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Aspartame and diabetes

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Betty Martini

Dec 15, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/15/95
Dear Toby: I'm so glad you wrote. You are right, NutraSweet is a deadly
poison. It is not even a food additive. It has sacrificed the diabetics.
On the end of this message you will see an auto-responder. I have just
started putting things on it, so you may want to check back again next
week because I just put on a few things. But there is a post titled THEY
KNEW. It gives the case history of a diabetic on the end. Here's the

A relative, my husband's cousin came to visit us and told us that a
member of the family was dying. She said: "He's having 6 seizures a day,
the doctor doesn't understand why his blood sugar cannot be kept under
control, he has all the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, horrible
headaches, depressed and is living a nightmare. But he has resigned
himself to dying. He knows he can't live long having this many seizures
a day, and he has accepted it. His doctor says he simply doesn't know
what is causing the problem."

My answer to Mary Lee was: "Obviously, he is a diabetic on NutraSweet
which is a seizure triggering drug. It has wood alcohol in it, methanol,
and in his body it converts to formaldehyde and then formic acid (ant
sting poison) and causes metabolic acidosis. It accumulates in the
system and he suffers from methanol toxicity which mimics MS. The
headaches also are caused by the methanol as well. The depression is
caused by the phenylalanine which breaks down the seizure threshold of
the brain and depletes serotonin. Lowered serotonin according to
researchers is responsible for panic attacks, manic depression and violence.
Fortunately if you can get a person in time it will reverse. It does do
damage to the body."

We called him and got him off NutraSweet. Twenty-four hours later his
seizures stopped and have never returned. I just received a letter a few
days ago and for the first time his blood sugar is under control, his
headaches have vanished as have his MS symptoms. He was losing his
vision also because the methanol converts to formaldehyde in the retina
of the eye. Doctors mistake it for diabetic retinopathy. The patient
gets numbness in his legs, shooting pains, etc. and a lot is mistaken for
diabetic neuropathy.

The physicians do not know. Dr. H. J. Roberts, the world expert on
aspartame, is a diabetic specialist and has been a member of the ADA for
almost 40 years. They even refused to print his abstract of diabetic
reactors to aspartame which could have saved a multitude of lives. It
was published in Clinical Research. We expose the ADA every year here in
Atlanta by walking along side the diabetics at the walk-a-thon sponsored
by NutraSweet, of course. We give them medical documentation that tells
them that NutraSweet is deadly for diabetics. Last year there were about
100 diabetics. We probably warned effectively 700 because this year
there were only 300 and we gave them envelopes addressed to the diabetic
and his physician. I hope next year nobody will turn out.

Last March, Dr. Roberts and I attended the Conference of the American
College of Physicians and in Endocrinology the professor said that
alcohol was poison to diabetics. I told him that aspartame contained
wood alcohol. There was great shock in the room. Afterwards several
doctors surrounded Dr. Roberts and myself and I gave out some of the
literature. One doctor said: "I've been a member of the ADA for 30 years
- how could they do that to us?" I said: "Very easy, doctor, they are
funded by Monsanto. They know its deadly for diabetics and they keep on
recommending it. And Dr. Roberts has been a member for almost 40 years
and they refuse to publish any material." I then gave him a copy of
Clinical Research. He just shook his head. Dr. Jaspan, the Professor,
asked for information and studies. I sent him a packet and he sent a
letter back saying that all consumers must be warned. If you will send a
self-addressed, large envelope with two day priority postage on it
because of weight, I will send you a booklet just published on NutraSweet
which contains his letter, along with other material on the subject and
some articles I wrote.

In Neurology at the Conference one Professor said: "Can someone tell us
where all these seizures are coming from - no matter how off the wall
your answer - we have to know." I explained where they were coming from.
Even on the radio a couple of days ago somebody asked the same question.
I gave out literature.

We are trying to get information to every physician in the country but it
takes time. We are a volunteer force in 50 states distributing a warning
flyer worldwide. We're in the process of redoing it but I'll send you a
draft of it by email. Like I said I'm just starting to put reports on
the auto-responder and if you check back in a week or so we'll have them
on and will continue to add up-to-date information. Eventually we'll add
the independent studies. Interestingly, the post you read shows that the
very studies that were suppose to be used to indict Searle for fraud were
used to approve aspartame. The politics are incredible. Monsanto bought
Searle in l985.

About the brain tumors. Yes, in the original studies brain tumors were
produced in lab animals, the rats. They excised the tumors and put them
back in the study. When the rats died Searle resurrected them on paper.
(Bressler Report). They were suppose to be indicted for this but U.S.
Sam Skinner, the prosecutor instead went to work for Sidley & Austin, the
law firm of Searle's defending the case!

On the other hand, all the independent studies done all showed aspartame
to be a deadly poison. I just got a list of them but we haven't typed
them in for email as yet.

Dr. James Bowen told the FDA some years ago this was mass poisoning of the
American people as well as 70 plus countries of the world (now 90)!
Shannon Roth went blind when aspartame was in 100 products. Joyce
Wilson, whole case history, is in this booklet died when NutraSweet was in
a few hundred products. Today its in 5000 products and the patent has
expired. Everywhere you go people are sick and dying from this and the
physicians don't associate their problems with aspartame. We have saved
the ones we've warned.

There are 92 documented symptoms from coma to death. I have never met a
diabetic on NutraSweet who didn't have problems from it. And yes, it is
a very addicting drug. The application was for a drug. Its' not a
food additive. It was never proved save. Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, head of
the FDA over-ruled his own Board of Inquiry to approve it, and he was
told not to approve.

The late Dr. Adrian Gross, FDA toxicologist, told Congress that aspartame
violated the Delaney Amendment because it causes brain tumors. It also
caused mammary tumors, ovarian tumors, etc. His last words will ever be
remembered, "If the FDA violates its own laws who is left to protect the
people?" We have no protector and thats why we are Mission Possible. We
are doing the best we can to get word around the world, but we are
volunteers, doing it at our own expense. As my husband said last night,
for what we have spent, not counting 22 hours a day, we could have taken
a world cruise. Maybe someday if we get funding we can use it to make
accurate records of all the brain tumors and problems that are killing
the people from aspartame. You are right about the brain tumors. Nurses
say the hospitals are full of them - nobody understands it. We hear this
day in and day out, especially in youngsters. The hospice nurse who called
me to say people were being admitted at age 30 with Alzheimers also said
so many youngsters are being admitted with brain tumors its scary.

I just came back from lecturing for the World Environmental Conference. You
can read the report on the auto-responder. The keynote speaker said
there was an epidemic of MS and systemic lupus and they didn't know what
toxin was causing it. I told the Dr. from the EPA I was there to lecture
on that very thing and it was from aspartame. The hospice nurse said she
herself was a Diet Coke addict and her doctor said he was diagnosing her
with MS. When I explained she said she had 6 friends who were Diet Coke
addicts, the oldest 29, and that all 6 have been diagnosed with MS. This
is beyond coincidence!

Other countries are asking for help. We're working as fast as we can.
This one day will go down in history as the greatest scandal in U.S.
History. The other day a woman called about her dying baby. I know at
once she was a diabetic on NutraSweet. We got her baby off NutraSweet
and the baby is fine now. She took our material to her friend who had a
7 year old girl, diabetic who was having a grand mal seizure everyday. The
mother called the doctor who called the American Dietetic Assn. who told
the doctor not to take the baby off NutraSweet, it didn't cause seizures.
I've tried to get the mother to believe. If the baby dies you know who
is the cause.

On November 15 the New York Times, Marian Burros wrote an article about
the American Dietetic Assn. They admitted their link to Monsanto and said
they can't criticize an additive because they take food industry money to
endorse them. They are Monsanto's media flaks and they might as well be
part of the company. All that is missing is their address on their
stationery. As fast as we write articles on aspartame being a killer
they write articles saying aspartame is getting a bad rap and doing it in
syndicated newspapers. This is what we are up against!

In the original tests in monkeys with aspartame they either had grand mal
seizures or died. Senator Howard Metzenbaum tried to pass a bill that
would have warned the world and alerted pregnant mothers (causes birth
defects and mental retardation) and children. Because of the problems in
the population back then (l985) it would have mandated independent
studies for those tests by the National Institute of Health. One of
those problems was seizures! We have the bill on email so I'll forward
it. It was killed by the power of the drug company.

I'll send you the draft of our new flyer. We ask that you make copies
and give one to everyone you know and meet. This is outbreak: ASPARTAME
DISEASE. With it being in 5000 products, some unlabeled, we're now
talking about a FAST KILLER! I don't think I have Dr. Roberts report on
aspartame and diabetes yet on the responder but I'll send it to you by

I would suggest that you get his new tapes on aspartame called IS
ASPARTAME SAFE? 1 800 -814-9800. You can also get his new book on
Alzheimers at this number and it tells how aspartame is escalating this
20th century disease now the 4th leading cause of death in adults. If
you want to write him his address is:

H. J. Roberts, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.C.C.P.
300 27th Street
West Palm Beach, Florida 33407

I will also send you a safe sweetener list. We ask everybody to send us
their case history with permission to publish. We need these to help
others. Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon (author of Excitotoxins: THE
TASTE THAT KILLS - 1 800 -643-2665) and Dr. Roberts says aspartame
precipitates diabetes. So its now only deadly for diabetics but also is
triggering the disease.

Thanks for replying.


To get more information on aspartame, email
In the subject line, simply put "sendme help".

Betty Martini Mission Possible Take the "no aspartame test"
P.O. Box 28098 and send us your case history.
Atlanta, Georgia 30358

Mission Possible is dedicated to the proposition that we will not be
satisfied until death and disability are no longer considered an acceptable
cost of business.

On Fri, 15 Dec 1995, Toby Preminger wrote:

> I started browsing the diabetes discussion group in hopes of finding
> something to help my brother. He is Type I and very brittle. His
> glucose level increases or drops nearly 200 points daily. While he's
> visiting me, I'm trying to find something to help stablize him. But,
> that's not why I'm e-mailing you.
> I just so damn glad that finally someone else is saying what I've been
> saying for the past 20 years. NutraSweet is poison. I began noticing
> the rising incidence of brain tumors about 5 years ago. Until then brain
> tumors were extremely rare, brain cancer even rarer. Not so any more.
> When I discuss this with some of my "medical" colleagues they point to
> improved technology - Pet Scans - MRI - as the reason, since diagnosis is
> now easier.
> Brain tumors weren't hard to miss when the only diagnosising tool was an
> X-ray.
> I've always disliked NutraSweet. For me it has an aftertaste and I
> noticed early on that I often got a headache after consuming a diet
> beverage. I've tried to convince friends to eliminate it from their diets,
> but it's like asking them to give up breathing.
> Any indication that aspartame is addictive? Also, evidence is mounting
> that aspartame actually impedes weight loss. A massive fraud that will
> cost countless lives and suffering.--
> Toby Preminger

Steve Marschman

Dec 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/16/95
In article <>, says...

>Dear Toby: I'm so glad you wrote. You are right, NutraSweet is a deadly



And, yes, I was shouting.

John E. Wilson

Dec 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/16/95
Send me help. I am diabetic that has kept it somewhat under control. I
am a heavy NutraSweet user.

Melynda Reid

Dec 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/16/95

In article <4at75c$> (, (Steve Marschman) writes:
> In article <>,
> says...
> >
> >Dear Toby: I'm so glad you wrote. You are right, NutraSweet is a deadly
> >poison.
> Steve
> And, yes, I was shouting.

thank you steve for shouting. i too am bored beyond tears with mizz martini's
attacks on the searle scientists who discovered nutrasweet. a very close
friend of mine married into the family of one of that team. i sat next to
that researcher at my friend's wedding. it is irritating to read attacks
on a person i have met and found to be rational and engaging and witty.
my fondest christmas wish is that the pyc people and the
martini gal will merge identities, and that combination will
induce a certain socratic sophorific effect on these spammers.
ah hemlock, a truly natural way to regulate discourse.

melynda reid who wears hats but does not type caps
snail: p o box 378 greensboro, florida 32330

Steve Kirchoefer

Dec 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/17/95
In article <4avpj8$>,
Speaker-to-Minerals <lyd...@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU> wrote:
>In article <>, (Melynda Reid) writes:
>=In article <4at75c$> (, (Steve Marschman) writes:
>=> In article <>,
>=> says...
>=> >
>=> >Dear Toby: I'm so glad you wrote. You are right, NutraSweet is a deadly
>=> >poison.
>=> Steve
>=> And, yes, I was shouting.
>=thank you steve for shouting. i too am bored beyond tears with mizz martini's
>=attacks on the searle scientists who discovered nutrasweet. a very close
>=friend of mine married into the family of one of that team. i sat next to
>=that researcher at my friend's wedding. it is irritating to read attacks
>=on a person i have met and found to be rational and engaging and witty.
>That, melynda, is argumentum ad hominem, and has no place in this newsgroup.
>The fact that you found one of Searle's scientists to be "rational and engaging
>and witty" in a social setting has no bearing on whether or not the research he
>does is valid.

When you consider that the original arguments put forth by Martini have a
good deal of "argumentum ad hominem" in them, then Melynda's personal
observations on the lack of truth behind those arguments becomes relevant.

If you want to find a breach in protocol here, you have to go back to the
original posting. You should not fault Melynda for merely pointing out an

Steve Kirchoefer
Naval Research Laboratory
Washington, DC 20375-5347


Dec 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/17/95

I try very hard to say exactly what I mean. I'd appreciate it if you'd
bear that in mind and not try to "interpret" my posts to fit your own
preconceived notions if I'm posting in a serious thread. Remember: If you
throw a strawman into a heated debate, flames are likely to be the result.


Dec 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/18/95
In article <4b1296$>, (Steve Kirchoefer) writes:
=>=thank you steve for shouting. i too am bored beyond tears with mizz martini's
=>=attacks on the searle scientists who discovered nutrasweet. a very close
=>=friend of mine married into the family of one of that team. i sat next to
=>=that researcher at my friend's wedding. it is irritating to read attacks
=>=on a person i have met and found to be rational and engaging and witty.
=>That, melynda, is argumentum ad hominem, and has no place in this newsgroup.
=>The fact that you found one of Searle's scientists to be "rational and engaging
=>and witty" in a social setting has no bearing on whether or not the research he
=>does is valid.
=When you consider that the original arguments put forth by Martini have a
=good deal of "argumentum ad hominem" in them, then Melynda's personal
=observations on the lack of truth behind those arguments becomes relevant.

I don't recall Betty Martini claiming that none of the researchers were
personable, and in pointing out that melynda's argument was ad hominem I was in
no way claiming that Betty's usual hysterical bullshit was valid.

=If you want to find a breach in protocol here, you have to go back to the
=original posting. You should not fault Melynda for merely pointing out an

But she didn't point out an inconsistency. She brought up something which was
utterly irrelevant to Martini's bullshit.

Patrick S Cheatham

Dec 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/18/95
to (Melynda Reid) wrote:
>In article <4at75c$> (, (Steve Marschman) writes:
>> In article <>,
>thank you steve for shouting. i too am bored beyond tears with mizz martini's
>attacks on the searle scientists who discovered nutrasweet. a very close
>friend of mine married into the family of one of that team. i sat next to
>that researcher at my friend's wedding. it is irritating to read attacks
>on a person i have met and found to be rational and engaging and witty.

By most accounts, Albert Speer was avery reasonable, witty and charming individual.....

Being from the south, I can attest to the many people who swore that George Wallace was one of the most personable men you'd
ever want to meet...

Just because Searle, I feel certain, is full of pleasant people, does not imply that aspartame is safe. It is after all a
toxic substance - the only questions is do you get enough to exceed your personal level of toxicity, or does your body
metabolize and purge the substance faster than you take it in. Depends on the person, and no amount of pleasant people at
Searle will change that.



Dec 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/18/95

In article <4b2umm$> Speaker-to-Minerals

> I was in no way claiming that Betty's usual hysterical bullshit
was valid.

Though I must concur that Martini's bandini appears quite zealous,
but does anyone have any information that proves her statements
wrong? Or have I come into this way late..?

