. I belong to
> FATMA (the 'Fuck Anything That Moves Association.') We have many
> members worldwide, including 'honorary' member J. Dahmer, and are
> currently working to establish FULL sexual freedom. Our motto?
> 'If it has a hole, stick in your dick.'
> Hiz Lord Dementia

Does that include garbage disposals, auto exhausts while the car is in
operation, air intakes for jet engines, vacuum cleaner hoses...
If so, please post .GIFs to show us how it came out. A.Lizard

Ryan P. Zerby

25.04.1993, 21:22:5525.04.93

: Oh, just to specify, I am not a member of NAMBLA. I belong to
: FATMA (the 'Fuck Anything That Moves Association.') We have many
: members worldwide, including 'honorary' member J. Dahmer, and are
: currently working to establish FULL sexual freedom. Our motto?
: 'If it has a hole, stick in your dick.'

WoW!! How do I join!!

"Why Is it illegal [in a porn film] for a girl to show half a
nipple the day before her eighteenth birthday, but legal to show
her getting a Jello(tm) enema with a caulking gun the next day?"
question on
Ryan "Can I have the jello when you're done" Zerby

Anatoly Matlis

26.04.1993, 18:06:5726.04.93
you forgot about food processors, electrical outlets, chinese finger
puzzles, bagels (hot), gun barrels, chickens, goldfish, gas tanks,
lawnmowers/weed whackers, whistles, pipes (lit), and the occasional
"In the jungle of the senses...tinkerbell, and jack the has
no meaning, not where they come from. but we know not that
simple..." -Shriekback, Nemesis
| Anatoly Matlis | | "Fear is the mind killer" |

Adam Justin Thornton

26.04.1993, 21:36:3226.04.93
In article <> (Daniel Steven Reinker) writes:

>Oh, just to specify, I am not a member of NAMBLA. I belong to
>FATMA (the 'Fuck Anything That Moves Association.') We have many
>members worldwide, including 'honorary' member J. Dahmer, and are
>currently working to establish FULL sexual freedom. Our motto?
>'If it has a hole, stick in your dick.'

You pussy. I'm a member of FAWIMON (Fuck Anything Whether It Moves Or Not);
"If it has a hole, stick in your dick. If not, MAKE ONE. THEN stick in your
dick." Our female members have a slightly different slogan, of course.

-- | These? Rice's opinions? Yeah, right. | "Might there have
been fewer crimes in the name of Jesus, and more mercy in the name of Judas
Iscariot?"--Thomas Pynchon | "This is not an assault."--FBI to David Koresh,
as they broke holes in the wall and began firing in teargas. | 64,928 | Fnord

Todd Radel

27.04.1993, 01:58:0327.04.93
In article <> (Adam Justin Thornton) writes:
>You pussy. I'm a member of FAWIMON (Fuck Anything Whether It Moves Or Not);
>"If it has a hole, stick in your dick. If not, MAKE ONE. THEN stick in your
> dick." Our female members have a slightly different slogan, of course.

Which is?

/-Todd Radel, P.O. Box 5604, Newark, DE 19714 * 302-837-8200 * Fax: 837-8088-\
| Computer Science undergraduate * University of Delaware |
| "That kind of talk tightens my colon." -- Maj. Frank Burns, "M*A*S*H" |
\-"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."-/

Eric A. Schwartz

26.04.1993, 22:07:1826.04.93
In article <> (Uncle Fester) writes:
> Eric A. Schwartz,
> You are *so* full of shit, that you don't even deserve a
> response to your NAMBLA/Gay "hypocrisy theories".
I've always found this kind of response amusing. "You don't deserve
a response but I'm so stupid I'm going to post one anyway." I'd also
like to thank you for pointing out that what I said are theories, and
not merely conjectural hypotheses. Usually I'd say it takes a big man
to admit something like that, but I suppose in this case it was Freud's
ghost who should get the credit for making you slip.

BTW, the reason I'm so full of shit is that the dorm slop has a lot of
indiegestible fillers that slide on down the alimentary canal to wind
up, at worst, no more offensive than they went in. Then there are the
tracers, corn et. al., which add volume in order to allow a good
inspection of the results. I must add, though, that I would be less
full of shit if you weren't trying to cram yours into everyone's minds.

> You call them "libertarians". So buttfucking kids is now
> part of the Libertarian platform eh?

Of course not. Children are too small. They should be trained to
give blows and handjobs, so they don't get injured. You've been
using children for nothing but a buttfuck and you accuse _them_ of
cruelty to rugrats?

In addition, elimination of age-of-consent laws _is_ part of
the Libertarian platform.

> I remember your drivel concerning Amendment 2 in Colorado
> as well, so I know that you aren't even fit to engage in
> any sort of meaningful debate.

With you? Of course not. I may be good, but even I can't turn your
rhetorical vomit-passing-for-speech into a logical argument. Not on
that issue and not on this one. Wipe the froth off your chin, remember
that you squeeze the contents of the _lungs_ past the _larynx_ and not
the contents of the _stomach_ past the _pharynx_ when trying to communicate.
Then maybe you can come up with something that I could turn into a
meaningful debate. You flatter yourself if you think that I was actually
trying to debate what you said; there wasn't enough substance in it
for a grade school debate team to fingerpaint with, much less debate.

> Your head is screwed on so tight it's driven the vertabrae
> out your ass.

I read a couple of your postings and developed a great fear of my
brain leaking out, too. I still have my vertibrae, as well, instead
of the socially conformist yellow stripe some people seem to have
traded theirs in for.

I don't know whether or not I support NAMBLA but I do know for sure that
I support their right to exist and disseminate whatever information they
choose. Are you so afraid that what they say makes sense that you don't
want it heard? Or do you just not like anyone seeing you get a hard-on as
you read it?