Being a consumer of several products containing aspartame, as is
just about everyone, I would like to be sure. I reccommended a
certin product to a friend recently that contained Aspartame, and
he stated that it gave him headaches. ????? He is the only one that
has said that to date but - seemed a bit of a coincidence.

What martini is posting certainly wouldnt surprise me if it were
true. I dont much trust the government.

Preventative Cardiology Associates/RSI
Voice # 800- 883-6703 Fax # 714-581-2814

Kelly Miller

Dec 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/19/95
煙煙 (Patrick S Cheatham) writes:

>Just because Searle, I feel certain, is full of pleasant people,
>does not imply that aspartame is safe. It is after all a
>toxic substance - the only questions is do you get enough to
>exceed your personal level of toxicity, or does your body
>metabolize and purge the substance faster than you take it in.
>Depends on the person, and no amount of pleasant people at
>Searle will change that.

Just because something can be toxic in large amounts does NOT mean
that it is toxic in small amounts; small amounts can be innocuous, or
even beneficial. Vitamins, for example, are necessary in small amounts,
but toxic in doses which are too large. (Please note that I am not
agreeing to any claim that aspartame is toxic.)

And please, all, let's follow the charter and stop the petty criticism;
it is irritating to read attacks, especially on those who are rational
and engaging and witty.

Besides, Santa is coming, so if you're not good, he won't leave anything
under your tree.

Kelly Miller
who should either get back to working on his paper or start baking those
Christmas cookies tonight during the football game.

James R. Bunch

Dec 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/19/95
Patrick S Cheatham <煙煙> wrote:
: (Kelly Miller) wrote:
: >Just because something can be toxic in large amounts does NOT mean

: >that it is toxic in small amounts; small amounts can be innocuous, or
: >even beneficial. Vitamins, for example, are necessary in small amounts,
: >but toxic in doses which are too large. (Please note that I am not
: >agreeing to any claim that aspartame is toxic.)
: >
: I don't disagree with your statement at all, in fact - I think that I was
: saying the same thing. Toxicity levels will depend on the person, and the
: ability to purge substances.

: By the way, aspartame IS composed of toxic substances, methanol, phenalanine
: and aspartic acid. All are toxic, and fatal, in moderate doses. The big
[major snip]

Table salt, NaCl, is composed of two toxic, corrosive, materials -- the metal
sodium and the gas chlorine. Sodium is a major ingredient in lye. Chlorine
was used in WW I as a chemical warfare agent. Soooooo ... we ought to give
up salt? Well, maybe if we have high blood pressure.

The point is simply that the individual components of a compound generally
have little to do with the toxicity of the end compound itself. Certainly
methanol (aka wood alcohol) is *in the free state* quite toxic. phenalanine
and aspartic acid ... ???? Well, they're part of just about every protein
in your body. Does that make each of us a walking toxic dump?

What's important here is the behavior of Aspartame _as an integrated
compound_, not the behavior of its constituent parts. Don't worry
about the sodium and the chlorine -- enjoy the salt.

James R. Bunch "A Byte is a terrible thing to waste ... ... a MByte 1048576 times worse"

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Mark Gold

Dec 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/19/95
>Date: 19 DEC 1995 16:46:30 GMT
>From: Steve Marschman <>
>Subject: Re: Aspartame and diabetes
>Well, now... let's see... Acetylsalicyclic acid is toxic in "moderate"
>yet millions of people take a small amount everyday to reduce their risk of
>heart attack... it's common name is aspirin! Speaking of salicylic acid
>(that terrible killer!), did you know that it is a precursor to a common
>mint flavoring found everyday on store shelves?

[Irrelevant toxicology information deleted]


The fact that some chemicals are safe in low doses does no say anything
about aspartame. Formaldehyde (from methanol in aspartame) is a
cumulative poison in extremely low doses. Aspartic acid and glutamic
acid can cause cumulative damage to different areas of the brain when
taken over a period of years (in the form it is administered with
aspartame). Phenylalanine causes changes in brain chemistry gradually,
over a period of months and years. DKP is one of the possible causes of
the brain tumors that were seen in preapproval experiments. It is
important to look at *chronic* toxicity issues.

>Ya see, the sensationalistic scare mongers can twist all kinds of "facts"
>around to get a large segment of the population to follow their agenda.

Lots of highly charged rhetoric. Unlike major chemical companies such as
Monsanto (maker of NutraSweet), I don't have PR firms working incessantly
trying to create an image. Nor do I control "associations" that are little
more than industry PR group -- IFIC, ILSI. Unlike all of the
multi-billion dollar companies trying to paint an image of "safety,"
none of the people I know who work on this issue have any agenda other
than to help people (especially to prevent the long-term, silent damage
that aspartame causes) and perhaps to get the scientific process back on

>I've challenged Martini regarding the source of her funding... and you can
>bet somebody is paying for the Internet connection. I inquired if she was
>funded by the saccharin industry and never received a reply. Boy, doesn't
>that sound interesting? Perhaps she is paid by the saccharin industry to
>slam aspartame because aspatame has taken over the artificial sweetener
>market. Notice she never posts all the ills and side affects caused by
>saccharin? Notice she never posts all the "research" that lead to the
>ban of cyclamates from the U.S. market? Doesn't she care about all the
>poor Canadian diabetics who consume cyclamates everyday (afterall,
>cyclamates was shown to cause cancer in U.S. rats!).

As I have posted here before, neither Betty nor I nor the thousands of
others concerned about this issue gets funding from the saccharin, stevia,
cyclamate, etc., etc. industries. If someone from those industries were
to point out the dangers of aspartame, I couldn't stop them. In fact, the
list of "healthier" sweeteners that I designed (and that Betty sends out)
suggests the avoidance of aspartame (especially), saccharine, and

Since you are so concerned about funding sources, you will obviously be
concerned to know that virtually all corporate-neutral research on
aspartame has found that is causes adverse reactions despite the fact
that the research was too short to see the more serious adverse health
problems that can occur from long-term use (e.g, 5+ years of use).

>I've looked at a sizeable chunk of scientific reseach on aspartame. The
>only conclusion I can reach is that there isn't enough solid research to
>make a black or white decision on aspartame. I do have to say that the
>papers I have reviewed on the pro-aspartame side of the fence tend to be
>published in peer-reviewed journals (which are easy for me to access as I
>work at a National laboratory), while the con-aspartame work tends to be
>published in lesser-known magazines or by companies/agencies/businesses
>not known for hard-core scientific research (so don't start quoting the
>U.S. Congressional record and Pulitzer prize winners to me, these don't
>cut it).

This is simply not true. There are quite a few papers in peer-reviewed
journals showing problems with aspartame. The "research" funded or
conducted by the aspartame industry (e.g., Searle, NutraSweet, ILSI) has
so many ridiculous flaws that it is clear the peer-review process is not
working properly. Testimony by FDA Investigators, research scientists
and clinicians at Congressional Hearings is very relevant. I prefer to
get my facts on aspartame from *indpendent* research (as I'm sure you do
since you're so concerned with funding sources), researcher interviews,
and interviews with clinicians and patients instead of reading industry
PR in the guise of "scientific" research.

>If all these anti-aspartame organizations are so concerned about the
>negative effects, let them form a coalition with a major reseach hospital
>and apply for some research funding to get a definitive study going. Hard
>facts will convince most of the public (I say most because there are still
>people who don't heed the U.S. Surgeon General's advice on cigarettes) if
>the anti-aspartame organizations are correct.

Many world-reknowned researchers have tried unsuccessfully to get funding
for *quality* studies on aspartame. In fact, a number of independent
researchers requested that the U.S. Congress pressure the NIH to fund
quality research on the subject. Unfortunately, this was unsuccessful.
As stated by P. Joseph Lisa:

Dr. Richard Wurtman, Director of the Clinical
Research Center and Professor at Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, in April 1988 urged the
FDA to issue warnings to physicians that aspartame
may be associated with a syndrome including severe
headaches, and in some cases, grand mal seizures.
Wurtman had received over 1,000 complaints at
M.I.T. directly into his department
. . . . .
Wurtman tried for over a year to get support for
his research [to study aspartame and seizures], to
no avail. He said, "The present system, in which
the companies that sell our synthetic foods--like
NutraSweet--fund virtually all of the studies, FDA-
mandated or too vulnerable to
misuse...when outside investigators propose
studies that might yield the 'wrong' answer, a
large bag of 'dirty tricks' is available for
derailing those studies."

If Dr. Wurtman cannot get independent funding to conduct *quality* research,
there is little chance that anyone else could get funding for a
long-term study of aspartame consumption.

I've been looking for an independent research to conduct studies on the
issue, but few researchers have the guts to take on Monsanto and most of
the rest of the food industry should the research show adverse reactions
(and it almost always does with truely independent research).

>Heck, if they have the
>backing of all those Senators and Representatives as Martini claims, then
>a U.S. government-funded research grant should be a shoe-in. Let's see
>if they have the courage to put their efforts to the real test... what do
>you say Martini, ready to submit that research proposal? Heck, I'd be
>willing to peer review it for you.

The claim that Betty or I do not want to research aspartame is a red
herring. As opposed to the "abuse of science" that one can see clearly
from industry "research," we and a number of researchers and clinicians
want funding to conduct ***quality*** research on the issue. Until that
time, the fact that people are experiencing acute adverse reactions from
aspartame that have been confirmed with independent double-blind studies
and the fact that a growing number of people are reporting very serious
health problems from long-term ingestion of aspartame (which is often
confirmed by removing aspartame and rechallenging the subject either
knowingly or unknowingly), and the fact that the components of aspartame
are known to cause cumulative damage, leads me and other individuals to
warn against the use of aspartame.

I have a review of aspartame on my homepage as well as sample adverse
reactions and a list of sweetener resources.

Best Wishes,

- Mark
(Web articles on Food & Nutrition, Yoga, aspartame/NutraPoison,
sweetener resources, stevia, toxic carpeting, rBGH, fluoride
detoxification, mental health resources. Much more to come.
Lots of links to medical and holistic healing sites.
Will email articles if you do not have WWW access.

Steve Marschman

Dec 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/19/95
In article <4b6i5b$>, 煙煙 says...

>By the way, aspartame IS composed of toxic substances, methanol, phenalanine
>and aspartic acid. All are toxic, and fatal, in moderate doses.

Well, now... let's see... Acetylsalicyclic acid is toxic in "moderate" doses,
yet millions of people take a small amount everyday to reduce their risk of
heart attack... it's common name is aspirin! Speaking of salicylic acid
(that terrible killer!), did you know that it is a precursor to a common

mint flavoring found everyday on store shelves? Did you know that phosphoric
acid (a known corrosive used to strip rust from ships!!) is contained in
nearly every soft drink sold in your local grocery store? Ground glass is in
most powdered food products to prevent clumping! Stannous fluoride is labeled
toxic, yet I'd bet you put it in your mouth every morning when you brush your
teeth. Acetic acid is labled caustic, can cause burns, laychrymation and
conjunctivitis, ulcers and dermatitis, and if swallowed you should treat with
chalk or magnesia... yet vinegar is ingested by in millions everyday on their
salads and other foods.

Ya see, the sensationalistic scare mongers can twist all kinds of "facts"
around to get a large segment of the population to follow their agenda.

I've challenged Martini regarding the source of her funding... and you can
bet somebody is paying for the Internet connection. I inquired if she was
funded by the saccharin industry and never received a reply. Boy, doesn't
that sound interesting? Perhaps she is paid by the saccharin industry to
slam aspartame because aspatame has taken over the artificial sweetener
market. Notice she never posts all the ills and side affects caused by
saccharin? Notice she never posts all the "research" that lead to the ban of
cyclamates from the U.S. market? Doesn't she care about all the poor Canadian
diabetics who consume cyclamates everyday (afterall, cyclamates was shown to
cause cancer in U.S. rats!).

I choose not to be preyed upon by the Martini's of the world. I've looked at

a sizeable chunk of scientific reseach on aspartame. The only conclusion I
can reach is that there isn't enough solid research to make a black or white
decision on aspartame. I do have to say that the papers I have reviewed on
the pro-aspartame side of the fence tend to be published in peer-reviewed
journals (which are easy for me to access as I work at a National laboratory),
while the con-aspartame work tends to be published in lesser-known magazines
or by companies/agencies/businesses not known for hard-core scientific
research (so don't start quoting the U.S. Congressional record and Pulitzer
prize winners to me, these don't cut it).

Well, I've taken up too much bandwidth on this subject. But, I hope I've
pointed out that the aspartame debate should not be based upon emotional scare
tactics. If all these anti-aspartame organizations are so concerned about the

negative effects, let them form a coalition with a major reseach hospital and
apply for some research funding to get a definitive study going. Hard facts
will convince most of the public (I say most because there are still people
who don't heed the U.S. Surgeon General's advice on cigarettes) if the

anti-aspartame organizations are correct. Heck, if they have the backing of

all those Senators and Representatives as Martini claims, then a U.S.
government-funded research grant should be a shoe-in. Let's see if they have
the courage to put their efforts to the real test... what do you say Martini,
ready to submit that research proposal? Heck, I'd be willing to peer review
it for you.


Patrick S Cheatham

Dec 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/19/95
to (Kelly Miller) wrote:
>Just because something can be toxic in large amounts does NOT mean
>that it is toxic in small amounts; small amounts can be innocuous, or
>even beneficial. Vitamins, for example, are necessary in small amounts,
>but toxic in doses which are too large. (Please note that I am not
>agreeing to any claim that aspartame is toxic.)
I don't disagree with your statement at all, in fact - I think that I was
saying the same thing. Toxicity levels will depend on the person, and the
ability to purge substances.

By the way, aspartame IS composed of toxic substances, methanol, phenalanine
and aspartic acid. All are toxic, and fatal, in moderate doses. The big
question remains - at what levels does it become toxic, and what are the
effects of long term exposure. I strongly suspect, that for most people,
especially those young folks with forgiving metabolisms, aspartame does not
reach anywhere near toxic levels.

>And please, all, let's follow the charter and stop the petty criticism;
>it is irritating to read attacks, especially on those who are rational
>and engaging and witty.

Gee.... I thought I was being rational, and witty, though not particularly

>Besides, Santa is coming, so if you're not good, he won't leave anything
>under your tree.
>Kelly Miller
>who should either get back to working on his paper or start baking those
>Christmas cookies tonight during the football game.


Steve Marschman

Dec 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/19/95
In article <>, says...

>The fact that some chemicals are safe in low doses does no say anything
>about aspartame. <<SNIP>> It is
>important to look at *chronic* toxicity issues.

True. Over time, anything that is abused will harm you. The point is, how
much is enough? What is the chronic threshold for aspartame? You infer that
it is a very low amount, but have absolutely no evidence to suggest dose rates
in relation to expected chronic toxicity. You use scare tactics to infer that
only a small amount will cause "grand mal seizures." You can't back that up
with fact, only inference. And that, IS NOT scientific.

>I don't have PR firms working incessantly
>trying to create an image. Nor do I control "associations" that are little
>more than industry PR group -- IFIC, ILSI.

Here we go with the conspiracy theory. Play upon people's fear that large
successful companies are evil and out to screw the poor unsuspecting public.
You *may* be absolutely correct, but you use scare tactics to try to convince
others of your point. State facts, not inference. If you could actually tie
Searle to half the stuff you claim, their senior management would be in jail.

>Unlike all of the
>multi-billion dollar companies trying to paint an image of "safety,"
>none of the people I know who work on this issue have any agenda other
>than to help people (especially to prevent the long-term, silent damage
>that aspartame causes) and perhaps to get the scientific process back on

I don't believe that you don't have some other agenda. The anti-aspartame
message is too emotionally charged to not have some other agenda. Please
state yours.

>As I have posted here before, neither Betty nor I nor the thousands of
>others concerned about this issue gets funding from the saccharin, stevia,
>cyclamate, etc., etc. industries. If someone from those industries were
>to point out the dangers of aspartame, I couldn't stop them. In fact, the
>list of "healthier" sweeteners that I designed (and that Betty sends out)
>suggests the avoidance of aspartame (especially), saccharine, and

Then why are all the messages anti-aspartame? There is subtantial *evidence*
to suggest that saccharin and cyclamates should not be consumed. Why don't we
see the same level of posts about those sweeteners?

>you will obviously be
>concerned to know that virtually all corporate-neutral research on
>aspartame has found that is causes adverse reactions

Can't say that I agree with that statement. Could you please send me a list
of your sources?

>There are quite a few papers in peer-reviewed
>journals showing problems with aspartame.

Could you provide us with a list of those studies/papers? I haven't found
any, and would welcome your input.

>The "research" funded or
>conducted by the aspartame industry (e.g., Searle, NutraSweet, ILSI) has
>so many ridiculous flaws that it is clear the peer-review process is not
>working properly. Testimony by FDA Investigators, research scientists
>and clinicians at Congressional Hearings is very relevant.

Then I gather that you accept the testimony of the tobacco industry
researchers at the recent hearings? It is amazing that you think you know who
is lying (those who disagree with you) and who is telling the truth (those who
do agree with you).

>I prefer to
>get my facts on aspartame from *indpendent* research (as I'm sure you do
>since you're so concerned with funding sources), researcher interviews,
>and interviews with clinicians and patients instead of reading industry
>PR in the guise of "scientific" research.

Researcher interviews are typically biased by the circumstances of the
interview. I don't trust them. Whether you agree with me or not, I want
to see peer-reviewed work.

>Many world-reknowned researchers have tried unsuccessfully to get funding
>for *quality* studies on aspartame. In fact, a number of independent
>researchers requested that the U.S. Congress pressure the NIH to fund
>quality research on the subject. Unfortunately, this was unsuccessful.

That's called lobbying... and lobbying isn't necessarily the best way to get
research funding. It gets tagged as a pork belly and usually gets tossed out.
Could it be that the reviewers of these proposals found no merit in the
proposed research? Oh, I suppose you'll claim it's those dastardly Searle
lobbyists lining the reviewers pockets again.

>If Dr. Wurtman cannot get independent funding to conduct *quality* research,
>there is little chance that anyone else could get funding for a
>long-term study of aspartame consumption.

Come on now. Not every research proposal gets funded. One failure shouldn't
discourage anyone. If you truly believe in what you are doing, you are
persistent in your cause (and, I have sold over $10 million in research
programs, so I know about fighting for causes).

>I've been looking for an independent research to conduct studies on the
>issue, but few researchers have the guts to take on Monsanto

Oh B.S. If you take on a big company like Monsanto and win, you are a hero.
I wouldn't give you any odds of landing a job at Monsanto, but their
competitors sure would be interested.

And, again, you have done nothing to convince me that there is.

> - Mark
> (Web articles on Food & Nutrition, Yoga, aspartame/NutraPoison,
> sweetener resources, stevia, toxic carpeting, rBGH, fluoride
> detoxification, mental health resources. Much more to come.
> Lots of links to medical and holistic healing sites.
> Will email articles if you do not have WWW access.

I am curious... what is "toxic carpeting?" Some type of new shag?

Have a happy holiday sesson.


Tom Morrison

Dec 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/19/95
HELP - if the scientists, users, bureaucrats, civil servants and
politicians in the world's greatest democracy can't make up their
minds about the ruddy stuff which was invented there, what hope have
we poor mortals in the rest of world who don't know if we are
poisoning ourselves or not.

Being a diabetic is enough of a burden to bear without the thoughts of
involuntary suicide to boot.


Yes I am shouting because I am frightened and bewildered.

Mark Gold

Dec 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/20/95
>From Dec 20 02:05:21 1995
>Date: Tue, 19 DEC 1995 23:58:10 GMT
>From: Tom Morrison <>

>Subject: Re: Aspartame and diabetes
>Being a diabetic is enough of a burden to bear without the thoughts of
>involuntary suicide to boot.
>Yes I am shouting because I am frightened and bewildered.


Rather than asking for someone to tell you the answer, simply read the
review and sample adverse reactions on my web page and then read some
industry literature and make up your own mind. I would be happy to email
you the review I have written. I can also direct you to other
non-industry sources if you're interested. You can get industry literature
from a variety of sources.

Best Wishes,

Dec 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/20/95
to (Steve Marschman) writes: . . .
>Then why are all the messages anti-aspartame? There is subtantial *evidence*
>to suggest that saccharin and cyclamates should not be consumed. Why don't we
>see the same level of posts about those sweeteners?
<snip> Could you please send me a list of your sources?
<snip> Could you provide us with a list of those studies/papers?

Hi Steve (& Mark):
I am a poor out-of-work Ph.D. (since last week) who can't afford
Equal brand sweetner anyway, but I believe you are in error, Steve.
You asked Mark several times for sources: what is your *evidence* about
saccharine? I am aware of *one* study in which seven mice got cancer --
six of the mice were in adjacent cages, suggesting that an alternative
vector may have caused the cancers, according to the editors of "Alternative
Sweetners," (M. Dekker Press, 1991). This is "substantial evidence"? For this
the FDA required warning signs posted at every supermarket in America?

OTOH, The Lit review in AS does include a much larger body of studies critical
of cyclamates, not surprisingly banned in the US. Perhaps lack of availability
is why nobody discusses cyclamates? I do remember their strong, sweet taste,
but I have greying hair, too. So what's to discuss? one study on saccharine,
or studies on a sweetner sold to kids who watched the Soupy Sales Show?

>I wouldn't give you any odds of landing a job at Monsanto, but their
>competitors sure would be interested.

Now here, perhaps, we can think about how free-market economies work.
Who are Monsanto's (the makers of Equal, for those tuning in late)
competitors? Except for Hoechst AG (the makers of Sunette), they are what
we economists call "perfect competitors" selling products with very little
brand differentiation, and little opportunity for "pure profits." I just saw
an ad in last month's "Food Technology" from the self-described largest
manufacturer of sorbitol (a lower-cal sugar substitute). Black & White, no
logo, no pretty picture of a happy slim [& regular :-)] customer. Sure they'd
be interested in hiring Mark, if he has a degree in Food Science, and 2 to 5
years experience in a large scale manufacuring environment.

I have a very nice fax from the #2 peach grower in the USA, saying he is
"extemely impressed" with my research. But he's not hiring me to be
his staff economist -- it's only a few very profitable companies like Monsanto
that can afford so much research!

So let me suggest a fresh peach (even if its from Chile, where they once found
a spider) over an aspartame-sweetened, vitamin fortified, imitation yoghurt
-flavored pudding, no matter how much research you may see pushing the latter.
Best wishes to all, and may you all find real fruit in your Christmas
stockings, and not some coal-tar based product Joseph & Mary couldn't have
afforded either! . . . Dr. Steve Davis

Betty Martini

Dec 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/20/95
Dear Steve: I think that Mark Gold has adequately answered most of your
questions, but you say I didn't answer you about who I work for. I just
want you to know that I work for nobody. Nobody pays me a salary for
what I'm doing. My background is medical. I spent 22 years in
conventional medicine. I created a health delivery system and had
physicians working for me. If people couldn't pay they could get seen
for nothing.

If you want to know who funds me, its my husband. He told me: "As long
as you're saving lives I'll pay the bills." I can tell you it cost
thousands and thousands of dollars.

As to saccharin, I've read about it and talked to Dr. H. J. Roberts about
it, and he says as do some books that a big deal was made about saccharin
to get NutraSweet on the market. It's been on the market for decades
with a handful of complaints. However, I personally don't like anything
artificial and have never in my life used saccharin even though Dr.
Roberts says its safe. It is interesting that there is a warning about
causing cancer when books says it was the lowest amount of carcinogenity.
On the other hand, aspartame caused brain tumors in rats. Searle excised
the tumors and put the rats back in the study. When the rats died they
resurrected them back on paper (Bressler Report).

You say: "If you could actually tie Searle to half the stuff you claim,
their senior management would be in jail." Obviously, you know that U.S.
Sam Skinner was asked to indict Searle for fraud for the studies.
Instead of doing so ole Sammy went to work for Sidley & Austin, their law
firm defending the case. Read on our auto-responder ASPARTAME TESTING
and ya'll know what Searle did!

And back to cancer, the late FDA Toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross, told
Congress that aspartame violated the Delaney Amendment because it caused
brain tumors! But it also caused mammary tumors and ovarian tumors, etc.
Whoever will ever forget Dr. Gross' last words: "And if the FDA itself
violates its own laws, who is left to protect the people." You can read
some of Dr. Gross' statements on the auto-responder in the INFORMED
CONSENT article which gives a dateline and history of aspartame.

I had been discussing with Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon, author of
EXCITOTOXINS; THE TASTE THAT KILLS (1 800 -643-2665) the fact that
methanol toxicity mimics MS, as we needed to write an MS alert, and I
preferred it being done by physicians who know what is going on. He
wrote me on on September 17, 1995 discussing this issue. But he also said:
"The more we learn about these substances the more frightening the
picture becomes. What really concerns me about aspartame is its
association with brain tumors as well as pancreatic, uterine and ovarian
tumors. Also the fact that so many develop an Alzheimer's - like
syndrome with prolonged exposure." Russell

Yet, there is no warning on aspartame about cancer! Not only that, but I
have some of the secret trade information and quote it in a post on the
auto-responder titled THEY KNEW. They knew the phenylalanine in
aspartame breaks down into DKP, a brain tumor agent and didn't tell the FDA.
Now doctors are saying when they remove brain tumors they are madeup of

Do you know that originally aspartame was developed to be a drug. It was
never a food additive and furthermore it was kept off the market for 16
years because of the grand mal seizures and brain tumors. And as far as
it being approved by the FDA, there was so much opposition a Board of
Inquiry was setup and they said not to approve it. Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes
over-ruled the Board of Inquiry and went to work for Searle's Public
Relation's firm, and didn't speak to the press for 10 years! The head of
the FDA going to work for a PR firm is like a scientist working for a pig

Do you know that 3 out of 5 people on aspartame already have the symptoms
or some disease? Do you know that doctors do not associate the problems
with aspartame because Monsanto who bought Searle in l985 funds the
American Diabetic Assn., and the American Dietetic Assn, Congress and
other powerful people. You should read the New York Times article of Nov
15 by Marian Burros about the American Dietetic Assn. They tell of their
link to Monsanto and say they cannot criticize any food additive because
they take food industry to endorse it. They are Monsanto's media flacks.
These are people who "do it for money"!

Likewise the American Diabetic Assn. is funded by Monsanto and every year
when NutraSweet (Monsanto) sponsors their walk-a-thon we expose the ADA.
We walk right along with the diabetics and hand them envelopes addressed
to the diabetic and his physician. Last year there were 1000 diabetics
in the walk but this year only 300. And I doubt there will be any next year.
Why? Because they read the medical documentation and stopped using
aspartame. And guess what happened? People called me and said: "My
blood sugar has come under control, my vision has cleared up, my numbness
is gone, " etc., etc. etc.

We also gave our material at the Juvenile Diabetic Walk.

Why isn't there a warning on NutraSweet? They tried to put one. Senator
Howard Metzenbaum wrote S 1557 that required labeling, and would have
said it was not be used by pregnant women or infants for starters. Fetal
tissue does not tolerate methanol and the phenylalanine concentrates in
the placenta and causes mental retardation. Read Dr. Elsas (pediatric
professor - genetics) testimony before Congress on our auto-responder.
I would hate to think how many babies have been murdered by this drug. A
friend tried to warn two mothers, Diet Coke addicts, that wouldn't listen.
One gave birth to a baby with a brain tumor and another kind of cancer,
the other gave birth to twins, one hydrocephalic and the other mentally

More about the bill which we have on email if you want to see it.
Because of the problems being seen in the population the bill would have
required independent studies at NIH. They are listed in the bill as:

1. The effect of the consumption of aspartame on brain chemistry.
2. The health effects of the consumption of aspartame on pregnant women
and fetuses.
3. Behavioral and neurological effects experienced by individuals who
have consumed aspartame, especially children who have consumed aspartame.
4. The interaction of aspartame with drugs, including monoamine oxidase
inhibits, alpha-methyl-dopa, and L-dihydroxphenylalanine.
5. The effects of the consumption of aspartame in increasing the
probability of seizures.

I am quoting directly from the bill. When I first started researching it
was because of a friend with Parkinson Disease. His reactions were
bizarre - like a windup doll out of control. I knew something was
killing him and I had read how deadly aspartame is. I called Dr. H. J.
Roberts because I had heard he was the world expert - thats how I met him.
He said to me: "Betty, get him off aspartame. It changes the dopamine
level in the brain. It could kill him!" When Dick got off aspartame all
the reactions disappeared. And he was going to a top researcher in
Parkinson's who didn't even know to warn him. Why - because this bill

was killed by the power of the drug company.

In March of l995, Dr. Roberts came to Atlanta to attend the Conference of
the American College of Physicians. He told me physicians do not know
how deadly aspartame is because of Monsanto funding. I asked to go and
sure enough no physician that we came in contact with knew anything about

In Endocrinology the workshop was conducted by Dr. Jonathan B. Jaspan, of
Tulane University Medical Center, Chief, Diabetes Program, Director,
Endocrine Fellowship Training Program. He is one of the most eradite
speakers I've ever heard in my life. When he told how dangerous alcohol
is to a diabetic I mentioned aspartame has wood alcohol in it. You
should have seen the shocked faces of all those physicians in the room,
and Dr. Jaspan asked for more information. One doctor said: "How could
the ADA do this to us. We're recommending the one thing for our diabetic
patients that is keeping them out-of-control." I said: "Very easy,
doctor, they are funded by Monsanto." He said: "But I've been a member
for almost 30 years!" I said: "Dr. Roberts has been a member for almost
40 years and they wouldn't even publish his abstract of aspartame
reactors. It was published by Clinical Research." I gave him a copy.

We were surrounded by doctors wanting more information so Dr. Jaspan got
away. I mailed him a packet. He wrote me back on April 20, 1995 and said:

"Dear Mrs. Martini: Thanks for your letter which I read with great
interest. This whole area is obviously very complex and extremely
important. I unfortunately have little knowledge on this subject, but it
is clear to me from the information you provide that a lot more
controlled research in this area is necessary. I am certainly chastened
by what you have told me and I think it is vital to inform the consumer
public of the potential dangers"..

Now Dr. Jaspan is one of the leading endocrinologists in our nation and
I'm doing just what he said - informing the consumer public and
especially diabetics because it is the most dangerous for them. And
doctors think they have diabetic retinopathy when in reality they
are going blind because the methanol (wood alcohol) converts to
formaldehyde in the retina of the eye, and then converts to formic acid
(ant sting poison).

And in Neurology all the professors said the same thing: "Where are these
seizures coming from." Aspartame is a seizure triggering drug and I hope
you never have to see a toddler drinking a Diet Coke having a grand mal
seizure. The phenylalanine breaks down the seizure threshold of the
brain and depletes serotonin. Depleted serotonin is responsible for manic
depression, anxiety attacks, etc. according to researchers. A great many
diabetics using this poison tell me they are depressed and don't know why>
I do!

This post is getting long and you're probably going to accuse me of
spamming again. But don't look for motives when people find out that
aspartame is a deadly poison and try to warn their fellowman so they
won't die. And they are dying. Shannon Roth went blind when aspartame
was in 100 products. Joyce Wilson went blind and died when aspartame was
in about 600 products. Patricia Craine died when aspartame was only in a

few hundred products. Today its in 5000 products and the patent has

There are not enough hours in the day to help everyone sick and dying on
this deadly, deadly poison. I am founder of Mission Possible, a
volunteer force in 50 states that distribute a warning flyer worldwide.
At least Monsanto cannot pay off the people. Its hands around the world
to help each other. We all pay our own expenses. The most anyone has
ever given me is to reimburse for the copies made in packets of medical
documentation that we send out free. For what I have spent out of my
husband's pocket could have paid for a world cruise. But thats nothing
compared to 22 hours a day.