> Uncle Fester


Thomas A. Dennis

27.04.1993, 13:05:3927.04.93
In <> (Adam Justin Thornton) writes:

>In article <> (Daniel Steven Reinker) writes:

>>Oh, just to specify, I am not a member of NAMBLA. I belong to
>>FATMA (the 'Fuck Anything That Moves Association.') We have many
>>members worldwide, including 'honorary' member J. Dahmer, and are
>>currently working to establish FULL sexual freedom. Our motto?

>>'If it has a hole, stick in your dick.'

>You pussy. I'm a member of FAWIMON (Fuck Anything Whether It Moves Or Not);
>"If it has a hole, stick in your dick. If not, MAKE ONE. THEN stick in your
> dick." Our female members have a slightly different slogan, of course.


Rank amateurs, the both of you. Don't even bother applying to FAWIEON (Fuck
Anything Whether It Exists Or Not), which proclaims, "Stick in your dick even
if you haven't taken your Thorazine lately." I'm having my way with Tigger
even as I type this; the sensation of that springy tail whacking against my
scrotum is simply... *ooooooooooooooooooh*
Tom Dennis | "Our children have left us and we have no heads
Urbana, IL | We drink and we sing and we drink and we die."
(217) 384-2504 | Denis Leary, "Traditional Irish Folk Song"

Ryan C Scharfy

27.04.1993, 16:36:4327.04.93
In article <> (Thomas A.

Dennis) writes:
>In <> (Adam Justin Thornton) writes:
>>In article <>
> (Daniel Steven Reinker) writes:
>>>Oh, just to specify, I am not a member of NAMBLA. I belong to
>>>FATMA (the 'Fuck Anything That Moves Association.') We have many
>>>members worldwide, including 'honorary' member J. Dahmer, and are
>>>currently working to establish FULL sexual freedom. Our motto?
>>>'If it has a hole, stick in your dick.'
>>You pussy. I'm a member of FAWIMON (Fuck Anything Whether It Moves Or Not);
>>"If it has a hole, stick in your dick. If not, MAKE ONE. THEN stick in your
>> dick." Our female members have a slightly different slogan, of course.
>Rank amateurs, the both of you. Don't even bother applying to FAWIEON (Fuck
>Anything Whether It Exists Or Not), which proclaims, "Stick in your dick even
>if you haven't taken your Thorazine lately." I'm having my way with Tigger
>even as I type this; the sensation of that springy tail whacking against my
>scrotum is simply... *ooooooooooooooooooh*

You guys are all pussies. I belong to SIUOIYD (Stick It Up Or In Your Dick),
which proclaims, "If it is long and needlelike, stick it in your dick." It
doesn't even have to fit.
Ryan C. Scharfy

matthew Reinker

29.04.1993, 05:15:0929.04.93
In article <> (Adam Justin Thornton) writes:
>In article <> (Daniel Steven Reinker) writes:
>>Oh, just to specify, I am not a member of NAMBLA. I belong to
>>FATMA (the 'Fuck Anything That Moves Association.') We have many
>>members worldwide, including 'honorary' member J. Dahmer, and are
>>currently working to establish FULL sexual freedom. Our motto?
>>'If it has a hole, stick in your dick.'
>You pussy. I'm a member of FAWIMON (Fuck Anything Whether It Moves Or Not);
>"If it has a hole, stick in your dick. If not, MAKE ONE. THEN stick in your
> dick." Our female members have a slightly different slogan, of course.
Sorry buddy, Your all behind the times. I'm a member of "Fuck Anything
That Moves All Night Long In Various Evil Styles." (FATMANLIVES). Our
Motto is "Don't just Stick it in, Do it til it's done."At FATMANLIVES. We
beleive in Recycling. Everything is reusable. (except my dick after the
food processor, but I'm getting better.


"Pathetic victims of arrested development! *
Prepare to hear the VOICE of REASON!!!!" * (Matt Reinker)
~~~~The Chainsaw Vigilante~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I have no idea where these opinions came from. It's not my fault!!!

Jay Elmore

30.04.1993, 00:19:4330.04.93
In article <> (matthew Reinker) writes:
>In article <> (Adam Justin Thornton) writes:
>>In article <> (Daniel Steven Reinker) writes:

>>>Oh, just to specify, I am not a member of NAMBLA. I belong to
>>>FATMA (the 'Fuck Anything That Moves Association.') We have many
>>>members worldwide, including 'honorary' member J. Dahmer, and are
>>>currently working to establish FULL sexual freedom. Our motto?
>>>'If it has a hole, stick in your dick.'

>>You pussy. I'm a member of FAWIMON (Fuck Anything Whether It Moves Or Not);
>>"If it has a hole, stick in your dick. If not, MAKE ONE. THEN stick in your
>> dick." Our female members have a slightly different slogan, of course.

I dunno, from what I've heard, Jenny has quite a selection of phalli (?)
to choose from.

> Sorry buddy, Your all behind the times. I'm a member of "Fuck Anything
>That Moves All Night Long In Various Evil Styles." (FATMANLIVES). Our

So where's Jake? ;)

>Motto is "Don't just Stick it in, Do it til it's done."At FATMANLIVES. We
>beleive in Recycling. Everything is reusable. (except my dick after the
>food processor, but I'm getting better.

Hopefully you were using a rubber. I don't want to risk catching something
if I end up using the same Veg-o-Matic later on...

Jay (=
John W. "Jay" Elmore Jr. (= Email:
"All we know is, the madder he gets, the stronger he gets."
"Oh, blazes. I _hate_ poetic justice." --HULK #405

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