Before you go on shouting you ought to read up on aspartame. Try Dr.
Roberts new tapes: IS ASPARTAME SAFE? 1 800 -814-9800. And he has
written ASPARTAME (NUTRASWEET) IS IT SAFE? Charles Press. His latest
book DEFENSE AGAINST ALZHEIMERS (1 800 -814-9800) will tell you how its
frying the brain and escalating Alzheimers in his opinion.

Under Devastations of Aspartame on the auto-responder you can read the 92
documented symptoms from coma to death put out in the August, l995 report
by the FDA. Probably every diabetic in this newsgroup using NutraSweet
already has some of these symptoms. I cannot say it any better than Dr.
James Bowen who almost lost his life to NutraSweet and told the FDA:
"This is mass poisoning of the American Public and more than 70 countries
of the world." (now 90)

Why would hundreds of thousands of people do what I'm doing free -
because this is a killer, and if you don't believe it, start researching!


P.S. We provide a safe sweetener list only as a courtesy. People can do
their own research if they like or go to any health food store and ask.

The Jack

Dec 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/20/95
alright, alright...

you got me so paranoid that i actually went and asked my dietician if
there was any truth behind this farce you're pulling. here's a copy
of the handout she gave me:



- No effect on blood glucose
- No calories
- Noyt suitable for cooking (loses it's sweetness)
- Granulated (bulk) & packet form (powder) contain a small
amount of sugar as filler, so limit these to 3-4 packets/teaspoons per

- No effect on blood sugar level
- No calories
- Can be used in cooking/baking with no loss of sweetness

- No effect on blood sugar level
- No calories
- Can be used in cooking/baking with no loss of sweetness

- Will raise blood sugar more slowly than regular sugar
- Will raise blood sugar fairly quickly if large amounts are
- Same calories as regular sugar (Mannitol has half the
calories of regular sugar)
- Used commercially in sugar-reduced foods and candy
- Not useful for people who need to lose weight


- Government does not allow these in manufactured food
- Available as a table-top sweetener

- Government does not allow this in manufactured food products
- Available as a table-top sweetener

Eagle Ridge Hospital Clinical Nutrition, May 1995


This came from a hospital that operates by Canadian Diabetes
Association guidelines, and if anybody doubts the authenticity of the
above document, don't take my word for it - go ask your dietician!!!

anyway - as she also told me... if cyclamates and saccharin have both
been disallowed for use in manufactured food products, it kind of
makes you wonder why... i wouldn't use them.

i also asked about aspartame and cancer in lab rats and she said yes,
too much can be bad for you... how much is too much? she told me that
the safe level has been tested (don't ask me how) to the equivilant of
sixteen cans of diet pop per day, which is about eight times more than
i drink, and is probably much higher because safety standards are
always extra safe. i think i'll start having six cans a day!

as enlightening as all of this has been for me, i still dislike
fearmongers. good day.

- jack

I ain't no politician, just worried 'bout the world condition
'cause I'm the doctor of soul and here's my prescription:
Peace, brother, peace.
- Mac Rebennack, 1971

Mark Gold

Dec 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/20/95
>From: (Steve Marschman)

>Subject: Re: Aspartame and diabetes
>Date: 19 Dec 1995 22:17:31 GMT

>True. Over time, anything that is abused will harm you. The point is, how
>much is enough? What is the chronic threshold for aspartame? You infer that
>it is a very low amount, but have absolutely no evidence to suggest dose rates
>in relation to expected chronic toxicity. You use scare tactics to infer that
>only a small amount will cause "grand mal seizures." You can't back that up
>with fact, only inference. And that, IS NOT scientific.


I try to be very specific in
my review as to the dosages that have caused adverse reactions.
Putting words in my mouth and then attacking those words doesn't cut
it. There are a number of studies that have shown toxicity reactions
to aspartame even though the dose was well below the FDA Acceptable
Daily Intake limit (a dose that subjects can exceed according to
industry's own research). Claiming that I haven't posted references
is simply not true. See below for a selection of references.

>>I don't have PR firms working incessantly
>>trying to create an image. Nor do I control "associations" that are little
>>more than industry PR group -- IFIC, ILSI.

>Here we go with the conspiracy theory. Play upon people's fear that large
>successful companies are evil and out to screw the poor unsuspecting public.
>You *may* be absolutely correct, but you use scare tactics to try to convince

>others of your point. State facts, not inference. If you could actually tie

>Searle to half the stuff you claim, their senior management would be in jail.

I like how you attack people for getting funding from the saccharin
industry, but then when someone points out their lack of connection
to these groups and the fact that their resources are nowhere near
the industry's resources, it becomes a "conspiracy theory." I am not
stating anything I don't have evidence for. I am also trying not using
highly charge phrases such as "conspiracy theory," "play upon
people's fears," "companies are evil," "scare tactics," etc. to argue
a point. I would be more than happy to discuss specific studies as I
have many times in the past.

I didn't claim anything in my previous post that relates to Searle
committing acts that would cause them to end up in jail. But since
you brought it up, the FDA Attorney was urging the U.S. Attorney's
office to bring convene a Grand Jury and bring fraud charges
against G.D. Searle for some of their pre-approval tests. As it
turns out, during the preparations for convening a Grand Jury,
the U.S. Attorney met with G.D. Searle's law firm and within a
few months, instead of convening a Grand Jury, was hired by that
law firm. The next U.S. Attorney let the statute of limitations
run out and was also hired by that law firm shortly thereafter. I
know, it's all a "conspiracy theory." :-)

>I don't believe that you don't have some other agenda. The anti-aspartame
>message is too emotionally charged to not have some other agenda. Please
>state yours.

You have the same assurance that I don't have another agenda as I
have that you don't consult for Monsanto or own Monsanto or Coca Cola
(etc.) stock. I direct people to the review on my web page which is
less emotionally charged and discusses hundreds of times more
scientific studies than you have detailed in the last two posts.

>>As I have posted here before, neither Betty nor I nor the thousands of
>>others concerned about this issue gets funding from the saccharin, stevia,
>>cyclamate, etc., etc. industries. If someone from those industries were
>>to point out the dangers of aspartame, I couldn't stop them. In fact, the
>>list of "healthier" sweeteners that I designed (and that Betty sends out)
>>suggests the avoidance of aspartame (especially), saccharine, and

>Then why are all the messages anti-aspartame? There is subtantial *evidence*

>to suggest that saccharin and cyclamates should not be consumed. Why don't we
>see the same level of posts about those sweeteners?

The scientific evidence of the dangers of aspartame is *much*
stronger than for saccharin or cyclamates. Also, the concern about
aspartame not only involves cancer (specifically brain cancer), but
neurological problems, immune system problems, and a variety of other
disorders. I am also receiving a significant number of adverse reaction
reports either directly, from various groups, and from physicians.
These adverse reaction reports detail anywhere from mild to severe health
consequences from medium-term use of aspartame. I am receiving no such
reports about saccharin or cyclamates. That's not to say that these
reports don't exist. Finally, as a single individual, I just don't
have the time or inclination to study all related issues. As anyone
can see from my web page articles, I discuss a wide variety of issues
that are important to me.

>>you will obviously be
>>concerned to know that virtually all corporate-neutral research on
>>aspartame has found that is causes adverse reactions

>Can't say that I agree with that statement. Could you please send me a list
>of your sources?

>Could you provide us with a list of those studies/papers? I haven't found
>any, and would welcome your input.

Well, I am not going to list every study related to aspartame that
show dangers. I list many of those in various parts of my review on
my web page. I will, however, list variety of research relating to
the aspartame issue. There is more listed on my web page review and
others that I have yet to list (e.g., a study showing fetal damage
from aspartame, a study showing loss of equilibrium from aspartame).
Not all of these are double-blind studies on humans testing
aspartame. I don't have time to pick through all 50+ pages of
references in my review to satisfy your request. This should get you
started though.

Neurology, Volume 42, page 1000-1003.

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Volume 83, page 79-85.

Research Report No. 42, Health Effects Institute, 141 Portland Street,
Suite 7300, Cambridge, MA 02139, (617) 621-0266, August

During, Mathew J., Ian N. Acworth, Richard J. Wurtman, 1988.
"An In Vivo Study of Dopamine Release in Striatum: The
Effects of Phenylalanine," Presented at "Dietary
Phenylalanine and Brain Function." Proceedings of the
First International Meeting on Dietary Phenylalanine and
Brain Function, Washington, D.C., May 8-10, 1987. Center
for Brain Sciences and Metabolism Charitable Trust, P.O.
Box 64, Kendall Square, Cambridge, MA 02142. Reprinted in
"Dietary Phenyalalnine and Brain Function," c1988,
Birkhauser, Boston, MA USA, page 81-86.

Elsas, Louis J., James F. Trotter, 1988. "Changes in
Physiological Concentrations of Blood Phenylalanine
Produces Changes in Sensitive Parameters of Human Brain
Function," Presented at "Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain
Function." Proceedings of the First International Meeting
on Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function, Washington,
D.C., May 8-10, 1987. Center for Brain Sciences and
Metabolism Charitable Trust, P.O. Box 64, Kendall Square,
Cambridge, MA 02142. Reprinted in "Dietary Phenyalalnine
and Brain Function," c1988, Birkhauser, Boston, MA USA,
page 187-195.

FASEB 1992. "Safety of Amino Acids Use as Dietary
Suppliments," Life Sciences Research Office, Federation
of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 9650
Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Maryland 20814-3998, (301) 530-
7000, FDA Contract No. 223-88-2124, Task Order No. 8,
page 166.

Kim, K.C., M.D. Tasch, S.H. Kim, 1988. "The Effect of
Aspartame on 50% Convulsion Doses of Lidocaine,"
Presented at "Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function."
Proceedings of the First International Meeting on Dietary
Phenylalanine and Brain Function, Washington, D.C., May 8-
10, 1987. Center for Brain Sciences and Metabolism
Charitable Trust, P.O. Box 64, Kendall Square, Cambridge,
MA 02142. Reprinted in "Dietary Phenyalalnine and Brain
Function," c1988, Birkhauser, Boston, MA USA, page 127-

Headache, Volume 28, page 10-14.

Environmental Health Perspectives, Volume 75, page 53-57.

Journal of Occupational Medicine, Volume 25, page 896-900.

Matalon, Reuben, et al., 1988. "Aspartame Consumption in
Normal Individuals and Carriers for Phenylketonuria
(PKU)," Presented at "Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain
Function." Proceedings of the First International Meeting
on Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function, Washington,
D.C., May 8-10, 1987. Center for Brain Sciences and
Metabolism Charitable Trust, P.O. Box 64, Kendall Square,
Cambridge, MA 02142. Reprinted in "Dietary Phenyalalnine
and Brain Function," c1988, Birkhauser, Boston, MA USA,
page 41-52.

Journal of Applied Nutrition, Volume 36, No. 1, page 42-54.

NSDA 1983. "Objections of the National Soft Drink
Association to a Final Rule Permitting the Use of
Aspartame in Carbonated Beverages and Carbonated Beverage
Syrup Bases and a Request for a Hearing on the
Objections," Docket No. 82F-0305, Draft, July 28, 1983.
Transcript of objections appeared in Congressional
Record, Volume 131, No. 58, May 7, 1985, 5507-5511.

Nature, Volume 227, page 609-610.

Journal of Neuropathology an Experimental Neurology, Volume 31,
page 464-488.

Neurobehavioral Toxicology and Teratology, Volume 2, page 125-129.

Progress in Brain Research, Volume 86, page 37-51.

NeuroToxicology, Volume 15, Number 3, page 535-544.

"NutraSweet Health and Safety Concerns." Document # Y 4.L
11/4:S.HR6.100, page 517-518. (Congressional Hearings)

Journal of Applied Nutrition, Volume 40, page 85-94.

Journal of Advancement in Medicine, Volume 4, No. 4,
Winter 1991, page 231-241.

Spiers, P.A., Donald Schomer, LuAnn Sabounjian, Harris
Lieberman, Richard Wurtman, John Duguid, Riley McCarten,
Michele Lyden, 1988. "Aspartame and Human Behavior:
Cognitive and Behavioral Observations," Presented at
"Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function." Proceedings
of the First International Meeting on Dietary
Phenylalanine and Brain Function, Washington, D.C., May 8-
10, 1987. Center for Brain Sciences and Metabolism
Charitable Trust, P.O. Box 64, Kendall Square, Cambridge,
MA 02142. Reprinted in "Dietary Phenyalalnine and Brain
Function," c1988, Birkhauser, Boston, MA USA, page 169-

Neurology, Volume 44, page 1787-1793.

Biological Psychiatry, Volume 34, page 13-17.

New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 309, No. 7, page 429-430.

New England Journal of Medicine, Volume 309, page 429-430.

>>The "research" funded or
>>conducted by the aspartame industry (e.g., Searle, NutraSweet, ILSI) has
>>so many ridiculous flaws that it is clear the peer-review process is not
>>working properly. Testimony by FDA Investigators, research scientists
>>and clinicians at Congressional Hearings is very relevant.

>Then I gather that you accept the testimony of the tobacco industry
>researchers at the recent hearings? It is amazing that you think you know who
>is lying (those who disagree with you) and who is telling the truth (those who
>do agree with you).

No, that simply means I don't *discount* (as you did) the testimony of
researchers, FDA Investigators, or industry representatives simply
because it appears in the Congressional Record. Some of the most
important and detailed challenges to aspartame research and rebuttals
have appeared at Congressional Hearings (the seven that discussed

>Researcher interviews are typically biased by the circumstances of the
>interview. I don't trust them. Whether you agree with me or not, I want
>to see peer-reviewed work.

Nowadays, "peer-review" does not mean a heck of alot. Most reviewers
do not know enough about this issue to judge the quality of the
research. Anyone who has seen all of the research abuses on this
issue and that these embarrassingly flawed studies were actually
published in journals has to admit that "peer-reivew" doesn't prevent
worthless research from being published.

As University of California professor of medicine states:

"Despite this [peer reivew]
system, anyone who reads journals widely and
critically is forced to realize that there are
scarcely any bars to eventual publication. There
seems to be no study too fragmented, no hypothesis
too trivial, no literature too biased or too
egotistical, no design too warped, no methodology
too bungled, no presentation of results too
inaccurate, too obscure and too contradictory, no
analysis too self-serving, no argument to
circular, no conclusions too trifling or too
unjustified, and no grammar and syntax too
offensive for a paper to end up in print."

>>Many world-reknowned researchers have tried unsuccessfully to get funding
>>for *quality* studies on aspartame. In fact, a number of independent
>>researchers requested that the U.S. Congress pressure the NIH to fund
>>quality research on the subject. Unfortunately, this was unsuccessful.

>That's called lobbying... and lobbying isn't necessarily the best way to get
>research funding. It gets tagged as a pork belly and usually gets tossed out.
>Could it be that the reviewers of these proposals found no merit in the
>proposed research? Oh, I suppose you'll claim it's those dastardly Searle
>lobbyists lining the reviewers pockets again.

Not quite. These were world-reknowned, *indpendent* researchers being
*asked* by U.S. Congress to present their views as to what was needed on
this issue. They were not lobbying Congress.

>>If Dr. Wurtman cannot get independent funding to conduct *quality* research,
>>there is little chance that anyone else could get funding for a
>>long-term study of aspartame consumption.

>Come on now. Not every research proposal gets funded. One failure shouldn't
>discourage anyone. If you truly believe in what you are doing, you are
>persistent in your cause (and, I have sold over $10 million in research
>programs, so I know about fighting for causes).

He's not the only person that tried unsuccessfully to get funding. I
know something about funding myself since I worked in the funding
office of one of the U.S.'s largest research hospitals. There is
currently no indepdent funding for quality aspartame research. I am
not going to give up. I simply take exception to your earlier
implication that we were people concerned with this issue are not
interested in getting quality research funded.

>>I've been looking for an independent research to conduct studies on the
>>issue, but few researchers have the guts to take on Monsanto

>Oh B.S. If you take on a big company like Monsanto and win, you are a hero.

>I wouldn't give you any odds of landing a job at Monsanto, but their
>competitors sure would be interested.

I am speaking from experience talking to researchers about this issue.
You, on the other hand, are just making it up as you go along. Most
researchers don't want to spend their careers fighting industry
despite your theories on what they'll want to do. If you're such an
expert, find me some indpendent, experienced neuroscience
researchers who are willing to conduct medium- and long-term,
quality research on aspartame. I'll keep looking, whether you try to
find researchers or not.

>And, again, you have done nothing to convince me that there is.

I am not trying to convince you or Monsanto. I am more interested in
discussing the issue with people that are open-minded and interested
in the research. There is evidence to show that aspartame caused
cancer in animals, that aspartame causes toxicity reactions in many
people from short-term use, that the components of aspartame can
cause cumulative damage and changes over time, that the industry
pre-approval "research" bordered on fraud, and that the industry
post-approval "research" has been badly flawed. There is also a
growing body of serious health problems from medium- and long-term
use of aspartame. Many of these people have had their health
problems come back after rechallenge (knowingly or unknowingly).

I don't really care if you want to wait until their is proof
beyond a shawdow of a doubt. I will continue to warn people
about the hazards of long-term aspartame use and take comfort in the
fact that for every person arguing with me, I get several emails,
letters, and phone calls from people who have helped themselves
significantly by getting off of aspartame. Those who want to be a
guinea pig in a large clinical trial by ingesting aspartame for
another 10, 20, or 30 years, can do what they want. But I would be
remiss as a human being if I didn't give these people a scientific,
non-industry point of view as best I can (see my web page).

>I am curious... what is "toxic carpeting?" Some type of new shag?

Read the 5-part series as well as my follow-up. If I thought you
were really interested in the answer, I'd take the time to summarize.

Best Wishes,
- Mark
(Web articles on Food & Nutrition, Yoga, aspartame/NutraPoison,

sweetener resources, stevia, toxic carpeting, rBGH, fluoride, MSG

Patrick S Cheatham

Dec 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/20/95
James R. Bunch <> wrote:
>Table salt, NaCl, is composed of two toxic, corrosive, materials -- the metal
>sodium and the gas chlorine. Sodium is a major ingredient in lye. Chlorine
>was used in WW I as a chemical warfare agent. Soooooo ... we ought to give
>up salt? Well, maybe if we have high blood pressure.
>The point is simply that the individual components of a compound generally
>have little to do with the toxicity of the end compound itself. Certainly
>methanol (aka wood alcohol) is *in the free state* quite toxic. phenalanine
>and aspartic acid ... ???? Well, they're part of just about every protein
>in your body. Does that make each of us a walking toxic dump?
>What's important here is the behavior of Aspartame _as an integrated
>compound_, not the behavior of its constituent parts. Don't worry
>about the sodium and the chlorine -- enjoy the salt.
Well I got slammed on that one pretty good. However.....

I don't really care about aspartame and its place in the market. The whole point is that it causes problems
for SOME people. Again it depends on the way your body handles the stuff. I don't believe, as does Betty,
that all of the problems of the free world are caused by aspartame, but I do believe that there are a number
of people that have health problems, of which aspartame can be a contributor. The message really should be -
if you have reason to questions it, then drop it and see what happens. By the way, I would say the same
thing about the common everyday substances that Steve Marschman pointed out can be toxic in large doses. By
the way, even though aspirn is a wonderful product - don't give any to your kid - that can also lead to
problems. Nuts, even in very small doses can be fatal for some people (a thankfully rare condition). In all
of my posts on the subject, I keep trying to stress one theme - people have different ways of reacting to
different substances. Adverse reactions to aspartame don't seem to be that rare, so it's worth considering
its effect, or lack of effect, on your own health.

By the way, it terms of the whole integrated compound - aspartame is fairly unstable and does decompose into
the three component parts. That's why you shouldn't cook with it (heat hastens the decomposition) and that's
why some diet drinks have experiation labels.


Charles N. Burch

Dec 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/21/95

John F Davis

Dec 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/21/95

In a previous article, (Steve Marschman) says:

>True. Over time, anything that is abused will harm you. The point is, how
>much is enough? What is the chronic threshold for aspartame? You infer that
>it is a very low amount, but have absolutely no evidence to suggest dose rates
>in relation to expected chronic toxicity. You use scare tactics to infer that
>only a small amount will cause "grand mal seizures." You can't back that up
>with fact, only inference. And that, IS NOT scientific.

Betti does some interesting things in her posts. For example she says:
"After just one can of Nutrasweetened pop".

I have a song on tape here somewhere which has a line in it (Title "Hope Eyre"
if memory serves, it's refering to the landing of the first spacecraft on the
moon and the first, real, "Moon Walk" (Not the M. Jackson type)). The famous
words of the astronaut "One Giant Step For Mankind" are referenced in the line
"What makes one step, a Giant step, is all the steps before"

What does this have to do with Betti's posts?

What made that "one little can" trigger a reaction was the 200 hundred or so
cans that preceeded it that day. (Recommended safe consumption is somethin
like 120 cans per day. This patient had nearly twice that amount and was
likely (Based on the amount of liquid consumed) in serious DKA at the time)
(Yes I know that other things can cause excessive liquid consumption however
this list can understand DKA I'm sure and knows it's side effects well)

But the patient only had ONE CAN in their hand when the seizure happened you
see so it was caused by just that one can. (Right Uh, ha, and would you be
intrested in a slightly used bridge I happen to have for sale)

Oh well, Thankfully somebody programmed a <N>ext key on this keyboard....
(now who (me) would do a thing like that I wonder.......)

John F Davis In Delightful Detroit, Mi.
"Nothing adds excitement to your life like something
that is clearly none of your business!" Battista

James R. Bunch

Dec 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/21/95
Betty Martini <> wrote:
[ Long anectdotal rant deleted]

Betty -- How about some pointers to *primary* research reports? You know,
peer reviewed & published in some of the mainline journals -- Science,
Nature, JAMA, etc. ....

I won't deny that there might be problems associated with either excessive
use levels or use by sensitive individuals, but your post seems to do little
more than accuse without presenting anything beyond strictly anecdotal
evidence and pointing to popular press publications. It all begins to sound
like the "Fluoridation is an Evil Plot" style of presentation.

Betty Martini

Dec 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/22/95
Dear Jack: Asking a dietitian about aspartame is like asking the mafia
about the crime rate!

The New York Times wrote an article about them on November 15, 1995 by
Marian Burros. It told of their link to Monsanto and said they can't
critcitize an additive because they take food industry money to do it.
It was quite a long article and basically said they are the people "who
do it for money"! Actually, they are Monsanto's media flacks. Dr.
Julian Whitaker wrote an article a few months about them and said they
are a political power group.

I also have an article where they admit that NutraSweet (Monsanto) writes
their literature.

If you would like a copy of all these articles just send me a
self-addressed, stamped large envelope with two day priority postage, and
mention dietitians - I'll send it all to you and a couple of lbs of
material and documented medical records too!

One thing in this report, however, says you can't heat aspartame - the
sweetness breaks down. Now that is true. The wood alcohol (methanol) is
what gives it it's sweetness. And when it breaks down it breaks down into
formaldehyde and then formic acid! No wonder a Florida undertaker said:
"Strange, we don't have to do much embalming anymore - these bodies are
fully preserved!"

The FDA brochure also says you can't heat aspartame, but our Fatal Drugs
Allowed folks forget they said that and in l993 approved aspartame for
baked goods. Today you can go in your grocer's bakery and get
formaldehyde pie.

On our auto-responder you should read the story about Desert Storm. Find
out what heated aspartame does!

Yes, aspartame produced brain tumors in rats, also mammary tumors,
ovarian tumors, pancreatic tumors, etc. SEarle excised the brain tumors
and put the rats back in the study. When the rats died Searle
resurrected them on paper. It's a shame they can't do that to Patricia
Craine or Joyce Wilson who died from NutraSweet.

How good do you think a product is for a diabetic that has wood alcohol
in it that converts to formaldehyde and formic acid and causes metabolic
acidosis and also blindness. Converts to formaldehyde in the retina of
the eye.

Why don't you read some of the reports by doctors on the auto-responder -
like Dr. Roberts brain tumor report - its been peer reviewed.
Incidently, the report titled THEY KNEW - thats about the secret trade
information and how their memorandum said they know its breaks down to
DKP (the phenylalanine breaks down to DKP) which is a brain tumor agent
and never told the FDA. Now doctors are saying when they remove brain
tumors they are finding they are madeup of aspartame! The Saturday
Evening Post this week has a report on the increase in brain tumors, just
like Dr. Roberts says in the report on the brain tumors.

And as to the daily allowable dose - actually thats for rats - according
to Dr. Roberts. If you want to see what three Diet Cokes a day can do to
you read some of the case histories on the auto-responder.

For some reason a lot of the auto-responder reports are coming back to
me. I've just got it setup and you have to do it exactly as the
instructions say. You can't put a space between send and me andit has to
be in the subject line.

If you type "sendme" without the quotes you'll get everything on the
auto-responder. If you type "sendme help" you'll get a directory. Then
you can pick out what you want.

If you have trouble let me know and I can send you the reports

Also, you might want to check Mark Gold's web page. He did an
outstanding 300 page research report on the phony studies:

And if you really want to check me out for telling you the truth get some
of Dr. Roberts tapes: IS ASPARTAME SAFE? (1 800 -814-9800) You'll hear
it all over again out of the mouth of a physician, the world expert on

I'll say it again - NutraSweet is a deadly poison. Just tonight a woman
wandered into my house - had read an article I had written on Joyce
Wilson who went blind and died from the poison. I'll send you that
publication too, if you want it. Anyway, after reading the booklet of
many reports on NutraSweet she realized all the grand mal seizures she
had been having were from this, and her vision loss, tachycardia, MS
symptoms, etc. She said: "Please help me get my vision back so I can
help too. None of the doctors I've been to knew it was aspartame. Only
after I read your article and stopped using NutraSweet did my seizures
stop and some of my problems. It has done so much damage to me I still
may not live, but I want to help warn others so nobody will ever go
through the nightmare I have - please help me."

I hear this everyday. Why don't the physicians know - because Monsanto
funds the American Dietetic Assn., the American Diabetic Assn., etc., etc.
They are not interested in your health - only the money they get from

After people are on this for a long time they become like this woman - I
don't know if we can save her or not - she is pretty bad off and almost
totally blind from NutraSweet. There was no one to give this lady the
warning I'm giving you. Don't become another statistic. REmember I work
for nobody and I have no motive to tell you this but to save your life.
I've been researching aspartame for almost three years and listening to
the pleas of help like with this lady all these years. Some we saved
because we got to them in time - in some it was too late.


To get more information on aspartame, email
In the subject line, simply put "sendme help".

Betty Martini 1. Take the 60-day No-Aspartame test
Mission Possible and send us your case history.
PO Box 28098 2. Tell your doctor and your friends.
Atlanta GA 30358 3. Return Aspar-Poisoned foods to the store.
(Nutrasweet(tm), Equal(tm), Spoonful(tm), etc)

We are dedicated to the proposition that we will not be satisfied until death

The Jack

Dec 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/23/95
me again...

here's another excerpt on artificial sweeteners, this one taken from
the "Good Health Eating Guide Resource", published by the Canadian
Diabetes Association. i hope this material isn't copyrighted!!! :)


To be used in Canada, sugar substitutes have to be approved by the
government. This means they are safe for all Canadians, including
people with diabetes. The ones that have been approved in Canada so
far are:

Sucralose (Splenda)

Sorbitol, Xylitol, Mannitol

Saccharin (Hermeseteas, Sweet 'n Low)

Sodium Cyclamate (Hermeseteas, Finesweet, Sucaryl, Sugar Twin, Sweet
'n Low, Sweet Magic, Sweet-10, Weight Watchers)


Aspartame (Equal, Nutrasweet)


For most sweeteners, the Canadian government has set an *acceptable
daily intake* (ADI). This is the average amount of sweetener that
people can use each day during their lives without causing harm. The
ADI is based on your body weight and includes a large safety margin.
The value is based on medical research.

These are the acceptable daily intake (ADI) values for some of the

Aspartame 40 mg per your weight in kg per day
Cyclamate 10 mg per your weight in kg per day
Saccharin 0 - 2.5 mg per your weight in kg per day
Sucralose 9 mg per your weight in kg per day

Note: 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.2 pounds (lbs)

An ADI has not yet been determined for sorbitol or lactitol.

So, what does the ADI really mean? Check out this example:

According to the ADI, a 70 kg (155 lb) man could consume 2800 mg of
aspartame a day (40 mg aspartame times 70 kg body weight = 2800 mg).
If a 355 ml can of pop contains 185 mg of aspartame, this man is able
to drink 15 cans of pop (2800 mg divided by 185 mg per pop = 15 cans)

Since the ADI is based on a person's body weight, it is much easier
for children to go overthis safe amount than adults. For example, a
20 kg (45 lb) child could safely consume 800 mg of aspartame. This is
equal to about 4 cans of pop. Pregnant or lactating women should
discuss the use of sweeteners with their healthcare team.


my feeling on this is that aspartame is the *safest* of all of the
options, simply because it has by far the highest ADI. aslo, this
excerpt is current, in case your wondering - i just bought it 3 days
ago! :)

anyway - if i start having chronic headaches or other unusual
occurances, i'll lay off the aspartame and see what happens, but until
then, i shall use nothing else, except splenda for cooking, of course!

Betty Martini

Dec 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/23/95
Dear James: I don't know how many of my posts you've read, so I may be
repeating myself in order to give you "all" the information you need to
understand the situation.

First, I would suggest that you check out Mark Gold's web page because he
has spent about a year doing research on the original phony studies, and
has a 300 page report in the form of an article. I can also send you a
letter written to Barbara Mullarkey by the FDA admitting that all studies
that approved aspartame were funded by Searle. Monsanto bought Searle in

Mark's web page is:

By the time you've checked that out you will know why the studies were
phony, most on Medline, and about the fact that U.S. Attorney Sam Skinner
was asked to indict SEarle on these studies. Instead he went to work for
SEarle's law firm defending the case as did the U.S. attorney after him.

If you haven't read my post MALICE IN BLUNDERLAND its on the
auto-responder under aspartame-testing. I'm quoting part of the letter
from the late Dr. Adrian Gross, FDA toxicologist, who tried desperately
to stop aspartame from being approved and is reminding SEnator Mezenbaum
that the very studies that were like a script from Abbott and Costello -
literally a farce and a mockery - approved aspartame.

Keep in mind that a Board of Inquiry told the FDA not to approve
aspartame and it was kept off the market for 16 years because of the
seizures and brain tumors. Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes over-ruled his own
Board of Inquiry and then went to work for Searle's Public RElation's firm.
Sort of like an art director going to work for a pig farm! He refused to
talk to the press for 10 years.

Next, read the post on the auto-responder titled THEY KNEW. This is
quoted from the secret trade information where they admitted that there
was complete conversion to DKP. DKP, a brain tumor agent, is a breakdown
product of the phenylalanine in aspartame. I hope you realize how
serious this is. They knew before they marketed aspartame that it would
cause brain tumors - just like it did in the original studies - and
destroy the brain! Now doctors are saying that the brain tumors they
remove are madeup of aspartame. In the Bressler Report rats died and
SEarle resurrected them on paper. You can understand why they wanted
them indicted.

Next, you will see a report on the auto-responder titled INFORMED CONSENT.
Barbara Mullarkey, the journalist who has been writing about aspartame
since it was approved, wrote this history and dateline of aspartame up to
1994. At the end of the report are the references and many of these are
the independent studies although some are citations. Also Dr. Roberts
brain tumor report that was peer-reviewed is on the auto-responder.

Only studies performed by SEarle said aspartame was safe, and an
indictment was requested for those studies. Independent studies all
showed aspartame to be the poison it is. Barb has them all and sent me
some of them, but recently wrote an article titled NEUROTOXIC POTENTIAL
OF ASPARTAME where she listed all 66 Unfortunately, they only published
57 references, and some may be citations. However, this post is getting
long so I'm going to put on another post some of these references for you.

Keep in mind that when Dr. Walton did a study NutraSweet would not even
sell him the aspartame because they knew it would be an independent study.
Sure enough when he got the aspartame the study had to be stopped because
patients said they were poisoned and some started bleeding from the eyes,
and one got a retinal detachment. The wood alcohol converts to

formaldehyde in the retina of the eye.

And if you get into each study and research like I have for almost three
years you will be shocked at the goings on.

I will list the references separately.

Betty Martini

Dec 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/23/95
Dear Jack:

Thank you for your report. However, no matter what a report says
aspartame is a deadly poison. In fact, I've already been contacted by
the Canadian Government to send them everything I can on aspartame so
they can start getting it out of their country. They are having the same
deadly symptoms as we are having in this country. Norway recently faxed
me for an antidote because they said people are so sick from it. Brazil
just took aspartame out of their country. Politics got it in but they
have little refrigeration. At 86 degrees aspartame liberates methanol in
the can. Methanol is wood alcohol, a severe metabolic poison. The
Merck Manual says two teaspoonsful is fatal. In your body it converts to
formaldehyde and then formic acid (ant sting poison). And this doesn't
even get into the neurotoxic, isolated amino acids that is now escalating
Alzheimers. Already a book has been written about it.

The FDA here will also tell you aspartame is safe, but the FDA sold out,
so why believe them. Dr. ARthur Hull Hayes, head of the FDA was told
emphatically not to approve aspartame by a Board of Inquiry. He
over-ruled the Board of Inquiry and went to work for SEarle's Public
Relations firm. Like an art director going to work for a pig farm. He
refused to speak to the press for 10 years. The Board said not to
approve aspartame because it produces cancer and grand mal seizures. The
rats got brain tumors. Searle excised the tumors and put them back in the
study. In the Bressler study the rats died but SEarle resurrected them
back on paper. It's a shame that Searle can do that trick for Joyce
Wilson and Patricia Craine who died horrible deaths as vegetables from
aspartame, but there have been many more deaths.

U.S. Attorney SAm Skinner was asked to indict SEarle for fraud. Instead
he went to work for Searle's law firm, Sidley & Austin defending the case.
So did the U.S. Attorney after him, Conlon. The District Attorney went
to work for the godfather! I'm telling you, Jack drug companies have
deep pockets.

Searle knew before they marketed aspartame it would cause brain tumors
and destroy the brain. I recently interviewed Richard Wilson, widow of
Joyce, for an article I was asked to write by a firm putting out a
booklet warning the public about NutraSweet. Joyce Wilson who went
blind and died as a vegetable had been ASPARTAME VICTIMS AND THEIR
FRIENDS OF GEORGIA. Richard gave me her records. In them was secret
trade information which had been given to her by a journalist. The paper
had been given to the journalist by a Congressman who had secured it.
Dated before it was approved in l970 it said:

"We have no way of estimating maximum likely abuse and hence need to
utilize data based on almost complete conversion to DKP. If we include
this .. we stand a good chance of ending up with nothing .."

They didn't include it. DKP is a brain tumor agent, thats why the rats
got brain tumors. Thats why doctors tell us that when they remove brain
tumors they are madeup of aspartame. Thats why the Saturday Evening Post
just wrote on article on escalated brain cancer.

In the protest of the National Soft Drink Assn., they said SEarle did not
test for breakdown products. They tested alright, they didn't report the
testing. I wonder what got the National Soft Drink Assn., to change
sides and lobby for NutraSweet. They also said Searle used the wrong
test when the right one was available, the wrong solution (a buffered
solution instead of beverage matrix) and didn't test for temperature

Don't you think they did these tests? They couldn't report them because
they show that aspartame is a killer of the highest degree. A soldier in
the Persian Gulf said the pop companies sent diet pop that sat in the 120
degree Arabian sun for as long as 8 weeks and they drank them all day.
Thats why Persian Gulf Syndrome symptoms are identical to Aspartame
Disease - and that Jack is why 6000 perished in my opinion. Another
soldier told me recently who was on the front lines that they eat from
MRE's and that "none" of those who didn't use aspartame got Desert Storm
Syndrome. They all got the vaccines. The lady who made the caps for the
troops said they were told there was no sugar there and to send only
sugar-free items. She said they sent thousands and thousands packs of
Diet KoolAide. Diet Kool-Aide almost killed Dr. James Bowen. Read his
article on our auto-responder telling the FDA that aspartame is mass

poisoning of the American Public and more than 70 countries of the world

- now 90!

When problems arose in the public at alarming rates Senator Howard
Mezenbaum sponsored Bill S1557 to put a warning on aspartame so pregnant
women and infants would not use it and because of the "flawed" to put it
kindly, tests done by Searle do independent tests by the National
Institute of Health having to do with the problems arising. He listed
them as:

1. Effect on brain chemistry (writers note - it changes the brain
chemistry, the reason it triggers so many neurological symptoms and
2. Effects on pregnant women and fetuses (writers note - it causes birth
defects even when a man consumes it at the time of conception - see
Dr. Roberts report on aspartame and pregnancy on auto-responder and
Dr. Elsas testimony before Congress)
3. Behavioral and neurological effects (the phenylalanine in aspartame

breaks down the seizure threshold of the brain and depletes serotonin.

Researchers say depleted serotonin is responsible for manic depression,
panic attacks, paranoia, rage and violence - and suicidal tendencies)

4. The interaction of aspartame with drugs, including monoamine oxidase

inhibitors, alpha-methyl-dopa, and L-dihydroxphenylalanine (writers note:
changes the dopamine level of the brain and can kill a Parkinson patient,
and almost killed a friend of mine, but we warned him in time. Remember
aspartame is a DRUG and not a food additive like the FDA would like you
to believe.
5. The effect of the consumption of aspartame in increasing the probability
of seizures. (writers note - in the original Waisman study seven infant
monkeys were fed the chemical in milk. One died after 300 days, 5
others had Grand Mal seizures - now the public is the monkey - and
seizures are skyrocketing at such an extent that even on our local
radio this week an announcer said: "why is so many people having
seizures? When I attended the Conference of the American College of
Physicians with Dr. Roberts, neurology professors kept asking the same
question: "Please doctors, can anyone tell us why so many are having

This bill was killed by the power of the drug company and SEnator Orrin
Hatch. We have the hearings on video tape. The actual bill is on our

Monsanto bought Searle in l985. They fund the American Dietetic Assn.,
and the American Diabetic Assn., and powerful people. The New York Times
on November 15 (Marian Burros) wrote an article about the American
Dietetic Assn., and their link to Monsanto (actually their media flacks)
and how they can't criticize a food additive because they take food
industry money to endorse it. "They do it for money! There is a name
for that!"

Just recently when a mother called about a neighbor's child having a grand
mal seizure everyday I knew immediately the child was probably a diabetic
using aspartame. It proved to be the case and I sent all the
documentation, medical, about aspartame and seizures. The mother called
the doctor who called the American Dietetic Assn. The ADA told the
doctor not to take the baby off NutraSweet - it didn't cause seizures!
"They can't criticize an additive and they have told physicians aspartame
is safe - and are paid to do so".

A few weeks ago my husband's cousin visited us from Grand Rapids and let
us know someone in the family was dying because he was having 6 seizures
a day. His doctor didn't know why. I did and had her call to get him off
NutraSweet. He is a diabetic and was using it all day. His seizures
stopped, his MS symptoms disapeared (aspartame destroys the nervous
system) his vision is clearing up (the methanol converts to formaldehyde
in the retina of the eye) and his blood sugar for the first time since
he's been on NutraSweet is under control.

Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon, and author of Excitotoxins: The Taste
That Kills (1 800 -643-2665) wrote me recently and said: "The more we

learn about these substances the more frightening the picture becomes.
What really concerns me about aspartame is its association with brain
tumors as well as pancreatic, uterine and ovarian tumors. Also the fact
that so many develop an Alzheimer's - like syndrome with prolonged exposure."

The late honest FDA toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross, told Congress that
aspartame violated the Delaney Amendment because beyond a shadow of a
doubt it produces cancer. His last words were: "If the FDA violaes its
own laws who is left to protect the people?" You'll find this quote in
the Informed Consent article on our auto-responder and in the
congressional record.

This is the greatest scandal in American History, in my opinion, because
its in 5000 products and like Dr. Bowen said is poisoning the American
people and over 90 countries of the world.

I would suggest you listen to Dr. H. J. Roberts tapes IS ASPARTAME SAFE?
(1 800 -814-9800). Diabetics are being sacrificed. The American
Diabetic Assn. knows its a deadly poison. We expose them every year at
their walk-a-thon here by giving the walkers medical documentation that
aspartame is poison. And NutraSweet (Monsanto) keeps sponsoring the
walk-a-thons - but the members dwindle each year. But they don't have to
worry how many they kill because aspartame precipitates diabetes
according to Dr. H. J. Roberts (diabetic specialist and world expert on
aspartame) and Dr. Russell Blaylock, neurosurgeon. They just keep making

Remember that Mission Possible is not funded by anyone - we are a
volunteer force warning the world - because you have no protector, and
the FDA sold out. People are dropping like flies but the death
certificates only give the cause of the death - grand mal seizures,
diabetic coma, blindness, Alzheimers, etc., etc. But the cause of death is
aspartame and we are collecting case histories.

You can decide who you want to believe?


To get more information on aspartame, email
In the subject line, simply put "sendme help".

Betty Martini 1. Take the 60-day No-Aspartame test

Mission Possible and send us your case history.
PO Box 28098 2. Tell your doctor and your friends.
Atlanta GA 30358 3. Return Aspar-Poisoned foods to the store.
(Nutrasweet(tm), Equal(tm), Spoonful(tm), etc)

We are dedicated to the proposition that we will not be satisfied until death

Betty Martini

Dec 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/23/95
Dear James:

This continues the last post so it won't be so long. Here are some of
the references and citations from an article about independent testing on
aspartame by Barbara Mullarkey, the journalist who has been writing about
aspartame since its approve. The article was titled NEUROTOXIC POTENTIAL
OF ASPARTAME. At a later date we will probably scan it in.

1. Stegink, L.: Filer, L.J. Jr. Aspartame Physiology and Biochemistry.
University of Iowa College of Medicine. Iowa City, IA Marcel Dekker,
Inc. 1984.
2. Camfield, P.R.: Camfield, J.M.: Dooley, J.M.: et al with generalized
absence epilepsy: A double-blind controlled study. Neurology (42) 1000-1003
(May 1992)
3. Boehm, M.: Bada, J. Racemization of aspartic acid and phenylalanine
in the sweetener aspartame at 100 degrees C. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA
(81) August 1984.
4. Walton, R. G. "Seizure and mania after high intake of aspartame."
Psychopathology 17:98-106 (1984)
5. Drake, M.E. "Panic Attacks and Excessive Aspartame Ingestion." The
Lancet (Sept 13, l986) p. 631
6. Walton, R. G. "The Possible Role of Aspartame in Seizure Induction"

Proceedings of the First International Meeting on Dietary Phenylalanine

and Brain Function. (May 8-10 1987) pp.495-499
7. Epstein, C. M.: Trotter, J.F.: et al "EEG Mean Frequencies are
Sensitive indices of Phenylalanine Effects on Normal Brain."
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 72:133-139 (1989)
8. Pinto, J.M.B." Maher, T. J. "Administration of Aspartame Potentiates
Pentlyeneterazole and Fluorothyl-Induced Seizure in Mice."
Neuropharmacology 27 (1):51-55 (l988)
9. Olney, John "Excitatory Neurotoxins as Food Additives: An Evaluation
of Risk." Neurotoxicology 2:163-192 (1980)
10. Koehler S.M.: Glaros, A. "The effect of aspartame on migraine
headache." Headache 28:000-000 (l988)
11. Edmeada, J. Editorial: "Aspartame and Headache." Headache, pp.64-65
(February, 1988)
12. Lipton, R. B.; Newman, L. C.: Solomon, S. "Aspartame and headache,
(re:Schiffman et al study)," New England Journal of Medicine 318 (18):
1200-1201 (May 5, 1988)
13. Steinmetzer, R.V.: Kunkel, R.S. "Aspartame and Headache" New England
Journal of Medicine 318 (18): 1201 (May 5, 1988)
14. Koehler, Shirley; and Glaros, Alan. "The Effect of Aspartame on
Migraine Headache." Headache 28 (1):10-14 (l988)
15. Olney, J. W.; and Ho, Ol. "Brain damage in Infant Mice Following
Oral Intake of Glutamate, Aspartate or Cysteine." Nature 227:609-611
(August 8, 1970)
16. Olney, J. W. "Excitotoxic Food Additives - Relevance of Animal
Studies to Human Safety." Neurological Behavioral Toxicology and
Teratology 6:455-462 (l984).
17. Olney, J. W.; Labruyere, J: DeGubaret, T. "Brain Damage in Mice from
Voluntary Ingestion of Glutamate and Aspartame." Neurobehavioral
Toxicology 2:125-129 (l980)
18. Roberts, H. J. "Does Aspartame Cause Human Brain cancer?" Journal of
Advances in Medicine 4 (4): 231-241 (Winter, 1991).
19. Potenza, D." El-Mailakh, Rif S. "Aspartame: Clinical Update."
Connecticut Medical Journal 53 (7): 395-400 (l989)
20. Sardesai, V.M.: Holliday, J.F.; et al. "Effect of Aspartame in Normal
and Diabetic Rats." Biochemical Archives 2:237-243 (l986)
21. Federal Register 48:54993-54995 (Dec 8, l983)
22. Yokigoshi, H.: Roberts, C. F>: Caballero, B.: Wurtman, R. J.
"Effects of Aspartame and Glucose Administration on Brain and Plasma
Levels of Large Neutral Amino Acids and Brain 5-Hydroxyindoles." American
Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 40:1-7 (July 1, 1984)
23. Krause, W.:Halminksi, M." et al. "Biochemical and Neuropsychological
Effects of Elevated Plasma Phenylalanine in Patients with Treated
Phenylketonuria." Journal of Clinical Investigation 75: 40-48 (January,
24. Pardridge, W.M. "Potential Effects of the Dipeptide Sweetener
Aspartame on the Brain. Nutrition and the Brain 7:199-241 (l986)
25. Gaines, S. M.: Bada, J.I. "Reversed Phase, High-Performance Liquid
Chromatographic Separation of Aspartame Diastereomeric Decomposition
Products." Journal of Chromatography. 389-:219-225 (l987)
26. Filer, L. J.; Stegnink. L.D. "Effect of Aspartame on Plasma
Phenylalanine Concentration in Humans." Proceedings of the First
International Meeting on Dietary Phenylalanine and the Brain Function
(May 8-10, l987) pp 25-26
27. Matalon, R.: Michals, K.:et al. "Aspartame Consumption in Normal
Individuals and Carriers for Phenylketonuria (PKU)." Proceedings of the

First International Meeting on Dietary Phenylalanine and Brain Function

(May 8-10, l987) pp. 81-93
28. Matalon, R. Michals, K." Sullivan, D.; et al. "Aspartame Consumption
in Normal Individuals and Carriers for Phenylketonuria (PKU)." University
of Illinois at Chicago, Department of Pediatrics, Nutrition and Medical
Dietetics and Epidemiology and Biometry, Chicago, Illinois (l986).
29. Tocci, P.M.: Beber, B. "Anomalous Phenylalanine Loading Responses in
Relation to Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate." Pediatrics 52: 109-113 (July l973)
30. Steilman, S.D.:Garfinkel, L. "Artificial Sweetener and One Year
Weight Change Among Women." Preventative Medicine 15:195-202 (l986)

Because this post is getting long more references will be continued on
another post.


To get more information on aspartame, email
In the subject line, simply put "sendme help".

Betty Martini 1. Take the 60-day No-Aspartame test

Mission Possible and send us your case history.
PO Box 28098 2. Tell your doctor and your friends.
Atlanta GA 30358 3. Return Aspar-Poisoned foods to the store.
(Nutrasweet(tm), Equal(tm), Spoonful(tm), etc)

We are dedicated to the proposition that we will not be satisfied until death

Betty Martini

Dec 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/23/95
Dear James:

This continues the references from the article NEUROTOXIC POTENTIAL OF
ASPARTAME dealing with independent testing of aspartame. Also contains

31. Blundell, J.E.: Hill, A.H. "Paradoxical Effects of an Intense
Sweetener (Aspartame) on Appetite." The Lancet (May 10, l986) pp. l092-1093.
32. Garriga, M., MD; and Metcalf, D.,MD. "Aspartame intolerance" Annals
of Allergy 61:63-66 (December 1988)
33. United States General Accounting Office/HRD-87-86, Food and Drug
Administration's Approval of Aspartame. (June l987)
34. Council Report: Aspartame review of safety issues. Journal of the
American Medical Association l985:254 (3):400
35. Johns,D.R., MD, Letter to the Editor. The New England Journal of
Medicine (August 14, 1986)
36. Novick, N.J. "Aspartame-induced granulomatous panniculitis." Annals
of Internal Medicine 102:206-207 (l985)
37. McCauliffe, D.: and Poitras, K. "Aspartame-induced lobular
panniculitis." J of the American Academy of Dermatology 24 (2):298-299
(February 1991)
38. Kulezycki,A.Jr. "Aspartame induced urticaria. Annals of Internal
Medicine 104:207-208 (l986)
39. Wurtman, R.J. "Aspartame: possible effect on seizure
susceptibility." Lancet 2:1060. (l985)
40. Schainker, N. and Olney, J.W. "Glutamate Type Hypothalamic Pituitary
Syndrome in Mice Treated with Aspartame or Cysteate in Infancy." Journal
of Neutral Trans. 35: 207-215 (l974)
41. Reynolds, W. A.: Butler, V." Lemley-Johnson, N. "Hypothalamic
Morphology Following ingestion of Aspartame of MSG in the Neonatal Rodent
and Primate: A Preliminary Report" Journal of Toxicology and
Environmental Health 2:471-480 (l976)
42. Pizzi, W.J.:Tabor, J.M.:Barnhart,J. "Somatic, Behavioral and
Reproductive Disturbances in Mice Following Neonatal Administration of
Sodium L-Aspartate." Pharmacological Biochemical Behavior 9::481-485 (l976)
43. Stegnik, L.D.: Brummel, M.C.; et al, "Blood Methanol Concentrations
in Normal Adult Subjects Administered Abuse dose of Aspartame." J of
Toxicological Environmental Health 7:281-290 (l981)
44. Monte, Woodrow, "Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health," Journal
of Applied Nutrition 36(1):42-54 (l984).
45. Bergeron, R.:Cardinal, J." et al. "Prevention of Methanol Toxicity
by Ethanol Therapy." New England Journal of Medicine (December 9, 1982)
pp. 1528
46. Tsang, W.S.;Clarke, M.A.; Parrish, F.W. "Determination of Aspartame
and Its Breakdown Products in Soft Drinks by Reverse-Phase Chromatography
with UV Detection." Journal of Agricultural Fd. Chemicals 33:734-738 (l985)
47. Davoli, E.; Cappeilini, L.' et al. "Serum Methanol Concentrations in
Rats and in Men after a Single Dose of Aspartame." Fed. Chemical
Toxicology 24 (3):187-189 (l986).
48. Uribe, M. "Potential Toxicity of a New Sugar Substitute in Patients
with Liver Disease." New England Journal of Medicine. 306 (3):173-174
(Jan 21, 1981).
49. Wurtman, R.J. "Neurochemical Changes Following High Dose Aspartame
with Dietary Carbohydrates." New England Journal of Medicine 309:7
(August 18, 1982).
50. Sharma, R.P.; Coulombe, R.A., Jr. "Effects of Repeated Doses of
Aspartame on Serotonin and its Metabolite in Various Regions of the Mouse
Brain." Toxicology Program, Department of Animal, Dairy and Veterinary
Sciences. Utah State University. (l986).
51. Young, S.N.: Smith, S.E.; et al. "Tryptophan Depletion Causes a
Rapid Lowering of Mood in Normal Males." Psychopharmocology. 87: 173-177
52. Padridge, W.M. "The Safety of Aspartame." J of the American Medical
Association 256 (19):2678. (November 21, l986).
53. Roberts, H.J. "New Perspectives Concerning Alzheimer's Disease." On
Call (August 1989) pp. 14-16
54. Walton, R.G.: Hudak, R.: and Green-Waite, R.J. "Adverse REactions to
Aspartame: Double-blind Challenge in Patients from a Vulnerable
Population." Biological Psychiatary pp. 13-17 (l993).
55. Lipton, S.A.: Rosenberg, P.A. "Excitatory Amino Acids as a Final
common Pathway for Neurologic Disorders." New England Journal of
Medicine 330 (9):613-622 (l994).
56. Dow-Edwards, D." Scribani, L.: and Riley, E.P. "Impaired Performance
on Odor-Aversion Testing Follow Prenatal Aspartame Exposure in the Guinea
Pig." Neurotoxicology and Teratoiogy 11:413-416 (l989).
57. Millstone, E. "Sweet and Sour: The Unanswered Questions about
Aspartame." The Scoiogist Volume 24, Number 2 (March/April 1994).

It should be noted that the study by Dr. Diana Dow-Edwards was originally
funded by the NutraSweet Company. When she got disastrous results they
withdrew their funding and Dr. Dow-Edwards had to pay for the study herself.
Then the NutraSweet Company refused to accept it.

You wanted independent studies and here are some of them. Remember that
indictment was sought for fraud on ones funded by Searle. U.S. Attorney
Sam Skinner went to work for Searle's law firm defending the case rather
than indicting them. Had he done what was asked NutraSweet would
probably not be in the market today.

IN AMERICA, says "The read to hell was paved with the flood of corporate
research dollars which in 1991 had burgeoned to over $2.1 billion.
Researchers are working for people who don't like negative findings and
who aren't likely to fund further research by those who produce them. .."
"In today's corporate-dominated information market truth has become to
belong to those who commission it."

So now you get to decide if you want to use a sweetener that in reality
is a deadly drug that has caused grand mal seizures, brain tumors and
other cancers, 92 documented symptoms listed by the FDA, disability and
death, blindness, birth defects, Alzheimers and is deadly for diabetics!

For those who don't there a safe sweetener list and resource guide on our
auto-responder below the signature line.

For those who want more information on the politics and "flawed tests"
funded by Searle check Mark Gold's web page:

Betty Martini Operation Mission Possible (the people warning the
world and working to remove this deadly toxin from the planet)

To get more information on aspartame, email
In the subject line, simply put "sendme help".

Betty Martini 1. Take the 60-day No-Aspartame test

Mission Possible and send us your case history.
PO Box 28098 2. Tell your doctor and your friends.
Atlanta GA 30358 3. Return Aspar-Poisoned foods to the store.
(Nutrasweet(tm), Equal(tm), Spoonful(tm), etc)

We are dedicated to the proposition that we will not be satisfied until death

Carol Haagensen

Dec 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/24/95
The point is simply that the individual components of a compound
>have little to do with the toxicity of the end compound itself.
>methanol (aka wood alcohol) is *in the free state* quite toxic.
>and aspartic acid ... ???? Well, they're part of just about every
>in your body. Does that make each of us a walking toxic dump?
>James R. Bunch <> wrote:

In what little research I've done...IMHO...
nutrasweet does *not* contain "wood alcohol." And, it seems just another
over-sensationalized argument by martini. The end by-product of the
digestion of nutrasweet is formic acid...formaldehyde. But, please be
aware that this digestive process is consistent with any of the "acids"
produced in the body (as opposed to alkaline) that aides digestion. In
other words, if you tried to get rid of all the formic acid in your body,
the "wood alcohols", you would die because the body NEEDS it as a
necessary part of digestion.

Martini may very well have a valid point. However, as long as she uses
misinformation, and sensationalism, unproven "scientific" studies, and so
on, she will not be taken seriously HERE. Casual (not causal)
relationships are not enough!--such as a patient drinks nutrasweet and
has seizures...blah...blah...blah...and only Betty has the answer because
the doctors are too stupid to figure it out (according to HER). Did it
ever occur to anyone that this person had a seizure disorder that had
NOTHING to do with nutrasweet? Ditto for the MS symptoms, etc. I
certainly wouldn't blame every headache in the population at large on

Well, I ramble. The point is that Martini needs to provide responsible
information...not just unproven accusations. Give me a medical file of
one of her Nutrasweet toxic patients, and I'll bet that I can find a bona
fide reason for their symptoms that has nothing to do with nutrasweet.

Betty Martini

Dec 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/24/95
Really Carol - formaldehyde and formic acid for digestion! Come on now.
Yes, aspartame does contain methanol (wood alcohol). In the reference is
listed Dr. Monte's report on aspartame and methanol. You need to read it.
Doctors don't write about it if its not there. It's also in the books on
NutraSweet. Read the case histories on the auto-responder and see what
it did to them.

And Carol remember when I quote something its not coming from me, its
coming from the document I quote from. And the August, l995 FDA report
listed four different types of seizures documented from aspartame. These
symptoms are listed on the post titled devastations of aspartame on the
responder. Or you can file a Freedom of Information report like I did
and get it for yourself from the FDA. Then you can tell the FDA it
doesn't happen.

You can also read all the references that have to do with seizures and
aspartame. You need to do your homework, honey. I almost lost somebody
in my family recently who is a diabetic and was having 6 seizures a day.
And yes, his doctor didn't know. If they weren't coming from aspartame
how come he doesn't have them anymore since he stopped using it? And I
have someone else in my family who became an epileptic because of
aspartame. She was constantly having seizures until we got her off
aspartame. I deal with the people experiencing these problems!

And no a lot of physicians don't know because dietitians and the American
Diabetic Assn. have told them its safe because they are funded by Monsanto.
Money talks mighty loudly. However, Dr. Roberts took me to the American
College of Physicians Conference last March to show me doctors didn't know.
A whole lot more know now because I distributed a lot of medical
documentation. But there were a lot of endocrinologists who were shocked
when they realized the components of aspartame. This year you can come
with us, if you like. You get a different picture from the front lines!


Carol Haagensen

Dec 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/24/95
Betty Martini <> wrote:
>Dear Jack:
>Thank you for your report. However, no matter what a report says
>aspartame is a deadly poison.

I think you just said all you ever need to say, Betty! You've just told
the world that you are biased and unwilling to look at any report that
may be contrary to your fearful, paranoid little world...and your smear

Carl Jolley

Dec 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/25/95
Patrick S Cheatham ( wrote:
: (Kelly Miller) wrote:
: >Just because something can be toxic in large amounts does NOT mean

: >that it is toxic in small amounts; small amounts can be innocuous, or
: >even beneficial. Vitamins, for example, are necessary in small amounts,
: >but toxic in doses which are too large. (Please note that I am not
: >agreeing to any claim that aspartame is toxic.)
: >
: I don't disagree with your statement at all, in fact - I think that I was
: saying the same thing. Toxicity levels will depend on the person, and the
: ability to purge substances.

: By the way, aspartame IS composed of toxic substances, methanol, phenalanine
: and aspartic acid. All are toxic, and fatal, in moderate doses.

[remaining drivel deleted]

Common table salt is a normal part of most diets. An overabundance of
salt will kill you (consider those who die when all they have to drink
is salt water). Even more to the point, common table salt IS composed
of sodium and chlorine -- both are toxic, and fatal, in moderate doses.

Get real.

**** <Carl Jolley>
**** All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer ****

Carl Jolley

Dec 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/25/95
Mark Gold ( wrote:
: >Date: 19 DEC 1995 16:46:30 GMT
: >From: Steve Marschman <>
: >Newsgroups:
: >Subject: Re: Aspartame and diabetes
: >

[much non-diabetes BS deleted]

: Since you are so concerned about funding sources, you will obviously be

: concerned to know that virtually all corporate-neutral research on
: aspartame has found that is causes adverse reactions despite the fact
: that the research was too short to see the more serious adverse health
: problems that can occur from long-term use (e.g, 5+ years of use).

Hmm, I don't see how long-term use research is possible. {Sarcasm}

Since all the toxic ingredents in aspartame are LETHAL in moderate
doses and some of them have a cumulative effects (formadehyde) how
could there possibly be long-term usage studies? Obviously all the
people who have used aspartame for five years are dead. (BTW, I'm
speaking to you from the dead, apparently.)

Elke Babiuk

Dec 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/25/95
Hey James...why bring artificial fluoridation into this? I don't know
much about aspartame other than it affects me if I have too much of it,
but it seems to me that the analogy is questionable. The primary research
articles pointing to the risks and lack of benefit for fluoridation have
been published in peer-reviewed journals, many of them mainline so I'm a
little confused as to what you were trying to imply here.

Regards, Elke
ps: if you want more info on fluoridation/fluoride, see my signature


"Christmas is the time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults
pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell government what they want and
their kids pay for it." Richard Lamm

Newsgroups: Re: Aspartamehere and diabetes
Date: 21 Dec 1995 12:28:02 -0700
Message-ID: <4bccg2$>
References: <>
<4b7dlr$> <>

Carol Haagensen

Dec 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/28/95
Betty Martini <> wrote:
>Really Carol - formaldehyde and formic acid for digestion! Come on now.

>Yes, aspartame does contain methanol (wood alcohol). In the reference
>listed Dr. Monte's report on aspartame and methanol. You need to read
>Doctors don't write about it if its not there.

That's the most hysterical thing I've ever heard! Do you still have a
doctor-god-worship complex? Just because a "doctor" writes it, doesn't
make it true! For goodness sakes, Betty! Formic acid is *part* of the
digestive process. Any doctor who thinks otherwise needs to abandon
their practice!

It's also in the books on
>NutraSweet. Read the case histories on the auto-responder and see what

>it did to them.

No, thanks, Betty. I would prefer a different source of documentation
about Nutrasweet than from personal offense intended. I'd just
like an *unbiased* viewpoint.

>And Carol remember when I quote something its not coming from me, its
>coming from the document I quote from. And the August, l995 FDA report

>listed four different types of seizures documented from aspartame.

Great! Tell me the differences between aspartame seizures and just plain
old run-of-the-mill seizures? I'd really like to hear about this!
Because researches *still* don't know the cause of some kinds of seizures.
.that were around long before nutrasweet could be blamed for them.

<snip> <snip>

>You can also read all the references that have to do with seizures and
>aspartame. You need to do your homework, honey. I almost lost somebody

>in my family recently who is a diabetic and was having 6 seizures a day.

>And yes, his doctor didn't know. If they weren't coming from aspartame

>how come he doesn't have them anymore since he stopped using it?

Well, Betty. I'm sorry to hear about the illness in your family. But,
you just said that the doctor couldn't tell for sure. So, how can you?
*I* have seen patients stop having seizures, too. Sometimes it was
because of the medication they started to take! Sometimes, the body just
stopped doing it. I didn't start posting on the newsgroups that once
they started to eat carrots, their symptoms all disappeared, therefore
carrots cured seizures! And, you can't be sure that *your* family member
stopped having seizures just because they eliminated aspartame from their

And I
>have someone else in my family who became an epileptic because of
>aspartame. She was constantly having seizures until we got her off
>aspartame. I deal with the people experiencing these problems!
>And no a lot of physicians don't know because dietitians and the
>Diabetic Assn. have told them its safe because they are funded by
>Money talks mighty loudly. However, Dr. Roberts took me to the American

>College of Physicians Conference last March to show me doctors didn't

So...we're back to the big government and big corporation cover-up theme
again? Betty, I'm not that paranoid. But, I don't always believe
everything I'm told, either...and that includes posts on the newsgroups.

>A whole lot more know now because I distributed a lot of medical
>documentation. But there were a lot of endocrinologists who were
>when they realized the components of aspartame. This year you can come

>with us, if you like. You get a different picture from the front

What in the devil does asparatme have to do with endocrinology? Does
methyl alcohol also affect hormones? If so, why doesn't it *cause*
abortions, infertility, multiple births, or feminization of males (for
example)? Betty! Really, this is getting incredible! What part of the
body *doesn't* aspartame affect? Quite frankly, I'll bet that the
chlorine in my drinking water is worse for me than nutrasweet!

Patrick S Cheatham

Dec 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/28/95
>**** <Carl Jolley>
>**** All opinions are my own and not necessarily those of my employer ****

I'm not exactly sure what the "get real" means. I haven't said anything all that
controversial. I keep saying that that toxicity levels are probably different for
different individuals - and some people seem to demostrate "low" tolerance levels for
aspartame. And no, I don't know what "low" means. People have noticed changes when
giving up the stuff, some dramatic, some subtle. Why is that so hard to accept. I
noticed several things when I stopped using it - mostly subtle changes. I really don't
have an axe to grind here, I don't get funded by any body (in this area any way), and all
I really want to see happen is the introduction of new products with a variety of
sweetners. I suspect that if cyclamates came back, many more people would try the
aspartame test, and then we would indeed see some interesting data.

I find it intersting that people seem so willing to accept Monsanto's studies ( a company
who has a strong vested interest in the use of their product ) and so willing to question
the motives and results of any other study.


James R. Bunch

Dec 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/28/95
Elke Babiuk <> wrote:
: Hey James...why bring artificial fluoridation into this? I don't know
: much about aspartame other than it affects me if I have too much of it,
: but it seems to me that the analogy is questionable. The primary research
: articles pointing to the risks and lack of benefit for fluoridation have
: been published in peer-reviewed journals, many of them mainline so I'm a
: little confused as to what you were trying to imply here.

There seems to be a structural similarity between the (mostly) past hysteria
over fluoridation, and Bettys campaign. In both cases the possibility of a
relatively low level of adverse reactions gets pumped up into a full blown
conspiracy, complete with bells & whistles. The conspiracy pushers seem to
blow away their own message by going to extremes of rhetoric, and by making
exaggerated claims, using any sort of selected evidence that supports those
claims, and then applying the most tortured logic imaginable to the mix to
arrive at the pre-determined conclusion.

It seems to me that this thread and the "Evils of Aspartame(sp?)" threads
have little to do at this point with diabetes. It's probably time to
move the entire discussion over to alt.conspiracy.

BTW -- Happy New Year to all!


Dec 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/28/95
In article <4b775b$>, (Joshua I. Sera) writes:
=Patrick S Cheatham (煙煙 wrote:
=: By the way, aspartame IS composed of toxic substances, methanol, phenalanine
=: and aspartic acid. All are toxic, and fatal, in moderate doses.
=I can't speak for methanol or aspartic acid, but phenylalanine is a
=naturally occuring protein that is found in many foods.

No, it's not. It's an essential amino acid which is found in many proteins,
and hence in many foods.
I try very hard to say exactly what I mean. I'd appreciate it if you'd
bear that in mind and not try to "interpret" my posts to fit your own
preconceived notions if I'm posting in a serious thread. Remember: If you
throw a strawman into a heated debate, flames are likely to be the result.


Dec 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/28/95
In article <4bu9e3$>, 煙煙 (Patrick S Cheatham) writes:
=I'm not exactly sure what the "get real" means. I haven't said anything all
=that controversial. I keep saying that that toxicity levels are probably
=different for different individuals - and some people seem to demostrate "low"
=tolerance levels for aspartame. And no, I don't know what "low" means.
=People have noticed changes when giving up the stuff, some dramatic, some
=subtle. Why is that so hard to accept.

It's not. What *IS* hard to accept is the claim that it was giving up the
sapartame which caused the changes, when those changes are consistent with
placebo effect, and when those changes are not documented to occur unless the
person knows he or she has given up aspartame. Consider, for example, the
recent post from someone who tried giving up aspartame and noticed the changes.
Then found out he hadn't been using aspartame in the first place.

=I noticed several things when I stopped using it - mostly subtle changes.

So how did you rule out placebo effect? Oh. you didn't? Then why attribute
the changes to changes in aspartame consumption?

=I really don't have an axe to grind here, I don't get funded by any body (in
=this area any way), and all I really want to see happen is the introduction of
=new products with a variety of sweetners. I suspect that if cyclamates came
=back, many more people would try the aspartame test, and then we would indeed
=see some interesting data.

We'd see yet more idiots posting bullshit because they overlook rather
fundamental issues in their "tests."

=I find it intersting that people seem so willing to accept Monsanto's studies
=( a company who has a strong vested interest in the use of their product ) and
=so willing to question the motives and results of any other study.

Not any other study, PatricK: The pseudo-science Betty cites which makes no
effort whatever to avoid selection bias nor to control for placebo effect.

Bill Stoddard

Dec 28, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/28/95
I would "die" without aspartame! I've only been diagnosed as type II,
adult onset for a little under a year now. If it wasn't for "Nutra Sweet"
I don't know what I would do.

Dannon make a vanilla yogurt with Nutra Sweet. I eat it all the time.
It's about the only pleasure I get in life nowadays.

Sooooo, at least I'm dying happy!

Kevin Kerzee

Dec 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/30/95
I agree COMPLETELY!!! Is anyone around that still remembers the only
soda available to diabetics being Tab? The saccharine was Horrible! Please, people, let's enjoy what is available to us; if this ordeal
goes back to the FDA, we'll all be dead before anything new is approved.

Carl Jolley

Dec 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/30/95
Bill Stoddard ( wrote:
: I would "die" without aspartame! I've only been diagnosed as type II,
: adult onset for a little under a year now. If it wasn't for "Nutra Sweet"
: I don't know what I would do.

: Dannon make a vanilla yogurt with Nutra Sweet. I eat it all the time.
: It's about the only pleasure I get in life nowadays.

: Sooooo, at least I'm dying happy!

They also make a nice cherry vanilla yogurt. If Betty had her way I
wouldn't have breakfast every day.

Bill Vermillion

Dec 30, 1995, 3:00:00 AM12/30/95
In article <4c22pn$>,
Kevin Kerzee <> wrote:

>Bill Stoddard <> wrote:
>>I would "die" without aspartame! I've only been diagnosed as type II,
>>adult onset for a little under a year now. If it wasn't for "Nutra Sweet" I don't know what I would do.
>>Dannon make a vanilla yogurt with Nutra Sweet. I eat it all the time.
>>It's about the only pleasure I get in life nowadays.
>>Sooooo, at least I'm dying happy!

>I agree COMPLETELY!!! Is anyone around that still remembers the only

>soda available to diabetics being Tab? The saccharine was Horrible! Please, people, let's enjoy what is available to us; if this ordeal
>goes back to the FDA, we'll all be dead before anything new is approved.

There are those of who are older and remember the tasted of the
sodium cyclamates. Still available in other countries - but
not the US.

So many diet drinks just weren't the same when the cyclamates
had to be replaced by the saccharins. The Tab with sacharine
always had a mentholated taste to me. May diet drinks stopped
being made about that time.

Maybe the FDA will bring back the cyclmates.

Bill Vermillion - |

Patrick S Cheatham

Jan 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/2/96
lyd...@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Speaker-to-Minerals) wrote:
>In article <4bu9e3$>, 煙煙 (Patrick S Cheatham) writes:
>=I'm not exactly sure what the "get real" means. I haven't said anything all
>=that controversial. I keep saying that that toxicity levels are probably
>=different for different individuals - and some people seem to demostrate "low"
>=tolerance levels for aspartame. And no, I don't know what "low" means.
>=People have noticed changes when giving up the stuff, some dramatic, some
>=subtle. Why is that so hard to accept.
>It's not. What *IS* hard to accept is the claim that it was giving up the
>sapartame which caused the changes, when those changes are consistent with
>placebo effect, and when those changes are not documented to occur unless the
>person knows he or she has given up aspartame. Consider, for example, the
>recent post from someone who tried giving up aspartame and noticed the changes.
>Then found out he hadn't been using aspartame in the first place.
>=I noticed several things when I stopped using it - mostly subtle changes.
>So how did you rule out placebo effect? Oh. you didn't? Then why attribute
>the changes to changes in aspartame consumption?

I didn't rule out a placebo effect, in fact in my original post I said the whole thing might be attributed to a "halo effect" from
doing something allegedly healthy.

>=I really don't have an axe to grind here, I don't get funded by any body (in
>=this area any way), and all I really want to see happen is the introduction of
>=new products with a variety of sweetners. I suspect that if cyclamates came
>=back, many more people would try the aspartame test, and then we would indeed
>=see some interesting data.
>We'd see yet more idiots posting bullshit because they overlook rather
>fundamental issues in their "tests."

I may perhaps be an idiot, but at least my mind is not shut as tightly as yours. Medical science is full of discoveries made through
casual observation. The original work in small pox vaccination, for instance.... Let's see if you put some of the puss from active
smallpox sores into scratches on uninfected poeple - they don't seem to catch smallpox. No one has the slightest idea about anitbodies
at the time. Cowpox vaccination was introduced because someone observed that dairy farmers had less incidence of smallpox. The whole
point is that there is enough anecdotal evidence of problems associated with aspartame to warrarnt that double blind study you keep
harping on. Wouldn't it be nice if the FDA had an independent lab to run its own studies.

>=I find it intersting that people seem so willing to accept Monsanto's studies
>=( a company who has a strong vested interest in the use of their product ) and
>=so willing to question the motives and results of any other study.
>Not any other study, PatricK: The pseudo-science Betty cites which makes no
>effort whatever to avoid selection bias nor to control for placebo effect.

I agree somewhat, I have not seen a study (but I have not made an exhaustive search for one either) that attempts to control all of the
variables. I would like very much to see one. I would strongly prefer that it be (in fact, I wouldn't accept any study that was not)
done by an independent laboratory. Remember, all of the studies taht show the safety of aspartmae have been done by Searle or
Monsanto. Those studies will always show the product in the best possible light.

As you say, I have no reason to assume that something else was not the cause of the changes that I noticed. That's one of the reason
that I'm so interested in this thread. I keep comparing my reactions to those of other people. There were definite changes - if
someone can attribute those to something else, I'll be more than happy to admit my error and go back to diet coke, but for the moment
I'll stay off the stuff.



Jan 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/2/96
In article <4cbfp7$>, 煙煙 (Patrick S Cheatham) writes:
=I may perhaps be an idiot, but at least my mind is not shut as tightly as

On what basis do you conclude that my mind is closed? Merely that I won't
accept "studies" which INTENTIONALLY involve selection bias as proving

=Medical science is full of discoveries made through
=casual observation.

That's true. But Betty's bullshit isn't casual observation: It's deliberately
biased sampling, intended from the outset to get the results she wants to hear.

=The original work in small pox vaccination, for instance.... Let's see if you
=put some of the puss from active smallpox sores into scratches on uninfected
=poeple - they don't seem to catch smallpox.

Not true. In point of fact, they tend to contract smallpox and die of it, just
as anybody who's accidentally infected.

=No one has the slightest idea about anitbodies at the time. Cowpox
=vaccination was introduced because someone observed that dairy farmers had less
=incidence of smallpox.

Now that's true.

=The whole point is that there is enough anecdotal evidence of problems
=associated with aspartame to warrarnt that double blind study you keep
=harping on.

And there's enough anecdotal evidence that people lose money gambling if they
happen to be wearing a blue shirt that we ought to do a controlled study of
that, right? Remember: Both the anecdotal evidence collected by Betty and the
idiot who is apparently her primary source of information, and the anecdotal
evidence I cited in my example of blue shirts and gambling was deliberately
selected to show an effect, even if none exists. All that anecdotal evidence
demonstrates, is that aspartame does NOT, itself, prevent headaches, diabetic
complications, etc. Of course, nobody's claimed that it does, so the
"evidence" Betty continually cites tells us absolutely nothing useful.

But double-blind studies HAVE been done. Folks like Betty Martini deny the
validity of those studies (since they didn't show what Betty wanted them to
show), invoking a grand conspiracy theory to account for the results.

=Wouldn't it be nice if the FDA had an independent lab to run its own studies.

Here you clearly demonstrate that you're utterly clueless. You seem to think
that "an independent lab" of a reasonable size and cost could actually test all
the various products that require FDA review. Sorry, but testing of such
things is NOT the one-size-fits-all sort of thing you believe it is.

Jan 2, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/2/96
In article <4cbfp7$>, 煙煙 (Patrick S Cheatham) writes:
> lyd...@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU (Speaker-to-Minerals) wrote:

>>In article <4bu9e3$>, 煙煙 (Patrick S Cheatham) writes:

> I didn't rule out a placebo effect, in fact in my original post I said the whole thing might be attributed to a "halo effect" from
> doing something allegedly healthy.
>>=I really don't have an axe to grind here, I don't get funded by any body (in
>>=this area any way), and all I really want to see happen is the introduction of
>>=new products with a variety of sweetners. I suspect that if cyclamates came
>>=back, many more people would try the aspartame test, and then we would indeed
>>=see some interesting data.
>>We'd see yet more idiots posting bullshit because they overlook rather
>>fundamental issues in their "tests."
> I may perhaps be an idiot, but at least my mind is not shut as tightly as yours. Medical science is full of discoveries made through
> casual observation. The original work in small pox vaccination, for instance.... Let's see if you put some of the puss from active
> smallpox sores into scratches on uninfected poeple - they don't seem to catch smallpox. No one has the slightest idea about anitbodies
> at the time. Cowpox vaccination was introduced because someone observed that dairy farmers had less incidence of smallpox. The whole
> point is that there is enough anecdotal evidence of problems associated with aspartame to warrarnt that double blind study you keep
> harping on. Wouldn't it be nice if the FDA had an independent lab to run its own studies.
LETS PLEASE BE CAREFUL. As a historian of science, I must point out that you are
making conclusions based upon a popular and partially inaccurate history.

Edward Jenner had spent TWENTY years researching COW POX before he took
the advice of his master, John Hunter: "Don't think, but try." (Meaning, enough
of theory, lets do some emperical studies) Indeed the process of inoculation was
introduced into England by Lady Montagu in 1721 and Jenners test's for small pox
inoculation on humans did not begin until 1796. (May 14 to be exact)

By that time scientists in Europe, including Voltaire
and d'Alembert, had interests in extensive research programs on the cure of small
pox undertaken by the French Academy of Science and the revolutionary government.
Jenner's "discovery" which you attribute, based upon popular accounts,
to "a casual observation," was, in reality the culmination of scientific
research of nearly 70 years. He had participated in those research programs
himself for twenty years testing the effects of cow pox prior to his first
attempt to use it as an inoculant.

Orville R. Butler


Jan 3, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/3/96
Tell Betty that she should be interested in the fact that all the rats involved
in the original testing died. Hows that for a clincher.
71072.31...@CompuServe.COM > George H. Booth user @ CIS and AOL
at 6 Rocky Creek Lane - Laguna Hills, CA 92653 - ex flight controls
engr/system integrator type/retired working full time/no bozos

Betty Martini

Jan 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/4/96
But George, did you realize in the Bressler Study, Searle resurrected them
back on paper? That was probably one of the reasons that U.S.Attorney Sam
Skinner was asked to indict Searle for fraud? But ole Sammy decided to go
to work for Sidley and Austin, Searle's law firm defending the case. It's
a shame SEarle couldn't work that trick on people like Joyce Wilson and
Patricia Craine who lost their life to aspartame!

To get more information on aspartame, email the following:
Subject: sendme help (do not put anything in the message text)

Betty Martini 1. Take the 60-day No-Aspartame test
Mission Possible and send us your case history.
PO Box 28098 2. Tell your doctor and your friends.
Atlanta GA 30358 3. Return Aspar-Poisoned foods to the store.

USA (Nutrasweet(tm), Equal(tm), Spoonful(tm), etc)

We are dedicated to the proposition that we will not be satisfied until death
and disability are no longer considered an acceptable cost of business.

Dean Reimer

Jan 5, 1996, 3:00:00 AM1/5/96
to Betty Martini
Go away

0 new messages